The Google Search algorithm was exposed recently via the Content API Warehouse leak. Let’s break down the code in the leaked documents to find unexpected metrics that affect search engine optimization.
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Dr. Dave announces a new Placement Pool Challenge (PPC 100) with prizes to test your run-out ability. PPC 100 (which is BU Playing-Ability Exam V) consists of eighteen 9-ball and 8-ball layouts. Here’s a quick summary of the rules:
– consecutively attempt to run each of the 18 layouts in order.
– each run-out attempt ends with a miss or foul.
– for scoring, you start with 100 points and deduct points for any balls not pocketed legally.
To enter the Challenge, just post your name, score, and video link in the comments section of this video.
Current Standings:
1.) Dr. Dave Alciatore – 98 –
2.) kanzzo on AZB – 97 –
3.) András Koleszár – 64 –
Lottery Drawing Entries:
4.) Cue ball control Sometimes – 59 –
5.) TBA
Previous Replaced Entries:
Each of the top 3 players by June 30, 2021 will win a $30 gift certificate that can be applied to any shirt, poster, cap, or mug purchase at If the high score is 100 (which is expected), the first 3 people to score 100 get the prizes. To encourage participation by all, there will also be a random lottery drawing from all non-winning entries to win the same prize. Only one entry per person is allowed, but you can continue to post new scores and videos to replace your previous scores.
0:00 – Intro
1:55 – Layouts 1-6
5:04 – Layouts 7-12
—- 8:17 – only miss
8:38 – Layouts 13-18
12:37 – Wrap Up
Supporting Resources:
– Billiard University (BU) Playing Ability Exams:
– Placement Pool Challenge (PPC 100) rules and layout diagrams:
– Dr. Dave Billiards shirts, posters, caps, mugs:
– System for Aiming With Sidespin (SAWS):
– 30-degree-rule peace sign:
– other Challenge Competitions:
– new lighting over Dr. Dave’s table:
– at 4m 1s, the Layout number should not change from 5 to 4.
Subscribe to Dr. Dave’s YouTube channel (and be sure to turn on bell notifications):
Show your support to Dr. Dave for his work by clicking on the donation button near the top of this page:
All of Dr. Dave’s full-length instructional videos are available to stream or download here:
and in physical DVD format here:
Detailed product information and purchasing advice can be found here:
If you ever come across a word or phrase you don’t know, you can find definitions here:
Learn the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) from the perspective of a web developer. Determine the optimal way to structure and render HTML for bots
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