Google Business Profile Manager Tips Makes Maps SEO EASY!

Google Business Profile Manager Tips Inside Your Google Maps Business Manager Makes Map SEO easier. Chris Palmer:

In today’s video what I’d love to share with you or point out to you are some Google business profile SEO optimization tips that are found right inside of your manager.

Oftentimes business owners even the agency owners will Overlook what’s right in front of them and simply not deploy the SEO optimizations that are being recommended directly by Google. Some of these recommendations can include having a directional map on your website to point out different locations for your location pages. Other optimizations could be uploading more images of the outside of your business.

Perhaps even keeping your service times updated. There is a magnitude of Google business profile SEO optimizations that will be covered and every single business has different recommendations for their Google Maps listing.,

I’ll outline exactly what these recommendations from Google business profile manager are along with that I’ll share with you exactly where you can find them to get better rankings for your Google Maps listing.

If you have any questions related to local search engine optimization or just any local SEO questions to help your business please feel free to go ahead and ask in the section below and thanks for watching today’s Google business profile SEO tips video.

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Chris Palmer SEO
Chris Palmer Marketing
30 West Broad St.
Pennsylvania, USA 18252
1 (570) 810-10801

Google Business Profile SEO: How To Mirror Google Maps Listing

Google Business Profile SEO: How To Mirror Google Maps Listing : Chris Palmer’s Website:

What you will walk away understanding today:
1. What is Maps mirroring
2. How to mirror GBP to your website.
3. Why GMB mirroring is important.

In today’s Google My Business Profile search engine optimization video, I will share with you optimization of your Google Maps Business listing so it mirrors your websites services or products you provide , resulting in higher rankings for not only your Google Maps listing but also your website.

I will walk you through the process of how you can mirror your Google my business to your local Business website. Along with walking you through the process I want to also give to you the understanding of why we’re doing this.

We want everything to be congruent with each other when we’re dealing with Google Maps Google my business and Google Business profiles. Our services on our website need to match our services in our Google my business. The products that are inside of our Google Business profiles need to match the services that we provide on our local Business website.

Then to top everything off the traffic and the clicks that we were receiving will be for services and or the products that we provide. And of course to finalize everything else we have to get reviews from the customers that we have serviced outlining the locations that we provided services in along with that the services themselves.

By the end of today’s Google my business SEO video you should have a deep understanding of what Google business profile mirroring is and how it will help you your Google Maps listing rank higher in Google and even help your website achieve more visitors , leads more calls even form fills! Everything that’s important to you as a local business owner.

If you have any questions related to Google Maps SEO or how you can better optimize your local Business website please feel free to go ahead and ask in the section below or I’m always happy to help local business owners with their websites and their Google my business to get better rankings on search engines just like Google.