SEO For Beginners: How to Get More Organic Traffic in 2020

This video is the ultimate SEO tutorial for beginners. Today you’ll get full access to our complete SEO checklist for 2020.

If you’re new to search engine optimization, and want to learn how to rank #1 on Google, this SEO tutorial is for you. I’m going to explain the basics of SEO in a way that makes it simple and above all actionable.

First, I’ll explain the SEO basics, so you know what SERP means and the three basic categories of search terms.

Then, I’ll walk you through keyword research. This is where you’ll learn how to find keywords that potential customers interested in your products are searching for every day. I’ll even show you some of the best SEO tools to streamline the process.

Thirdly, I’ll show you how to optimize your e-commerce site using on-page SEO strategies. This is where we’ll get into basic technical SEO, so you can optimize your Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, URL’s, and Images. This will allow you to create content on your Shopify store that is primed to rank on the first page of Google.

If you watch this SEO beginner’s guide and begin to action these steps you’ll be on your way to increasing organic traffic to your Shopify store fast!

00:00 SEO For Beginners: How to Get More Organic Traffic
01:07 SEO Basics
03:11 Keyword Research
04:06 SEO Tools
07:24 Site Structure
08:52 Common Mistakes SEO Beginners Make
10:15 On-Page SEO
16:31 Back-Links

Want to learn even more? In this Marketing 101 webinar you’ll learn what big ecommerce brands do to drive sales and grow their businesses all through simple and actionable strategies you can implement today into your business.
► Sign up for free here:

This course is designed for ecommerce entrepreneurs who want to learn the fundamentals fast. Gain a thorough understanding of SEO concepts, and learn the repeatable 3-step framework that you can use to grow your business with SEO.
► SEO Training for Beginners:

► The Beginner’s Guide to Ecommerce SEO:
► What Is SEO Marketing?
► Keyword Research Essentials: How to Find the Search Terms Your Customers Use:

Build your home based business using a 14 day FREE trial of Shopify , one platform with all the ecommerce features you need to start, run, and grow your business.

Email Marketing Launch: 4-Step Email Sequence For Your Ecommerce Business

Are your current email marketing campaigns not converting? Grab Joshua Chin’s 4-Step Email Launch Sequence, plus a bonus tip that could get you out of the promotions tab and into the primary tab! 📩

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are some of ecommerce’s biggest days of the year. Prepping for these two days can take months of planning and priming to really nail down your strategy. With BFCM behind us, we’re shifting focus towards the holidays as well as all major sales events to come.

Joshua Chin has created a 6-step sales sequence breaking down ecommerce email campaigns to help you really focus in on your customers. Get ready to learn how he implements his campaigns through priming his audience for these major sales events. He’ll share his highest-converting holiday email marketing tactics to set you up for success. From planning to priming, take a seat and learn Joshua’s full breakdown on his 6-figure BFCM ecommerce email campaign.

Josh is the founder of Chronos Agency, a leading ecommerce marketing agency comprised of a team of 50. They are responsible for generating multiple 8-figures in trackable ecommerce revenue for clients. The agency specialises in scaling with high-growth ecommerce brands utilising email, SMS, and conversational marketing.

Affiliate World is a bi-annual affiliate marketing conference held in Europe and in Asia. We organise world-class gatherings that focus on affiliate and ecommerce marketing.

Since 2015, our conferences have grown exponentially and have become globally recognised in the industry.

For more information, check out our website and social media channels below.
WeChat ID: awconference


SEO Agency Philadelphia