Posiciona tu Tienda Shopify en Google con SEO 🚀 Paso a Paso (Parte 1)

►Configura el SEO de tu tienda con este Tutorial para Principiantes, en el que aprenderás a:

4:02 Modificar el META Title de tu Página de Inicio.
5:24 Modificar la META Descriptión de tu Homepage.
7:48 Instalar el OG de Facebook.
9:34 Conectar el Google Analytics.
14:05 Conectar el Search Console.

En en siguiente vídeo utilizaremos estas herramientas para POSICIONAR en Google dos artículos, de esta forma podrás aplicarlo a tu tienda.

Por cierto, ¡Suscríbete y dale LIKE y a la Campanita! que voy a regalar esta tienda al final del Curso SEO de Shopify.

►Vídeo de los Ingresos 💲 de Barbacoas.online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62Ui7A27VNw
►Curso de SEO: https://bit.ly/2WRYhkJ


►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/romualdfons/
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/romualdfons
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RomualdFons

#seoparashopify #posicionarshopify #shopify


Participe da Semana do Ecommerce: https://clkdmg.site/lead/8d66fc98-caf0-46eb-91e4-aa3641b49dfa


No vídeo de hoje, Lucas Lombardi, Gestor da Equipe de Produção de Conteúdo do Ecommerce na Prática, te dá 5 dicas para um email marketing imbatível.

Em praticamente todos os tipos de negócio dos dias de hoje, o email marketing é uma peça fundamental. Por isso, para se comunicar com o seu público-alvo, é preciso saber como fazer um bom email marketing. Com essas 5 dicas, você vai ficar craque no assunto.

1 – Segmentação

É talvez o aspecto mais importante de todo email marketing. É definir para quem serão enviados os e-mails.

Não faz sentido mandar todos os e-mails do seu negócio para todas as pessoas, né? Cada pessoa tende a se interessar por um produto ou outro que você comercializa.

Por isso, saber definir para quem serão enviados os e-mails é fundamental para otimizar esses envios e conseguir cada vez mais conversões.

E é também muito importante coletar os dados de cada pessoa para quem serão enviados os emails. Dessa forma, é possível analisar os resultados e conseguir segmentar melhor a partir deles.

2 – Headline

Pode-se dizer que a headline significa 70% de todo email marketing. É a partir dela que os leitores vão ou não se interessar por aquele conteúdo.

Se a pessoa não gostar da headline, ela nem se dará o trabalho de ler o restante do e-mail. Por isso, ao escrever a headline, é preciso pensar em algo muito criativo e chamativo. Somente assim a atenção do leitor será capturada.

Sem uma boa headline, não importa se o restante do texto for o melhor do mundo. As pessoas simplesmente não irão ler.

3 – Big Idea

O que é uma Big Idea? É uma ideia central, é a linha guia que vai tocar o seu email inteiro. Desde a Headline até o CTA, tudo tem que girar em torno da mesma ideia.

Então não adianta falar sobre várias coisas no mesmo e-mail marketing. Se isso for feito, as pessoas vão se perder e não vão conectar com a mensagem que está sendo transmitida.

A Big Idea pode ser uma coisa simples, como “a maior liquidação já feita na loja”, ou algo mais relacionado à emoção, como “como emagrecer 10 quilos sem deixar de comer o que você gosta”. O importante é focar em um único tema.

4 – Gatilhos mentais

Os gatilhos mentais são recursos que você pode usar para influenciar a pessoa a realizar determinada ação podem ajudar na construção da Big Idea. Isso porque as pessoas compram muito mais pela emoção, e não pela razão.

Aqui vai um vídeo sobre gatilhos mentais: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjqC457Uaik&t=10s

5 – CTA

O CTA, ou “call to action”, é a chamada para a ação. É a parte final do seu e-mail marketing e onde você direciona o leitor a fazer o que você determina.

Pode ser a compra de um produto, uma assinatura para receber mais conteúdos ou um direcionamento ao site ou outro link que você desejar.

Isso pode ser feito através de um botão, imagem clicável… Existem várias maneiras de se fazer um CTA.

E como fazer um bom CTA?

Digamos que o seu e-mail é sobre uma ONG que ajuda crianças carentes.

Um CTA que diz “Quero ajudar!!” com certeza receberá mais cliques do que um que diz “Doe 5 reais”. Isso porque ninguém acorda pensando em gastar 5 reais, mas acordam querendo ajudar.

Portanto, uma ação na primeira pessoa que não seja relacionada a gastar dinheiro funciona mais como CTA do que um termo imperativo que mande a pessoa gastar dinheiro.

Gostou dessas dicas? Agora você com certeza tem o conhecimento necessário para fazer ótimos emails marketing!

E para conhecer outras estratégias para alavancar o seu negócio, você tem que participar da Semana do Ecommerce, o Maior Evento Online de Ecommerce do Mundo! E o melhor, completamente gratuito!

Nela, o Bruno de Oliveira, um dos maiores especialistas em Ecommerce do país, te mostra um método validado com dicas, estratégias e insights para levar o seu negócio ao sucesso!

Participe da Semana do Ecommerce:


#ecommerce #negócios #emailmarketing

Ecommerce na Prática
E-mail Marketing
Como fazer e-mail marketing
5 dicas para fazer e-mail marketing
Big Idea
Gatilhos Mentais



Leia Também: https://ecommercenapratica.com/email-marketing/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=0190802_5dicasemailmarketing

Conheça os nossos Cursos: https://ecommercenapratica.com/cursos-de-ecommerce/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=0190802_5dicasemailmarketing

Acompanhe o Ecommerce na Prática no Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ecommercenapratica/

Acompanhe o Bruno de Oliveira no Facebook:



Bem Vindo! Comece por aqui sua Jornada no Ecommerce na Prática

Email Marketing for Beginners [2020]

Learn 5 email marketing campaigns that can can add 30-40% to your monthly sales in your Shopify dropshipping store. 🚀 Free Training Webinar + Our List of 237 Product Ideas: https://dsl.life/youtube-go/

🌟 Liked this episode? Leave us a review on iTunes: http://getpodcast.reviews/id/1393127287

Free Training Webinar + Our List of 237 Niche Ideas: https://dsl.life/youtube-go/
All Previous Podcast Episodes: https://www.ecommercelifestyle.com/episodes

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dropshiplifestyle
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dropshiplifestyle


The eCommerce Lifestyle podcast with Anton Kraly is here to serve successful store owners looking to increase revenue, automate operations, and become the authority in their niche.

New episodes of The eCommerce Lifestyle Podcast every Monday and Thursday.

Subscribe now for eCommerce and dropshipping training from Anton Kraly: https://dsl.life/yt-subscribe/

#dropshiplifestyle #dropshipping #shopify

Create An Email Template In OHWO – Best Email Marketing – 7 Day Email List Set Up Challenge

Day 6 of our Email List Set Up Challenge. See time stamps below to help. 1 Homework Assignment. Don’t forget to brag in the ZBesties Facebook Group. 🙂 — X0X0 Renae
►► Coffee Template Zip: https://rcwebinars.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/FreeDownloads/CoffeeWelcome.zip
►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► 7 Day Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx987FXu-rccFXw8mr62YezxeO4OgmkYd

Overview || 0:00 – 3:13
WYSIWYG Email Template || 3:14 – 13:26
Drag n Drop Email Template || 13:27 – 25:21
Import Email Template || 25:22 – 28:07
Email Template Marketplace || 28:08 – 29:54

►► Domain + Hosting: https://cupcaketrainings.com/siteground
►► Email Marketing Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx987FXu-rcccu8JA9DbGzJtLVZ6bcpxa
►► OHWO Free Trial: https://ohwo.com
►► OHWO Quick Start Guide: https://ohwo.com/quickstart
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► OHWO Form Templates: https://ohwo.com/formtemplates


THIS SERIES: 7 Day Email List Set Up Challenge

►► Pre-Training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yglmfru8kE
►► Day 1: https://youtu.be/kKdOXZICR0c
►► Day 2: https://youtu.be/vt7k0de_TZM
►► Day 3: https://youtu.be/NDTo-RYFmUw
►► Day 4: https://youtu.be/6cxs7vbFSh8
►► Day 5: https://youtu.be/r38fJ4oQuTg
►► Day 6: https://youtu.be/QjzX41YT26w


►► FREE Workshop: Your First 100 Etsy Sales https://YourFirst100EtsySales.com
►► FREE Course: The “No Fail” Handmade Online Business Formula https://www.freehandmadetraining.com
►► Renae’s Email List With Drip Fed Unadvertised to the Public Goodies: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com
►► Tom Cote’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thetomcoteshow
►► 21 Uniqued Handpicked Suppliers eBook FREE: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com/handpicked
►► The Tom & Renae Story – How We Met: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY7V26y1gEI



►► How Veronica made $10k in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET3Jp_XsX1U
►► How Jacqueline made $100,000 with her handmade business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7AZAQxzxYQ&t=921s
►► 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Etsy Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_L2ju-kncs&t=125s
►► Renae’s Very First YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hrk1EWDA4&t=33s

RECOMMENDED WATCHING – What if you get 0 sales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2gTbnKnno



►► ZBesties App: https://www.zbestiesapp.com
►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► Instagram: https://instagram.com/cupcaketrainings



Cupcake Trainings is a place where every handmade business owner can access a variety of workshops, courses, mini-courses and trainings. Taught by a whole team of educators who each specialize in a particular field—from growing your handmade business on Etsy to making your own website and so much more, students can learn online and at their own pace with the support of a seasoned staff to back their company and guide them as they grow.

We understand, more than anyone, how difficult and daunting running a business can be. Which is why, here at Cupcake Trainings, we made sure you’ll find a platform where you can find content that suits you, connect with a community of fellow students and alumni, create lasting partnerships and friendships, and discover skills that can propel your business to greater heights.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a business or already have one, no matter what stage in your business you’re at, we believe in creating materials that cater to your specific needs. Our step-by-step process that we have built through years of experience can help you minimize your legwork and let you avoid making the same costly mistakes we did.

We offer a diverse selection of highly recommended courses and trainings geared towards handmadepreneurs.

We have an entire team of teachers who have succeeded in their businesses and want to see YOU succeed too.

No lengthy, complicated processes. Just straight to the point and easy to understand formula and strategies.

Why did we create Cupcake Trainings?

To equip you with the knowledge you need to create, promote and profit from your own handmade business.

To help you achieve the results you want without overspending on outdated techniques.

To put the spotlight on your prized creations so people can finally appreciate and buy them.

To guide you in the right direction so you can leave that job to focus on doing what you’re most passionate about.



See for yourself on our social media or take the shortcut and look here:


Set Up Your Subscribe Form in OHWO – Email Marketing Tips – 7 Day Email List Set Up Challenge

Day 4 of our Email List Set Up Challenge. See time stamps below to help. 2 Homework Assignments. Don’t forget to brag in the ZBesties Facebook Group. 🙂 — X0X0 Renae
►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► 7 Day Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx987FXu-rccFXw8mr62YezxeO4OgmkYd

Overview || 0:00 – 2:49
Importing an Email List || 2:50 – 4:26
Set Up Your Custom Fields For Your Form || 4:27 – 6:05
Navigate To Subscribe Form || 6:06 – 6:32
WYSIWYG Form Tutorial || 6:33 – 11:52
Drag N Drop Form Tutorial || 11:53 – 19:13
Template Form Tutorial || 19:14 – 23:09

New Siteground Tutorial – Send and Receive Domain Email in Gmail || 9:13 – 13:30
Old Siteground Tutorial – Send and Receive Domain Email in Gmail || 13:31 – 18:13

►► Domain + Hosting: https://cupcaketrainings.com/siteground
►► Email Marketing Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx987FXu-rcccu8JA9DbGzJtLVZ6bcpxa
►► OHWO Free Trial: https://ohwo.com
►► OHWO Quick Start Guide: https://ohwo.com/quickstart
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► OHWO Form Templates: https://ohwo.com/formtemplates


THIS SERIES: 7 Day Email List Set Up Challenge

►► Pre-Training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yglmfru8kE
►► Day 1: https://youtu.be/kKdOXZICR0c
►► Day 2: https://youtu.be/vt7k0de_TZM
►► Day 3: https://youtu.be/NDTo-RYFmUw


►► FREE Workshop: Your First 100 Etsy Sales https://YourFirst100EtsySales.com
►► FREE Course: The “No Fail” Handmade Online Business Formula https://www.freehandmadetraining.com
►► Renae’s Email List With Drip Fed Unadvertised to the Public Goodies: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com
►► Tom Cote’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thetomcoteshow
►► 21 Uniqued Handpicked Suppliers eBook FREE: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com/handpicked
►► The Tom & Renae Story – How We Met: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY7V26y1gEI



►► How Veronica made $10k in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET3Jp_XsX1U
►► How Jacqueline made $100,000 with her handmade business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7AZAQxzxYQ&t=921s
►► 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Etsy Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_L2ju-kncs&t=125s
►► Renae’s Very First YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hrk1EWDA4&t=33s

RECOMMENDED WATCHING – What if you get 0 sales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2gTbnKnno



►► ZBesties App: https://www.zbestiesapp.com
►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► Instagram: https://instagram.com/cupcaketrainings



Cupcake Trainings is a place where every handmade business owner can access a variety of workshops, courses, mini-courses and trainings. Taught by a whole team of educators who each specialize in a particular field—from growing your handmade business on Etsy to making your own website and so much more, students can learn online and at their own pace with the support of a seasoned staff to back their company and guide them as they grow.

We understand, more than anyone, how difficult and daunting running a business can be. Which is why, here at Cupcake Trainings, we made sure you’ll find a platform where you can find content that suits you, connect with a community of fellow students and alumni, create lasting partnerships and friendships, and discover skills that can propel your business to greater heights.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a business or already have one, no matter what stage in your business you’re at, we believe in creating materials that cater to your specific needs. Our step-by-step process that we have built through years of experience can help you minimize your legwork and let you avoid making the same costly mistakes we did.

We offer a diverse selection of highly recommended courses and trainings geared towards handmadepreneurs.

We have an entire team of teachers who have succeeded in their businesses and want to see YOU succeed too.

No lengthy, complicated processes. Just straight to the point and easy to understand formula and strategies.

Why did we create Cupcake Trainings?

To equip you with the knowledge you need to create, promote and profit from your own handmade business.

To help you achieve the results you want without overspending on outdated techniques.

To put the spotlight on your prized creations so people can finally appreciate and buy them.

To guide you in the right direction so you can leave that job to focus on doing what you’re most passionate about.



See for yourself on our social media or take the shortcut and look here:


How To Do Email Marketing – 6 Places To Gather Your Email List – Email Marketing Course

We packed this one in to help you with your email marketing strategy. Your email list will never be lonely again. 🙂 — X0X0 Renae
►► Email Marketing 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9W9pyRsHzQ
►► OHWO: https://ohwo.com
►► OHWO Quick Start Guide: https://ohwo.com/quickstart
►► Lead Pages: http://leadpages.pxf.io/c/1336581/390538/5673
►► ClickFunnels: https://clickfunnels.com/?cf_affiliate_id=1002785&affiliate_id=1002785&aff_sub=dashboard&aff_sub2=trial
►► PopupAlly: https://access.accessally.com/~access/a24c108377f/
►► Hosting Renae Recommends: https://cupcaketrainings.com/siteground
►► Renae’s Secret Weapon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zv31Elxts4
►► David’s Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwwatPDrVUU
ps. I am an affiliate for some of these products and get a commission if you purchase. It’s what helps me help you through free vids on The YouTube.



►► 5 Things For Your Welcome Email: https://youtu.be/0qfyuCLKnM4
►► Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners (Ecommerce Businesses): https://youtu.be/CMm3t9cf7ag
►► 6 Places For Your Optin: https://youtu.be/Ut_e8qvXYe0


►► FREE Workshop: Your First 100 Etsy Sales https://YourFirst100EtsySales.com
►► FREE Course: The “No Fail” Handmade Online Business Formula https://www.freehandmadetraining.com
►► Renae’s Email List With Drip Fed Unadvertised to the Public Goodies: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com
►► Tom Cote’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thetomcoteshow
►► 21 Uniqued Handpicked Suppliers eBook FREE: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com/handpicked
►► The Tom & Renae Story – How We Met: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY7V26y1gEI



►► How Veronica made $10k in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET3Jp_XsX1U
►► How Jacqueline made $100,000 with her handmade business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7AZAQxzxYQ&t=921s
►► 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Etsy Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_L2ju-kncs&t=125s
►► Renae’s Very First YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hrk1EWDA4&t=33s

RECOMMENDED WATCHING – What if you get 0 sales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2gTbnKnno



►► ZBesties App: https://www.zbestiesapp.com
►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► Instagram: https://instagram.com/cupcaketrainings



Cupcake Trainings is a place where every handmade business owner can access a variety of workshops, courses, mini-courses and trainings. Taught by a whole team of educators who each specialize in a particular field—from growing your handmade business on Etsy to making your own website and so much more, students can learn online and at their own pace with the support of a seasoned staff to back their company and guide them as they grow.

We understand, more than anyone, how difficult and daunting running a business can be. Which is why, here at Cupcake Trainings, we made sure you’ll find a platform where you can find content that suits you, connect with a community of fellow students and alumni, create lasting partnerships and friendships, and discover skills that can propel your business to greater heights.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a business or already have one, no matter what stage in your business you’re at, we believe in creating materials that cater to your specific needs. Our step-by-step process that we have built through years of experience can help you minimize your legwork and let you avoid making the same costly mistakes we did.

We offer a diverse selection of highly recommended courses and trainings geared towards handmadepreneurs.

We have an entire team of teachers who have succeeded in their businesses and want to see YOU succeed too.

No lengthy, complicated processes. Just straight to the point and easy to understand formula and strategies.

Why did we create Cupcake Trainings?

To equip you with the knowledge you need to create, promote and profit from your own handmade business.

To teach you the skills to help you run a business and avoid making the most common business mistakes.

To provide you with quality trainings and courses that take away all the guesswork.

To help you achieve the results you want without overspending on outdated techniques.

To put the spotlight on your prized creations so people can finally appreciate and buy them.

To guide you in the right direction so you can leave that job to focus on doing what you’re most passionate about.



See for yourself on our social media or take the shortcut and look here:


Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners 2020 – Ecommerce Businesses

The one sentence that changed everything. Video 2 of our training series. Your email marketing strategy will never be the same. X0X0 Renae
►► Find Your Target Market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9W9pyRsHzQ
►► OHWO: https://ohwo.com
►► OHWO Quick Start Guide: https://ohwo.com/quickstart



►► 5 Things For Your Welcome Email: https://youtu.be/0qfyuCLKnM4
►► Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners (Ecommerce Businesses): https://youtu.be/CMm3t9cf7ag


►► FREE Workshop: Your First 100 Etsy Sales https://YourFirst100EtsySales.com
►► FREE Course: The “No Fail” Handmade Online Business Formula https://www.freehandmadetraining.com
►► Renae’s Email List With Drip Fed Unadvertised to the Public Goodies: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com
►► Tom Cote’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thetomcoteshow
►► 21 Uniqued Handpicked Suppliers eBook FREE: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com/handpicked
►► The Tom & Renae Story – How We Met: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY7V26y1gEI



►► How Veronica made $10k in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET3Jp_XsX1U
►► How Jacqueline made $100,000 with her handmade business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7AZAQxzxYQ&t=921s
►► 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Etsy Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_L2ju-kncs&t=125s
►► Renae’s Very First YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hrk1EWDA4&t=33s

RECOMMENDED WATCHING – What if you get 0 sales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2gTbnKnno



►► ZBesties App: https://www.zbestiesapp.com
►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► Instagram: https://instagram.com/cupcaketrainings



Cupcake Trainings is a place where every handmade business owner can access a variety of workshops, courses, mini-courses and trainings. Taught by a whole team of educators who each specialize in a particular field—from growing your handmade business on Etsy to making your own website and so much more, students can learn online and at their own pace with the support of a seasoned staff to back their company and guide them as they grow.

We understand, more than anyone, how difficult and daunting running a business can be. Which is why, here at Cupcake Trainings, we made sure you’ll find a platform where you can find content that suits you, connect with a community of fellow students and alumni, create lasting partnerships and friendships, and discover skills that can propel your business to greater heights.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a business or already have one, no matter what stage in your business you’re at, we believe in creating materials that cater to your specific needs. Our step-by-step process that we have built through years of experience can help you minimize your legwork and let you avoid making the same costly mistakes we did.

We offer a diverse selection of highly recommended courses and trainings geared towards handmadepreneurs.

We have an entire team of teachers who have succeeded in their businesses and want to see YOU succeed too.

No lengthy, complicated processes. Just straight to the point and easy to understand formula and strategies.

Why did we create Cupcake Trainings?

To equip you with the knowledge you need to create, promote and profit from your own handmade business.

To teach you the skills to help you run a business and avoid making the most common business mistakes.

To provide you with quality trainings and courses that take away all the guesswork.

To help you achieve the results you want without overspending on outdated techniques.

To put the spotlight on your prized creations so people can finally appreciate and buy them.

To guide you in the right direction so you can leave that job to focus on doing what you’re most passionate about.

To hold your hand every step of the way so you can hit that 6-figure mark or even achieve that lifelong 7-figure goal.

To share with you tested and proven shortcuts that have worked for us—handmade business owners just like you who used to think scaling up to six and seven figures were merely a pipe dream.



See for yourself on our social media or take the shortcut and look here:


Email Marketing For Beginners – Ecommerce Businesses – Email Marketing Course – Tips For Beginners

Video 1 of our training series. You never knew this about your welcome email. You are about to be shocked. Your email marketing will never be the same. X0X0 Renae
►► Find Your Target Market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9W9pyRsHzQ
►► OHWO: https://ohwo.com
►► OHWO Quick Start Guide: https://ohwo.com/quickstart

►► FREE Workshop: Your First 100 Etsy Sales https://YourFirst100EtsySales.com
►► FREE Course: The “No Fail” Handmade Online Business Formula https://www.freehandmadetraining.com
►► Renae’s Email List With Drip Fed Unadvertised to the Public Goodies: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com
►► Tom Cote’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thetomcoteshow
►► 21 Uniqued Handpicked Suppliers eBook FREE: https://www.cupcaketrainings.com/handpicked
►► The Tom & Renae Story – How We Met: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY7V26y1gEI



►► How Veronica made $10k in 30 Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET3Jp_XsX1U
►► How Jacqueline made $100,000 with her handmade business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7AZAQxzxYQ&t=921s
►► 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Etsy Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_L2ju-kncs&t=125s
►► Renae’s Very First YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hrk1EWDA4&t=33s

RECOMMENDED WATCHING – What if you get 0 sales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2gTbnKnno



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►► ZBesties Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/zbesties
►► OHWO Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/ohwoisme
►► Instagram: https://instagram.com/cupcaketrainings



Cupcake Trainings is a place where every handmade business owner can access a variety of workshops, courses, mini-courses and trainings. Taught by a whole team of educators who each specialize in a particular field—from growing your handmade business on Etsy to making your own website and so much more, students can learn online and at their own pace with the support of a seasoned staff to back their company and guide them as they grow.  

We understand, more than anyone, how difficult and daunting running a business can be. Which is why, here at Cupcake Trainings, we made sure you’ll find a platform where you can find content that suits you, connect with a community of fellow students and alumni, create lasting partnerships and friendships, and discover skills that can propel your business to greater heights.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a business or already have one, no matter what stage in your business you’re at, we believe in creating materials that cater to your specific needs. Our step-by-step process that we have built through years of experience can help you minimize your legwork and let you avoid making the same costly mistakes we did. 

We offer a diverse selection of highly recommended courses and trainings geared towards handmadepreneurs.

We have an entire team of teachers who have succeeded in their businesses and want to see YOU succeed too. 

No lengthy, complicated processes. Just straight to the point and easy to understand formula and strategies.

Why did we create Cupcake Trainings?

To equip you with the knowledge you need to create, promote and profit from your own handmade business.

To teach you the skills to help you run a business and avoid making the most common business mistakes.

To provide you with quality trainings and courses that take away all the guesswork.

To help you achieve the results you want without overspending on outdated techniques. 

To put the spotlight on your prized creations so people can finally appreciate and buy them.

To guide you in the right direction so you can leave that job to focus on doing what you’re most passionate about. 

To hold your hand every step of the way so you can hit that 6-figure mark or even achieve that lifelong 7-figure goal. 

To share with you tested and proven shortcuts that have worked for us—handmade business owners just like you who used to think scaling up to six and seven figures were merely a pipe dream.



See for yourself on our social media or take the shortcut and look here:


7 eCommerce Email Marketing Tactics That Work Like a Charm

Email marketing is the life and blood of e-commerce, but if you’re using it wrong, it won’t generate you any sales. When you look at companies like Overstock do you know where they’re getting the majority of their sales from? Email marketing. That’s how powerful it is. Today I’m going to share with you seven e-commerce email marketing tactics that work like a charm.

Mailchimp: https://mailchimp.com/

I’m going to break down seven tactics, and if you use these, your numbers will go up.

Tactic number one, scrub your list.

The reason I say scrub your list, too many people have eCommerce email marketing out there and they’re just like, yeah, my list is huge, I’m at 100,000, I’m at 200,000, and I’m going to keep emailing everyone.

Well, what you’ll find is your email’s going to the promotions tab.

Why is it going to the promotions tab?

It’s because you keep emailing people that aren’t opening up your emails.

If you scrub your list, only email the people that are opening it, your deliverability rates go up, you get into the inbox, and your open rates go up, your clicks go up, your sales go up.

Scrub your list. If you’re using a good email provider like ConvertKit, they automatically do it for you.

Number two, you want to make sure you do trigger-based emails. If someone is on your email list, they add stuff to their cart, but they don’t complete their checkout, what should your email be to them?

When someone goes to their checkout they have these products and they don’t checkout, but then, you shoot them an email being like, check out our e-commerce store, here are all these products that we sell.

Well, that’s a terrible email.

They already added the ones that they want to buy, but they just need that push over the edge.

Maybe some testimonials, whatever may be to get them over the edge, that will help a lot, and you’ll notice a ton of sales from that.

The third thing that you need to do is time-based emails. Here’s what I mean by that.

Everyone’s like, yeah, you send out an email, people open it up whenever they do. If you have a ton of unopened emails in your inbox, what happens?

You’ll find that you’re less likely to go through all the ones that are at the bottom and open them up.

People get lazy, it’s not just you, it’s everyone. So you want to look at what time that person came to your site and put in their email.

That’s when you should be sending them an email.

I try to stick within that timeframe, usually within an hour, versus sending it whenever it’s my convenience.

The fourth thing you want to do is promotional-based emails.

So you want to make your campaign set up in advance. You don’t want to be at the last minute writing these emails.

That’s a lot from a holiday season, even though there’s a whole 12 months in a year.

The fifth tip I have for you is to keep your emails short, to the point, and try to use text-based emails.

Most e-commerce companies love using image-based emails.

Do you know what happens with image-based emails?

They get pushed in the promotions tab.

Google and Gmail and Outlook, they all know that when someone sends you an email with a ton of images, it’s usually a promotion versus when someone sends you a text-based email it’s typically a friend, hence, you want to use text-based emails.

The sixth tactic I have for you is upselling and downselling.

Typically, when someone buys from your e-commerce product you’re going to have upsells and downsells on the checkout page.

Sure, you want to still have them on the checkout page right after they purchase, but you also want to followup through email for all the people that don’t buy your upsells and downsells.

On your thank you pages where you have these upsells and downsells, usually they’re short and to the point.

Through email, they can be much more in-depth, longer, and you want to space it out.

You want to followup with all the other things that they can buy that can make that experience even better. It’s very important to get the timing right.

The moment you get the timing wrong, that’s when you’ll see that those emails won’t convert at all.

And last but not least, when you’re doing email marketing, it’s not just about email.

It’s very similar to email about the tactics that I’m going to break down. It’s push notifications. I use email combined with push notifications.

So when someone subscribes to my site through tools like Subscribers, I’ll let them know and push send them through their browser, hey, here are the products that you could end up buying.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#eCommerce #NeilPatel #EmailMarketing

Email Marketing Strategy for Beginners in 2020 | Oberlo Dropshipping

Email marketing is one of the best sources of FREE traffic for your store. This video is the perfect introduction to email marketing for beginners. Whether you’re marketing with MailChimp or another platform, watch this video learn:

What is email marketing
Why an email marketing campaign is better than Faceook
The 3 essential campaigns you need to get leads
Email marketing strategies that work in 2019

By the end, you’ll know how to do email marketing like a pro. Use these email best practices to drive sales for your Shopify store and get your dropshipping business off the ground.

For more email marketing tips, head to the Oberlo blog: http://bit.ly/2FBYkZO

After the video, follow Oberlo on Instagram for bite-sized dropshipping: http://www.instagram.com/oberloapp