30% OFF THE INSTAGAME COURSE – Use Code “BasedFriday30” (SIGN UPS CLOSE IN JUST A FEW DAYS) https://godlytexting.com/instagame-course-signup
Learn how to make girls OBSESSED with YOU over text (The Godly Texting Guide): https://godlytexting.com [Use code ‘CORONATIME’ for a 20% discount]
Learn how to APPROACH & ATTRACT any Girl (The God Approach course): http://bit.ly/godapproach [Use code ‘CORONATIME’ for a 20% discount]
(Please obey your local laws and don’t expose yourself or others to risk by approaching girls until COVID-19 is under control. I’m only offering access to this course to give you some extra content while you’re cooped up inside. These tactics will work once it’s safe again to go outside and socialize. Please wait until then to implement these techniques. You gain lifetime access to the content upon purchasing, so you can always refer back once things go back to normal
Get the BEST opening line EVER discovered for apps like Tinder & Hinge (my friend Jesse’s new video): https://endlessoptions.com/basedzeus
GET THE TEXTING MINI-COURSE (100% FREE): https://godlytexting.com/get-free-mini-course-right-away
Learn how to SEND the PERFECT Tinder Message + MY SCREENSHOTS: https://bit.ly/2MuIDVj
Learn The Facetime HACK that gets me 10x MORE DATES: https://basedzeus.clickfunnels.com/optin22609080
SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/29xqSWN
Join the BasedLympian Army:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iambasedzeus
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iambasedzeus/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iambasedzeus
Business, Sponsorship Inquiries, and Product Review Requests: iambasedzeus@gmail.com
If you have a dating/life/style advice question, comment it below or post it on my Instagram @iambasedzeus I reply to as many as I have time for. Don’t email it because I only use email for business and you’ll be less likely to receive a reply.
Background Music by: Superstaar Beats & PatternBased
*Disclaimer: Some of these links are affiliate links that help fund this channel and help me pay my amazing team of editors, all links are my genuine, authentic recommendations.