Czym jest SEO i JAK je robić dobrze? | Cz. 1 | Bartosz Góralewicz | Onely

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Część pierwsza specjalistycznej serii poświęconej SEO!

Bohaterem serii zgłębiającej tajniki SEO jest Bartosz Góralewicz z firmy Onely.

✅ SKORZYSTAJ Z DARMOWEJ KONSULTACJI, którą Onely oferuje dla widzów i słuchaczy Przygód Przedsiębiorców:

Czym jest SEO?
Jak bardzo jest nam ono potrzebne w tworzeniu własnej marki?
Jak Onely zmieniło bieg wyszukiwarek?
Na te i inne pytanie znajdziecie odpowiedź w pierwszej części bonusowej serii całkowicie skupiającej się na SEO. Bartek przybliży początki działalności swojej firmy oraz opowie o tym jak to jest być prelegentem na międzynarodowych konferencjach. Dodatkowo zostaną rozwiane mity i legendy, które krążą wokół branży SEO. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z materiałem i do dyskusji w komentarzach 🙂

🔊 PS.
Przypominamy o tym, że nasze materiały są już dostępne w postaci podcastu 🙂
✅ iOS: Przygody Przedsiębiorców w aplikacji Podcasty
✅ Android: Przygody Przedsiębiorców w aplikacji Google Podcasts
✅ Spotify oraz SoundCloud

✅Strona Onely:

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✅ Instagram PP:

✅ Miejsce nagrań: Bydgoskie Centrum Finansowe –

✅ Wyposażenie meblowe studia:

✅ Scenografia i wsparcie techniczne:

✅ Prowadzącego ubrała firma DerreD – Męskie szycie na miarę –

#SEO #międzynarodowybrand #Onely

Forrest Gump Teaches Email Marketing (Spoof!)

Check out my FREE 4-part email training, where I share the proven strategies I used to grow my ecom business to $25M in yearly revenue:
Whether you run a Shopify business, an Amazon business or a shrimpin’ boat business…

📨 Email is still the #1 channel for increasing profit on your ecommerce store.

And you don’t have to be the world’s smartest marketer to see big results.

👉 You can copy some of my best email strategies for free right now in this new 4-part training:


In this free 4-part training, I share the proven strategies I used to grow my ecommerce business to $25 million in yearly revenue, including:

✔️ Why email is the secret to a bigger payday
✔️ The most effective tactics for generating leads
✔️ How to communicate with your subscribers based on their behavior
✔️ How to run a big “sale event,” including ads and landing pages

“The Secret Power of Email (and How it Boosts Your Brand’s Valuation)”

👉 Click here to get started:

The Complete Guide to SEO in 2020 (Full webinar)

If you want to start a website or blog and get traffic from SEO, watch this video to learn the fundamentals and some really unique strategies that you need to know to get results. We have built multiple sites to millions of pageviews (and dollars) from organic search traffic and here we share our strategy for how we did it. When you’re ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here:

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.

Resources from this video
Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines:
Income School’s Full E-A-T Webinar:

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.

Learn SEO! Free SEO Training Course Created In December And Updated For 2019!

Learn SEO with this free SEO training course recorded live! Avoid wasting money on an overpriced SEO course and study this free search engine optimization class, today!

This is going to be a beginner to intermediate SEO training to help make sure you are implementing the SEO best practices in your content marketing campaigns.

The pre-requisite for this SEO class is to watch the Keyword Research video here:

The above video shows my favorite keyword research tool I use every day… But it is a paid tool, so there is a monthly fee, which won’t work for everyone.

If you are looking for a how-to video that teaches you the best free keyword research tool, watch this video:

Either way, you need to get proficient at keyword research and you need to learn a kw research tool in order to properly execute SEO campaigns.

If you want a fast and furious braindump of all ideas SEO, watch this video:

This will get you caught up on the basics and I will cover some of these same SEO lessons, but in a different manner that will focus on ‘how’ to do what I explain in that above SEO video.

This class is going to show you the tried and true SEO methods I’ve used to generate tens of millions of visits to my websites.

Now, if you want to learn how to physically create the content as a content marketer that you can use in this kind of a SEO campaign, watch this video:

5 PPC Trends to Get Ready for in 2020

Predicting the future is never easy – particularly in the world of PPC. Even with all the campaign data in the world, you don’t know the latest trends until they hit.

It’s a tough task staying on top of all the updates released by the likes of Google, Bing, and YouTube. It can be even harder to learn new things and quickly adapt to the changes.

How are you supposed to future-proof your campaigns when you don’t know what the PPC landscape will look like?

This webinar is about discovering the five biggest PPC trends coming up in 2020 and how to strategically plan your campaigns around these latest trends.

In this presentation, we will:

– Give you a headstart on how to tackle new PPC trends and embrace them.
– Introduce new channels and tools that you may not have used before.
– Demonstrate how to increase your performance while staying on top of the latest industry changes.

Copywriting & Email Marketing Trends 2020

COPYWRITING & EMAIL MARKETING TRENDS IN 2020: What the latest social media and digital marketing trends mean for all you copywriters out there and what you must do to make sure your marketing messages continue to make an impact.

Check back every Wednesday for weekly copywriting & marketing wisdom on growing your bizdom. My motto: the right phrase pays! Subscribe here:

But first things first, if you have not yet watched my last video outlining the 4 major trends taking over the internet this year, be sure to do that first, before you watch this video here:

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