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PPC 2020: (EU) Week 6: 5 Randoms vs. District 69

PPC 2020: (EU) Week 6: 5 Randoms vs. District 69
Thursday, April 30th, 2020)
See description below for match info and individual game times.

Game 1: PNB: 2:15 – Game Start 6:00
Game 2: PNB: 19:30 – Game Start: 23:15
Game 3: PNB: 42:15 – Game Start: 46:40
Game 4: PNB: 1:06:05 – Game Start: 1:10:15

Teams in this match: 5 Randoms, District 69

Players in this match: bolka, Ninu, Nyxus, Ovimm, spunkki, Zarini, Exentra, Fisheko, Gerrah, Kcruncy, LaDji

Characters Played in Game 1: Io, Buck, Evie, Barik, Kinessa, Furia, Inara, Grover, Bomb King, Cassie

Characters Played in Game 2: Io, Lian, Inara, Androxous, Evie, Zhin, Grover, Ash, Barik, Kinessa

Characters Played in Game 3: Furia, Androxus, Cassie, Ash, Moji, Ruckus, Inara, Zhin, Ying, Evie

Characters Played in Game 4: Ruckus, Zhin, Inara, Grover, Vivian, Mal’damba, Cassie, Barik, Buck, Evie

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Enter a fantasy world of ancient technology in Paladins, a team-based shooter with strategy elements and deep character customization. Through a unique collectible card system, players can amplify and augment a character’s core set of abilities to play exactly how they want to play. Paladins is a free-to-play, class-based first person shooter from Hi-Rez Studios. Paladins is currently available on PC, Mac, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch. Learn more at!

PPC 2020: (EU) Week 6: Fatal Ambition vs. InControl Nation

PPC 2020: (EU) Week 6: Fatal Ambition vs. InControl Nation
Thursday, April 30th, 2020)
See description below for match info and individual game times.

Game 1: PNB: 2:25 – Game Start 7:15
Game 2: PNB: 17:45 – Game Start: 22:10
Game 3: PNB: 33:40 – Game Start: 38:15
Game 4: PNB: 49:30 – Game Start: 58:15

Teams in this match: Fatal Ambition, InControl Nation

Players in this match: Barinoo, eUsOUobIXOvINDO, headëd, nötps1, SUKRAN, IceMonkey, iMaxSouza, LZerO, Tóuga, WakeUpAmadeus

Characters Played in Game 1: Androxus, Khan, Io, Viktor, bomb King, Buck, Furia, Barik, Strix, Ash

Characters Played in Game 2: Ash, Strix, Jenos, Maeve, Lex, Androxus, Io, Viktor, Khan, Talus

Characters Played in Game 3: Androxus, Bomb King, Khan, Moji, Furia, Viktor, Io, Inara, Buck, Maeve

Characters Played in Game 4: Viktor, Khan, Buck, Jenos, Maeve, Io, Androxus, Ash, Bomb King, Strix

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Enter a fantasy world of ancient technology in Paladins, a team-based shooter with strategy elements and deep character customization. Through a unique collectible card system, players can amplify and augment a character’s core set of abilities to play exactly how they want to play. Paladins is a free-to-play, class-based first person shooter from Hi-Rez Studios. Paladins is currently available on PC, Mac, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch. Learn more at!

Welcome to the SEO Unlocked! Free SEO Course with Neil Patel | SEO Training

Welcome to SEO Unlocked. This is my free SEO Course, and I’m going to release new videos on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional SEO, you’ll learn the exact search engine optimization techniques I use in my own business and with my consulting clients. This is the SEO training you’ve been looking for, and over the next few weeks, I’m going to teach you how to get a flood of traffic to your website without having to spend a dollar on advertising.

Download the Personal Goal Worksheet and the Program Itinerary:

Get help from my team! Email us at – Subject Line “SEO Help”

Now, before we get started. I want to go over three things. And I want to congratulate you for these three things because you’ve done the hardest part.

Once you’ve realized the need for change. Because look, if you don’t make any change there’s no progress.

Two, you sought out advice online via SEO, that’s how you found me.

And three, you’re committed to making the change today which is, to get you more traffic to your website.

And I’m living proof, that SEO works right. People are always asking me, “hey does SEO really work, “can I get a ton of traffic from it?” And the answer is yes. Just look at my website.

Over time, my traffic has continually raised and is continually growing and that’s what’s led me to over literally six million visitors a month and out of those visitors over four million of them come from search engines. You can do it no matter what space you’re in. It literally works for everyone.

A lot of people like, branding and customer experience? “Hey what does that have to do with SEO?” As you’re going through this course, there are six ways we’re going to be supporting you. You’re going to have weekly content like as you’re seeing here but on top of the audio and the video you’re also going to have slides and PowerPoint templates and worksheets and PDF templates. And as long as you follow along you’ll be able to succeed when it comes to SEO, right.

We also have weekly live Q&A calls. If you’re part of the email list you’ll see that we’re doing them you’ll get notified about them. If you’re not you can go to to opt-in. My team, we’re also here to help you out. When you email, we try to answer as many questions as possible.

There’s also the community, whether it’s social media and leaving a comment there we’re here to respond, I’m there to respond as well. It’s my blog, you leave a comment I’m there to help you out as well. And of course, if you need extra hand-holding and you want my team to do everything for you there’s my ad agency Neil Patel Digital as well.

All the calls are recorded, so that way they can be referenced again. If you have any questions you can always ask them, we’re here to help you grow your business. You can also speak with some of my team members and hopefully, we can help you succeed and get you that traffic that you need. And you will see the results as long as you follow along.

We do like helping people out whether you’re a small business or a large business, or you have little to no money again, we are here to help people out.

And if you’re worried that it’s too late to start because SEO is super competitive now.

That’s a limitation of you saying that” hey, it’s too late.” I don’t want you to have that mindset. As I said, we really are here to help you out. And the common mindset that you need to have if you want to do well with SEO is, one, you need to anticipate failure. The next thing is you need to let go and delegate.

You need to learn new skills. Those who stay complacent, aren’t going to succeed in life. You always want to be thriving, and wanting to learn more.

There’s a lot of things that you can learn out there. So some action items for you. There’s a personal goal worksheet.

Handwrite up to 300 words on your personal goal for this program, and how you’ll feel when you achieve it. I know this may sound really silly, and you’re like, Neil, why do I need to do this? We found that when people go through this exercise, and they download the worksheet and they write this down, they’re much more likely to complete it.

And then the next thing I want you to do is to download the program itinerary after you write down your goal. Because at that point, you’ll know what you’re going to end up learning over the next upcoming weeks.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @

►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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#SEO #NeilPatel #SEOCourse


Participe da Semana do Ecommerce:


No vídeo de hoje, Lucas Lombardi, Gestor da Equipe de Produção de Conteúdo do Ecommerce na Prática, te dá 5 dicas para um email marketing imbatível.

Em praticamente todos os tipos de negócio dos dias de hoje, o email marketing é uma peça fundamental. Por isso, para se comunicar com o seu público-alvo, é preciso saber como fazer um bom email marketing. Com essas 5 dicas, você vai ficar craque no assunto.

1 – Segmentação

É talvez o aspecto mais importante de todo email marketing. É definir para quem serão enviados os e-mails.

Não faz sentido mandar todos os e-mails do seu negócio para todas as pessoas, né? Cada pessoa tende a se interessar por um produto ou outro que você comercializa.

Por isso, saber definir para quem serão enviados os e-mails é fundamental para otimizar esses envios e conseguir cada vez mais conversões.

E é também muito importante coletar os dados de cada pessoa para quem serão enviados os emails. Dessa forma, é possível analisar os resultados e conseguir segmentar melhor a partir deles.

2 – Headline

Pode-se dizer que a headline significa 70% de todo email marketing. É a partir dela que os leitores vão ou não se interessar por aquele conteúdo.

Se a pessoa não gostar da headline, ela nem se dará o trabalho de ler o restante do e-mail. Por isso, ao escrever a headline, é preciso pensar em algo muito criativo e chamativo. Somente assim a atenção do leitor será capturada.

Sem uma boa headline, não importa se o restante do texto for o melhor do mundo. As pessoas simplesmente não irão ler.

3 – Big Idea

O que é uma Big Idea? É uma ideia central, é a linha guia que vai tocar o seu email inteiro. Desde a Headline até o CTA, tudo tem que girar em torno da mesma ideia.

Então não adianta falar sobre várias coisas no mesmo e-mail marketing. Se isso for feito, as pessoas vão se perder e não vão conectar com a mensagem que está sendo transmitida.

A Big Idea pode ser uma coisa simples, como “a maior liquidação já feita na loja”, ou algo mais relacionado à emoção, como “como emagrecer 10 quilos sem deixar de comer o que você gosta”. O importante é focar em um único tema.

4 – Gatilhos mentais

Os gatilhos mentais são recursos que você pode usar para influenciar a pessoa a realizar determinada ação podem ajudar na construção da Big Idea. Isso porque as pessoas compram muito mais pela emoção, e não pela razão.

Aqui vai um vídeo sobre gatilhos mentais:

5 – CTA

O CTA, ou “call to action”, é a chamada para a ação. É a parte final do seu e-mail marketing e onde você direciona o leitor a fazer o que você determina.

Pode ser a compra de um produto, uma assinatura para receber mais conteúdos ou um direcionamento ao site ou outro link que você desejar.

Isso pode ser feito através de um botão, imagem clicável… Existem várias maneiras de se fazer um CTA.

E como fazer um bom CTA?

Digamos que o seu e-mail é sobre uma ONG que ajuda crianças carentes.

Um CTA que diz “Quero ajudar!!” com certeza receberá mais cliques do que um que diz “Doe 5 reais”. Isso porque ninguém acorda pensando em gastar 5 reais, mas acordam querendo ajudar.

Portanto, uma ação na primeira pessoa que não seja relacionada a gastar dinheiro funciona mais como CTA do que um termo imperativo que mande a pessoa gastar dinheiro.

Gostou dessas dicas? Agora você com certeza tem o conhecimento necessário para fazer ótimos emails marketing!

E para conhecer outras estratégias para alavancar o seu negócio, você tem que participar da Semana do Ecommerce, o Maior Evento Online de Ecommerce do Mundo! E o melhor, completamente gratuito!

Nela, o Bruno de Oliveira, um dos maiores especialistas em Ecommerce do país, te mostra um método validado com dicas, estratégias e insights para levar o seu negócio ao sucesso!

Participe da Semana do Ecommerce:


#ecommerce #negócios #emailmarketing

Ecommerce na Prática
E-mail Marketing
Como fazer e-mail marketing
5 dicas para fazer e-mail marketing
Big Idea
Gatilhos Mentais



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Social Media पर चैलेंज को लेकर Salman Khan का तंज, कहा- ये करो तो मानें !

कोरोना संकट के बीच जरूरतमंदों की मदद करने के लिए कई सेलेब्रिटीज आ रहे हैं. सभी अपनी तरह से लोगों की मदद भी कर रहे हैं. मुंबई में कांग्रेस नेता बाबा सिद्दीक़ी ने सवा लाख परिवारों को राशन बांटकर मदद भेजी है, जिसका सलमान ख़ान ने स्वागत करते हुए अन्नदान को ऐसा चैलेंज बताया है, जिसे सब लोगों को अपनाना चाहिए. Social Media पर चैलेंज को लेकर Salman Khan का तंज, कहा- ये करो तो मानें !

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