Complete SEO Course for Beginners: Learn to Rank #1 in Google

Learn how to do search engine optimization in our complete SEO training course for beginners.

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SEO Course for Beginners Playlist (14 Videos) ►

SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings ►

Keyword Research Tutorials for SEO ►

On Page SEO Checklist for Higher Google Rankings ►

Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) ►

It doesn’t matter if you know nothing about SEO. This complete end-to-end course was created to help you learn SEO in an easy and systematic way.

This SEO training course will teach you:

► What is SEO and why it is important
► What keywords are
► The basics of how to do keyword research
► How to analyze search intent
► How to check ranking difficulty
► What is on-page SEO
► How to optimize a page for your target keyword
► What is link building and why it is important
► How to build backlinks
► What makes a backlink “high-quality”
► How to do blogger outreach
► What is technical SEO
► Technical SEO best practices

You don’t have to watch multiple videos from different places just to piece together how SEO works.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll understand everything you need to know about the basics of SEO and how to rank #1 in Google. You’ll know how to do the four main aspects of SEO: keyword research, on-page SEO, link building, and technical SEO.

Best of all, you’ll be able to apply your training immediately to your own website and work to rank higher on Google. You’ll understand what it is you need to do to begin getting traffic from organic search month after month.


0:00 Intro
1:25 What is SEO and why it is important
7:54 What are keywords
15:39 How to analyze search intent
19:51 How to find keyword for your site
31:01 What is ranking difficulty
40:28 What is on-page SEO
46:26 How to optimize a page for a target keyword
59:39 What is link building and why it is important
1:04:38 How to get backlinks for your site
1:08:26 What makes a backlink “good”
1:16:23 What are link building tactics for beginners
1:30:50 How to do blogger outreach for backlinks
1:43:28 What is technical SEO and why it’s important
1:51:00 What are technical SEO best practices

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How to Optimize Your On-Page SEO in Less Than 10 Minutes

Today I’m going to teach you how to optimize your on-page SEO in less than 10 minutes.



On-page and technical SEO Part 1 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel:

On-page and technical SEO Part 2 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel:

Mastering Technical SEO Audits – On-page SEO Part 3 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel:

So, I want you to first head over to or, whatever one, and type in your domain name. So, I’m gonna type in And you’re going to see a report load. This is typically your traffic analyzer report that shows you your overall organic keywords, your monthly traffic, your domain score, your backlinks.

If you have a newer website, you’re probably not going to see any data here or here or even any rankings, but I’m not looking for you to look at this report or spend much time on it. Instead, I want you to go into the sidebar and under SEO analyzer, click on site audit.

Now I’ve already ran my site As you can see, it was ran recently, and you’ll see an on-page SEO score. The higher this number, the better. It goes from zero or one to 100.

The organic monthly traffic. Don’t worry about this too much because as you get more traffic, your numbers go up, and you as you optimize your site, your numbers will go up. Same with your organic keywords and your backlinks. As you can see here, I scan 150 pages. The tool can scan literally up to 10,000 pages, depending on what kind of account you have, if you’re on a premium account.

And you’ll see the health check of the healthy pages, broken pages, have issues, redirects, blocked. There’s some critical errors, some warnings, recommendations. The critical errors tend to be the ones you fix first. And then there’s of course your site speed. Try to get into the green area for both of them.

So, I want you to scroll down to the critical errors first and click on it. When you click on it, you’ll see all the pages that have issues. And whatever they may be, you can just hover over the what is this and how do I fix it, and click on it. And it tells you what issues this is.

So, if you look at what is this for low word count, without enough text on a page, Google will have trouble understanding what the content is about. If Google doesn’t know what the content is about, it won’t be able to rank the content for the search terms you are targeting. By adding more text you are telling Google’s crawlers and your end users more about what it is you have to offer.

Anything less than a few hundred words is considered thin content and will be nearly impossible to rank for. It doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I said nearly impossible because for some keywords like how to tie a tie, you don’t need a lot of text. Some images, videos that explain how to do it is probably actually better than text.

This is the A/B testing calculator. People don’t want a lot of words. They just want to figure out which variation of their page when they’re running an A/B test to see if which version converts better is winning or losing.

Solve the ones where it makes sense, especially when it comes to things like low word count. And as you fix them, what you’ll find is by fixing all these little errors, you’re going to rank higher and higher over time. And I just want you to go through them, all your SEO issues.

And you want to first start with the critical errors. And then after you do those, then go to the warnings, because the warnings don’t mean that you have to fix them. Sometimes it makes sense to fix them. Sometimes it doesn’t. Recommendations, the least important out of them, but start with critical errors, then warnings.

You want to make sure your site speed is in the green area. Talk to your developer. They can help you with it. Or if you want to do it yourself, you can hover over the question marks. It’ll tell you what they mean, and then you will work on it.

Then the next thing you want to do is after you finish making those fixes, you want to go on the right side, load up this site, audit report, go back to it. And what you’ll want to do is hit the recrawl website.

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Introduction to SEO and Why It’s Important – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel

This is the second lesson of my free SEO course called SEO Unlocked. Today I’m going to be going over SEO and why it’s important. Did you know that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine? You may think, “All right, there are these search engines out there.” “Yeah, sure we know Google.” But for a minute, just think about how many times you go on Google or search, or YouTube and search, or Kayak and look for hotels or flights, there are search engines all around us and we’re constantly using them. Before we get started into going over SEO, there are a few things I wanted to cover: There’s a lot of people saying false information out there, so I wanted to play a little fun little game called Fact or Fiction.

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The first one: My industry is too hard to get ranked in.
Second one: Only big companies can do well on Google. Then I always hear, the more pages I have, the better.

Now let’s go over all five of them.

The first one: It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, you can always rank on Google.

Now, of course, creating an account on Google Search Console and submitting your sitemap isn’t a bad thing to do. And you don’t need to spend a ton of money to win online, and that’s why I started to get into SEO.

There are three main keys that you really need to understand if you want to win online.

The first is, why is SEO so important? Look, SEO’s a process of optimizing any given search word, or term, for a search engine on your site. So no matter what time of the day or what country people are in, when they’re searching, you can be found, you’re getting that traffic, and some of it will end up converting into sales.

The next key to winning online is choosing your battleground. They dominate search on all landscapes. So when you look at the desktop, they’re an estimated 4.5 billion active internet users, and Google’s search share for desktop is 87%. That’s roughly 8.7 out of 10! That’s an amazing result.

And just being on there isn’t enough. Your position is everything! Over 31.7% of people click on position one, according to Advanced Web Ranking.

The third key, which is unlocking the SEO factors to win online.

One thing that you can do is go to Ubersuggest, click on the Site Audit Report in the left-hand navigation, once you’re there, and look at your website, and it’ll breakdown the factors that Google is looking at.

You’re probably wondering, “Hey Neil, this is all great, “but what’s the Holy Grail of SEO?” “What’s that silver bullet?” Well there’s not really a silver bullet. It’s a lot of little things that add up, and I’m going to go over them.

One of them is Page Speed. For every second delay means roughly 7% reduction in conversions, according to HubSpot. So you want to make sure your site loads fast.

The next thing I want you to look at is Mobile User Experience. Look, the number of people that are using mobile devices is continually going up. So much so that Google has a mobile-first index.

The next factor that I want you to look at is Topical Content. The more detail that you go into on each page around the same topic, the better you’re going to end up ranking. Versus if you go really broad and cover a lot of random topics, but you don’t go in-depth on all of them.

Another factor and this is from Ahrefs, it’s all about URL Length. The longer your URL length, the lower your rankings are. So you want to keep your URL short and to the point.

Another thing to look at is Content Length. Generally speaking, the longer your content, the more social shares you’re going to end up getting, the better you’re going to end up doing.

Backlinks are another big factor. And as you can see from this chart by Ahrefs, backlinks have more of an impact on your rankings than On-page SEO; that’s getting sites to link to you, it’s super important.

And one thing that very few SEO’s looks at is the power of brand and user signals. The ex-CEO of Google once said, “Brands are the solution, not the problem.” “Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.”

These days security is a big issue as well, so you want to make sure you’re using an SSL Certificate, so that way you get that HTTPS. Because when people go to your website and you’re not using SSL, you’re more likely to get a warning.

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On-page and technical SEO Part 1 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel

Today I’m going to walk you through the process I use for on-page and technical SEO optimization. This is one of the foundations of any successful SEO campaign, so whether you’re running an audit to pinpoint specific actions you need to take to improve your website or you’re going after more ambitious goals with your SEO campaigns, this is something you have to master.

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Welcome to the SEO Unlocked! Free SEO Course with Neil Patel | SEO Training

Welcome to SEO Unlocked. This is my free SEO Course, and I’m going to release new videos on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional SEO, you’ll learn the exact search engine optimization techniques I use in my own business and with my consulting clients. This is the SEO training you’ve been looking for, and over the next few weeks, I’m going to teach you how to get a flood of traffic to your website without having to spend a dollar on advertising.

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Now, before we get started. I want to go over three things. And I want to congratulate you for these three things because you’ve done the hardest part.

Once you’ve realized the need for change. Because look, if you don’t make any change there’s no progress.

Two, you sought out advice online via SEO, that’s how you found me.

And three, you’re committed to making the change today which is, to get you more traffic to your website.

And I’m living proof, that SEO works right. People are always asking me, “hey does SEO really work, “can I get a ton of traffic from it?” And the answer is yes. Just look at my website.

Over time, my traffic has continually raised and is continually growing and that’s what’s led me to over literally six million visitors a month and out of those visitors over four million of them come from search engines. You can do it no matter what space you’re in. It literally works for everyone.

A lot of people like, branding and customer experience? “Hey what does that have to do with SEO?” As you’re going through this course, there are six ways we’re going to be supporting you. You’re going to have weekly content like as you’re seeing here but on top of the audio and the video you’re also going to have slides and PowerPoint templates and worksheets and PDF templates. And as long as you follow along you’ll be able to succeed when it comes to SEO, right.

We also have weekly live Q&A calls. If you’re part of the email list you’ll see that we’re doing them you’ll get notified about them. If you’re not you can go to to opt-in. My team, we’re also here to help you out. When you email, we try to answer as many questions as possible.

There’s also the community, whether it’s social media and leaving a comment there we’re here to respond, I’m there to respond as well. It’s my blog, you leave a comment I’m there to help you out as well. And of course, if you need extra hand-holding and you want my team to do everything for you there’s my ad agency Neil Patel Digital as well.

All the calls are recorded, so that way they can be referenced again. If you have any questions you can always ask them, we’re here to help you grow your business. You can also speak with some of my team members and hopefully, we can help you succeed and get you that traffic that you need. And you will see the results as long as you follow along.

We do like helping people out whether you’re a small business or a large business, or you have little to no money again, we are here to help people out.

And if you’re worried that it’s too late to start because SEO is super competitive now.

That’s a limitation of you saying that” hey, it’s too late.” I don’t want you to have that mindset. As I said, we really are here to help you out. And the common mindset that you need to have if you want to do well with SEO is, one, you need to anticipate failure. The next thing is you need to let go and delegate.

You need to learn new skills. Those who stay complacent, aren’t going to succeed in life. You always want to be thriving, and wanting to learn more.

There’s a lot of things that you can learn out there. So some action items for you. There’s a personal goal worksheet.

Handwrite up to 300 words on your personal goal for this program, and how you’ll feel when you achieve it. I know this may sound really silly, and you’re like, Neil, why do I need to do this? We found that when people go through this exercise, and they download the worksheet and they write this down, they’re much more likely to complete it.

And then the next thing I want you to do is to download the program itinerary after you write down your goal. Because at that point, you’ll know what you’re going to end up learning over the next upcoming weeks.

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SEO Tutorial For Beginners | SEO Full Course | Search Engine Optimization Tutorial | Simplilearn

This video on Search Engine Optimization(SEO), will take you through a number of important topics that will help you make the most out of your SEO campaigns. We will focus on keyword research, Google analytics, Google tag manager, how you can rank number one on Google and YouTube, how to increase YouTube subscribers, how to get traffic to your website, some popular SEO tools and finally some SEO tips and tricks. Now, let us get started and learn SEO from scratch.

Each of these topics are also explained with practical examples.
1. What is SEO? 00:45
2. Why SEO? 01:36
3. Keyword Research 51:13
4. Copywriting 1:08:40
5. Employment and Industry Trends 1:22:31
6. Analytics 1:25:22
7. Why Keyword Research 1:33:52
8. Types of Keyword Research 1:36:13
9. How to do Keyword Research 1:42:43
10. LSI Keyword 1:58:16
11. Google Analytics 2:13:37
12. Google Analytics Report 2:26:49
13. Google Tag Manager 3:10:31
14. What is Google Tag Manager 3:15:46
15. Benefits of Google Tag Manager 3:16:43
16. How Google Tag Manager Works 3:20:31
17. How to Get started with Google Tag Manager 3:32:01
18. How to Rank #1 on Google 3:46:04
19. Keyword Research 3:49:34
20. High Quality Content 4:04:28
21. How to Rank YouTube Videos 4:47:16
22. YouTube Keyword Research 4:50:04
23. Importance of user Engagement 5:25:46
24. Promote your content 5:30:16
25. Optimize your youtube videos 5:51:55
26. Create High Quality Video 6:06:07
27. Engage with your Audience 6:13:01
28. How to get Traffic to your Website 6:25:04
29. Why is traffic Important 6:26:31
30. Paid Advertising 6:27:58

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About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing

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