$127,555 in 4 days with email marketing. If you have a shopify brand, watch this today.

Book a Call: https://cal.com/engage-expand/calendar
The Exact Framework Behind $30M: https://www.retainmorecustomers.com
Guides to Use: https://www.bardowndigital.com

I’m gonna show you exactly why you need to prioritize your shopify brands email list and send more email campaigns from your Klaviyo account. Turns out if you don’t prioritize a sales channel, it doesn’t act like a sales channel. Hopefully you’ll get the memo after watching this. I’ve done this for plenty of brands, I’m sure you’ve seen them before.

DM me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackintheinbox/
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackwhiteemails/

Other Videos:
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzB20Hk0XjU
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6G9kFLWip8
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TBJf9IcK8E

If you’re new here, I’ve spent the last 4 years working with some of the top ecom brands on Shopify. In that time, I’ve helped generate over $30 million with Klaviyo email marketing.

I’m most known for my ability to always deliver. The brands I work with would say I work quickly, with little friction.

My focus is to help ecom founders apply my data-driven email marketing strategies.

500 FREE Email Marketing Campaign & Flow Templates – ECOMM

500 FREE Email Marketing Campaign & Flow Templates – ECOMM

✋ Want to work With Our Agency?: https://calendly.com/nureach/discovery-call

👥 Agency/SMMA – Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt7kSKtICu4nF2ktM2uWxCw

🆇 Follow Me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JordanBazouzi

📸 Follow Me On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bazouzii/



Hey! If you’re new to the channel, my name is Jordan Bazouzi.

I’m the Founder and CEO at Nu Reach Media. We’re an E-commerce Growth Partner specializing in the growth of brands from 6 to 7 and 8 figures.

In today’s video, I’m gonna share with you 500 email campaign and flow templates that you can copy for your brand today to start getting amazing results with your email marketing.

LINK TO TEMPLATES: https://nureachmedia.notion.site/250-PROVEN-Email-Flow-Campaign-Templates-8aa4c0e7ae9046698c4db69feada776f?pvs=4

#shopify #ecommerce #Ecom #ecomm #Entrepreneur #Shopify #Entrepreneurship #Sales #ShopifyStore #EcommerceBrand #Branding #CPG #MarketingTips #Marketing #SmallBrandOwner #SmallBusinessOwner #SmallBusiness #SupportSmallBusiness #SmallBusinessSupport #OnlineStore #Boutique #brand


– Jordan Bazouzi