A# Minor – Dazed & Tensed【Official Audio】

“How can I cast away the tension?”

♬ Available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1HDTKSmd4GkAwprToB16jX?si=ny9zDhz6ScSY5DHLygcpfA

Apple Music:

其他平台 (e.g. KKBOX, etc) 陸續上緊
BIG THANKS to NOVEL FRIDAY for making the artwork ❤

Lyrics by A# Minor
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minorwillnevermajor/

Mix & Mastered by Knightzavier
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/knightzavier/

*also BIG THANKS to txm for giving detailed advice for the mix 😉

Prod. by ovrthro

Customized arrangements, transitions by Knightzavier, A# Minor


宜家, 偏要,
佈置the vibes like Dazed & Tensed

右眼昏花 天花板冇野
陸續消散 中意扮冇野
宜家, 偏要,
佈置the vibes like Dazed & Tensed

Cloudy oh 정말 deNse
Where’s? No! Where’s my rance *_*
My states are Really a Hassle
That’s my fault 我遷移
Facts, default 被痴纏
乾到會霰親, 邊個會憐憫, 唸法唔Even, One of a Million

City is thrilling, hunting for healing, 一條友點夠抽!
再次被丟棄 失去了朝氣
Low-key, ride out~
佩戴著標記 消退了標記 有邊可以走?
經歷a bad day 我闖禍 乏味 又徬徨


Prob, prob, 收起左眼淚追避, 加添左掛慮拘忌
個個, 埋頭苦幹投機, 講真我只想休憩
冇grad trip 冇bad trip, Again what is friendship, too tensed to 伸展 你得悉I’m Flaccid I’m Frail
優柔寡斷Hunnit racks that you piled
Wreck in my bound
數緊 racks that I mound

we quite frozen btw, we ain’t close btw,
接受現實 I don’t play,
搵到你既蹤跡之後 can’t sway 強逼自己 一定Keep住鎮定
I’ll be with who, IMMA free good, bearing some fruits, taste, my heart is pure

[Chorus Modified]
右眼昏花 天花板冇野
陸續消散 中意扮冇野

宜家, 偏要,
佈置the vibes like Dazed & Tensed
宜家, 偏要,
佈置the vibes like Dazed & Tensed

A# Minor – 疤* (Mixed by Freezlhy)【Official Audio】


♬ Available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/5pLxtcCuoVIRkHDnxpn5ZI
Apple Music https://music.apple.com/hk/album/%E7%96%A4-single/1510919785?l=en
Tidal https://tidal.com/browse/track/138944997
其他平台 (e.g. KKBOX, etc.) 陸續上緊

Lyrics by A# Minor @P.P.C Records
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minorwillnevermajor/
►PPC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p.p.c_records/
►PPC Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/PPCRecordsHK/

Mix & Mastered by Freezlhy
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freezlhy/

Prod. by Gabriel D.

右手上既疤 應該永遠唔會化
右手上既scar 應該永遠唔會散
Dead roses in my eyes 閃爍亦永遠唔殘
虛弱軀體 亦跟隨呢束花腐爛

右手上既疤 應該永遠唔會化
右手上既scar 應該永遠唔會散
Black roses in my eyes 閃爍亦永遠唔殘
虛弱軀體 亦跟隨呢束花潰爛

粉刺on my face, okay
Crawling like a snake 決意走起來乏力
Too much trash in my bag 至今背負未能捨棄

稱起過往累積既債 可以走返出黎?心淡
無力扮貪婪 玩唔起又責怪規則太奸詐
困死於幾個框架, who beholding my arms
惦記以往那璀璨 的淚花

When I shift on my body 格硬郁
I put the cross on my heart 太多差錯
無止境無目的 咁樣耕作
不斷收緊 這勒束 去太遠 要減速

屈身捐過陜谷 唔識企點立足
無法收拾牌局 魄已死 仲扮郁
起跑開始失策 日色低垂爭扎
猶如天上既星霞 想消退曬牽掛


If I could make music all night & all day
Will it dissolve all of the chains, I’m afraid
Life still goes on, how long could I stay

躺開俾繁瑣思緒凌駕 經歷返克服唔到既瞬間
為何攞住同一堆評價 黎force一位藝術家
Rewrite my story
嗰種冷冰同否定 嗰種不被同情 死覺得自己太過既廢 太過既差

學識去遮掩 劃下既噩夢 淡化令全部唔再矚目
從小被教導 經歷告訴我 事實不被相信 好人冇好報

