2 Of the Biggest Mistakes You’re Making with Your Email Marketing

Do you have a strategy to collect emails to build your email list? If not, you need one. If you do, are you making these common mistakes?

In this video, John Lincoln, Ignite Visibility marketing expert will highlight two of the biggest mistakes email marketers are making that ultimately limits conversions.

2 of the Biggest Mistakes in Email Marketing:
1. Not focusing on a paid media driven list building strategy: create an amazing asset to download, and you can gain first-party data

2. Invest in an Updated Landing Page: by looking at the conversion rate for the landing page you’re driving emails to within Google Analytics, you can understand if your landing page needs an update

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Learn more on our blog: https://ignitevisibility.com/
Ignite Visibility is a premier Internet marketing company based in San Diego, CA.

#digitalmarketing #internetmarketing #emailmarketing

Debunking 6 SEO Myths (SEO Strategies You SHOULD Be Using)

SEO can be tricky to master. And over the years, it’s evolved and transformed. This means that over time, people say things that are not always true. In this video, SEO expert John Lincoln will debunk 6 SEO myths and give you some helpful tips along the way.

Debunking 6 SEO Myths (SEO Strategies You SHOULD Be Using)
1. Press releases don’t help your rankings
2. You can refresh a webpage too many times
3. A 10,000-word article ranks better than a 3,000-word article
4. Google reads content under JavaScript
5. You can build a website that ranks well in lightweight frameworks
6. Paid traffic does not help your SEO

â–ºSubscribe: https://bit.ly/2AuX8o5
Learn more on our blog: https://ignitevisibility.com/
Ignite Visibility is a premier Internet marketing company based in San Diego, CA.

#digitalmarketing #internetmarketing #seo #searchengineoptimization

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