GDPR compliance in Email Marketing [Step-by-step Checklist] | Email Marketing Course (14/63)


How do you implement the legal requirements of the GDPR correctly in your email marketing strategy? This video will give you a checklist of everything you need to do to be GDPR compliant.

Now that you have a general grasp on the GDPR, it’s time to get to the hands-on tips. What do you need to do in order to follow the legal reuqirements of the GDPR? This video will guide you through the general requirements, the information required to be included in your email footer, the structure of consent, and the instructions for a GDPR-compliant signup form. We will also show you typical errors to avoid for GDPR compliance.

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Learn email marketing with the free certification course by Sendinblue Academy. Get advanced email marketing knowledge from email marketing experts, learn how to grow your business with proven tactics, and take the next step in your career!

The Sendinblue Academy offers free courses in online marketing. In this free email marketing course you’ll learn everything you need to know about email marketing. Once you’ve watched all the videos, you’ll be ready to take the exam and get certified as an email marketing expert!

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Sendinblue is an all-in-one marketing platform for small and medium-sized businesses. With Sendinblue, you always send your marketing messages at the right time and through the right channel. Whether it’s email, SMS, chat, or retargeting, we support efficient customer communication via digital marketing channels.

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Cómo montar una campaña de Email Marketing con Mailchimp en 10 minutos

En este webinar te vamos a enseñar a dar tus primeros pasos con Mailchimp para crear tu primera campaña de Email Marketing. Te eplicaremos a planificar tu campaña para crear una comunicación efectiva, qué cuestiones técnicas debes tener presente en el diseño y desarrollo de tu plantilla, y cómo puedes integrarte con Google Analytics para medir el rendimiento de tus campañas. En tan sólo 10 minutos aprenderás todos los conceptos y fundamentos que debes tener presente en tus acciones de Email Marketing para optimizar tu alcance y conversión.

Libro Data Analytics – Mide y Vencerás:

Resumen en imágenes del webinar por @ardiluzu:

GDPR and how it relates to Email Marketing

In this week’s email marketing video, we focus on the new GDPR law (General Data Protection Regulation) and how it relates to email marketing.

GDPR becomes live on the 25th May 2018. It outlines how your contact’s data (email address, postal address, telephone) can be collected, stored and processed.

In this video, we outline what you need to do in order to become GDPR compliant.