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PPC Checklist with 50 Points

And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, drop a comment below. I reply to all comments on new videos!

How to Get a JOB in PPC (Google Ads)

Learn PPC, SEO and Digital Marketing through accredited courses. Get certified today! 👇


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Getting a job in PPC can be tough, but with these tips you’ll be sure to land your first job in the industry!

And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, drop a comment below. I reply to all comments on new videos!

How to Get PPC Clients as a Freelancer or Agency

Learn PPC, SEO and Digital Marketing through accredited courses. Get certified today! 👇


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As a freelancer or an agency owner/staff within an agency, you need clients.
In this video I am going to break down how you can get PPC clients without offering the same old boring advice!

We’re going to take a different approach…

And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, drop a comment below. I reply to all comments on new videos!

How to ACE a PPC Interview – PPC Interview Questions and Format Covered!

Learn PPC, SEO and Digital Marketing through accredited courses. Get certified today! 👇


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I previously covered how to get a job in PPC on the channel

But in this video, I am going to explain how to get through a PPC interview and get hired!

And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, drop a comment below. I reply to all comments on new videos!

Before You Start PPC Lead Generation WATCH THIS 💪

Join The PPC Accelerator™ for over 80+ video lessons + 2 free courses (Google Tag Manager and Excel Spreadsheets for PPC reporting) + Unlimited access to ask me anything, anytime! 👇


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Before you run a PPC lead generation campaign, you need to make sure you set yourself up for success.

In this video, I break down the thing you need to do to make Google Ads lead gen easier and beat your competitors.

The problem with PPC lead gen is that because your sales take place offline you can’t be sure what keywords lead specifically to revenue. (or can you…)

Let’s take a look at Google Ads lead generation and how to create profitable campaigns with hot leads!

I reply to ALL comments so hit me up and I’ll be happy to have a chat 🙂

And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

Clickcease vs ClickGUARD vs PPC Protect // Review – What is the BEST Click Fraud Tool?

Join The PPC Accelerator™ for over 80+ video lessons + 2 free courses (Google Tag Manager and Excel Spreadsheets for PPC reporting) + Unlimited access to ask me anything, anytime! 👇


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ClickCease: 01:13
PPC Protect: 08:58
ClickGUARD: 14:12
Verdict: 21:30

ClickCease, ClickGUARD and PPC Protect reviewed!

You’ve definitely seen the ads for some of these tools before, but you might be asking yourself a couple of questions

1 – What is click fraud and do I need click fraud prevention?
2 – If I need protection, which tool is right for me?

I answered the question of click fraud in a previous video, so if you haven’t watched that, I have linked it here

But for those of you that have, which click fraud prevention service is the best for your business ClickCease, ClickGUARD or PPC Protect.

In this video I am going to review ClickCease, ClickGUARD and PPC Protect and tell you which one I think is right for your business.

The rating criteria for this video are

UX/UI of dashboard
Availability of Data and Optimization

I’ve also timestamped this video so you can see the separate reviews of each product in the description below along with my summary at the end.

I reply to ALL comments so hit me up and I’ll be happy to have a chat 🙂

And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

Don’t Miss These PPC & SEO Updates!

Join The PPC Accelerator™ for over 80+ video lessons + 2 free courses (Google Tag Manager and Excel Spreadsheets for PPC reporting) + Unlimited access to ask me anything, anytime! 👇


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SEO and PPC news updates!

Gmail Ads are gone
Google Maps New Features for Local business
Core algorithm update
Google wants you to use broad match keywords 🤨

I reply to ALL comments so hit me up and I’ll be happy to have a chat 🙂

And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

SEO vs PPC – Marketing During a RECESSION

We are of course entering a financial recession and because of this downturn, search engine marketing techniques of SEO and PPC are called into question. How should you do marketing during a recession?

I have spoken previously about the impact of the current situation on PPC and the industries it has affected.

I have also spoken about what businesses can do with their PPC campaigns during this recession

but the question is, which method of search engine marketing will work best in our current economy, SEO or PPC?

In this video we’ll break down the pros and cons of both methods and look at which method your business should be focusing on.

Search Engine Land recently released a survey that showed most businesses will invest in SEO over PPC or indeed any other method of marketing, but should you agree and do the same?

One thing to note however. No marketing channels will be providing great results during a recession, but will SEO or PPC be better?


Takes a long time to work – but you have time now!
3 principles of SEO – on page, links and technical – you can work on all of these during a recession
On page – keyword research, content optimisations – Create new content! Help your ideal customer solve their problems!

Technical – work with developers and freelancers to resolve technical issue and improve website performance

Link building – There are still opportunities to build links
HARO is a journalism platform and they are looking for content, especially about recent events!

Here is my video on HARO


Click costs are down in most industries and some people are still looking, so there is an opportunity to drive cheaper traffic
It’s all about the right messaging to get some type of commitment
B2B PPC is an opportunity to initiate marketing funnels

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I reply to ALL comments so hit me up and I’ll be happy to have a chat 🙂

If you want to get more from marketing, check out my marketing courses!


And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

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Google Ads PPC News Updates 📺 (23rd June 2020)

Discovery Campaigns Video

Responsive Search Ads Video

Google Ads PPC News Updates 23rd June 2020

Google are monetizing Google My Business

Google is now trying a subscription billing model for Google My Business, something Google has explored doing in the past, and is now actively pursuing.

Image extensions for smart shopping ads

Google announced last week the latest additions: Image Extensions, enhancements to their Smart Shopping campaigns, and some upgrades to visuals in display ads.

Responsive search ads updated

Google is adding new features to RSA ad copy options with dynamic features, and increasing its helpfulness with cross-campaign results and asset suggestions.

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I reply to ALL comments so hit me up and I’ll be happy to have a chat 🙂

If you want to get more from marketing, check out my marketing courses!


And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebigmarketer
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5 Local PPC Tips for AWESOME Google Ads Local Campaigns

Running a local PPC campaign is very different to running a campaign nationally or indeed globally, there are some specific things you need to consider when building a local campaign

You need to be more aware of your competitors, you may have less budget than national businesses and you really really want to ensure that you both maximize local opportunities while also reducing your risk of paying for non serviceable enquiries from out of area.

You want to make sure that the structure of your campaign allows you to meet your local objectives too.

so in this video we are going to explore the best way to set up and succeed with a local PPC campaign.

Local campaigns have more considerations that national campaigns because of lower search volume, lower budgets and the need for strict targeting.

So lets’ explore how to build local campaigns to dominate Google Ads with 5 tips you can put in place today!

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Google Ads Full Training Course

I reply to ALL comments so hit me up and I’ll be happy to have a chat 🙂

If you want to get more from marketing, check out my marketing courses!


And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebigmarketer
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