Growing up in the age of Instagram & social media – The rise of mental illness

I don’t want to bash out social media by any means by sharing these thoughts! I think there are so many amazing and positive things that have come from it and there are definitely healthy and unhealthy ways to use it. I for one use it a lottt. I wanted to share this to talk about some of my thoughts and opinions that I think the overwhelming obsession with Instagram/ social media and growing up in this environment has had on most young people. I have experienced it (I noticed the constant comparison and fitting this ‘instagram ideal’ was something that made recovering from anorexia and gaining weight that bit harder) and I certainly know lots of people who have said at some point scrolling down Instagram has made them feel – lets just say – not great. We need to remember to take everything with a grain of salt, not compare ourselves (remember every single person is so unique), speak to ourselves with love and use social media in a positive and healthy way!!!

With that said here’s my social media handle (lmao (but positivityyy!!!))
Instagram –
@Imogen.Russell and @wholefoodgram

Thank you for watching, I upload every Wednesday & Sunday, I hope to see you then!!! X

A little exert from a blog post I’m currently writing: “Social media is part of our life now. Living through a screen is now more ’normal’ than not. While there’s some amazing aspects to social media like sharing positive, inspiring stories & videos, educating, connecting and just enjoying seeing the world in this new way, there is also so much we have to change and work on. Of course everything has good and bad, that’s just life… Last year in my first year at uni, one of the subjects I studied explored sociology and psychology. Something that stood out to me was how common and widespread mental illnesses are. The WHO predicted that depression would be the second leading cause of disease burden by 2020 and is set to be the leading cause by 2030 over taking ischaemic heart disease. Mental disorders are currently ranked 3rd (2019) for burden of disease in Australia . Never before have we seen so many people experiencing mental illnesses and at the same time, never before has our society been the way it is. One of the biggest things that I think has effected our mental health is the platform for comparison via social media…”

Not sure if anyone has read all the way down here but you’re a legend if you have lol. Can someone let me know in the comments if they made it this far, I’m honestly never sure if people read descriptions boxes ahah


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Хамтран ажилласан XPEL Mongolia -д баярлалаа! Хамгаалалтын хальсаар машиныг 10жил хамгаална гэдэг мундаг технологи!

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Research Links Social Media Use To Mental Distress In Teens | Morning Joe | MSNBC

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