#1 Email Marketing Strategy. How To Stand Out, Build Trust And Generate More Revenue With Email

Email marketing is still the number one way to establish trust, credibility and generate more revenue in 2019 & beyond. Learn about my exact email marketing strategy that you can use to grow your online business fast.

If you’re not yet on my email list to experience my email marketing strategy firsthand, go here and sign up: https://www.milesbeckler.com/free-course

It is widely known that your email list is your most valuable asset for your online business. That statement is a partial truth and is missing the fact that you must have a positive relationship with your email list too.

How do you build this positive relationship with your email list? Email marketing!

If you are looking for the #1 email marketing course watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_pPKZIyBt8

Through sending helpful and valuable emails you are able to stand out in your subscribers’ inbox and ultimately build trust through delivering valuable information regularly.

I recommend emailing every single day which is something my wife has done for over two years now.

Before the daily emails begin, it is best to take your subscribers through a follow up sequence and you can learn how we create our autoresponder sequences in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWAXJD-dP4Y

Now if you want to know how the email marketing automation works to actually set all this up… Be sure to watch this step-by-step email marketing tutorial that shows the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcMs67rbJa8

Personally I am new to the email every day world and with just a few months of experience I’m noticing a significant increase in the number of comments, replies, clicks and ultimately revenue I’m generating from my email marketing in 2018.

Many people are scared that they will see a large amount of unsubscribes right away… Neither my wife nor I experienced this, although we did have the fear.

Other people are worried that they won’t come up with enough ideas to email, which if you’re not in a niche that you’re truly an expert in… This may be true!

But you have chosen a niche that you have a level of expertise in so coming up with topics to email every day is actually very easy.

Similar to how a 90 day video challenge works (as explained in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnmXqesXls8 ) consistently emailing every day forces you to come up with new topics and new ideas that are helpful and useful to your audience.

This is all a part of the process of being of service at scale!

You will also find that through your email marketing you’re creating new content that can ultimately be published to your blog, Instagram account, Facebook, twitter, and other social media outlets.

You will also find that some of your email topics deserve their own videos and this will be a source of new ideas for your video marketing, too.

Also, it is important to remember that most of your audience are not living the life they desire. This is why they subscribe to your list in the first place! They accepted your offer for the free lead magnet to help them solve the problem.

Your daily emails continue to help them along their path, offer them entertaining and informative content that simply furthers your relationship and get you closer to the sale.

If you are only emailing when you have something new to promote, or once a month… You’re missing the boat! People will forget about who you are from when they opted in until they receive your next offer email, next month.

You need to stay top of mind at all times and emailing every day is the key to this process!

The final benefit is that you will become a much better copywriter, fast. As someone who personally has doubted my own writing abilities… The process of emailing my list dozens of times in the last month has really “flexed the muscle” of writing email copy and now I’m experiencing higher quality copywriting that comes more easily and takes less time.

As with everything, there is a learning curve… And a bit of practice goes a long way to helping you get better fast!

If you want more info on our approach to email marketing, here is a live speech my wife Melanie and I did about how we build, grow and monetize our email lists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=preIZ1oLWLo

8 Effective Email Marketing Strategy Ideas | GoDaddy

GoDaddy’s email marketing experts put together 8 effective email marketing strategy ideas that will increase audience engagement and make your business look awesome. Check them out – and get your campaign started with GoDaddy Email Marketing at https://www.godaddy.com/business/email-marketing?cvosrc=video.youtube_organic.us_how-to&cvo_creative=WuKWJMXcojMisc=ythowto

Email marketing is one of the best ways to keep your customers in loop on promotions, new products, coupons and all the other exciting news you want to share with them. But how do you get started?

GoDaddy’s email marketing experts put together some tips to
get your campaign off the ground.

Create an account with an email service provider. If you
register a domain with GoDaddy, you can have a personalized
email address that matches your website so your emails are
recognizable and look professional.

Import your Customer Email List. If you already have a list
of your customers’ email addresses in a CSV or Excel file,
that’s a great start. Importing your list will take just a
few clicks and will make it easy to manage all your contacts.

Keep Your Branding Consistent. Make sure your emails match
your web site branding and color scheme. Keeping that
familiar look helps promote your brand – and recipients are
more likely to click the links in your email.

Add a web form to your site. This is a signup form that will
allow your fans and customers to add their email address to
your mailing list. You can also request their name and where
they live. This extra info can help you personalize your mailings. Also, try adding an incentive for signing up, like a voucher
or ebook. Everyone loves a freebie!

Use an Autoresponder. Reach your new signups as quickly as possible, so they feel welcome and you stay fresh in their mind. An autoresponder is an awesome way to do this. It’s an automatic email that you can send to new signups and a hassle-free way to send that promised discount or ebook.

Stay in touch. Email your contacts regularly with useful content, exclusive deals, and new product announcements. This doesn’t only keep them updated but also helps keep you in mind for their next purchase.

Keep an eye on your stats. Monitoring your open, click, unsubscribe and spam rates will show you what your customers like – and dislike – so you can keep fine-tuning your email campaigns.

Email Marketing is a fantastic way to promote your business and stay in touch with your customers. Check out GoDaddy
Email Marketing today.

Qué es email marketing ▶︎ Cómo hacer email marketing efectivo y ganar dinero 💰

Guía: https://luisrsilva.com/como-hacer-email-marketing/ ✅

¿Qué es email marketing?
Email marketing es la promoción de productos y servicios por medio del correo electrónico.

¿Cómo hacer email marketing efectivo?
Construir una lista de correos electrónicos es vital para el éxito de tu negocio porque es el medio más directo de comunicación con tus fans y futuros clientes.

Si tienes como objetivo conseguir clientes con la ayuda de internet debes enfocarte en comenzar y hacer crecer tu lista de emails lo antes posible.

Algo muy importante es hacerlo de manera profesional con herramientas confiables. Te doy los recursos necesarios en la vídeo guía gratuita:
✅ Cómo hacer email marketing efectivo – mega guía:
https://luisrsilva.com/como-hacer-email-marketing/ 👈

¿Cómo Ganar Dinero con Email Marketing?
El email marketing, ha diferencia de las redes sociales u otras plataformas, te permite notificar de nuevos eventos, promociones, noticias relevantes de tus productos o servicios a tus seguidores o clientes potenciales de forma más directa y personal.

El número de usuarios de email a nivel mundial para el 2019 se proyecta en 2.9 mil millones.

Con el email marketing puedes programar un mensaje en cuestión de minutos a todos tus suscriptores o contactos que voluntariamente están en tu lista para que les llegue el día y la hora que tú quieras.

Esto es saber cómo enviar correos masivos ahorrando tiempo y dinero.


✅ Cómo hacer email marketing efectivo – mega guía:
https://luisrsilva.com/como-hacer-email-marketing/ 👈


Además puedes revisar cuantos y quienes interactuaron con los mensajes casi en tiempo real lo cual te permite medir y mejorar tus campañas.

Lo mejor de todo es la función de automatización que permite crear un proceso en piloto automático de captura de clientes potenciales para luego hacerles un seguimiento hasta que se vuelvan compradores y, si queremos ir un poco más allá, continuar el seguimiento para volverlos clientes recurrentes.

Mi equipo y yo creamos una vídeo-guía gratuita donde te enseñamos paso-a-paso cómo hacer email marketing efectivo con las herramientas y tecnología adecuada.

En la guía te recomendamos el software que yo utilizo en mis negocios ya que ha resultado muy fácil de usar y permite crear funciones de automatización de seguimiento y ventas indispensables hoy en día para todo negocio.


✅ Cómo hacer email marketing efectivo – mega guía:
https://luisrsilva.com/como-hacer-email-marketing/ 👈



Estrategias de mercadeo digital para conseguir más clientes y aumentar ventas con la ayuda de la tecnología y el internet.

▶︎ SUSCRÍBETE A ESTE CANAL: http://www.luisrsilva.tv ◀︎

▶︎ Únete a mi lista de contactos en https://www.luisrsilva.com/
▶︎ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luisnomarketing/
▶︎ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LuisNoMarketing
▶︎ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuisNoMarketing
▶︎ Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+LuisRSilva

Email-Marketing Anleitung, Teil 1: Geld verdienen!

Ich liebe Email-Marketing! Es eröffnet dir großartige Möglichkeiten von Zielgruppenbesitz, über Vertrauensaufbau zu deiner Zielgruppe bis hin zur “Mehr Kontakt bringt mehr Geschäft”-Regel.

Worauf ich dabei Wert lege, zeige ich dir in diesem Video!

Viel Spaß,

dein Pascal!

Das Team von Mehr Geschäft hilft dir kostenlos und live am Telefon dein Business auf ein neues Level zu heben!
Melde dich hier für eine kostenlose Strategie-Session an:
☎️ https://coaching.mehr-geschaeft.com/chance28767594

Sichere Dir jetzt hier das Mehr Geschäft Online Marketing Kompendium: https://kompendium.mehr-geschaeft.com/salespage-kompendium

Du wolltest schon immer wissen welche Tools wir bei Mehr Geschäft nutzen?

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So verschicken wir unsere EMails:

Unser Tool für einen perfekten Mitgliederbereich:

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Hier besorgen wir unsere Grafiken:

Die besten Bücher:

Axel Andersson – Mehr Geld und Erfolg im Direktmarketing: https://amzn.to/2Hkd3WT

Ted Nicholas – Magic Words: https://amzn.to/2Jhyd9G

Ray Dalio – Principles: https://amzn.to/2JlZO9F

Bei einigen unserer Links handelt es sich um Affiliate-Produkte. Das bedeutet: Solltest Du auf diesen Link klicken und anschließend ein Produkt erwerben, werden wir ggf. durch eine Provision am Umsatz beteiligt. Für Dich entstehen dabei keine zusätzlichen Kosten.
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How To Do Email Marketing – 6 Places To Gather Your Email List – Email Marketing Course

We packed this one in to help you with your email marketing strategy. Your email list will never be lonely again. 🙂 — X0X0 Renae
►► Email Marketing 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9W9pyRsHzQ
►► OHWO: https://ohwo.com
►► OHWO Quick Start Guide: https://ohwo.com/quickstart
►► Lead Pages: http://leadpages.pxf.io/c/1336581/390538/5673
►► ClickFunnels: https://clickfunnels.com/?cf_affiliate_id=1002785&affiliate_id=1002785&aff_sub=dashboard&aff_sub2=trial
►► PopupAlly: https://access.accessally.com/~access/a24c108377f/
►► Hosting Renae Recommends: https://cupcaketrainings.com/siteground
►► Renae’s Secret Weapon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zv31Elxts4
►► David’s Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwwatPDrVUU
ps. I am an affiliate for some of these products and get a commission if you purchase. It’s what helps me help you through free vids on The YouTube.



►► 5 Things For Your Welcome Email: https://youtu.be/0qfyuCLKnM4
►► Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners (Ecommerce Businesses): https://youtu.be/CMm3t9cf7ag
►► 6 Places For Your Optin: https://youtu.be/Ut_e8qvXYe0


►► FREE Workshop: Your First 100 Etsy Sales https://YourFirst100EtsySales.com
►► FREE Course: The “No Fail” Handmade Online Business Formula https://www.freehandmadetraining.com
►► Renae’s Email List With Drip Fed Unadvertised to the Public Goodies: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com
►► Tom Cote’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thetomcoteshow
►► 21 Uniqued Handpicked Suppliers eBook FREE: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com/handpicked
►► The Tom & Renae Story – How We Met: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY7V26y1gEI



►► How Veronica made $10k in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET3Jp_XsX1U
►► How Jacqueline made $100,000 with her handmade business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7AZAQxzxYQ&t=921s
►► 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Etsy Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_L2ju-kncs&t=125s
►► Renae’s Very First YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hrk1EWDA4&t=33s

RECOMMENDED WATCHING – What if you get 0 sales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2gTbnKnno



►► ZBesties App: https://www.zbestiesapp.com
►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► Instagram: https://instagram.com/cupcaketrainings



Cupcake Trainings is a place where every handmade business owner can access a variety of workshops, courses, mini-courses and trainings. Taught by a whole team of educators who each specialize in a particular field—from growing your handmade business on Etsy to making your own website and so much more, students can learn online and at their own pace with the support of a seasoned staff to back their company and guide them as they grow.

We understand, more than anyone, how difficult and daunting running a business can be. Which is why, here at Cupcake Trainings, we made sure you’ll find a platform where you can find content that suits you, connect with a community of fellow students and alumni, create lasting partnerships and friendships, and discover skills that can propel your business to greater heights.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a business or already have one, no matter what stage in your business you’re at, we believe in creating materials that cater to your specific needs. Our step-by-step process that we have built through years of experience can help you minimize your legwork and let you avoid making the same costly mistakes we did.

We offer a diverse selection of highly recommended courses and trainings geared towards handmadepreneurs.

We have an entire team of teachers who have succeeded in their businesses and want to see YOU succeed too.

No lengthy, complicated processes. Just straight to the point and easy to understand formula and strategies.

Why did we create Cupcake Trainings?

To equip you with the knowledge you need to create, promote and profit from your own handmade business.

To teach you the skills to help you run a business and avoid making the most common business mistakes.

To provide you with quality trainings and courses that take away all the guesswork.

To help you achieve the results you want without overspending on outdated techniques.

To put the spotlight on your prized creations so people can finally appreciate and buy them.

To guide you in the right direction so you can leave that job to focus on doing what you’re most passionate about.



See for yourself on our social media or take the shortcut and look here:


Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners 2020 – Ecommerce Businesses

The one sentence that changed everything. Video 2 of our training series. Your email marketing strategy will never be the same. X0X0 Renae
►► Find Your Target Market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9W9pyRsHzQ
►► OHWO: https://ohwo.com
►► OHWO Quick Start Guide: https://ohwo.com/quickstart



►► 5 Things For Your Welcome Email: https://youtu.be/0qfyuCLKnM4
►► Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners (Ecommerce Businesses): https://youtu.be/CMm3t9cf7ag


►► FREE Workshop: Your First 100 Etsy Sales https://YourFirst100EtsySales.com
►► FREE Course: The “No Fail” Handmade Online Business Formula https://www.freehandmadetraining.com
►► Renae’s Email List With Drip Fed Unadvertised to the Public Goodies: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com
►► Tom Cote’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thetomcoteshow
►► 21 Uniqued Handpicked Suppliers eBook FREE: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com/handpicked
►► The Tom & Renae Story – How We Met: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY7V26y1gEI



►► How Veronica made $10k in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET3Jp_XsX1U
►► How Jacqueline made $100,000 with her handmade business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7AZAQxzxYQ&t=921s
►► 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Etsy Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_L2ju-kncs&t=125s
►► Renae’s Very First YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hrk1EWDA4&t=33s

RECOMMENDED WATCHING – What if you get 0 sales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2gTbnKnno



►► ZBesties App: https://www.zbestiesapp.com
►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► Instagram: https://instagram.com/cupcaketrainings



Cupcake Trainings is a place where every handmade business owner can access a variety of workshops, courses, mini-courses and trainings. Taught by a whole team of educators who each specialize in a particular field—from growing your handmade business on Etsy to making your own website and so much more, students can learn online and at their own pace with the support of a seasoned staff to back their company and guide them as they grow.

We understand, more than anyone, how difficult and daunting running a business can be. Which is why, here at Cupcake Trainings, we made sure you’ll find a platform where you can find content that suits you, connect with a community of fellow students and alumni, create lasting partnerships and friendships, and discover skills that can propel your business to greater heights.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a business or already have one, no matter what stage in your business you’re at, we believe in creating materials that cater to your specific needs. Our step-by-step process that we have built through years of experience can help you minimize your legwork and let you avoid making the same costly mistakes we did.

We offer a diverse selection of highly recommended courses and trainings geared towards handmadepreneurs.

We have an entire team of teachers who have succeeded in their businesses and want to see YOU succeed too.

No lengthy, complicated processes. Just straight to the point and easy to understand formula and strategies.

Why did we create Cupcake Trainings?

To equip you with the knowledge you need to create, promote and profit from your own handmade business.

To teach you the skills to help you run a business and avoid making the most common business mistakes.

To provide you with quality trainings and courses that take away all the guesswork.

To help you achieve the results you want without overspending on outdated techniques.

To put the spotlight on your prized creations so people can finally appreciate and buy them.

To guide you in the right direction so you can leave that job to focus on doing what you’re most passionate about.

To hold your hand every step of the way so you can hit that 6-figure mark or even achieve that lifelong 7-figure goal.

To share with you tested and proven shortcuts that have worked for us—handmade business owners just like you who used to think scaling up to six and seven figures were merely a pipe dream.



See for yourself on our social media or take the shortcut and look here:


Email Marketing For Beginners – Ecommerce Businesses – Email Marketing Course – Tips For Beginners

Video 1 of our training series. You never knew this about your welcome email. You are about to be shocked. Your email marketing will never be the same. X0X0 Renae
►► Find Your Target Market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9W9pyRsHzQ
►► OHWO: https://ohwo.com
►► OHWO Quick Start Guide: https://ohwo.com/quickstart

►► FREE Workshop: Your First 100 Etsy Sales https://YourFirst100EtsySales.com
►► FREE Course: The “No Fail” Handmade Online Business Formula https://www.freehandmadetraining.com
►► Renae’s Email List With Drip Fed Unadvertised to the Public Goodies: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com
►► Tom Cote’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thetomcoteshow
►► 21 Uniqued Handpicked Suppliers eBook FREE: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com/handpicked
►► The Tom & Renae Story – How We Met: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY7V26y1gEI



►► How Veronica made $10k in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET3Jp_XsX1U
►► How Jacqueline made $100,000 with her handmade business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7AZAQxzxYQ&t=921s
►► 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Etsy Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_L2ju-kncs&t=125s
►► Renae’s Very First YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hrk1EWDA4&t=33s

RECOMMENDED WATCHING – What if you get 0 sales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2gTbnKnno



►► ZBesties App: https://www.zbestiesapp.com
►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► Instagram: https://instagram.com/cupcaketrainings



Cupcake Trainings is a place where every handmade business owner can access a variety of workshops, courses, mini-courses and trainings. Taught by a whole team of educators who each specialize in a particular field—from growing your handmade business on Etsy to making your own website and so much more, students can learn online and at their own pace with the support of a seasoned staff to back their company and guide them as they grow.  

We understand, more than anyone, how difficult and daunting running a business can be. Which is why, here at Cupcake Trainings, we made sure you’ll find a platform where you can find content that suits you, connect with a community of fellow students and alumni, create lasting partnerships and friendships, and discover skills that can propel your business to greater heights.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a business or already have one, no matter what stage in your business you’re at, we believe in creating materials that cater to your specific needs. Our step-by-step process that we have built through years of experience can help you minimize your legwork and let you avoid making the same costly mistakes we did. 

We offer a diverse selection of highly recommended courses and trainings geared towards handmadepreneurs.

We have an entire team of teachers who have succeeded in their businesses and want to see YOU succeed too. 

No lengthy, complicated processes. Just straight to the point and easy to understand formula and strategies.

Why did we create Cupcake Trainings?

To equip you with the knowledge you need to create, promote and profit from your own handmade business.

To teach you the skills to help you run a business and avoid making the most common business mistakes.

To provide you with quality trainings and courses that take away all the guesswork.

To help you achieve the results you want without overspending on outdated techniques. 

To put the spotlight on your prized creations so people can finally appreciate and buy them.

To guide you in the right direction so you can leave that job to focus on doing what you’re most passionate about. 

To hold your hand every step of the way so you can hit that 6-figure mark or even achieve that lifelong 7-figure goal. 

To share with you tested and proven shortcuts that have worked for us—handmade business owners just like you who used to think scaling up to six and seven figures were merely a pipe dream.



See for yourself on our social media or take the shortcut and look here:


How To Make $500 a Day With Email Marketing 2020

How To Make $250-$500 Every 24 Hours Making Money Online 2020 with Affiliate Marketing 2020.

#1 Way I Make Money Online: http://bit.ly/BizSystemSuccess

#1 Craigslist Course: http://bit.ly/CraigslistwithAlex

Text/Call/Email Me Today
EMAIL➜➜ Successfromhomewithalex1@gmail.com
Text/Call 908-758-4850


If you’re looking up the best Affiliate Marketing tutorial in 2020 then this channel will show you how to master Affiliate Marketing as a beginner so you can create a full time passive income from home.

In this video I wanted to share with you Training and Programs that I use to make money online 2020 using the power of Affiliate Marketing . I created my YouTube channel to help anyone follow proven make money online blueprint to help you make $250-$1,000 a Day online with Affiliate Marketing 2020.

Affiliate Marketing changed my life. It is my mission to help other people to make money online and stop living paycheck to paycheck. If you need any help with Affiliate Marketing or CPA Marketing then reach out to me below.

And lets help each other make money online 2020 with Affiliate Marketing 2020.



Watch This Video Next ➜➜ https://youtu.be/Kn34DDVPPfA

Watch This Video Next ➜➜ https://youtu.be/f0Z27jYNy4U

Watch This Video Next ➜➜ https://youtu.be/mnIJJcZmKTw


👋 About this channel : My name is Alex and I’m the creator of the freedom movement. I left my 40/hr a week Dishwasher job to create a massive movement of people becoming financially free. In the past year I’ve help 100’s of people make money online and enjoy more time and finical freedom. I teach how to make money online, I teach how to earn passive income, and live the best life you can, with the freedom to do the things you want to do always.


#affiliatemarketing2020 #makemoneyonline2020

Secret $500 PER DAY Email Marketing Strategy For Shopify Dropshipping

Comment one thing you learned about Email Marketing!
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BEGINNERS Go Here: http://bit.ly/beginnersgohere

In this video I share the Secret $500 PER DAY Email Marketing Strategy For Shopify Dropshipping. For more Shopify dropshipping content, be sure to subscribe to the channel. Thanks for watching this video: Secret $500 PER DAY Email Marketing Strategy For Shopify Dropshipping

Learn The High Income Facebook Ad Skills That We Take Advantage Of (+ a whole lot more): https://www.haydenbowles.com/ecom2

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*Disclaimer* I am not in any way a certified financial advisor, nor do I pretend to be one. Any information or advice I give you on any social media platform is simply my opinion based my own own experience and research. There is no guarantee on anything due to the fact that there are many variables that play a factor in your success. Do your own research, do the work and take everything as an opinion.