Email Marketing: What I wish I knew 5 years and $6 Million ago

TikTok was close to getting banned, and your audience on social media is not your owned audience. That is why you need to focus on email marketing in 2025 and in this video I tell you exactly how to get started growing your email list, what funnels to use, and whether or not email sequences are worth it.

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00:00 TikTok might get banned
00:40 Why You WANT Email Marketing
03:55 Misconception 1
05:17 I almost gave up on email marketing
08:52 Misconception 2
11:01 Huge Mistake to Avoid
14:08 Misconception 3
16:38 Tips for providing value in mails
18:02 Misconcpetion 4
21:18 Importance of Filter Quality
22:08 Step By Step – How to Grow Your List
23:55 Facebook’s Closing Opportunity
24:52 The First Email

Disclaimer: Results shared in this video are based on personal experience and may vary. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

This video was edited by

#coachingbusiness #emailmarketing

Email marketing hacks in 2023: how to grow an email list quickly and write emails that people OPEN

Email marketing can feel like a tough strategy…but it doesn’t have to be. Tuen into this video to learn the top email marketing hacks you should implement in 2023 that include growing your email list, what to write to your email list, and how to ensure people are actually opening the emails you write!

Need a tool to help you with email marketing? Try ConvertKit for free!

Need additional help on your business strategy? Check out this video right here:

4 Updated Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing List in 2022

With Google getting rid of cookies and Apple iOS hurting Facebook targeting, it’s time to turn to a marketing classic: email marketing. In this video, John Lincoln will teach you how to grow your email list with four key strategies and pro tips you don’t want to miss!

4 Strategies to Grow Your Email List
1. Popup
2. Sticky Bars
3. Footer Capture
4. Gated Content

Learn More:
4 Ways to Grow Your Opted-In Email List:
Drive More Revenue with Automations:
How to Increase Email Conversions:

Learn more on our blog:
Ignite Visibility is a premier Internet marketing company based in San Diego, CA.

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Email Marketing for Beginners

Getting started with email marketing is easier than you may think, especially after watching this video.

Email queen Emily will give you the rundown on what it takes to craft a successful email marketing strategy.

She’ll go over how to choose the best email marketing platform (including what features you should look for in a platform), how to build an email list, and some tips for actually creating your emails.

The first step of email marketing for beginners is to figure out which platform you’ll use to send your emails. There are tons of email platforms out there, all with their pros and cons. A few things you should look for in an email marketing platform are:
–The cost
–Testing capabilities
–Automation features
–Result monitoring capabilities

We have our very own email marketing platform here at WebFX. Our MyEmailFX software can help set you up for success with your campaigns. Learn more on our website:

Once you’ve decided on the best email marketing software, you’ll need an audience for your emails. You can grow your email subscribers in a number of ways, but probably the simplest way is to add a form to your website.

Don’t worry. Emily will cover more about email list building in the video.

Your subscribers need content. The type of emails you create depends on your goals (like increasing traffic or boosting sales). Two things we definitely recommend are segmenting your emails to better target subscribers and making your content easy to read across devices. Not everyone reads your emails on their laptops. Think mobile.

After your emails have been sent, you should keep an eye on key metrics to see if your campaign is successful. Some of these metrics include:
–Open rates
–Click rates

Again, Emily will go in-depth on all of these topics in the video, so take a few minutes to watch.

Want to skip around? Here’s an overview of the video sections:
Email marketing effectiveness // 00:00:00
Email marketing steps // 00:00:44
–1. Pick an email platform that works for you // 00:00:51
–2. Focus on building your email list // 00:01:33
–3. Create your emails // 00:02:52
6 email marketing tips for beginners // 00:04:09
–1. Segment and personalize // 00:04:15
–2. Make emails easy to read // 00:04:30
–3. Add images and videos // 00:04:44
–4. Use a clear email CTA // 00:04:54
–5. Test subject lines and send times // 00:05:06
–6. Check your spelling // 00:05:39
Evaluate email campaign data // 00:05:50
Conclusion to email marketing for beginners // 00:06:36

Stats sources can be found in our blog post!

How to Start Email Marketing and Grow Your Business

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Email Marketing Tips To Improve Your Sales – The Do’s And Don’ts Of Email Marketing!

👉 Get your free gift from Dave: This is your guide to the simple marketing plan to help you grow from six figures to seven in twelve months.

Today on the Inside BS Show, I’m sharing my dos and don’ts when it comes to email marketing for sales.

Communicating with your email contact list is an excellent way of building customer relationships, keeping them updated on your products, offering them information and staying top of mind. As a business owner, you definitely want to use email to send email newsletters and other communication. It’s an effective method. However, when planning your email marketing strategy, it’s absolutely necessary to avoid spamming your list.

Part of avoiding spam is making sure your mailing list is full of people who actually want to hear from you. You also need to protect their right to opt-out.

Consistency is key. If your email contact list knows to expect communication from you at a specific time, that will go a long way in creating credibility for you. People will remember you when it counts, so be consistent in sending out your email newsletters.

Stay tuned until the end of the video to discover what you absolutely MUST NOT DO when using email marketing for sales, as well as my free shortcut to help you grow your business.

Time Stamps:

00:00 – Why you always need permission from your email list.
03:22 – What kind of systems are you using for your email marketing?
04:37 – Do this to ensure your email list stays engaged and interested.
05:15 – How consistent are you in your email communications?
07:42 – Make sure to educate and entertain your clients.
08:09 – Why you need to have a call to action in every email that you send out.
09:54 – Here’s one thing you should NOT do.
10:24 – A shortcut to growing your business.



Benefits of Relationship Selling | Relationship-Based Sales | Patrick Murphy

How to Build Trust With a Potential Client | Shawn Rhodes

Content-Based Networking | How to Instantly Connect With Anyone | Tim Fitzpatrick

👍Dave Lorenzo is a Business Strategy Consultant who makes businesses more efficient, effective and competitive. His mission is to help bring you new clients, improve services, and significantly increase revenue.
💪If you have a company and you’re ready to leverage your business to the next level, Dave is your guy!
😌If you’ve read this far, thank you for being such a great fan and subscriber. I’m creating this content for you!


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Mastering Email Marketing: Here’s What’s Working NOW – Email Marketing Unlocked

Hopefully you’ve been implementing the stuff that you’ve been learning over the last two weeks as this is the last lesson where I’m recapping everything. And by now you should be seeing more growth in your email list. Probably not at 50,000 subscribers, that’s unrealistic within two weeks but your numbers should be growing and you should be on your way to 50,000 subscribers.

Download the Assets mentioned in this course:

Important takeaway, email marketing will grow so you should continually use it. And if you want to use it, you want to achieve maximum engagement. And that’s the point. And the way you do that is create those one-on-one interactions. Whether using the words you or I in your email, personalizing things, putting their first name within their email.

These are all ways to maximize engagement, AB testing, which is what we discussed in the last lesson. Always that you can maximize your engagement. And another trick that you can do is leverage segmentation.

People who are super active, you should send them different emails than people who aren’t as active, people who enjoy multiple emails from you a week, you should segment them, keep sending them maybe even more, people who don’t want that, segment them, send less.

This is how you can adjust your email marketing, not just the messages, but your workflows to maximize your sales and revenue and even deliverability.

So how often should you be emailing? Well, there is no right answer. I recommend that you do at least a few times a week but if your list is super active and they want daily, then email daily.

I may have an ad, drives people to watch a webinar, collect their email, invite them over email, as well as on that landing page, I’ll reinforce the data and the decision they’re making with data. I’ll talk about the process, testimonials, case studies, the value, I’ll even have CTAs in there to generate sales.

And then what I’ll do is I’ll continually have more and more webinars over time, not just one, and webinars on different topics because it allows me to create multiple ways to generate that sale as well.

And what I love about webinars is you can use a sense of urgency because a webinar doesn’t last forever, which is cool. Your webinars shouldn’t be evergreen, at least at the beginning. You can use things like LinkedIn to hit up your contacts, get more people interested or social media, just create a catchy headline.

And as I mentioned, you got to create that sense of urgency ’cause it will improve your show up rates and the rate that people will register. And you’ve learned a lot over the last two weeks but the most important lesson that you should have learned is multiple ways that you can leverage email.

There’s no right way or wrong way, you just got to pick the way that works best for you. And the metrics will show you what’s working, right? If your list size is increasing, your open rates are improving, your click rates are improving, your unsubscribe rates are decreasing, your spam complaints are decreasing.

These are all metrics that’ll help you understand if you’re choosing the right way. And if you’re seeing them go backwards, the opposite way that you want, just adjust and tweak your strategy. And in that strategy, you should also have an omni-channel approach.

Yes, email’s great, but it’s not just all about email. What about SEO? What about content marketing? What about Facebook marketing? What about just making your copy for your blog posts? Part of it, send it out in an email and get people to click through and read the rest of the blog post.

This is all example of an omni-channel strategy which is the true way you grow, and that’s how you get to the next level.

And if you really want to get to the next level, I recommend that you check out all the handouts, the cheat sheets, the worksheets, everything we gave in this course which you can find at, click on email marketing unlocked. You’ll find all the lessons there as well as all the cheat sheets and lessons.

And just go through them. Take your time, it’s up there pretty much forever. So you’ve completed the course.

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How To Go From Zero to 50,000 Email Subscribers – With Email Marketing Unlocked

Today I have a brand new course for you. It’s on email marketing. I’m going to teach you how to go from zero to 50,000 subscribers with email marketing.

Download the Assets mentioned in this course:

In 2019, I know we’re well past beyond that point, email users accounted for 3.9 billion users. And this is set to grow to 4.48 billion users by 2024. That’s half the world’s population. That’s a huge number.

Some facts for you. 66% of consumers online have made purchases because of a direct result of email. And 72% of customers say that email is their favorite conduit of communication with companies that they do business with. 61% say they like to receive promotional emails weekly and 28% of them want them even more frequently. 72% of us customers prefer email marketing over other types of promotion.

Plus it ties everything in, with the apps that you use or the websites that you log in, emails popular. Even if you look at me, I’m sending out two to three emails on a weekly basis, it’s super effective and it’s worked super well for other people as well.

Your highest converting marketing channel from what I’ve seen everything I’ve experienced is going to be email marketing. If it’s not, that means you’re doing something wrong. If you market to your contacts the right way, your emails will get open, read, and most importantly get acted on.

First off, if you’re e-commerce or you’re selling a digital good, abandon cart email and this is where people almost finished the checkup but they don’t. And I recommend emailing them within four hours, then 16 hours. And then two days later to try to get them back. The key is just to get them back and buying your product. A flash sale’s another type of promotion.

So when you have a new customer or you have a new lead on your list, I recommend that you email them immediately. So you build up that rapport right away.

I recommend that you send them another email two days later and then I recommend that you send them another email with four days later. It’s not just about selling to these people. It’s also about just helping them and guiding them as well.

Emails with personalized subject lines generate 50% higher open rates, sending three abandoned cart emails results in roughly 69% more orders than one single email.

And videos added to your email can increase click rates by roughly 300%, which is huge. And when you’re sending out emails keep in mind that Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are the most popular days but if you want the most opens because a lot of people get bombarded on those days, I recommend sending emails on Mondays and Fridays which has been super effective for me. I also do Sundays, which has done really well too.

With your lead nurturing process, remember, you can always follow up with your leads not just right then and there but also a week later, a month later, years later as long as you keep educating and helping out and building that value, you can do well with them.

You don’t need a fortune to be fortunate. And that’s why I love email marketing. I once met a guy named John Reese who used to run a site called And he once told me his email list is like his digital ATM machine. Sends out an email and makes a ton of money. That’s the power of email marketing.

If you need any help with your email marketing just shoot me an email at Or you can just leave a comment below and I’ll try to answer any questions that you may have.

If you enjoyed this video, make sure you like it, share it and tell your friends about it and make sure you check out, click on email marketing unlock. There you’ll find all the cheat sheets, worksheets that will help you get the most out of this course.

You’ll see more lessons. This is going to be a six part course but I want you to go there and fill out the goals worksheets, as well as of course itinerary. And by the end of this course you’ll know how to market your business with email marketing and generate more sales as well.

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How to GROW Your Email List as a Musician | Email Marketing For Musicians

How to GROW Your Email List as a Musician | Email Marketing For Musicians

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Everyone wants to know how to build an email list. As a musician, email marketing is one of the best ways to generate revenue. When you learn how to grow your email list and engage your fans properly, you’ll be able to generate revenue on demand. In today’s industry, that’s VERY necessary. Check out the video above to learn one of the best music marketing strategies around.

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• Music Business
• Contracts & Publishing
• How to Sell More Merch
• How to Get Your Music on iTunes
• How to Get More Fans
• How to Make It in The Music Business

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Email Marketing for Beginners (Get Started in 7 Steps)

Are you using email marketing to grow your business? In this email marketing for beginners video, I’ll walk you through step by step how to get started building an email list and how to use email to generate more sales on autopilot.

Sign up to ConvertKit’s free plan (affiliate link)

Here’s how to create a landing page with ConvertKit (video)

Email marketing playlist

Start building your personal brand:

Build a website in Squarespace (free video course)

Leadpages, the software we use for our landing pages, pop-ups and announcement bars (affiliate link)

Here are the 7 steps covered in this video:

Step 1: Choose an email marketing software. There are lots of options here. The most well known is Mailchimp, especially for beginners. For me, Mailchimp is very difficult to use, especially for a beginner. We recommend using ConvertKit because it’s super user friendly and of your ability to segment your audience and send automated email sequences. ConvertKit now has a free plan that allows you to send emails to up to 500 subscribers and have access to unlimited forms and landing pages.

Step 2: Create something to give away / choose an offer. Decide what to give away to get people to sign up for your email list. Here are 5 formats for giving away free information:
1: Host a Webinar.
2: Create a free video course or training.
3. Create a free email course. This is a course delivered via an automated email sequence.
4: Create a guide or eBook.
5. Create a checklist.
Step 3: Start getting sign-ups. Decide where to get sign-ups for your offers:
There are 4 main places to get sign-ups for your email list.
1. Forms on your website – These can be placed on your home page, in the footer of all pages on your website, or embedded within content such as blog posts.
2. Landing pages – Landing pages are one-page websites that focus on a specific offer.
3. Pop-ups – an offer that pops up while viewing a website asking you to sign up with your email and either receive free information or a discount on the product or service.
4. Announcement bars – the bar at the top or bottom of a website announcing a particular offer. It will either ask you to sign up to receive an offer or will direct you to a specific page of their website.

Step 4: Generate traffic. How are you going to get people to your offer?
1. YouTube
2. Social media
3. Ads
4. SEO

Step 5: Segment your audience. It’s important to create segments so you can send emails to the people most interested in a particular offer.

Step 6: Broadcast messages. What information of value would you send to the audience on a periodic basis? Send out an email newsletter on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis with helpful information.

Step 7: Create automated email sequences. Email marketing automation is a more advanced step but one of the most valuable. By sending out a series of automated messages over time you can provide value to an email subscriber over time, build trust, and slowly sell to them in an automated way.