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Google Adwords Tutorial: How to Advertise on Google for Beginners | PPC Lead Generation Strategies!

Step-By-Step Google Adwords Tutorial Showing You How to Advertise on Google Using Local Lead Generation Strategies in 2018

FREE Adwords Blueprint: Temporarily Unavailable – Join the FB Group below to get updated on when it’s complete

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How to Sell Google Ad Services + Client On-boarding Documents [FREE]

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction Adwords Pay Per Click
II. High-Level Google Adwords Strategies
III. How Google Adwords Works
IV. Google Adwords Keyword Research
V. Adwords Landing Page Design (PPC Optimized)
VI. Google Ads Power Editor Tool
VII. Split Testing Ads
VIII. Adwords Campaign Setup
IX. Adwords Optimization Strategies & Techniques

This video will show you how to market a local business using up-to-date advertising strategies. You’ll learn exactly how to create successful Google Adwords Campaigns, that jump you straight to the top of Google search results, from start to finish.

This guide will take you from beginner to intermediate when it comes to generating leads for local businesses. Although this is targeted to local marketers, there is a wide range of people who can benefit from the strategies, principles, and techniques demonstrated in this video. For that reason, these tips can be applied to more than just local PPC campaigns.

Google marketing really is easy once you get the hang of the algorithm and basic advertising principles. This knowledge will carry over to ALL pay per click platforms including Facebook Ads, Youtube Ads, Instagram Ads, and more…

So buckle up, because this is going to be a long one!

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