Jordan Peterson: “It’s Possible that Social Media Enables the Psychopaths”

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Sunday Service | Ps Hendrik du Bruyn | PPC Hochland Park | 12.05.2024

Welcome to church, we are glad you could join us today. God bless you abundantly.

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SEO and AI Shifts? Bravery Breeds Success

Right now, it’s easy and completely normal to feel hopeless when it comes to blogging. If you have a website, you’ve probably seen your traffic from Google take a nosedive recently! Of course that’s going to be disappointing, even depressing!

My question for you is what are you doing right now?

And why are you doing it?

What you choose to do with your time, your energy, and your mental bandwidth is what’s going to determine what goes in the next chapter of your story.

This isn’t the end of your story. The fight isn’t over. We may be taking some hits this round, but we’ll regroup and we’ll be back! I encourage you to persist. I encourage you to look deep inside and figure out what you’ve really got!

Are you done? It’s okay if you are.

But if you’re ready to move forward and be the best version of yourself, then I hope you’ll join with us in flipping the script. We aren’t just bloggers. We aren’t just content creators. We’re entrepreneurs and we have the winning spirit. And that’s why no Google algorithm update is ever gonna keep us down!

Check out our Blogging System (and so much more) in Project 24:

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How we can help you
🥇 Project 24 Membership:
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🛠 All of our Current Recommended Tools:
🎯 Acabado, Our WordPress Theme:

#blogging #contentmarketing #contentcreator #courage #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurmotivation

Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in 24 months.

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.

Social Media Marketing VS Email Marketing: Mana yang Lebih Efektif? – #IDCHTalk Vol. 43

Saat ini, pemasaran melalui sosial media marketing dan email marketing telah menjadi dua strategi utama yang banyak digunakan oleh para pebisnis atau pelaku UMKM untuk mencapai target audiens mereka. Sehingga keduanya selalu menjadi pilihan untuk mempromosikan produk agar lebih dikenal oleh konsumen.

Tidak heran, jika kehadiran media sosial dan juga email sangat bermanfaat untuk memajukan bisnis dari skala apapun. Kamu pasti sudah banyak menemukan berbagai usaha yang menggunakan baik itu media sosial maupun email sebagai alat untuk mempromosikan bisnis bukan?
Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, para pebisnis dan juga pelaku UMKM setiap tahunnya terus meningkat dalam membangun usaha milik mereka. Ada beberapa dari pebisnis dan juga pelaku UMKM yang sudah terdigitalisasi sehingga sudah menggunakan media sosial dan juga email untuk memperkenalkan usaha mereka sampai akhirnya audience tertarik untuk membeli produk tersebut

Akan tetapi, ada juga sebagian dari para pebisnis dan pelaku UMKM yang masih bingung membedakan seberapa efektif antara sosial media marketing dan email marketing. Untuk digunakan sebagai wadah memasarkan produk yang mereka miliki. Hal ini menjadi penting mengingat keduanya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing.
Sehingga untuk meningkatkan visibilitas dan daya saing dengan jenis usaha tentu saja perlu adanya upaya untuk memberikan sosialisasi terkait manakah yang lebih efektif untuk digunakan? Apakah sosial media marketing? Atau justru malah email marketing?

Nah, Apakah Kamu salah satu pelaku bisnis atau UMKM yang bingung untuk menggunakan keduanya? Jika iya, Kamu wajib ikutan event “Sosial Media Marketing VS Email Marketing: Mana yang Lebih Efektif?”. Pada event ini kamu berkesempatan untuk memperluas wawasan dan keterampilan dalam memanfaatkan antara Sosial Media Marketing dan Email Marketing Bersama pemateri Khumayra A. Yusra sebagai Digital Marketing Strategist Gimana? Menarik banget kan!

Jangan sampai ketinggalan ya IDCH Talk Vol.43 yang akan berlangsung pada:

Hari, Tanggal : Minggu, 12 Mei 2024
Jam : 14.00 WIB – 15.30 WIB
Live di channel Youtube IDCloudHost

Understanding Amazon PPC Campaigns.

Bradley Sutton, Helium 10’s Director of Customer Success and Training, is back and here to answer the question, “Can you run too many words in a single Amazon PPC campaign?”

Look for more questions (and answers) each week. Submit your questions, here: OR

If you’re not a Helium 10 member yet and you sell on Amazon, what’s holding you back?

Sign up here today to take advantage of our suite of tools:

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Pinterest SEO: Do THIS and the Algorithm Will LOVE You

Download HubSpot’s Official 12 Pinterest Templates for Business [FREE RESOURCE]

Pinterest SEO is one of the most powerful tools at a marketer’s disposal and it is SO easy to do, all it takes is a little time and attention. In this video we’ll show you essential tips and tricks to boost your business by taking advantage of Pinterest SEO and explain the steps you need to take to get the Pinterest algorithm to love your content. You’ll learn how to create discoverable Pinterest boards, optimize your pins for visual search, and so much more — including some quick and easy tips that will help increase your Pinterest SEO value in no time.

🛠 Resources:
• SEO For Pinterest: 20 Pinterest Tips To Drive Discovery and Clicks:
• The Ultimate Guide to Pinterest Marketing:

📔 Grow Your Career and Business with HubSpot Academy:

Hundreds of FREE Marketing Tools at your fingertips. Subscribe to take your business to the next level!

Welcome to the official HubSpot Marketing YouTube channel. Your new home for expert marketing tips and templates to upgrade your digital marketing strategy and grow your business!

HubSpot is a leading growth marketing platform that empowers thousands of companies with the tools they need to grow better. Here you’ll find fresh content on social media marketing (TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, + LinkedIn), email marketing, SEO solutions, paid ads, business trends, and much more.

All done in our one-of-a-kind HubSpot style. Be sure to check out our weekly content to start learning for FREE now!

⚠ Disclaimer:
The videos on our YouTube channel are for informational purposes only, and are not intended as an endorsement for any of the products or services that we feature.


O que é Email Marketing? E – Marketing Digital de A a Z

Você quer descobrir o que é E-mail Marketing e como você pode utilizar o E-mail Marketing na sua empresa, então se liga neste vídeo!

Como Criar uma Campanha de Email Marketing:

Neste vídeo nós vamos falar sobre O que é Email Marketing.

Basicamente o Email Marketing é toda comunicação em massa via e-mail que ocorre entre uma empresa e seus contatos ou clientes.

Normalmente o email marketing sempre possui objetivos como, relacionamento com clientes ou melhorar as vendas, por exemplo.

Mas o e-mail marketing é diferente de você enviar um email promocional para vários contatos que estão salvos lá no seu programa de e-mails.

As ferramentas de e-mail marketing são específicas para isso, envio de e-mails em massa (obviamente para contatos que você tem a permissão de enviar essa comunicação). E você tem acesso a diversas informações sobre sua campanha.

Quantas pessoas visualizaram sua mensagem, quantas clicaram, quantas solicitaram sair da sua lista, entre outras informações.

Normalmente o que é enviado através de email marketing, são Newsletters, que podem ser conteúdos, novidades, promoções, etc.

Emails promocionais, que sempre que sua empresa tiver uma promoção, uma condição especial, você vai divulgar para seus contatos, seus clientes.

E porque sua empresa deve enviar e-mail marketing?

O email marketing é uma ótima opção para alcançar diretamente seus atuais clientes e também potenciais clientes. E comparado com outras formas de publicidade, como banners, anúncios patrocinados, o custo do email marketing é mais baixo.

Estatísticas sobre E-mail Marketing:

Agora veja estes números:

▸ O Email Marketing, em média, gera $38 dólares para cada $1 dólar investido.

▸ Espera-se que as contas de e-mails ativas, cheguem a 5,6 bilhões até este ano, 2019!

▸ Mais de 50% das pessoas que foram entrevistada nesta pesquisa que vou deixar aqui na descrição do vídeo, verificam sua conta de email pessoal mais de 10x por dia.

Espero muito que você tenha gostado deste conteúdo. Se gostou, se inscreva no canal para não perder os próximos vídeos da série.

Deixe seu like também, isso ajuda muito o canal a crescer.

Eu vou ficando por aqui, um grande abraço e até a próxima!

Strategic Keyword Research SOPs to Boost Amazon PPC and Organic Rankings

👉 Get access to the SOP library here:

In this video Steven Pope (@MyAmazonGuy) shares proven strategies for creating systems and SOPs to find keywords that can be used in PPC campaigns and ranking organically.
🎬 Other related videos:


👉 Join the next EUROPEAN SELLER CONFERENCE for Amazon sellers in Prague:
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Steven Pope is the founder of My Amazon Guy. He has developed the internal systems and Standard Operating Procedures that have allowed the agency to generate over $800 million in sales on Amazon with a team of over 500 employees.


👉 Get access to the SOP library here:
👉 Visit My Amazon Guy:
🔶 Video host – AUGUSTAS KLIGYS

Known in the business simply as the “Amazon Summits Guy”, Augustas is committed to providing others with the opportunity to achieve success by offering powerfully informative expert sessions and guides to becoming a top Amazon seller. He has recorded over 400 sessions with Amazon industry leaders, experts and speakers. Augustas is also the founder of Orange Klik Company and the following in-person events for Amazon sellers: European Seller Conference, Seller Fest and PPC Congress.

Orange Klik connects Amazon FBA private label sellers with leading industry experts to help you turn your online business into a massive success. No matter if you are a beginner, still figuring out how to make money online, or an advanced Amazon seller with a strong experience in eCommerce, on this channel you will find up-to-date tips and expert recommendations for sellers of all levels of experience.
👉 Learn more about what we do:
#AmazonFBA #AmazonSellers #OrangeKlik

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