21 Point On-Page SEO Checklist (Rank #1 In 2020)

New on-page SEO checklist for 2020! In this video, I’m giving you the perfect 21 point on-page SEO checklist for 2020.

Things have really changed this year, and I think the biggest changes are yet to come. This video will take you through a step-by-step process to prepare the perfect strategy for the new year.

Here’s what we’ll cover in the on-page SEO checklist:

►Search + intent. This is one of the biggest changes we’ve seen in SEO. It’s no longer just about keywords and queries; it’s all about intent.
►Make sure that the keywords you select and the content you create is better than what’s ranking #1 in the search results.
►General on-page optimization still matters. Continue to pay attention to titles, descriptions, H1s and H2s, images, etc.
►Generate reviews to add fresh content your site and better your brand’s reputation.
►Enable comments (but keep a close eye on them!)
►Add FAQs to increase conversion rates.
►And if you do at FAQs, make sure they’re 100% up-to-date.
►Emphasize your E-A-T (expertise, authority, trust). This is now a huge part of Google’s algorithm, so make sure you take the necessary steps.
►Create content hubs around your most important terms.
►Use schema on your pages. Recommended schema includes organizational, FAQ, review, and local.
►Pay attention to your page speed (and taking steps to increase it if necessary).
►Use Google’s Mobile Testing Tool to make sure your site translates well to mobile.
►If you use Ajax or Javascript, run a Fetch as Googlebot to make sure that the page validates.
►Run a Server Header Checker to make sure it’s returning a 200 OK.
►Do a robots.txt test to make sure your pages aren’t blocked.
►Check the code for res canonicals or noindex to make sure the right pages are ranking.
►Search for your content online to see if anyone has stolen it.
►Check for manual actions inside Google Search Console.
►Check the URL Removal Tool in Google Search Console to make sure you page can still rank inside of Google.
►Set up reporting using tools like SEMRush and Google Analytics.
►Don’t forget to monitor spammy links!

Did you like the on-page SEO checklist? Comment below.
►Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2AuX8o5
Learn more on our blog: https://ignitevisibility.com/
Ignite Visibility is a premier Internet marketing company based in San Diego, CA.

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How to ACTUALLY Learn SEO in 2020

What’s the best way to learn SEO in 2020?

Start by watching this video because I’m going to show a simple 3-step process I used to become a so-called SEO expert.

Don’t worry:

This isn’t going to be one of those boring videos explaining what SEO is.


You’re going to learn a proven process for learning SEO fast.

The third step is a little odd so make sure you watch the entire video to find out what it is.

And here’s something cool about this way of learning:

You can apply this exact framework to any skill you want to learn.

Think about this way:

Learning your first and second language is the hardest (so I’m told).

So learning your first digital marketing languages won’t be easy.

But once you learn 1-2 skills like SEO, everything gets much easier.

Especially when you have the process I’m going to show you at your disposal.

Watch the video now to learn SEO the right way.

Here are some of the resources I mention in the video:

How to build a niche website ▶️ https://youtu.be/olKa_UzmDSE

How to perform a content audit ▶️ https://youtu.be/gT0IU933Lks Gotch

SEO blog ▶️ https://www.gotchseo.com/blog/

Gotch SEO Academy ▶️ http://bit.ly/37woGYc

#SEO #learnSEO

The 8-Step SEO Strategy for Higher Rankings in 2020

In this video you’ll see my exact SEO strategy for 2020.

Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll learn in today’s new video:

#1: I’ll show you how to do keyword research in 2020. The keyword research game has changed A LOT over the last year or so. Today, you want to find “Opportunity Keywords”. I will explain what they are and exactly how to find them in the video.

#2: You’ll learn how to create content that ranks today. Traditional content formats (like list posts) don’t work as well as they used to. So if you want to rank on the first page of Google in 2020, you need to change things up. Specifically, you need to make sure that everything that you publish has a “hook” that will push bloggers and journalists to link to you.

#3: How to build backlinks. Yup, link building is still a super important part of search engine optimization. But the game has changed. Today, it’s all about getting white hat backlinks from authority sites in your industry. And I show you how to build legit links using proven link building strategies.

#4: Skyscraper Technique 2.0. This is a modern-day spin on a classic content marketing strategy. Skyscraper 1.0 still works. But to rank your site for competitive keywords, you need to use The Skyscraper 2.0 approach too.

#5: Lots of advanced SEO tips, examples, case studies and more.

SUBSCRIBE to get higher rankings and more traffic!

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My 7 Favorite Free SEO Tools to Get Page 1 Rankings on Google

My 7 Favorite Free SEO Tools to Get Page #1 Rankings on Google | SEO takes too much time to do it manually, and if you unautomate a big chunk of your SEO work, you don’t need to break the bank to do it. Over the last sixteen years of being a SEO, I figured out the right tools to use to help you rank number one on Google. Today, I’m going to share my seven favorite free SEO tools that’ll help you get on page one of Google.

Mailchimp – Mailchimp.com
ConvertKit -https://convertkit.com/
Ubersuggest – ubersuggest.org
MozBar – https://moz.com/
Reddit – https://www.reddit.com/
Quora – https://www.quora.com/
Yahoo! – https://br.yahoo.com/
Panguin – https://barracuda.digital/panguin-seo-tool/
Markup Helper – https://www.google.com/webmasters/markup-helper/
Ubersuggest Keyword Ideas – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Now, before I dive into the tools, I’m going to break down them into three main categories. They’re going to be keyword research, then I’m going to go into link building, and then technical SEO.

So the tools will fit into one of those three categories. So let’s first start with keyword research.

The first tool I have for you is FAQ Fox. Most people think only as keywords instead of thinking of problem.

When someone’s looking for a new phone, chances are they’re not satisfied with their old phone. When someone’s looking up a math equation, chances are they don’t know the solution, hence, they’re looking it up.

FAQ Fox finds you questions that people want to be answered based on specific site that you want information from.

The second tool that I have for you is Ubersuggest Keyword Ideas. Ubersuggest has recently expanded its database from being a simple keyword tool where it has just basic terms, seed terms like marketing, to now over 1.2 million suggestions per keyword.

My favorite feature within the Keyword Ideas Report is the Comparisons Report, and the reason being is it’ll give you all the keywords that are comparison-based.

Typically, when someone’s searching for comparison-based keywords such as “Mailchimp versus ConvertKit,” they’ve already determined that they’re going to make a purchase.

The question is, what solution are they going to make?

Now, with Ubersuggest, it also shows you the search volume, the paid difficulty, the organic difficulty, and it even shows you all the other sites that are ranking, as well as how many backlinks they have, as well as social shares.

The second category of tools I have for you are related to link building. One of my favorite tools out there is a MozBar.

So the more authority that these sites have, and the more relevant they are, and when they link to you, it’s going to do way better than, let’s say, if Joe the Plumber linked to you.

See, with the MozBar, whenever you visit any website, it’ll tell you their domain authority and their page authority. It’s great to know which sites you should be focusing on when it comes to your link building versus which sites you need to ignore because it’s just not worth the time and effort.

The next tool I have for you is Backlinks by Ubersuggest. It’s another great tool!

All you have to do is go to Ubersuggest, type in a URL, click on the Backlinks button in the left navigation. When you do that, you’ll see the Backlinks Report. It’ll tell you the domain score of the site. It’ll tell you the authority of all the URLs linking to that site. It’ll even tell you the anchor text, the link growth over time, how many new links are getting over each and every single day, and how many links are losing each and every single day.

You’ll even see anchor text. You’ll even see things like how many no follow links a website has versus do follow, when these links first came to that site, when they link out. You’ll see when the link is also lost, the exact date.

Now, what I mainly use the Ubersuggest Backlinks Report for is typing in my competitor URLs, seeing what pages on their site are popular, what’s getting the most links, and I typically start from there.

The third category of tools I have for you are related to technical SEO. So let’s start with the Panguin Tool.

The next tool I have for you is Structured Data Markup Helper.

Look, if you want to maximize your voice traffics, over 50% of the searches now are voice-based, this will help. If you want things like rich snippets,if you want those star ratings, you need Structure Markup.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How SEO Will Change in 2020 (And You’re Not Going to Like It)

Should you even bother with SEO anymore? Absolutely! In 2020, the same SEO techniques and SEO hacks that used to work for 2019 are going to change, but if you are prepared for what is changing in SEO you can dominate the future of marketing by playing smart.
In this SEO tutorial video, Eric Siu shares how to grow website traffic in 2020 and some new SEO strategies for on page SEO, SERP domination, and more! 2020 is not just about voice search and podcasting, the marketing tactics that will really move the needle are the omnichannel marketing strategies.
If you want the best growth hacks for 2020 and to master the future of SEO, be sure to subscribe to our channel for more great videos.

Oh, and if you are wondering, what is SEO in the first place – it’s search engine optimization and we have a bunch of great videos on SEO for beginners on the channel.


►Get marketing training and join our exclusive marketing Slack group: https://www.singlegrain.com/leveling-up

►Start and grow your own agency: https://www.singlegrain.com/agency-accelerator

►Follow Eric on Instagram:


Want to learn the SEO tactics that AirBnB, Lyft, and Heineken use to drive millions of site visits a month? Download the case study now: https://www.singlegrain.com/res/digital-marketing-agency/case-studies/

Leave some feedback:
What should I talk about next? Please let me know on Twitter – https://twitter.com/ericosiu or in the comments below.
Enjoyed this episode? Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and please be sure to subscribe.

Connect with Eric Siu:
Growth Everywhere Podcast – http://www.growtheverywhere.com/
Marketing School Podcast – https://www.singlegrain.com/marketing…
Single Grain – Digital Marketing Agency – http://www.singlegrain.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/ericosiu

►Subscribe to my Channel: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=gogrowtheverywhere

Video Transcript:

In this clip, we’re going to talk about how SEO is going to change in 2020 and unfortunately you’re not going to like it, but before we do, don’t forget to subscribe or follow whatever platform you are watching on right now, especially if you enjoy a clips on marketing, entrepreneurship, growth, productivity, and more stuff. You’re going to enjoy it. Check it out. All right, so SEO, here’s what’s happening with SEO right now. If you think about Google, because Google is the largest, they take on the lion’s share of the traffic in the U S and a lot of countries around the world. The problem with this is they’re a publicly traded company. Now their incentives are to make more money for their shareholders. Now it’s no longer just don’t be evil, which was their model in the past. They actually took that off of kind of their, their mission statement or part of their mission and values.

So you think about it now, there’s only so much space. There’s only so much real estate and on a search result page. So it used to be in the past, you know their ads. I remember in high school when, when they started, um, Google ad words, um, the, there was only like one snippet and as crystal clear that it was an ad, right? And now over over the years, now it’s becoming less and less apparent that it’s an ad, right? It used to be highlighted in yellow. It was like crystal clear as an ad and there’s only like one or two of them right now you might see like four or five ads at the very top and you see more ads at the bottom because Google is making a less apparent than their ads and they’re putting more ads on the, on the on search engine result pages, they’re making more money, they’re incentivized to make money, which means the organic results, the SEO results, those are getting pinched down a little bit, right?

So what used to be at the very top above the fold that would get like the lion’s share of the clicks. Now it’s getting pushed down so much that you know these to say like maybe the number one result in SEO might get 25 to 40 to 50% of, of the clicks. Now it’s like, you know, it might go down to like 10% or so. There’s a clip I’m going to show you in a little bit where, uh, when I spoke at the marketing school live conference, I’m, I actually share some data, uh, from, from rand Fishkin, from spark Toro, the search result pages, they’re getting more and more consolidated as become a tougher and tougher to, um, to make SEO work.

SEO Tips to Improve Organic Traffic in Under 15 Minutes

Want to improve SEO for your site? In this video, you will learn some low-hanging SEO tips that will give you a boost in the search engines.
Subscribe ► https://www.youtube.com/AhrefsCom?sub_confirmation=1

Additional SEO Resources

How to Get Backlinks with Negotiation and Persuasion ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxusD0K-IYA

Simple SEO Strategy: The “Middleman” Method ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=433XlvMl508

How to Increase Organic Traffic with a Content Audit ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWNvAGwiVqo

How to use Google Search Console to Improve Your SEO ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXVEb_eklhk

SEO can take a long time to get any kind of meaningful results.

While you can’t “force” Google to rank you faster, there are actually a number of quick things you can do to improve SEO for your website.

One of the easiest things you can do is improve page speed with lazy load. When you implement lazy loading, things like images or videos will only load when they’re visible on the page.

This will reduce initial page load time, initial page weight, and system resource usage, all of which should positively impact performance.

Find out what tools you’ll need to enable lazy loading in the video.

Next, improve clickthrough rate for pages ranking on page one.

It’s widely accepted in the SEO community that pages with a higher clickthrough rate can help increase rankings.

And since 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results, it’s better to focus on improving CTR for your first page rankings.

Learn how to do this in the video.

Third, send emails to everyone you link to. This 10-minute outreach strategy is a great way to passively earn links and grow your network. You will learn how to do this in the video.

Fourth, add internal links to your new pages.

Internal linking helps to improve crawlability, gets your pages indexed faster, improves topical relevance, and distributes PageRank to other pages so you can rank higher in Google.

To learn how to find relevant pages to add internal links from, watch the video.

The next tip is to become a power skimmer of HARO using Gmail filters.

HARO stands for help a reporter out. It’s a free service where journalists can ask questions, and anyone can respond and be a source for mega publications like The New York Times and Forbes.

The thing with this service is that they usually send 3 emails per day which can be quite overwhelming, considering 90% of the queries probably won’t be relevant to you.

So, a quick hack to make sure opportunities don’t get missed is to lighten the load with Gmail filters.

How do you do this? Watch the video.

Sixth, perform an annual content audit. A content audit is where you analyze the performance of all content on your site to determine whether it should be kept as-is, updated, deleted, consolidated, or redirected.

You’ll find out how to perform a content audit in the video.

Lastly, repurpose your best-performing blog posts to videos, and your best videos to blog posts. You’ll learn how to do this in the video.


0:39 – Boost page speed with lazy load
1:25 – Improve clickthrough for pages ranking on page one
4:02 – Send e-mails to everyone you link to
5:47 – Add internal links to your new pages
7:09 – Become a power skimmer of HARO using Gmail filters
8:30 – Perform an annual content audit
9:28 – Repurpose best-performing blog posts to videos, and vice versa

#seotips #improveseo #seo

Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials.

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