Email Campaigns 101

Our Advanced Masterclasses, “The Cash Conveyor Belt,” is all about automated email sequences, welcome series, and behavioral marketing strategies. It’s available on Patreon here ➡️

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Have you ever wondered how to write an email campaign?

Even if you have a good grasp on writing email copy, planning (and executing) an entire email sequence can be a daunting task, so we wanted to lay out exactly what new copywriters should know about writing an email sequence.

The short version is this: Just like all copywriting, a good email sequence takes into account both what messages the audience has already seen and their awareness of the product to drive them towards desired actions.

We also get into some more advanced tactics (like behavioral marketing) that you should be aware of if you want to set yourself apart from other beginner copywriters.


Copy That! is hosted by Alex Myatt, Rod SatterwhiteLindsey Hough, and Sean MacIntyre.

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Want to score clients and close more gigs? Watch our DEFINITIVE Guide to Selling Your Services As a Copywriter:

FREE Email Copywriting Course For Beginners | Make Your First $5k

Free Copywriting Course For Beginners. Course On How To Make Your First $5k With Email Copywriting.

Make your first $5k copywriting:

This video is a full free course on copywriting that will provide new copywriters with all the resources they need to get started today. This course covers everything from understanding what email copywriting is, how to write compelling copy, a live walkthrough of me doing email copywriting, and how to get copywriting clients with no experience. This guide is truly the ultimate resource to learn copywriting as a beginner without having to spend money. I’m confident that anyone who watches this video will be more than capable of landing their first copywriting gig.

This is the video I wish I had when I first started copywriting a few years ago. I could have charged money for this information, but instead I decided to turn it into a free resource on YouTube for you guys to learn from. After watching this video, you won’t need to watch a single other video about copywriting on YouTube because you’ll have all the information you need to succeed already.

Email copywriting can be a challenge, particularly when it comes to writing effective sales emails for clients. This video is packed with actionable advice on how to actually write copy for clients even if you’re starting from scratch.

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DEBUNKED: Email Marketing Myths & Misconceptions

How To Master Email Marketing & Write Emails That SELL
Download my FREE Ultimate Email Marketing Cheatsheet ►►

Have you ever heard one of the following statements?

📣 Email marketing is DEAD.
📣 AI is taking over the inbox.
📣 Why hire a copywriter when I can just use email templates?
📣 Who needs an email list when I have a large social media following?

Pretty sure we’ve all heard misconceptions like those a time or two…

Whether it was from an “industry expert,” a social media “influencer,” or your great-aunt Marcia at the latest family barbecue.

“Why are you writing emails, dear? I heard that’s a dead-in-the-water career.” 👵🏻

🙄 Okay, Marcia. Let me just stop you right there…

Because I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Three little secrets, to be exact.

In this tutorial, I’m busting down three of the biggest myths and misconceptions that are floating around cyberspace when it comes to the “outlook” of email marketing.

And I’m also going to fill you in on a secret weapon that’ll give you a massive advantage and leg-up over any competition (yeah — robot competition included) 🤖

Now let’s bust some myths.

P.S. Watch until the end to get a super rad gift 😉


Every single week I provide tips and resources from my copywriting vault, so go ahead and browse the tutorials and guides I already have up and, after you subscribe, hit that little bell icon so you don’t miss any future videos from me.


Read this instead:

#EmailMarketing #Copywriting #EmailMarketingForBeginners


📌En este vídeo te enseño cómo escribir ASUNTOS de email marketing llamativos para tu negocio o producto.
¿No quieres perderte ninguna novedad? Te puedes suscribir aquí:

⚠Atención: esta información para la elaboración de asuntos de correo electrónico está destinada a responsables comerciales, expertos en marketing digital y emprendedores que desean multiplicar la eficiencia de sus campañas de email marketing, email nurturing y prospección comercial.


[Copywriting en español]

Canal Ivo Fiz TV Copywriting. Influencia. Persuasión

9 Shocking Facts About Email Marketing

Is Email Marketing Here to Stay?
►► Want To Get Paid To Write? Join my Copy Posse VIP List:

Amidst all the talk about the new and exciting ways to reach and influence customers, please excuse me while I focus on the OG of our generation. This week, I’m sharing 9 shocking facts about email marketing that all digital marketers and copywriters should absolutely be paying attention to right now.

Every single week I share proven lessons and ideas on how to write sales copy that connects and converts. Subscribe here:

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The Ultimate List of Email SPAM Trigger Words:

Send Check It Tool:


Email Subject Lines – Statistics and Trends

#copywriting #emailmarketing #emailmarketingtips

Modelo de Copy para Email Marketing: O passo a passo de como escrever emails Lucrativos

Se você quer ter acesso ao treinamento completo:

TOP 4 Perguntas: “Os 4 Pilares Para Aumentar as Suas Vendas e Lucro em 2019: Natanael Oliveira ”


4 Proven Email Marketing Templates

4 PROVEN EMAIL MARKETING TEMPLATES | Email marketing is NOT dead. Here are four of the most profitable email marketing templates you should be using as a copywriter.

While other marketing channels are indeed on the rise, email is still one of the most effective and personalized ways for businesses to communicate with their audience. It helps them improve their reach and visibility, and convert more leads on a consistent basis.

As a copywriter, your job is to write email messages that matter to your subscriber, and ultimately compel them to take action. So, be sure to hit the subscribe button for more copywriting tutorials and tips coming your way every single week.

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Looking to start your freelance copywriting business? Join my Copy Posse Coaching Program Early Notification List here:

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Article by Dean Jackson on the 9 Word Email:
Podcast with Dean Jackson on his 9 Word Email:
Matt Furey’s Website:
Matt’s Blog:
Frank Kern’s Website:
Review of the 4 Day Cash Machine campaign:
Andrea Chaperon’s Auto Responder Madness Course:

Copywriting & Email Marketing Trends 2020

COPYWRITING & EMAIL MARKETING TRENDS IN 2020: What the latest social media and digital marketing trends mean for all you copywriters out there and what you must do to make sure your marketing messages continue to make an impact.

Check back every Wednesday for weekly copywriting & marketing wisdom on growing your bizdom. My motto: the right phrase pays! Subscribe here:

But first things first, if you have not yet watched my last video outlining the 4 major trends taking over the internet this year, be sure to do that first, before you watch this video here:

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Why UGC Is The Key To Authenticity & Consumer Influence

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