The Biggest Impact on SEO

Eric Schmidt the ex-CEO of Google once said, brands are the solution, they’re not the problem, right? It’s how you sort out the good companies from the cesspool. And I’m paraphrasing his quote, but you guys get the point. It’s pretty much saying brands are important and brands are a key factor in Google’s rankings.

How to Build a Global Brand (7 Shortcuts I’m Using to Build My Brand Internationally):

Growing Your Brand on Facebook:

How To Create A Compelling Brand:


So, I once, over time I noticed a trend, more and more people were typing in my domain name into Google. So my domain name is for one of my sites where people are typing in my name, Neil Patel SEO, Neil Patel tools, Neil Patel Ubersuggest, Neil Patel content marketing, et cetera variations of my name.

And what we found is if we didn’t build links or anything, well our brand spiked from PR or whatnot, and it spiked for a month or two, all of our ranking skyrocketed. And even when the PR went down and the brand queries went down, our rankings maintained or close to maintained to their peaks. So we found that Google loves brands.

Like, we’ve seen and tested sites in different regions globally. And even if you build links, you write the right content, you’re super thorough, we found that if you don’t have brand queries, you don’t rank as high. But if you have a ton of brand queries and you barely have links or anything like that, your ranking skyrockets.

There’s an algorithm change back in 2009, that was a big brand update, I believe. And since then, bigger brands have been getting a benefit. Now, “bigger brands”. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a bigger company, right?

You don’t have to be a Nike or Wikipedia. You just have to be a big brand for the keywords you’re trying to rank for. And you don’t have to be the biggest brand. You just have to be somewhat of a brand. Like, my brand queries suck compared to Nike I get roughly a hundred thousand visitors a month from people googling Neil Patel even though my domain name’s But yeah, I still rank well, and so does Nike but Nike probably gets a hundred thousand queries every single minute.

You do YouTube, you’re on social media, you blog, you speak at conferences, you build a brand. And you do that whether it’s personal or whether it’s corporate. and just look at how much business you got because of brand, not a lead, you have rankings and get traffic to your site, but it also helps generate business as well. And you can do that for a corporate brand, and again a personal brand, but very few people spend time and energy into it.

So I stick with the rule of seven. When someone sees your brand or hears about it seven times and interacts with it seven times they’re much more likely to become a loyal follower. Again, whether it’s personal or corporate.

So, simple things that you can do is, one, collect emails. If you collect emails, anytime you update your content, or have something new, like a YouTube video you can always blast it out. Two, you can do push notifications. So, anytime someone comes to your site, have them subscribe. Anytime you have new content or want to push out a message, let them know. Three, leverage social media all of the channels out there, because they believe that you’re not going to find someone on one channel or another, but you know, if you leverage all of them you’ll get something. It’s better than nothing. Four, engage with people.

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Is SEO Really Working For You?

You spent all this time doing SEO, but how do you know if it’s really working out? Today I’m going to break down if SEO is working for you.


Now, it’s obvious you’re already starting to rank high on page one, you’re getting more traffic and you’re getting more sales, but there’s this weird honeymoon period when you’re doing SEO, the first two, three months, sometimes even six months, you’re not getting the results you want, and you’re putting all this time, effort and money into SEO, and the question is, “Should you continually be spending that money? Is it really worth it?” And there’s a specific way you can see if SEO is working for you.

So first off, I want you to head to Ubersuggest, you can type in your domain name, like I’m typing in neilpatel here, and you’ll see Ubersuggest load.

Now, if you have a brand new site, you may not see a graph like this. If you do see a graph, your ideal goal is for it to be going up and to the right. That’s the first leading indicator that SEO is working for you. If it’s flat, doesn’t mean all hope is lost. If it’s going down, again doesn’t mean all hope is lost. There’s ways to reverse that, but more so you want to figure out if SEO is working for you and the he easiest way is to first see if the graph is going up and to the right.

The second thing that you can end up doing to see if SEO is working for you is I want you to click on the dashboard link on the left side of Ubersuggest. If it requests you to log in, make sure you go and log in, and I want you to click on new project or create a project. You put it in a URL. So I’m going to end up putting in one of my company websites, Np Digital, and then click next, type in the cities that you’re going after. For me, I’m going after United States, and click next.

The next thing you’re going to want to do is put in your keywords. So, as you can see here, it’ll give you a list of recommended keywords. If you’re a brand new website, you may not have that. So, I’m going to type in keywords like SEO, that I may be targeting. I’m going to type in keywords like marketing, SEO company, and then the next thing I’m going to do on the next page is going to say track my competitors. Some of these may be your competitors, some of them may not. It’s pulling based on common keywords.

Now this project is brand new, so let me go over to the Neil Patel project. All you have to do is on your dashboard, click see more, under tracked keywords, and you can see your rankings over time. You may see a gray box like this, if you’re doing just, if you just started, because you won’t have too many results when it comes to rank tracking.

If you have been doing it for awhile you can change your date range, like I do last month, and you can see Marketplace Facebook, and the keyword I may be tracking is LinkedIn, and you can see if it’s going up or down over time. That’ll give you a good idea if SEO is working for you. And you can continually add keywords, like I can add the keyword, SEO company.

I can add another keyword like SEO, and then I just click start tracking my rankings, and it’ll take a bit, because Ubersuggest says has to crawl, but as Ubersuggest crawls, you’ll end up being able to quickly see, all right, what am I rankings? And as you can see is pretty quickly here, right? SEO, that’s my rankings for it. SEO company.

Even though your traffic’s not going up, if your rankings are going up, that’s a good leading indicator that SEO is working for you. So that’s how I judge if SEO is working. Once you’re getting the traffic, then I look at conversion rates, but for now I recommend creating a project in Ubersuggest, tracking the main keywords that you’re going after, so that way you can see leading indicators of SEO is working for you.

Keep in mind, if you’re not raking in the top hundred, you’ll just see a little dash, a little line like that.

If you’re ranking in the top hundred, you’ll see a number, and the more greens you see over time, the better off, and I recommend you daily rank tracking because, as I mentioned, Google does on average over eight algorithm changes per day, even though most of them are small. It’ll give you a better understanding of what is happening.

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