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LOJA DO CANAL : https://www.pcclothing.com.br/
LOJA NO MERCADO LIVRE: https://lista.mercadolivre.com.br/_CustId_449554724

CANAL DE GAMES: https://goo.gl/MPcdNV

CANAL DA CHIPART: https://goo.gl/TI90dj

Quer me mandar algum presentinho ( Desenho, Cartinha, Comida kk ) Eu tenho uma caixa Postal !

CEP: 86015-981

Londrina – PR

►BATALHA DE BOSS : https://goo.gl/bgHvH1

►Redes Sociais:

►Instagram : http://instagram.com/portugapc/
►Twitter : https://twitter.com/PortugaPC
►Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Portugapc
►Página Oficial : http://goo.gl/4ioQdK

►Contato Profissional : portuga.contato@hotmail.com

Ta em Shock, Parça ???

Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)


▶︎ DEMARRER LA FORMATION : https://yannlenen.com/go/smart-emails

Aujourd’hui, je te parle des moyens pour devenir riche grâce à l’email marketing

👉 Reçois mes emails quotidiens pour apprendre à trouver des clients rentables et vendre tes services à prix d’or :


👉 Le lien du GROUPE FACEBOOK d’entraide :


👉 Le Podcast La Méthode J.E.T :

Sur Soundcloud :

Ou sur Apple Podcasts en tapant “La Méthode J.E.T”

🚨 Catalogue de FORMATIONS : https://yannlenen.com/go

👉 Suis-moi sur les autres réseaux sociaux :

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/lenenyann/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/yannlenen
INSTAGRAM: @yannlenen

MON SITE: http://www.yannlenen.com

Why every social media site is a dumpster fire

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube exploit our tribalism to keep us watching ads. That makes them a perfect target for trolls, conspiracy theorists, and con artists.

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Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram are built to cater to the base preferences and desires of their users — figuring out what information people enjoy with and then showing them more of it. That’s a great way to keep people online, but it also makes these platforms prime target for con artists. People are naturally drawn to inflammatory and sensational news stories, regardless of whether or not they’re true. So bad actors — conspiracy theorists, trolls, and fake news writers — have been tremendously successful in using these platforms to spread false and divisive content that exploit people’s tribal instincts.

In 2016, it was Macedonian teens making thousands of dollars publishing inflammatory fake stories about Hillary Clinton. After the Parkland shooting, it was random YouTubers going viral by accusing students of being crisis actors. Even the Russian trolls who meddled in the presidential election did so by posting low-quality, highly emotional content to social media — content they knew would go viral.

The problem with these social media sites isn’t that a few bad apples are ruining the fun. It’s that they’re designed to reward bad apples. And as long as con artists can use these platforms to prey on people’s most base desires, social media sites will continue reflecting the worst of human nature back at us.

Read more of Jay Van Bevel’s work here: https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2018/june/jay-van-bavel-on-fake-news.html

On Strikethrough, Vox producer Carlos Maza explores the challenges facing the news media in the age of Trump. Follow Carlos on Facebook for more: https://www.facebook.com/CarlosMazaVox

Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what’s really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com.

Watch our full video catalog: http://goo.gl/IZONyE
Follow Vox on Facebook: http://goo.gl/U2g06o
Or Twitter: http://goo.gl/XFrZ5H

Darum floppen Linke auf Social Media | WALULIS

Linksextremismus – der Endgegner von Luxusautos. Den kennt man vor allem von 1. Mai Protesten oder von den Silvester-Ausschreitungen in Leipzig.Im Internet dagegen ist es erstaunlich ruhig – ganz anders als bei den Rechten. Keine hippen Influencer, keine Youtuber, keine Blogger. Umso überraschender kam die Meldung im Januar, dass das linksradikale Internetportal ‘linksunten.indymedia’ vom Bundesgericht verboten wurde.Warum Inhalte von linksaußen im Internet wesentlich weniger Erfolg haben als die von rechtsaußen und was die gute alte analoge Welt damit zu tun hat – jetzt!

→ Wir sind Teil von funk! Mehr davon gibt’s unter:
►YouTube: https://youtube.com/funkofficial
►funk Web-App: https://go.funk.net
►Facebook: https://facebook.com/funk
►Impressum: https://go.funk.net/impressum

→ Mehr von WALULIS:
►WALULIS DAILY: https://walul.is/daily
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PPC Ads Expert Shows You How to Maximize Conversions (2020) Part 1/2


Free Digital Marketing Consultation

In today’s video we’ll show you what you need to know to get started with PPC ads and how to maximize conversions!

First, we’ll cover the different types of Pay-Per-Click campaign types: Search, Display, and Shopping. The shopping ad carousel is such a powerful tool for e-commerce companies! We’ll also discuss the difference in the platforms of Google Ads & Microsoft Advertising. Then, we’ll also discuss how Google Ads works with its auction. It’s important to find a balance between relevant users and a good position in the results in order to maximize efficiency in your ad spend.

Second, we’ll cover the topic of Google My Business and why it’s such an important resource people are missing out on. Your photos, location, reviews, address, all show up there. Having your business show up on Google Maps is great for driving foot traffic and can also help you get better organic rankings in the search results!

Last, we’ll discuss display, shopping, and remarketing ads. We’ll also discuss how you can use prospecting to find new customers.

Stay tuned, in Part 2 we’ll bring it all together and move on to the “why” of PPC ads!

►Want to dive deeper into Digital Marketing? Check out our blog!: https://blog.logicalposition.com/

►SUBSCRIBE!: https://bit.ly/2JVkRT9

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►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logicalposi…
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Amazon PPC Tutorial 2019 – LAUNCH STRATEGY – Pay Per Click Campaign – Amazon FBA UK

🔗 Helium 10 Affiliate Link: http://tinyurl.com/darrenhelium10
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In this Amazon Pay Per Click tutorial I’ll show you how to setup a PPC Campaign for launching an Amazon FBA product in 2019.

The first step to any successful Pay Per Click Campaign is to find highly relevant keywords that receive a large volume of Amazon search traffic.

I use Magnet and Cerebro from the Helium 10 tool suite, these two tools allow you to search real Amazon search data from Amazon UK and to perform a reverse ASIN search of competitor products to get additional keyword ideas.

For the PPC keyword campaign I would recommend between 5 and 10 high volume relevant keywords, this should provide enough traffic to reach your desired sales velocity.

If you use too many keywords your PPC budget will be diluted and it will take a much longer period of time to acquire enough data for each keyword to decide whether it is relevant.

With only 5 to 10 keywords you should know within a couple of weeks which words perform well and which ones do not.

I would also recommend ignoring Amazon’s suggested bids for any keyword as they are generally far too low for a new campaign.

I always start with a £1.00 bid and then after an hour search for that keyword on Amazon. If I am at the top of the results I consider reducing the bid and if I am not on page 1 or 2 I increase the bid.

If you are not receiving any impressions on your Amazon advert then your bid is very likely to be too low.

For the Amazon product targeting Pay Per Click I would suggest selecting between 5 and 10 competitor products that are at a similar price point and that you believe your product is superior to.

Let me know below any experiences you have had with Amazon PPC or if you have any ideas for future videos, I aim to reply to every comment within 24 hours.

SEO Nasıl Yapılır? SEO Eğitimi

Her web sitesi için olmazsa olmaz temel SEO prensiplerinin anlatıldığı bu eğitim setinde anlatılan konuları uygulayarak sitenizin arama motorlarında üst sıralarda yer almasını sağlayabilirsiniz.

SEO için doğru kelimelerin kullanımı,
Domain ve adres yapıları,
Title ve header etiketleri,
Site içeriği,
Site performansı,
Mobil uyumluluk, Google Search Console kullanımı,
Backlinklerin doğru kullanımu,
SEO analiz araçlarını kullanmak gibi tüm detayları bu eğitimde bulabilirsiniz.


In this video, I list out the best four email marketing tools of 2020 for bloggers, content marketers and startups!

Best Email Marketing Tools in 2020
1. ConvertKit – https://manikarthik.com/convertkit
2. Robly – https://robly.com
3. MooSend – https://manikarthik.com/moosend
4. SendinBlue – https://manikarthik.com/sendinblue

👉Get ur free blog – https://manikarthik.com/wordpress 🤩👌
👉Get ur dot com – https://manikarthik.com/dotcom 😍✌️
👉Blogging tutorial – https://manikarthik.com/blogging 😎👏
👥FB Secret Group – https://manikarthik.com/secretgroup 🤩👌

About Me
My name’s Mani Karthik, a blogger from India. I worked in the USA and the Middle East for almost a decade with startups. Then I got bored, and quit my job in the US to return to India to pursue my passion for blogging. Today, I share whatever I’ve learned through this channel and my blogs.

Follow me on Social
Twitter – https://twitter.com/manikarthik
Instagram – https://instagram.com/manikarthik
Facebook – https://facebook.com/manikarthikoffline

If you’re still stuck with MailChimp as your default email marketing tool, you need to watch this video.

Email marketing has been the core of marketing always. Some people argue that it is dead, some folks think it has evolved to stand the tests of time and is still the best marketing channel available. I am somewhere in between. Email marketing as we knew back from the early 2000s is dead. Those days, what we marketers were doing was basically blasting off all kinds of emails to everyone who signed up on your website with their email id. Like nobody bothered about why the person signed up, what his preferences were or what he really wanted. That, in my opinion, is a really bad strategy and I’m sure you’d agree with it. And unfortunately, most email marketing tools we knew back then used to follow this strategy. That is collect email addresses, blast off emails without any consideration whatsoever.

Last few years though, this has changed. Because marketers have realized that email is seen by most people as spam. Just a look at your inbox and you’ll know what I’m talking about. At this point, we don’t even know whom we signed up for and who’s sending us emails. 80-90% of our email inboxes are spam – and by spam I mean the irrelevant promotions that get to you.

Today in 2020, we have better email marketing tools, ones that are designed to send us relevant emails only or at least get a little bit smarter with emails, through smart rules and filters. Let’s look at some of the best email marketing tools available today, for bloggers and marketers.

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