Get Better Google Ads Results (…With PPC Automation Software)

Discover How To Get Better Google Ads Results With PPC Automation Software **** Introduction To Marketing Series 🎯 Learn how to create profitable marketing in this free marketing training series ➡️

In this video I’m going to introduce you to a powerful piece of software I use to help manage, automate, and stay in complete control of my Google and Microsoft Ads campaigns.

And I’ll show you how to use it for keyword research, competitor analysis, performance monitoring, reporting, and basically anything else you can think of when it comes to running PPC campaigns, also known as pay per click campaigns.

👉 Make sure to check out PromoNavi here:
…and here’s the 10% reward code: YX12892

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B2B Email Marketing: What Should You Send To Generate 500% ROI?

Learn the three things one company did with their email newsletter to generate 5X their investment. Here’s a hint: it’s not a newsletter. 😀
✉️ Subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s video:

I’ve spent the last few weeks subscribing and unsubscribing to B2B email newsletters, looking for an excellent specimen to share with you.

Buried underneath the mountain of content round-ups, link lists, webinar invitations, promotions, and click-bait subject lines, I unearthed a fantastic example of B2B email marketing at work.

Ironically, it’s not a newsletter.

So, I reached out to the team behind this brilliant bit of inbox marketing and asked if their strategy is effective?

It is.

In the last year, their email strategy generated 5X the investment. That’s a 500% ROI on an email they send out every other week.

Who sends it? What do they send? And how can you replicate their success?

That’s what I’m breaking down in this week’s Loyalty Loop. Yep. I’ve secured their top-secret redacted recipe for success, and I’m sharing it with you.

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#EmailMarketing #B2B #CaseStudy

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Andrew Davis is a bestselling author and internationally acclaimed keynote speaker. Before building and selling a thriving digital marketing agency, Andrew produced for NBC’s Today Show, worked for The Muppets in New York and wrote for Charles Kuralt. He’s appeared in the New York Times, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, and on NBC and the BBC. Davis has crafted documentary films and award-winning content for tiny start-ups and Fortune 500 brands.

Recognized as one of the industry’s “Jaw-Dropping Marketing Speakers,” Andrew is a mainstay on global marketing influencer lists. Wherever he goes, Andrew Davis puts his infectious enthusiasm and magnetic speaking style to good use teaching business leaders how to grow their businesses, transform their cities, and leave their legacy.

Email Marketing Secrets – The Surprising Truth To What’s Working NOW

Discover The Top Email Marketing Secrets Tips and Tricks For What’s Working Right NOW **** Introduction To Marketing Series 🎯 Learn how to create profitable marketing in this free marketing training series ➡️

When it comes to email marketing we’ve all heard the headlines…

“Email is king!”
“Email is dead!”
“Email, the most addicting drug on the planet”
“How to handle inbox overwhelm”

And on, and on they go.

In the blue corner you have “Expert #1” claiming social media is the way of the future and email is obsolete and ineffective.

And in the red corner you have “Guru #2” stating that email is the ONLY channel you need to use.

And that it has been, and will continue to be the most effective form of digital marketing available.

So who’s right? Well… the edge in this argument goes to Guru #2 😉

Which is why in this episode we’re talking all about email marketing, and why it’s more important than ever.

So, let’s get to it.

#emailmarketing #digitalmarketing #marketing

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4 Email Campaigns to Boost Conversions | Marketing Mastery with Justin Rondeau

This week, Justin Rondeau, General Manager for DigitalMarketer, goes over 4 email campaigns that ANY company can add to their email promotions that can boost opens, clicks, and sales.


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Here are the 4 email campaigns any company can add to their promotions that will boost email opens, clicks and sales.

Email Campaign #1: The Goodwill Campaign

By using bling and direct subject lines, and filling your email with benefit, content, and most importantly, VALUE, you are going to get better results. Just make sure that what you are offering in this email campaign is free (or ideally ungated).

Email Campaign #2: News Jacker Campaign

The news jacker campaign helps you make your product or service new and relevant by relating it to what is going on in the news.

This is a great campaign to run midway through a promotion to re engage prospects who don’t see the relevance yet.

Email Campaign #3: Gain, Logic, Fear Campaign

This is one of the most effective campaigns you can run to your list. If you want to make the cash register ring, you want to run this email campaign.

First you focus on the benefits. Then you emphasize the logical reasons why they should take the offer. And finally, you bring in the fear, usually the scarcity element.

Email Campaign #4: Need Help Campaign

This is a great campaign for selling higher-ticket items like coaching or done-for-you services. By offering help to a specific segment of your audience (ones with a specific problem in the right stage of the Customer Journey), you are able to offer help when it is most needed.


Justin Rondeau is the General Manager at DigitalMarketer and has been doing this whole “Marketing” thing since 2010, when he was mildly […okay maybe more than mildly] obsessed with all things, data, email, optimization, and split testing.

He’s trained thousands of marketers, spoken on hundreds of stages, runs a delightful team of marketers & product creators, has dozens of shirts louder than his voice, and loves one hockey team: the Boston Bruins.

Forrest Gump Teaches Email Marketing (Spoof!)

Check out my FREE 4-part email training, where I share the proven strategies I used to grow my ecom business to $25M in yearly revenue:
Whether you run a Shopify business, an Amazon business or a shrimpin’ boat business…

📨 Email is still the #1 channel for increasing profit on your ecommerce store.

And you don’t have to be the world’s smartest marketer to see big results.

👉 You can copy some of my best email strategies for free right now in this new 4-part training:


In this free 4-part training, I share the proven strategies I used to grow my ecommerce business to $25 million in yearly revenue, including:

✔️ Why email is the secret to a bigger payday
✔️ The most effective tactics for generating leads
✔️ How to communicate with your subscribers based on their behavior
✔️ How to run a big “sale event,” including ads and landing pages

“The Secret Power of Email (and How it Boosts Your Brand’s Valuation)”

👉 Click here to get started:

13 Great Email Marketing Designs & Ideas | Marketing 360

Let’s Grow Your Email Marketing:

Email marketing is a great way to increase your revenue per customer and drive more sales at a very low cost. Problem is, sometimes it’s hard to come up with ideas on how to best use email! So in this video we break down 13 different email designs and the goals behind them.

**Email designs in this video designed by Marketing 360 using the Marketing 360 platform

Let’s start by looking at some eCommerce examples…
1 – Newsletter sign up confirmation or abandoned cart follow up email with coupon code (
2 – Customer upsell email design (
3 – Current customer subscription sign up email design (
4 – Customer loyalty reward email design 1 (Thank You Gift) (
5 – Customer loyalty reward email design 2 (Special Deal) (

Let’s look at some local business examples…
6 – Free trial sign up thank you email design (
7 – Free trial follow up email design (
8 – Service business process email design (what you can expect from them) (
9 – Special event or food truck email design (

Great for any business…
10 – Website form auto response email design (with coupon or offer) (
11 – “Donate with purchase” email design (
12 – Review / feedback request email design 1 (
13 – Review / feedback request email design 1 (

If you found this content helpful please take a second and like, share and comment. Also make sure to follow us for more great content just like this down the road or text “marketing” to 39970 to opt into our weekly marketing tip text messages. Happy marketing!

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