Top 5 SEO Tips for 2021: Best Practices & Recommendations To Get Your Website Ranking #1

Looking for the most up-to-date SEO Tips for 2021? In this video, you’ll find out the top 5 best practices to get your website ranking in Google. You don’t want to miss out on these recommendations …

Here’s what I cover:

00:00 Introduction
00:25 Optimize for Core Web Vitals
01:03 Double Down on Backlinks
01:52 Double Down on Content
02:35 Focus on Bounce Rate
03:27 Be a Brand

Tools & Services mentioned:

Authority Builders:
Surfer SEO:

How to Get Unstuck by Establishing Topic Relevance


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Download my Evergreen Onsite SEO Guide FREE

For more Beginner SEO Videos, check out this Playlist

Email Marketing For Small Business: What’s Hot in 2021!

What would you say if I asked you for a dollar and promised I’d give you 42 dollars back?

Great deal, yes? Well, what if I told you there’s a way you can do that RIGHT NOW?

Because the latest studies show that for every dollar you spend on email marketing…

You’re likely to get anywhere from $35-50 back!

That’s a HUGE return, and it’s why email marketing is still my absolute favorite way of building any small business in 2021.

No doubt about it—email may not be as “hip” as Instagram or TikTok, but it’s still the #1 most profitable marketing channel around.

That’s why, in this video, I want to teach you all of my best secrets, tips, and strategies.

You’ll learn how to get emails opened. How to get them read. AND how to turn email marketing into actual revenue.

As a result, you’ll be able to build a bigger, more engaged email list.

One that you’ll have a direct line to WHENEVER you need it, so you can send whatever message you choose to any or all of them.

Watch now to start upping your email marketing game today.

🎬 Register for the FREE On-demand video masterclass training, “Create & Launch Your Own Profitable Client Generating Website!” Just go to:

🎧 Listen to Wes’ ‘The Profitable Website’ Podcast:

Robinhood goes to Congress

Robinhood goes to Congress

Update: There’s an entire second session of this? My lord. Today the House Financial Services Committee dragged the CEO of Reddit, a Cato wonk, social media icon DeepFuckingValue, the CEO of Citadel Kenneth Griffin, a hedgefund bro who got whomped by DeepFuck…

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The toxicity of social media ruining our lives

Try Filmora X for FREE

Support 🤍
(2 weeks+ of researching, editing, and filming)​


Instagram 📷​


Business 📩


Sources/Clips Used 🎥


Music by Mark Generous – Morning Commute –
Music by Mark Generous – That One Morning –
Music by Reggie San Miguel – Daydream –
Music by Mark Generous – Snooze Button –
Music by Black Jade – I Don’t Want To Be You –
Music by PRGMAT – Cmnd –
Music by Ryan Little – BREAKHEART –
Music by Ryan Little – Stranger –
Music by Ryan Little – Holy Water –
Music by Chinsaku – Blossom –



How to Monetize Your Social Media Without Being Salesy | Inside 4Ds

A common mistake people make when building their online brand is they think way too transactionally and sales-focused around their content. In this 4Ds business consulting session, Gary breaks down how to think about creating content with the hopes of it leading to sales, without the content being “right hooks” and sales pitches to everyone watching. It’s important to build trust with the audience, earn credibility and ultimately bring value which will make people WANT to do business with you. If you like this video, consider subscribing to the channel for more content like this every week… Enjoy!

0:00 Intro
11:00 How do I strategically exit from a business I love
12:30 The 60/20/20 rule
19:10 Monetizing social media
29:10 Why you need to start a podcast
36:10 Most underutilized platforms?
41:00 Biggest mistake personal brands make
46:30 Whoever holds their breath the longest wins
51:00 Strategic organic content
1:00:00 Outro

Thanks for watching!
Check out another series on my channel:
Tea With GaryVee (Fan Q&A Series):
Overrated Underrated (Hot-takes on Culture):
Gary Vaynerchuk Original Films:
Trash Talk:

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the world’s leading marketing experts, a New York Times bestselling author, and the chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a contemporary global creative and media agency built to drive business outcomes for their partners. He is a highly popular public speaker, and a prolific investor with investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Coinbase, Slack, and Uber. Gary is a board/advisory member of Bojangles’ Restaurants, MikMak, Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water. He’s also an avid sports card investor and collector. He lives in New York City.

MUST KNOW Amazon PPC Strategy For Auto Campaign Ads

👉 Get My FREE Amazon Advertising Guide:

► If you need help boosting your Amazon Advertising sales check out my ad agency ZonRush

Amazon PPC Management

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►Best Amazon Product Launch Service 🚀

Amazon Launch Service

►Global Amazon PPC Management Service

Amazon PPC Management

►Global Amazon Listing Optimization Service

►Amazon Product Photography Service

Amazon Product Photography


►Amazon FBA Six-Figure Mastery Course + Full Support & Guidance:

►Amazon Product Launch Accelerator


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►Jungle Scout:

► Book A Call With Me:


Learn about Amazon advertising, listing optimization, product launches and how to sell on Amazon! If your advertising on amazon, optimization can be confusing in Amazon Seller Central. Improve your Amazon advertising with Amazon SEO and Amazon PPC advertising. Amazon sellers can learn how to get better at Amazon selling. Boost your Amazon advertising with our step by step tutorials about selling on Amazon with Amazon PPC optimization and Amazon advertising strategy. ZonRush is an Amazon advertising agency that provide management services to help you optimize your Amazon ads and PPC ads on Amazon. Subscribe for more Amazon selling tips!

In this video you’ll learn the MUST KNOW Amazon PPC Strategy For Auto Campaign Ads. By making these simple tweaks to your Amazon ads you’ll see much higher click through rate and much lower cost per click. This will help you lower your acos and improve your amazon ppc profitability.



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See you soon 🙂


The information contained on this YouTube Channel and the resources available for download/viewing through this YouTube Channel is for educational and informational purposes only.

#amazonadvertising #amazonfba #amazonseller

Email Marketing Tutorial: 16 Tipps für mehr Erfolg

16 wichtige Tipps für erfolgreiches Newsletter Marketing.
Viele dieser Tipps sind eigentlich kein Geheimnis, sondern viel mehr Basics, die viel zu oft nicht umgesetzt werden. Weiterhin gebe ich dir Hinweise wie du dir Abmahnungen sparen kannst 😉

Ich hoffe so kannst du deine Newsletter Kampagne effektiv nutzen und endlich mehr Umsatz erzielen. Generell hat Email Marketing eine der höchsten ROIs im Online Marketing.

Schau mal hier:

Das liegt in der Regel daran, dass die Streuverluste gering sind (wenn du deine Email Liste ordentlich aufgebaut hast) und der Empfänger sehr direkt adressiert wird. Richtig spannend wird dein Email Marketing dann, wenn du nicht nur einfache Emails verschickst, sondern einen automatisierten Prozess mit einer Kette von Emails – personalisiert – an deine Empfänger schickst.

So sieht dann ein Prozess aus:

Weitere Videos zum Thema Emai Marketing kommen. So zum Beispiel wie du einen Newsletter mit MailChimp oder Newsletter2Go erstellst.

Bleib “up2date”:

Anmeldung zu meinem Newsletter:

Falls dir das Video gefallen hat “Daumen hoch” und wenn du kein Video mehr verpassen willst: Abonnieren 😉

Ich bin selbstständiger Online Marketing Berater mit über 12 Jahren Erfahrung.
Mein Schwerpunkt ist bezahlte Werbung (Google Ads, Facebook Ads und Amazon Anzeigen) sowie Tracking / Analyse und Online Marketing Strategie. Dies mache ich für Unternehmen jeglicher Art in der direkten Umsetzung oder als Berater.

Ich helfe dir bei der Optimierung deiner Kampagnen, beim Erstellen eines sauberen Online Marketing Konzepts oder auch als 1:1 Coaching. Schau dich gerne auf meiner Seite um, lerne mehr und lass es mich wissen, falls du Hilfe brauchst:

Carlo Siebert als Podcast – Hier bekommst du jede Woche sofort umsetzbare Marketing Tipps direkt auf’s Ohr!

Diesen Online Marketing Trick Newsletter darfst du nicht verpassen (wenn ich ihn mal nicht verschicke, fragen die Leute, ob alles ok ist):

Mein Google Ads & Google Analytics Ebook:

Pro-Trump Twitter figure arrested for spreading vote-by-text disinformation in 2016

Pro-Trump Twitter figure arrested for spreading vote-by-text disinformation in 2016

The man behind a once-influential pro-Trump account is facing charges of election interference for his role in disseminating voting disinformation on Twitter in 2016. Federal prosecutors allege that Douglass Mackey, who used the name “Ricky Vaughn” on Twitter…

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SEO Agency Philadelphia