I Transformed an Email Marketing Agency with AI

In this video I show you how I planned, built, and integrated AI solutions for an Email Marketing Agency in a recent project for my AI Automation Agency. This is Episode 1 of my ongoing series where I work with businesses to transform them by identifying and building AI solutions. If you’re wanting to learn how to make money with AI, or how to start an AI Automation Agency or other AI business, this video shows you the entire process I’ve used to scale my AI Automation Agency to $100k+ per month and gives you a blueprint on what you can sell to agencies as well.

I hope this video is helpful to those who are struggling with creating their own AI Automation Agency (AAA) or want to see if AI solutions can transform your own business.

Get Instant Access to All Templates in This Build 👇🏼
Join my AAA Accelerator: https://aaaaccelerator.com/

Work With Conor & Conor 🤝:


Platforms Used 🛠️
Voiceflow: https://bit.ly/3OrlTX9
RelevanceAI: http://app.relevanceai.com/?referrer=AAA
Make: https://www.make.com/en/register?pc=liamottley
Airtable: https://airtable.com/invite/r/5VqJ6ybl

Join My Free Telegram for Daily AAA Value:
💬 https://t.me/+2H8HuWNtLtE2YzEx

Join My AAA Newsletter! 🗞️

All My Free AAA Resources:
➡️ https://www.liamottleyresources.com

Want to Automate Your Business? ⚙️
OR Build Custom AI Software:

My Free AAA Community 📈

My AI Consulting Services 👋🏼
Want to speak with me about your next big project? Book here:

My Links 🔗
👉🏻 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@LiamOttley
👉🏻 Twitter: https://twitter.com/liamottley_
👉🏻 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liamottley/
👉🏻 Instagram: https://instagram.com/liamottley

All Software For AAA Owners 👇
Voiceflow: https://bit.ly/3OrlTX9
Make.com: https://www.make.com/en/register?pc=liamottley
RelevanceAI: http://app.relevanceai.com/?referrer=AAA
Airtable: https://airtable.com/invite/r/5VqJ6ybl
ChatbotBuilder: https://chatbotbuilder.ai Use code LIAM for 50% off first month ⭐️
Dripify: https://dripify.io/#a_aid=liamottley
Chatbase: https://www.chatbase.co/?via=liam-ottley
DanteAI: https://chat.dante-ai.com/?via=liam
CodyAI: https://meetcody.ai/?fpr=liam54
Botpress: https://bit.ly/liam_botpress_signup
StackAI: https://www.stack-ai.com/?via=liam

0:00 – Intro
1:07 – Meeting the Agency Owners
2:41 – Investigating Their Business
7:00 – Brainstorming AI Automation Solutions
9:27 – Presentation Call with Figma
11:08 – Preparing for Presentation
11:42 – Walkthrough of Final Product
14:40 – Asking How Much They Would Pay
15:48 – Reflections & Learnings

Licences 🎵
Get SAD! (Instrumental) by XXXTENTACION and over 1M + mainstream tracks here https://go.lickd.co/Music
License ID: Amo9b8LaQjz https://lickd.lnk.to/YG1f34ID!Liam+Ottley

Get Lemonade by Internet Money, Gunna, Don Toliver, Nav and over 1M + mainstream tracks here https://go.lickd.co/Music
License ID: Xyvp24815VZ https://lickd.lnk.to/X3mteUID!Liam+Ottley

About Me 👋🏼
Hi! My name is Liam Ottley and I’m an AI developer and entrepreneur, creator of the AI Automation Agency model and founder of my own AI Development and Automation Agency: Morningside AI (https://morningside.ai & https://morningsideautomation.com). You’ve found my YouTube channel where I help other entrepreneurs create their own AI business in the form of an AI Automation Agency!

On this channel we’re all about building real businesses, building real skills and making real money in order to create a life you truly love living. I post new videos weekly explaining how you can start and scale your own AAA as a beginner and unlock the world of AI business for you.

If you’d like to take your AAA to the next level with expert help every step of the way you can join my AAA Accelerator for agency owners here: https://aaaaccelerator.com

How he made $1500 with this NEW email marketing system | 30 day email marketing challenge (Day 1)

If you want info:
Email me here and the subject line: ” Email Marketing INFO” and I’ll know
what you’re talking about. fury2wealth@gmail.com

I recently discovered an EMAIL MARKETING platform where the owner helps his members make money with CLICKS.

He personally promises if you don’t make money in 30 days, he will pay you $1500. That’s how much HE believes you WILL make money.

If you don’t make money, he doesn’t make money. When you make money, he makes money.

Get started for FREE, no credit card required to get started.

He provides ALL the emails for you, you just spend 15 minutes a day sending out emails. I personally only spent 4 minutes sending mine out, it was THAT simple. 🙂

And I’ll even show you how simple and easy it is to send emails out in a few minutes a day.

Its so simple a 5 year old could do this.

Who is ready for some delicious info?

If you want info:
Email me here and the subject line: ” Email Marketing INFO” and I’ll know
what you’re talking about. fury2wealth@gmail.com

Top 5 best university in UK email marketing with Aj

Hi Viewers,
Welcome to my email marketing with Aj Youtube Channel.
Today’s topic is Best Email Marketing software for overall Mailchimp by email marketing wid aj
Hope you will enjoy my Video.
Please Subscribe, Like and Comment.

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The Best Email Marketing Book 📚

The Best Email Marketing Book 📚

💎 Request a free email marketing audit here: https://flowium.co/3ZBmRF6

In this short video, Andriy will talk about why this book – Email is not dead by Karly McFarland – is the best book he ever read and why is it so important for business.

💎 Check out the book: https://www.amazon.com/Email-Not-Dead-Customers-Lifetime/dp/1778243800

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Is Email Marketing A Good Career?

Is Email Marketing A Good Career?

💎 Request a free email marketing audit here: https://flowium.co/3ZBmRF6

In this short video, Andriy will talk about why he thinks being an email marketer is a good choice for your professional career.

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Email Marketing For Beginners | Complete Step-By-Step Tutorial 2023

Are you looking for more customers and more sales? You HAVE to set up your email marketing to make that happen!

In this video, Chloe of Supreme Ecom will be showing you a step-by-step tutorial of how to set up your email marketing as a beginner in 2023!

Apply For 1-on-1 Guidance toward your E-commerce success: https://supremeecom.com/misc-535122151646433569929?utm_source=Channel&utm_medium=YT&utm_id=YT+Supreme

Supreme University: Get everything you need to build a $10,000/month drop shipping store 👉🏽 https://supremeecom.com/supremeuniversity

Or DM me ‘MENTORSHIP’ on IG @AC_Hampton for more 1-on-1 Help

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Learn how to generate your first $10K/Month store: https://bit.ly/3IGMONa

Follow me on IG: 📲 https://www.instagram.com/ac_hampton/

DM “YOUTUBE” if you have any questions, are feeling stuck, and looking to streamline your success with e-commerce!


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Forbes: https://bit.ly/3lLRjKE

Disrupt Magazine: https://bit.ly/3BKW1Ol

VoyageLA: https://bit.ly/3mQsTiE

If you like the content, make sure to SMASH the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON 👆🏽

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Email Marketing Agency 🔥What is the best email marketing strategy for small businesses?

Email Marketing Agency | How To Do Email Marketing | Best Email Marketing
✅ Here you can Grab the Moosend: https://bit.ly/MoosendOfficial

✨Thanks for watching our Email Marketing Agency Video!

Moosend was taking a leaf out of Mailchimp’s book when they came up with the name for their email marketing software?

Though not quite on the same scale as Mailchimp, Moosend has seen a sharp rise in popularity in the US since September 2021. No doubt this is a result of its acquisition by Sitecore, an American software company, which took place in May of the same year.

With the potential to become a serious player in the email marketing world, it’ll certainly be interesting to see where this startup from Greece goes from here!

Moosend is on the more affordable end of the spectrum, with prices starting at just $9/month. It’s also possible to purchase pay-as-you-go credits, however, the smallest bundle is priced at $350, so not very accessible to small businesses. Features include a drag-and-drop email builder, landing page builder, marketing automation, and detailed reporting. It’s a great choice if you require automation workflows at a low cost.

s Moosend the right newsletter service for you?
Recommended if:
You’re looking for an affordable email marketing service:

With unlimited emails, pro features and branding-free emails, Moosend is an interesting email marketing service.

You’re in need of excellent marketing automation templates:

The 18 templates offered are detailed and varied, meaning you can set up a number of time-saving workflows in a few minutes.

You need detailed reports:

Offering a whole host of information, Moosend’s reports feature everything you need, including click maps, geolocation, revenue generated by campaigns and email clients.

Not recommended if:
You’re looking for an all-in-one tool:

There’s no CRM, and compared to other email services, there aren’t many direct integrations with third parties available.

You’re looking for an emailing service with excellent deliverability:

Moosend scored just averagely in our email deliverability tests. A better alternative at a similar price point would be MailerLite.

I hope you found value in our Email Marketing Agency Video!


🎬Watch our most recent videos:

🔥Learn To Code ✨ Which Tool Is Best For Bug Tracking?👇

🔥Marketing Automation 🔥What type of email marketing is best?👇


Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews/promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinions, relevant experiences, and genuine views of the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always, you should do your due diligence to verify any claims, results, and statistics before making any purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.

#Moosend #EmailMarketing #MarketingAutomation #review


🙌For collaboration please contact us: top.digital.productss@gmail.com



00:00 – how to do email marketing Introduction.
00:11 – how to do email marketing projects summary.
01:57- how to do email marketing projects outro.

Email Marketing As A Service – SMMA [EASY]

Using email marketing as a service is one of the most undervalued services that has the highest revenue potential. In this video, I go through how you can start providing email marketing as a service for your clients today!

FREE Outreach Template PDF:

1 On 1 Coaching Call 📈:

Want to work with me? Link to my website 🌐:

For Business Inquiries👇:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrowingYourBiz

Subscribe to see my journey in SMMA!

My Setup 💻📸:

📸 Camera: https://amzn.to/3bReRfm

Camera Bundle: https://amzn.to/3SLl3pL

💻 Laptop: https://amzn.to/3AnRD9V

Laptop Stand: https://amzn.to/3w1TbDW

📺 Monitor: https://amzn.to/3dy0ywD

Desk: https://amzn.to/3PpxNzp

⌨️ Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3Aq0mIU

🖱 Mouse: https://amzn.to/3QHymFO

Apple Magic Keyboard & Mouse Case: https://amzn.to/3JTpURL

How I Became an Email Marketer (and an Agency Owner)

How I Became an Email Marketer (and an Agency Owner)

Today, I wanted to share my story of the key points that led me to becoming an email marketer. After studying chemistry my first two years in college, I realized that it wasn’t meant for me. I eventually became an English major and began freelancing as a copywriter. I found my niche in email copywriting, and progressed until co-founding an email marketing agency.

It has been a long and exciting journey, and I hope to connect with other like-minded individuals who want to grow into either a freelance or agency owner position.

#emailmarketing #freelancer #agencyowner

📕 https://www.grabdigital.co/ebook


Website: https://www.grabdigital.co
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaspersimonofficial
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasper-simon/