SEO Marketing – Digital Marketing Series – PART 9 – [Hindi] – Quick Support

#SEOMarketing #QuickSupport #DigitalMarketingSeries

SEO Marketing – Digital Marketing Series – PART 9 – [Hindi] – Quick Support. इस वीडियो में हम SEO से रिलेटेड बहुत से पॉइंट्स को क्लियर कर लेंगे जैसे SEO क्या है, ये इतना इम्पोर्टेन्ट क्यूँ है, SEO कितने टाइप्स का होता है, SEO रैंकिंग फैक्टर्स क्या – क्या हैं और यूट्यूब SEO के लिए बेस्ट टिप्स कौनसे हैं। इसीलिए इस विडियो को पूरा जरुर देखे |







Channel Owner: Anil Nakrani

How to do Article Submission in SEO | Article Submission Kya Hai? | SEO Tutorials

In this video, learn How to do Article Submission in SEO | Article Submission Kya Hai? | SEO Tutorials. Find all the videos of the SEO Full Course in this playlist:

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#SEOTutorial #ArticleSubmission #SEO

Link Building – How to do Infographic Submission in SEO | SEO Tutorial

In this video, learn Link Building – How to do Infographic Submission in SEO | SEO Tutorial. Find all the videos of the SEO Course in this playlist:

👉 Pinterest Full Course:

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#SEO #SEOTutorial #LinkBuilding

How to do Image Submission in SEO? | Image Submission Sites (High DA, PA)

In this video, learn How to do Image Submission in SEO? | Image Submission Sites (High DA, PA). Find all the videos of the SEO Full Course in this playlist:

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#OffPageSEO #ImageSubmission

What is Seo | Search Engine Optimization | Seo Tutorial for Beginners

What is Seo | Search Engine Optimization | Seo Tutorial for Beginners

In this video, We are explaining about What is Seo | Search Engine Optimization | Seo Tutorial for Beginners
Please do watch the complete video for in-depth information.
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#whatisSeo #searchengineoptimization #seotutorialforbeginners

How to Do SEO Yourself: Rank #1 on Google in 2021

Learning how to do SEO yourself can be tricky if you don’t know where to start. Luckily, in this video, Mateah will go over the basics of how to do SEO—including a few different types of SEO you should definitely look into.

Think of this video as a brief SEO tutorial for beginners!

Mateah will discuss the different aspects of SEO, including on-page and off-page SEO, and will tell you ALL about some of the tools professional internet marketers use to help them with their SEO strategies.

You’ll be ready to optimize your website for search engines in no time.

In this video:
Introduction // 00:00:00
A brief overview of SEO // 00:00:16
How to do SEO yourself // 00:00:54
On-page SEO // 00:01:35
Off-page SEO // 00:02:49
Local SEO // 00:04:17
The difficulty of doing SEO yourself // 00:05:08

Tools mentioned in the video:
SEO audit tool:
WebFX Keyword tool:
Google Trends

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Sometimes the Best SEO Strategy Is To ABANDON Some Keywords

I have 9 million visitors and now I’m trying to get less traffic. Today, I want to break down how sometimes the best SEO strategy is to abandon some keywords.

A Step-by-Step SEO Strategy For Beginners | Getting Traffic With Old and New Websites:

3 SEO Trends in Automation for 2021 (Trend #3 Is Coming Sooner Than You Think):


Look, gets roughly eight to 9 million visitors a month. And it ranges, some months are better than others, some months I even had 10 million visitors, some months, there’s seven. Really depends on the season as well.

Now, when I look at, when I first started off, I wasn’t targeting buyers, I was targeting any keyword that would get high traffic, and I just wanted as much traffic as possible. People were searching on how to make money on Instagram. You know what? Boom, I create a article on that. People want to know how to get more Instagram followers. Boom, I create a article on that. People want to know something about TikTok, even though my customers don’t care to pay me for TikTok marketing, boom, I create a article on that.

Why was I doing that? Well, the main thing is, is I thought the more traffic, the better because a lot of people wanted this traffic and people would pay money to rank for these keywords or more so pay money to get at the top of Google in the paid ads.

And what I learned from that strategy is, if the intent of those keywords doesn’t exactly match what your ideal customer is looking for, you’re getting the traffic, but you won’t make any money. So you’re probably wondering, what am I doing now, right? Well, I’m doing a few different things.

First off, I don’t care for traffic anymore. Yes, I want more traffic, but I want the right traffic. I don’t really care if I have 9 million visitors or 1,000,000 visitors. I really care about conversions and what’s driving those conversions. And I’ve been doing this for a while now.

So I want you to go into Google Analytics, set up some goals and conversion tracking, and look to see what’s driving conversions. Focus more on getting those traffic sources. That’s the first step.

The second thing I want you to do is go and look for what your competitors are paying money on paid ads for. So you can use tools like Ubersuggest and put in your competitor’s URLs. See what keywords are ranking for, see what keywords are targeting for on a paid ad perspective. And that’ll give you a big idea of, hey, these are the keywords we should be going after and these are the keywords that we shouldn’t be going after.

The third thing that I’m doing is focusing on other channels that aren’t necessarily related to keywords. If you look at the big companies out there, Microsoft, IBM, Airbnb, Nike, whatever it may be, they grow their revenue in many different ways.

The next thing that I’m doing is going after keywords that I know I can easily rank for. So if you go to Ubersuggest and you put in a keyword that you know is good, like, I’m in the marketing industry, so I may put in digital marketing, and you’ll see a report that loads and it shows your overall traffic, like, for the term digital marketing and how many people click on it.

And you put your URL in there and it’ll end up breaking out once you put your URL, all the related keywords that are good and that you can easily rank for. And I want you to look at each of those keywords, do some searches, do some research, and make sure that you’re seeing direct competitors, not somewhat competitors, but direct competitors.

And if they are, and they have a high CPC and good traffic, that means I know that that’s a good keyword for me to target in SEO because it will drive sales, which is very important.

And that’s a strategy that I would recommend, and remember, traffic isn’t everything, conversions and sales is. It all starts with tracking your conversions in things like Google Analytics, which they can do for free.

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#KeywordSearch #SEO #NeilPatel

A Step-by-Step SEO Strategy For Beginners | Getting Traffic With Old and New Websites

Starting with someone who has no SEO strategy currently, let’s start there. Do you think there’s a site-wide level of optimization that has to happen? Like, straight up title tag, meta tag, optimization of different queries on the site, an internal linking structure, and then a content marketing strategy on top of that to add value to the site, as a base level SEO strategy? Or what would you suggest to someone who, first level is they don’t currently have an SEO strategy, and then we’ll ask about someone who already does, and what they can optimize, but just base level, if you don’t have one, what do you do in today’s world?

The Biggest Impact on SEO:

Social Media Strategies To Boost Your SEO:


You know, you can look at keywords, top pages, et cetera. But what I wanted to show you is this is the easiest thing. So you just click on Site Audit. Again, this is free. I don’t even capture an email straight up, this is just free. So you don’t have to put in an email to use it, and it’ll tell you everything that’s wrong. Pages, your score, your load time. And you can be like, “All right, “let’s look at my Issues, or Critical Errors.” And you can just go to all of them, and be like 31 pages have a low word count.

And then you can to Warnings, and you can do the same thing. Two pages have duplicate meta descriptions. So what is it, right? So what is that, and how do I fix it?

It just breaks down everything you need to fix, in priority, from how hard is it to implement, to how much traffic will you get by fixing them? So that’s the first part of SEO, right? It’s just like the lowest hanging fruit. The second part is all about keywords.

So if I’m trying to target the keyword, marketing, and this is super effective, or digital marketing, right? And I use these tactics on my own site. To give you an idea, if I type in digital marketing, I think I’m like number one or two or something. Here’s all the paid listing, and I am the first organic listing. I do that for a lot of terms like online marketing. I’m up there somewhere. I’m number two. Funny enough, number one’s also my website. Although I sold it.

But here’s a simple thing I do. It’s all about finding the right type of keywords, right? The way I find the right type of keywords is, one, you can just type in keywords like digital marketing, or whatever you want to target. Here’s my process.

I go and I look for keywords, and I just click View All Keywords, and it’ll show me everyone who’s ranking, how many links they have, their domain scores, socials, et cetera. So I’ll go find keywords, and it gives me solid metrics. When I mean solid, as in non-opinionated metrics. Like the average webpage that ranks in the top 10 has 435 backlinks and a domain score of 49. So I know, is it going to be easy for me to get 435? Is it going to be hard? because I can have a rough idea of how many links I have.

So I’ll just go through here, and I’ll find keywords. As you can see, there’s like 500 suggestions here. Here are some other related keywords I’ll post from our database. This has 30,000 recommendations.

And then the last step when I’m trying to create content, after I find some keywords that are typically… I look for keywords that are high in volume, high in CPC, and I want to go after keywords that have a low SEO Difficulty.

So that’s abbreviation of SD. It’s like digital marketing company has a high CPC, volume’s not bad, low SEO Difficulty, which means people are typing that in, me being an agency, probably a good keyword to go after, because it probably converts well if people are paying $17 a click.

And the way you do this is you just create content. So there is a Content Ideas section of the tool, and it’ll show you all the content per country, so you can break it down by whatever country, or language, or region you want. And, technically, you can break all the reports down by that. And you want to look for articles that are somewhat popular, because it’s breaking down the social shares, as well as articles that have decent search traffic, as well as a lot of backlinks.

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My Biggest SEO Mistake (And Why Your Organic Traffic Might Be Garbage)

Over the last 12 months I’ve driven 58.6 million visitors from Google. You will look at my traffic sets, you look at this graph and you’re like, wow, Neil you must be doing really well at SEO. And you know what you’re doing, but you know what? That’s not really the case. Today I’m going to break down my biggest SEO mistakes.


As you can see here, 58.6 million visitors from SEO. That’s a lot of traffic to not have to pay for. And if I scroll down and I look at the traffic stats, coming from terms like Ubersugget which is fine. My name, Ubersuggest, affiliate marketing, my name, variation Ubersuggest.

But if I just keep going further down the list you’ll start seeing a lot of keywords that, aren’t really relevant to my business. And a lot of the key words of what I was optimizing for as you can see here, it was just pure volume. And I was getting a lot of traffic, but as you can see now my traffic starting to drop, why? Because my team, you know, at my ad agency we track leads and I can’t show you our leads in Salesforce because we track it all due to people’s personal information like their records or the company URLs.

But when we were tracking our sales through Salesforce of what’s driving clients for NP Digital , and typically people will click on let’s talk and submit a form or contact.

So we have two options to become a lead. And what we found is, most of these keywords droves, little to no leads. Now, if you go to, I get my traffic typically from blogging, right? I can see here on the blog. And if you look at my content, I’m going after keywords that are very specific. Customer reviews in video ads.

So if I type in customer reviews video ads. The search volume, isn’t high. If you look here zero monthly searches, right? People aren’t really searching for a lot of these keywords but you know what?

We found that people who are interested in putting customer reviews in video ads or images, and they’re trying to figure this out are interested in conversion rate optimization which is one of the services we offer.

So the content that we’re producing on our blog is much more niche. How to create a free Google website for a business. This for us, this post is target local businesses because our SMB division helps localized businesses. How to create unique gift guides for e-commerce content.

And I spent so many years building up my traffic and it wasn’t until I got the traffic.

Look, the big lesson from this is, don’t optimize for traffic optimize for revenue. If your keywords aren’t generating you revenue, move on to new keywords. And when you’re doing keyword research, don’t make the mistake I did. Don’t just optimize for quote-unquote traffic. What I want you to do is type in keywords.

So don’t optimize just for traffic, optimize for traffic from the right audience. And before you go after keywords do your keyword research, type them into Ubersuggest, figure out what keywords have high volume and traffic while you’re technically they mean the same thing but also high CPC. And of course it’s related to your business.

So don’t just optimize for quote-unquote keywords and traffic optimize for relevancy. And if you do that, you’re going to be better. And if you need help with this check out my ad agency, NP Digital or if you just have questions, leave a comment below.

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#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

SEO For Beginners – The Easiest Way to Generate Traffic

As a beginner, there must be a simpler way to start generating SEO traffic without having to learn all this on-page code and build links. Today, I’m going to break down the easiest way to get more SEO traffic.



As SEO, eventually you will have to learn on-page SEO and you’ll also have to learn about link building. But when you’re just starting off, the key that you need to remember is content is king. When you have content on your website, you’re going to get more traffic. When you don’t have content on your website, you’re going to get less traffic. Google uses that content to put your website out there.

So when people type in phrases around anything related to your website, your content has a higher probability of showing up. So if you’re a beginner, the easiest way to generate traffic is to start writing content, but not any content, you have to actually write the right kind of content and I’m going to show you how to do that.

First off, I want you to go to And I want you to type in a keyword related to the content you want to write. If you don’t know what keyword report to the content that you want to write, just put it in a keyword related to your industry.

The overview will show me how many people are typing in that keyword within my region, my region being the United States, on a monthly basis. I can see roughly how popular that keyword is. And then I can scroll all the way down to the content ideas. And then I can click view all content ideas. This will show me all the blog post ideas related to the term digital marketing that people are writing on.

And as you can see here, some of them aren’t that great or relevant. Some of them are good. And you just scroll down until you find something that you’re like, all right, I would write on this. So then you click the keywords dropdown and you’ll start seeing keywords, this has given me some keyword ideas on some keywords that I can use.

What I want you to do is go to the keyword ideas report now in the left-hand navigation and you see the term digital marketing that I just typed in. And if that’s one of the phrases, cool. What you’ll want to do is you’ll want to select it and then you want to click add to list.

And you probably don’t have anything here so you’ll want to label your list and then I’ll click a new label. So let’s do digital marketing blog post. All right, I got a label. Add keyword. And this will also give me other terms related to digital marketing. Digital marketing companies probably use a lot.

And then I can just keep going and I’ll keep going down and down and down and then I’ll go to the next page and keep doing this. And as you do this, you want to add those keywords to the list. So I would add it to my digital marketing blog posts list because that’s a blog post I’m writing.

If I go to keyword list and then I click on digital marketing blog posts and I can keep adding more to it, I now have a list of keywords that can potentially be included in the blog post that I ‘ m writing on when it comes to digital marketing or a guide to digital marketing, how to learn it and I can all these terms in there.

Now, granted you won’t automatically rank for all these keywords, but you will rank for a portion of them. And the more you include, the higher probability that you’ll have to rank for at least some of them. And if you’re including keywords that are related to your content and you go top down, what I mean by top down, we’ll go back to the keyword ideas report, when you’re selecting keywords towards the top and then you keep going down, the ones at the top tend to be more popular.

When you also select ones that have a low SEO difficulty score that are in green, those are ones that are easier to rank for. So if you select popular keywords that are easy to rank for, you have a higher probability of ranking for those terms.

And the key here is to create a list for every blog post that you’re trying to create. And don’t keep including the same keywords over and over again. What I mean by that is you don’t want to have 10 posts related to online marketing tools. So you want to keep using new keywords per post.

So you want to do this exercise each and every time you write a blog post. So that way, you’re targeting new keywords that will help you generate traffic. That’s all you have to do to start getting more traffic when you’re creating content, especially if you’re looking for SEO traffic.

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