Tutorial: Email Marketing Analytics (Advanced Guide)

This tutorial will help you understand advanced email marketing. I’ll cover how you should segment emails and increase your open rate, what metrics you should investigate and ultimately how you’ll increase engagement and thereby conversions (and more!)

Many marketers neglect the importance of their email marketing analytics and don’t have a sufficient knowledge about their subscribers, which results in impersonal marketing campaigns. They don’t have a clue about what their subscribers like and what they want to read about.
They send the same emails to every subscriber on the list and ends up with mediocre results.

If you are an email marketer who wants to become the best marketer you can be, then you should listen to some of the advice I give in this video.

I touch upon terms such as click-through rate, click-to-open rate, the power of written and visual content, demographic segmentation and engagement and conversion with lifecycle marketing.

With email marketing analytics, you can analyze your current data and learn about your subscribers’ preferences.

If you want to go more in-depth with email marketing analytics you can read our blog post here:

How to Get in the Head of Your Target Market with Advanced Email Marketing Analytics

Remember to subscribe to our channel:


Comment vendre par email ? Tout sur l’email marketing (en français) ! TUTO 2020

Je t’explique l’email marketing en français pour apprendre à vendre par email en 2020 !
💌 Rejoindre gratuitement LE CLUB : https://bit.ly/2xSwsyN


Choisir ses Tags YouTube : https://youtu.be/_2rXAG0EIY4
Faire 1 vidéo par jour pendant 1 mois (BILAN) : https://youtu.be/wD4GbmCUQy4
Comment vivre de sa chaîne YouTube en 2020 : https://youtu.be/4pTRxIP6HT0

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ AU PROGRAMME ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

En plus de cela je vais te montrer exactement comment je fais pour vendre par email et générer de l’argent sur internet grâce à l’email marketing en français.
je vais t’expliquer comment utiliser un auto répondeur ou encore faire en sorte d’avoir le meilleur taux de conversion sur tes pages de captures.
On va parler de logiciels tels que GetResponse, Mailchimp ou encore SendInBlue !

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SOMMAIRE DE LA VIDÉO ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Dans cette vidéo, je vais t’expliquer #comment #vendre par #email :

Nous allons notamment aborder les sujets suivants :

01:34 : Vendre par les mails
03:34 : Faire de l’email marketing
04:15 : Gagner de l’argent avec Mailchimp
05:34 : Faire grossir son business en ligne
07:56 : Comment devenir entrepreneur

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ QUI SUIS-JE ? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Je m’appelle Louis et je gagne ma vie avec mes business en ligne depuis mes 19 ans. J’ai testé toutes les méthodes pour gagner de l’argent sur internet, pour finalement aujourd’hui vivre de mes blogs et de cette chaîne YouTube.

Ma mission est simple : T’aider à développer tes projets sur le web pour te bâtir un business sur mesure et gagner en liberté tout en vivant de ta passion.

Si gagner ton indépendance t’intéresse aussi, je ne suis pas un sorcier il te faudra fournir du travail, mais t’abonner est la première des étapes : https://bit.ly/2qfLvPY !!!

N’hésite pas à me poser tes questions en commentaire, je réponds personnellement à TOUS les commentaires 😉

Introduction to Shopify Email – Email Newsletters & Marketing Campaigns Full Walkthrough

This video shows you the NEW Shopify Email which allows you to easily send email newsletters to your subscribers for marketing and sales purposes. This video showcases:

– Email Newsletter Campaign Results and Reports
– How to Create a New Email (send out and schedule) from Templates & Prior Emails
– How to Customize Your Email
– Tips on Customer Groups (segments)

#shopify #tutorials #emailnewsletters #ecommerce

Email Marketing For Small Business: What’s Hot in 2021!

What would you say if I asked you for a dollar and promised I’d give you 42 dollars back?

Great deal, yes? Well, what if I told you there’s a way you can do that RIGHT NOW?

Because the latest studies show that for every dollar you spend on email marketing…

You’re likely to get anywhere from $35-50 back!

That’s a HUGE return, and it’s why email marketing is still my absolute favorite way of building any small business in 2021.

No doubt about it—email may not be as “hip” as Instagram or TikTok, but it’s still the #1 most profitable marketing channel around.

That’s why, in this video, I want to teach you all of my best secrets, tips, and strategies.

You’ll learn how to get emails opened. How to get them read. AND how to turn email marketing into actual revenue.

As a result, you’ll be able to build a bigger, more engaged email list.

One that you’ll have a direct line to WHENEVER you need it, so you can send whatever message you choose to any or all of them.

Watch now to start upping your email marketing game today.

🎬 Register for the FREE On-demand video masterclass training, “Create & Launch Your Own Profitable Client Generating Website!” Just go to: https://wesmcdowell.com/training

🎧 Listen to Wes’ ‘The Profitable Website’ Podcast: https://wesmcdowell.com/subscribe/

How to Master Email Marketing in 2021 (Guide)

Master email marketing with help of this Guide to
Email Marketing: https://clickhubspot.com/w01

Email marketing allows you to stay in contact with your audience. 80% of business professionals believe that having solid email marketing increases customer retention. Watch and learn these email marketing tips to take your business to the next level.

📔 Grow Your Career and Business with HubSpot Academy: https://clickhubspot.com/Popular-Courses

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0:00 Intro
0:48 How to master email marketing
1:05 How to build an email list
2:37 How to maintain an email list
3:33 What is email segmentation
4:22 Send valuable emails
6:48 Tip #1
6:69 Tip #2
7:04 Tip #3
7:14 Spam trigger words
7:29 Run a spam test

About HubSpot:
HubSpot is a leading CRM platform that provides education, software, and support to help businesses grow better. The platform includes marketing, sales, service, and website management products that start free and scale to meet our customers’ needs at any stage of growth. Today, thousands of customers around the world use HubSpot’s powerful and easy-to-use tools and integrations to attract, engage, and delight customers.


Create and automate tailored email marketing campaigns for multiple brands in one place with INBOX

INBOX lets you easily create and send personalized marketing emails and newsletters for all your brands.

On this webinar, we sit down with the team from INBOX to show you how you can create eye-catching emails and newsletters with a drag-and-drop editor, then automate your campaigns. Manage emails from multiple brands, while complying with GDPR and CASL regulations. It’s a great alternative to Mailchimp.

This tool is available for a limited time at https://social.appsumo.com/inbox-2021

Email Marketing Tutorial for Beginners | Email Marketing Full Course in Hindi | Hitesh Gupta

Email Marketing Tutorial for Beginners or Email Marketing Full Course in Hindi. Email Marketing by Hitesh Gupta.

You can Learn more about Marketing and Digital Marketing here For Free:

Google Ads Tutorials 2019 In Hindi

Google Ads Tutorials 2019 In English

Facebook Ads Tutorials 2019 In Hindi

Facebook Ads Tutorials 2019 In English

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Twitter Ad Tutorials 2019 Hindi

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Instagram Ads Tutorials 2019 HIndi

SEO Tutorials 2019

Amazon Tutorials In Hindi

Flipkart Tutorials Hindi 2019

Ad Extensions PPC Google Ads 2019 In Hindi

Accounts Linking Tutorials 2019

Gmail Tutorials Hindi

Pinterest Ads Tutorial In Hindi 2019

Keyword Match Types In PPC Google Ads 2019 Hindi

Fundamentals / Tips / Tricks Tutorials In Hindi


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4 Estrategias avanzadas para vender con el email marketing | Laura Ribas

A estas alturas quizás ya sepas que soy la “fan number one” del email marketing a nivel planetario.

Siempre hago mucho hincapié en la importancia de conseguir leads (suscriptores) porque luego es mucho más fácil vender, pero la gente piensa que el email marketing es sólo mandar el newsletter semanal y punto. ¡Nada más lejos de la realidad! Eso es sólo el principio, la base.

Con el email marketing puedes hacer virguerías y en el vídeo de hoy comparto 4 ejemplos de estrategias más sofisticas que puedes hacer en tu negocio para conseguir más ventas.

Estas son las menciones que hago en el vídeo:

Mi programa de marketing y ventas Más Clientes Más Ingresos: https://masclientesmasingresos.com/

Mi curso Email Marketing Estratégico: https://www.institutocrecimientoempresarial.com/email-marketing-formula-estrategica/

Cómo crear un embudo de ventas y automatizar la entrada de ingresos: https://www.lauraribas.com/crear-embudo-ventas-automatizar-entrada-ingresos/

Cómo crear un buen lead magnet para aumentar tu lista de suscriptores: https://www.lauraribas.com/lead-magnet-aumentar-suscriptores/

¿Quieres dejar un comentario en el blog? Aquí lo puedes hacer: http://bit.ly/2rqYRZE

Clica aquí para suscribirte a mi canal: http://bit.ly/SuscribeLauraYoutube

Únete aquí a la lista prioritaria de mi programa Más Clientes Más Ingresos y consigue acceso a mi grupo privado en Facebook donde hago sesiones en directo para ayudarte a hacer crecer tu negocio: http://masclientesmasingresos.com

Únete aquí a la lista prioritaria de mi programa Mindset: https://cursomindset.com/

Conoce en qué fase de desarrollo se encuentra tu negocio con nuestro test de diagnóstico empresarial: http://bit.ly/TestDiagnostico

Curso GRATIS para crear el plan de acción para tu empresa: http://bit.ly/1uvCFnU

Accede a mi masterclass gratuita “Diseña tu lanzamiento en 5 pasos” aquí: http://lanzamientosdeexito.com/

Accede a mi masterclass gratuita “Cómo crear textos que venden” desde aquí: http://bit.ly/1skqQCX

¿Tienes alguna pregunta para que responda en uno de mis vídeos? Cuéntamela aquí: https://goo.gl/forms/bvsyr8Dif8BBT5Cg1


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LauraRibasEmpresa/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laura_ribas_/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Laura_Ribas
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/LauraRibasOnline

How to use Hubspot email Marketing tool [2020]

In this video, I explain how to use Hubspot’s Marketing tool. You’ll learn how to use the email types, edit an email using the design manager, and more.

Hubspot Marketing is a free tool and you can quickly create branded marketing emails to engage with your active subscribers.

To get started with Hubspot, click here : http://hubs.to/WWwPs
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Siteground : https://www.siteground.com/index.htm?afcode=d354c70e46fe1a1d6a7c37b844abf528

Hostgator : https://partners.hostgator.com/M9eGo
Connect with us on Social
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/doorway2digital
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/doorway2digital
Website : https://www.digital-doorway.com
Blog : https://www.digital-doorway.com/blog
For Business inquiries email us on mail@digital-doorway.com

#DigitalMarketing #Hubspot #InboundMarketing

How to do EMAIL MARKETING for Real Estate the RIGHT WAY – Real Estate EMAIL MARKETING Templates

How to do EMAIL MARKETING for Real Estate the RIGHT WAY – Real Estate EMAIL MARKETING Templates

Get my Real Estate Drips 👉 http://bit.ly/2qmRzGn
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Learn how to do email marketing right! See what it takes to get engagement and convert leads. Real estate follow-up is pivotal.

See how to use email marketing to your advantage and leverage your time!

– Jaime

Partner With Me At eXp And I Do Your Lead Generation For FREE!
More Info 👉http://bit.ly/2EyBlx6


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Google Ads Essentials Course 👉 http://bit.ly/2msKamr
YouTube Ads Essentials Course 👉 http://bit.ly/2lqlElP
Remine Course 👉 http://bit.ly/2MP3FBc


YOUTUBE Ads Mastery for Real Estate Leads 👉 http://bit.ly/2XSZFCX
FACEBOOK Ads Mastery for Real Estate Leads 👉 http://bit.ly/39oBH6U


Online Real Estate School 30%+ Discount 👉 https://bit.ly/3cC6XRL
FREE Email Autoresponder 👉 https://bit.ly/3lPsagj
Buyer Funnels 👉 http://bit.ly/2Lxlll5
Seller Funnels 👉 http://bit.ly/2NGMXQY
How To Make Money Online 👉 http://bit.ly/2J1pZTN


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YouTube Ads 👉 http://bit.ly/2n8hW0A
Google Ads 👉 http://bit.ly/2l5aO4r


SUBSCRIBE To YouTube Channel 👉 http://bit.ly/2pomMVu (Marketing That Works)
JOIN Facebook Lead Generation Group 👉 http://bit.ly/2QWh2ij (FREE At The Moment)


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