HubSpot Email Marketing | How To Use HubSpot For Email Marketing (2024)

HubSpot Email Marketing | How To Use HubSpot For Email Marketing (2024)

In this video I show you How To Use HubSpot For Email Marketing. It is really easy to do and learn to do it in just a few minutes by following this super helpful tutorial.

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HubSpot Email Marketing Demo – A Quick Look Inside

Considering moving to HubSpot with your email marketing? This video will give you a look inside the tool to see how it functions, particularly for the starter and free users.

In this HubSpot email marketing demo we’ll also cover the benefits of doing your email marketing right inside the same database as your CRM – no more disjointed systems. It’s all in one place and easy to use.

What’s inside:
0:00 Introduction
0:20 How HubSpot email marketing works in your CRM
1:00 Review of the email features
1:47 Creating an email in HubSpot
2:28 HubSpot’s drag and drop email features
3:03 Demonstrating email creation
4:55 Saved sections feature
5:40 Previewing in mobile and/or dark mode
6:02 Email settings
7:26 Send or scheduling, plus unengaged contacts feature
8:40 Email reporting and tracking
9:24 Email activity logged inside a contact record

We hope this HubSpot email marketing review was helpful! For specific help and support for your company, learn about our HubSpot consulting services:



Is HubSpot’s email marketing tool worth it?
11 horrible mistakes we’ve seen people do with their email marketing:


HubSpot Hacks is a weekly YouTube series hosted by HubSpot Agency It’s full of tutorials, featuring tips, tricks and how-to’s from marketers and sales professionals just like you. Whether you need a quick tip or in-depth details about how to put the tool to work, these HubSpot tutorials are sure to help.

Hosted by:
🙍🏼‍♀️Ali Schwanke (
🙎🏼‍♂️ Tyler Sprunk (


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Email Marketing: 10 Tips in 60 Seconds

Want more email marketing training, so you can better communicate with your prospects and customers? Take the full HubSpot Academy Email Marketing Certification, FREE:

10 Quick Email Marketing Tips:

1. Email is a privilege, not a right
2. Make your emails personal
3. Patience is key
4. Test one element at a time
5. Don’t purchase email lists
6. Use segmentation when sending email
7. Email deliverability is not a bad thing
8. Content + audience + timing = success
9. Keep your subject lines short and sweet
10. Be human and helpful

Want more content on email marketing? Check out this post:

Tutorial HubSpot – Email Marketing ¿Cómo crear una campaña?

En este tutorial de HubSpot en español vamos a ver cómo funcionan las herramientas de email marketing dentro de HubSpot y cómo crear una campaña de email marketing y enviarla a nuestra base de datos. ¿Te interesa saber más de HubSpot? Te ayudamos 👉

▶ Tutorial de Introducción al CRM e Inbound Marketing de HubSpot 👉

▶ ¿No sabes qué versión de HubSpot escoger? En este vídeo resolvemos tus dudas 👉

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💻 Más información en:

▶️ Descarga “WEBINAR: Los beneficios de Hubspot como herramienta de Inbound Marketing” en nuestra web:

Cómo crear campañas de email marketing

El email marketing es una de las tácticas de marketing digital más efectivas y con mayor ratio de conversión. Si tienes una lista de suscriptores y quieres empezar a sacarle partido, una campaña de email marketing es la mejor manera para hacerlo. Descubre cómo a través de las herramientas de HubSpot. Para más información visita