Kako se prodaje preko email-a? | Ivan Radić | Loyality & Email Marketing

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Kako se prodaje preko email-a? | Ivan Radić | Loyality & Email Marketing

Počeo pre 2 godine a danas njegove proizvode kupuje 1000+ ljudi svakog meseca.

Ivan Radic jer vlasnik brend https://www.apipet.eu/ koji će sa nama podeliti
e-mail sadržaj koji su napravili 10 000 evra u 90 dana.

Gledaoci koji budu bili u lajvu dobiijaju poklon tj. link sa email templejtom
koji možete da modelirate za svoje potrebe. Dovoljno je samo da budete prisutni.

Nauči čemo kako se puni baza email-ova, koji softwer da koristimo, kako se kreiraju akcije, na koje prodajne kanala nesmemo da zaboravimo, loyality marketing i još mnogo toga!

Ja bukvalno jedva čekam jer ništa ne znam kao Ivan 😁

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#EmailMarketing #DropshippingPodrska #IvanRadic

Ezra Firestone: What Works in Email Marketing Right Now – CXL LIVE 2018

Email marketing (yes, STILL) rocks the highest return on investment of any medium, garnering on average $28 for every $1 you invest. That is, if you do it right. Ezra will show real life data and campaigns and share results.

Learn more about CXL Live here: https://cxl.com/live/

Forrest Gump Teaches Email Marketing (Spoof!)

Check out my FREE 4-part email training, where I share the proven strategies I used to grow my ecom business to $25M in yearly revenue:

Whether you run a Shopify business, an Amazon business or a shrimpin’ boat business…

📨 Email is still the #1 channel for increasing profit on your ecommerce store.

And you don’t have to be the world’s smartest marketer to see big results.

👉 You can copy some of my best email strategies for free right now in this new 4-part training:


In this free 4-part training, I share the proven strategies I used to grow my ecommerce business to $25 million in yearly revenue, including:

✔️ Why email is the secret to a bigger payday
✔️ The most effective tactics for generating leads
✔️ How to communicate with your subscribers based on their behavior
✔️ How to run a big “sale event,” including ads and landing pages

“The Secret Power of Email (and How it Boosts Your Brand’s Valuation)”

👉 Click here to get started: https://landing.smartmarketer.com/pages/sem-eg-video-1