Non-Converting Spend: Misunderstanding or Mismanagement? [The PPC Den Podcast]

In this podcast, I take you inside a real Amazon PPC account where I track down every non-converting dollar, showing you how most of it isn’t truly wasted but rather the cost of exploration. I share my own experience of sifting through search term reports, finding those sneaky one-click wonders that add up fast but hold the key to your next big optimization. You’ll hear how I tackled $2,700 of non-converting spend, broke down the myths of “wasted” clicks, and turned it into actionable insights.

We’ll see you in The PPC Den!

🦡 Highlights
0:00 – Introduction
1:05 – What Defines Wasted Spend: Clicks with No Orders
2:10 – Steps to Download Sponsored Products, Brands, and Display Reports
4:01 – Weekly Analysis Timing
6:52 – Filtering Search Terms with Zero Sales
8:38 – Calculating Total Non-Converting Spend from Reports
12:28 – Common Misconceptions About Wasted Spend
12:54 – Practical Steps to Reduce Non-Converting Spend
14:51 – Using ACOS Power Ratio to Measure Efficiency
15:41 – Actionable Tips: Set Up Your Wasted Spend Tracker
15:55 – Homework: Track and Analyze Your Non-Converting Spend

🦡 Resources & Links

– What strategies can help minimize wasted spend in Amazon PPC?

– What Do I Do With Wasted Ad Spend?

– What’s the Best Way to Manage an Amazon Brand? Exploring Agency Strategies

– Amazon PPC Mastery on Vacation: Manage Like a CEO with Our Free Weekly Sheet

– How Can I Use Amazon’s New Dashboard To Boost My Amazon PPC Sales?

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Host and Executive Producer: Michael Erickson Facchin
Senior Producer: Nancy Lili Gonzalez
Podcast Coordinator & Graphic Designer: Sofiia Podash
Video and Audio Editor: Pedro Moreno

SEO Agency Philadelphia