What email marketing service should I use?

What email marketing service should I use?

In this Designing the Row tutorial, Katherine Forbes goes over Squarespace Campaigns, MailChimp, and ConvertKit. If you’re looking for the best email marketing service in 2021, you’ll get Katherine’s pros and cons of each platform based on her experience using all three.

There are a lot of email marketing tools out there though, so if you have any other email marketing platforms to add to this list, feel free to share about those in the comments! It would be great to make this page a resource of information about email marketing beyond just what’s included in the video! So, give us your honest opinion on Squarespace Campaigns, Mailchimp, and/or ConvertKit below… and if you have questions beyond what’s in this tutorial, feel free to ask those in the comments as well.

This video is not sponsored by any of these email services, but Katherine (founder of Designing the Row) uses and is an affiliate for ConvertKit*, which is mentioned in the video. https://app.convertkit.com/referrals/l/46cc0e08-e335-43cf-b1b3-9834d6ab9723

0:34 Squarespace Campaigns pros & cons
6:09 Mailchimp pros & cons
9:44 ConvertKit* pros & cons (here’s the link to get 1,000 free subscribers: https://app.convertkit.com/referrals/l/46cc0e08-e335-43cf-b1b3-9834d6ab9723)
13:24 Pros of all 3 email marketing services

If you’d like the full breakdown of this video in list format, you can find that over on my blog:

• Squarespace + Printful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2oa1o3M5rI&t=202s
• Item Specific Shipping (Squarespace workaround): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESLczObJkDs
• Small Business Website Design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEFhRwCepJo

Website & Blog: https://www.designingtherow.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/designingtherow
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/designingtherow

I hope this was helpful! If so, make sure to like this video and subscribe to my channel for more online marketing videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPwbMq_ucSlgOf9eTMaX85g?sub_confirmation=1

Designing the Row designs Squarespace websites with a signature clean and simple look and works primarily with musicians and industry businesses. Nashville based founder, Katherine Forbes, is a Squarespace Expert, Squarespace Authorized Trainer, and Squarespace Circle Member.

View our Squarespace website design service options on our website here: https://www.designingtherow.com/services

We’ve got you covered! https://designingtherow.thinkific.com

If you purchase anything through these affiliate links, it comes at no extra cost to you though Designing the Row may earn minimal sums when if/when you use these links. However, you are in no way obligated to use these affiliate links. Thanks for your support!

#emailmarketing #designingtherow

The benefits of email marketing

When a subscriber opens an email in their inbox, it leads to more sales than any other marketing tactic.

Social media, SEO, and paid marketing can’t beat the proven benefits of email marketing.

Email marketing is the best way for creators to build relationships with their audience. It’s a direct line of contact between a creator (you) and an email subscriber (your audience). Nothing stands between the two of you, making it a very effective way to build your business and increase your conversions.

Watch this video to find out how you can start using email marketing to connecting with your followers and start growing your business.

To read more about how to use email marketing, check out our email marketing guide at http://convertk.it/benefits-of-email-marketing-yt.

Musicbed SyncID: MB016U20MGDGUOH

ConvertKit’s mission is to help creators earn a living online through our free audience building and email marketing software. Get the inspiration you need to dream big, create more, and build your business right here.
► Sign up for an account! https://convertkit.com/

► ConvertKit YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7uOQK6nAYXbrB2pDeirBFA

► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/convertkit/
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/convertkit
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConvertKit/

ConvertKit Tutorial 2022 | Best Email Marketing Software

Learn how to build and grow your email list with ConvertKit. In my opinion the best email marketing tool out there. In this Convertkit tutorial, I show you from start to finish how to work with ConvertKit. I will teach you how to create different kinds of sign-up forms from within ConvertKit but also through third-party tools like Elementor Pro and WooCommerce.

Get ConvertKit For Free: https://ferdykorp.com/convertkit
Example website: https://ferdykorpershoek.com and https://passiveincomewithferdy.com

When people enter our email list we can send them broadcast emails. An email send to your complete list or to a specific group of people within your list. You can personalize the broadcast emails so it looks like you send a personal email to someone, but then to your complete list! This is all done in the free version of ConvertKit.

After we upgrade for at least $9 per month, I show you how to create an email sequence. A sequence is a collection of emails send over a specific time span, and that starts when people become a subscriber. So after people sign up, they get the first email at once. The second email two days later. The third email the next Monday. You can set it up once, and it will run on autopilot.

What I love most about ConvertKit is the ability to automate everything. To give you an example. Everybody that signs up through one of your forms can get a specific tag that you create. For instance the tag ‘Newsletter’ or ‘Free Template’. That can help you to send a broadcast email to a specific group of people.

It will also help you to automatically put everyone with a certain tag to a specific email sequence. So people that sign up for the newsletter can be put on the newsletter email sequence and people that signed up for the new template can be put on the ‘New Template’ sequence where you can tell those subscribers after a few automated personalized emails that you offer them a premium template.

And that product can be created in ConvertKit! With Convertkit you can create different kinds of products and ways to let subscribers pay. You can create:
A digital product
A service product
A subscription

So you can sell a video, eBook, VIP Newsletter, Skype session or something else. You don’t even need a website for that because ConvertKit takes care of the landing pages. You can setup a payment provider so the money that people pay goes automatically to your bank account.

I will cover even more! If you want to see what I cover you can take a look at the timestamps below:

00:00 Introduction
04:47 Get ConvertKit For Free
06:49 Add Subscribers Manually
07:45 Configure The ConvertKit Settings

Get Subscribers
10:48 Create Popup Form In ConvertKit
25:12 Trigger Your Popup Form With A Button
28:03 Test Your Form
33:26 Create An Inline Form
35:09 Create A Slide In Form
36:39 Create A Sticky Bar Form
38:47 Create A Landing Page In ConvertKit
42:10 Create A Form With Elementor Pro
47:55 Integrate ConvertKit With WooCommerce

Send Emails
52:24 Send Your First Broadcast Email In ConvertKit

ConvertKit Pro
01:00:28 Get The Pro Version Of ConvertKit

Create A Sequence
01:02:43 Create Your First Sequence

ConvertKit Email Templates & Snippets
01:20:16 Create Email Templates
01:23:19 Create ConvertKit Snippets

ConvertKit Automations
01:27:37 ConvertKit Tags And Segments
01:34:44 Create Your First Automation
01:47:40 Add Subscribers To New Sequences Based On Their Actions

02:00:24 ConvertKit Integrations
02:00:57 ConvertKit RSS Feeds. Send Automatic Emails With New Blogposts
02:05:06 Create An Automated Email Digest

Earn Money Using ConvertKit
02:08:08 Setup Your Payment Provider
02:11:03 Create A Digital Product In ConvertKit
02:19:09 Sell Your Product Through A Broadcast
02:22:21 Create A Subscription-Based Product Or Service
02:22:53 Create A Pay What You Want Product In ConvertKit

Case Studies
02:23:57 $6,500 In One Day
02:25:25 $3,500 In 3 Days
02:26:35 Earning Back My Vacation While Being On Vacation

02:28:22 Thank You

Convertkit Tutorial for Beginners: How to Automate Your Email Marketing

I want to help you build your e-mail list to grow your customer base and convert them into paying customers in the long run so I made this Convertkit tutorial for beginners to help you out.

There are so many tips and tutorials out there that promise they will help you and your business, but I think this is what you need to know about first: ConvertKit.

So what is ConvertKit? It is an e-mail marketing platform and it is very user-friendly, so even if you are new in the e-mail marketing world, you will get the hang of it easily!

If you want to see how to use ConvertKit to your advantage and without paying for anything, watch this episode!

Get an extended 30-day free Convertkit trial by clicking this link: https://convertkit.com/partner/wes-mcdowell

Here’s one of my lead magnet videos: https://youtu.be/1RGMHttqQN4

🎬 Register for the FREE On-demand video masterclass training, “The Automated Clients-on-Demand Website Blueprint for Service Businesses” Just go to: https://wesmcdowell.com/training

🤑 Need website hosting? Grab my exclusive affiliate discount and save 65% off normal hosting price: https://wesmcdowell.com/hosting

0:00 Introduction
1:46 Converkit Sign Up and Plans
6:06 Email Branding
7:56 Adding/Importing Subscribers
8:47 Opt-in Forms Creation and Configuration
18:43 One-off Emails
21:29 Email Auto-Sequences

23 best Email marketing software platforms in 2022

The video is about 23 best Email marketing software platforms in 2022 step by step so if you are interested in email marketing so this video is for you watch till the end don,t skip it and make sure to thumbs up and subscribe my channel for many more about email marketing and everything’s


How to Start an Email Marketing

Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It involves using email to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations. Email marketing strategies commonly seek to achieve one or more of three primary objectives, to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. The term usually refers to sending email messages with the purpose of enhancing a merchant’s relationship with current or previous customers, encouraging customer loyalty and repeat business, acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to purchase something immediately, and sharing third-party ads.

Email marketing has evolved rapidly alongside the technological growth of the 21st century. Prior to this growth, when emails were novelties to the majority of customers, email marketing was not as effective. In 1978, Gary Thuerk of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) sent out the first mass email to approximately 400 potential clients via the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). He claims that this resulted in $13 million worth of sales in DEC products, and highlighted the potential of marketing through mass emails.

However, as email marketing developed as an effective means of direct communication, in the 1990s, users increasingly began referring to it as “spam”, and began blocking out content from emails with filters and blocking programs. In order to effectively communicate a message through email, marketers had to develop a way of pushing content through to the end user, without being cut out by automatic filters and spam removing software.

Historically, it has been difficult to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns because target markets cannot be adequately defined. Email marketing carries the benefit of allowing marketers to identify returns on investment and measure and improve efficiency.[citation needed] Email marketing allows marketers to see feedback from users in real time, and to monitor how effective their campaign is in achieving market penetration, revealing a communication channel’s scope. At the same time, however, it also means that the more personal nature of certain advertising methods, such as television advertisements, cannot be captured.

#emailmarketing #emaildigitalmarketing

Best Email Marketing Software for Affiliate Marketing [and which to avoid]

In this video, you’ll find out what the best email marketing software for affiliate marketing is and with which ones you’d risk getting your account banned and even lose your list just for doing affiliate marketing…

Turn Your New Subscribers into Paying Fans with these [Copy-Paste Welcome Email Templates] – https://createandearn.com/engagingemails [Click to Download for Free]

We’re looking over the reasons some email marketing platforms don’t accept affiliate marketing and how to overcome that obstacle in most cases.

And finally, you’ll find out the only 2 platforms that don’t prohibit affiliate marketing and the only free option to start with:

Get a Free 30-day Trial of GetResponse here 👉 https://createandearn.com/getresponse


You can create a Free Aweber account here 👉 https://createandearn.com/aweber

[These are affiliate links, from which I might receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. This helps support this channel.]

Feel free to leave a comment if you’d like to see any specific videos!

IS EMAIL DEAD in 2021? 😬 Why Email Marketing is Important!

If you’re looking for a solid email solution I HIGHLY recommend checking out ConvertKit.
✅ Try ConvertKit for FREE: https://convertkit.com?lmref=QS6t4A

In this episode we go over why email marketing is important and why you should do email marketing for your brand! Email has been amazing for my brand – for building a deeper connection with my audience and for growing my business.

🎉My Goodies!

– Get my FREE Guide on 21 Ways to Make Extra Money :

21 Ways to Make Extra Money Online

– Join The ETSY ENTREPRENEUR Course for an Extra $1,000/month in Passive Income: https://courses.digitalnomadquest.com/p/the-etsy-entrepreneur
– Join The BLOG LAUNCH PROFIT Course for an Extra $1,000/month blogging: https://courses.digitalnomadquest.com/p/blog-launch-profit

💻 Find me at @SharonTseung on Instagram/Twitter:
– Website: https://digitalnomadquest.com
– Instagram: https://instagram.com/sharontseung
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/digitalnomadquest/
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/sharontseung
– Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-digital-nomad-quest-podcast-with-sharon-tseung/id1465744099?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
– Join the Passive Income Entrepreneurs Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/digitalnomadquest/ – Network, collaborate, and talk shop. Surround yourself with like-minded people to get the support you need, and receive helpful tips from me!


My ENTIRE List of Camera and Recording Equipment: https://www.amazon.com/shop/sharonestee?listId=3JQZS0J36ZCFI

For Building Your Business:
– Hostgator for your blog (code DNQ60 for 60% off)- https://partners.hostgator.com/aDZRb
– Teachable for your courses – http://sendmeto.teachable.com/nbMR3
– ConvertKit for email marketing – https://mbsy.co/convertkit/39100219

For Investing:
– Webull – Get 2 free stocks by signing up and putting in $100 – https://act.webull.com/kol-us/share.html?hl=en&inviteCode=gc6fIYsFCej2
– Fundrise – Invest in Real Estate with just $500 – http://m1finance.8bxp97.net/c/317655/696710/10646
– M1 Finance http://m1finance.8bxp97.net/c/317655/696710/10646

Disclaimer: Some of these links above are affiliate links which means I may make a commission if you use the links at no extra cost to you. This will help support my channel! Sharon is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to www.amazon.com.

ConvertKit Email Marketing Tutorial for Beginners 2021

In this ConvertKit tutorial for beginners video, I’ll walk you through step by step how to get started with email marketing in 2021 for free using ConvertKit. This email marketing tutorial will help you start to grow your email list through landing pages and forms as well as send your first emails to your subscribers.

Create your free ConvertKit account (affiliate link)

Connect your domain to a ConvertKit landing page

How to Create a Landing Page for Free with ConvertKit

Email Marketing for Beginners (Get Started in 7 Steps)

Squarespace Tutorial for Beginners 2020

This email marketing tutorial for beginners will help you get started with email marketing for free. I’ll walk you through step by step how to use ConvertKit: how to set up your ConvertKit account, how to create a landing page, how to create a form for your website to collect emails, how to embed a form on your website, how to send a marketing email from ConvertKit, how go create a sequence of emails, how to create an automated email.

Camera and gear used to record this video

Disclaimer: Some of the links in the descriptions are affiliate links. If you click on the link and make a purchase, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.

Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners! List building, Email Automation, ConvertKit, & Copywriting

Need an Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners? Today I’m sharing how to list build, how to set up your email automation, how to use ConvertKit (tutorial style), and I’m sharing my email copywriting skills to write your welcome series emails! I hope this video helps you get started with email marketing this year!

Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners! List building, Email Automation, ConvertKit, & Copywriting

🎉 FREE ETSY SUCCESS TRAINING 👉 https://www.alissarose.co/mmafreetraining
▷ CONVERTKIT [FREE TRIAL]: https://app.convertkit.com/users/signup?plan=free-limited&lmref=mjG9Lg
▷VIDEO ABOUT FREEBIES: https://youtu.be/TGYoiGT7xGs​

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▷ ETSY SUCCESS ROADMAP: https://www.lovelissy.com/roadmap​
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▷ ETSY 40 FREE LISTINGS: https://etsy.me/32toTIU

👉 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/heyalissarose
👉 FREE FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2393261017599485
👉 ETSY SHOP: https://www.etsy.com/shop/lovelissy

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Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz0zmCdd7PY

*Disclaimer* Alissa is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to www.amazon.com.

Thanks for watching!