General Exceptions or Defences PPC | Section 76-106 PPC | Chapter 4 PPC

In this video lecture we are gonna discuss General Exeptions or General Defences provided in Ch 4 of PPC from section 76 to 106 Pakistan Penal Code


1. #Bound_ by_law ( Sec. 76 and 79 )
2. #Judicial_Act ( Sec. 77 and 78 )
3. #Accident ( Sec. 80 )
4. #Necessity ( Sec. 81 )
5. #Infancy ( Sec. 82 and 83 )
6. #Insanity ( Sec 84 )
7. #Intoxication ( Sec 85 and 86)
8. #Consent ( Sec. 87 to 92 )
9. #Communication ( Sec. 93)
10. #Duress ( Sec. 94)
11. #Triffles ( Sec. 95)
12. #Private_Defences ( Sec 96 to 106)

We will discuss all the remaining general defences in the next video.

For any suggestions plz comment

For Consultation
Jam Atif Sattar Adv
Office : 3 Fane Road, Lahore

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