Why Email Newsletters and Email Campaigns Are Still Great Marketing Tools in 2023 – Part 1

Why Email Newsletters and Email Campaigns Are Still Great Marketing Tools in 2023 – Part 1



How to Rank #1 in Google (Local SEO Strategy 2023)

In this video, we’ll explore a comprehensive Local SEO strategy to help your business rank #1 on Google.

We’ll cover critical elements like keyword research, on-page SEO, and local link building. Implementing the tactics discussed in this video will increase your local visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

Whether you are a small business owner or a digital marketer, this video will provide valuable insights and practical tips to boost your local SEO game.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain a competitive edge in your local market!


Gotch SEO Academy: https://www.gotchseo.com/seo-training/

Surfer: https://www.gotchseo.com/recommends/surfer

Free On-Page SEO Checklist: https://www.gotchseo.com/checklist/

Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNEsahyXxNJvYNsMhru-UzQ?sub_confirmation=1

Keep learning SEO: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxg2NWAOnDgG9ERjK60Zhl4oKonwgPTj2

Chat GPT – A Local SEO Game Changing Tool for Small Businesses

ChatGPT is the most advanced AI chatbot ever released to the public. In this video, I show you not only how you can use ChatGPT to boost your local SEO strategy but also how to use it to reduce your workload and improve your overall marketing activities.
○ https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
👨‍💼↔️👨‍💼 Book a Tailored 1-on-1 session with me
○ https://rankingacademy.co.uk/live-sessions/
○ https://huggingface.co/openai-detector/
○ Graphic design software – https://canva.7eqqol.net/DG0bG
○ Screen Recorder and Video Editor – https://bit.ly/2P5SljN
○ Youtube keyword research – https://vidiq.com/?afmc=4bs

❤️For more videos like this one, just subscribe to Ranking Academy: http://www.youtube.com/c/RankingacademyUk?sub_confirmation=1

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This is KILLING Your SEO Strategy (Here’s How to Fix It)

Your website has to provide users with a high-quality experience, or they will 100% seek out a different website. Here’s how you can optimize your UX so that you can kick your SEO strategy into high gear.

00:00 Intro
01:13 Tip #1 | Optimize Your Page Speed
02:01 Tip #2 | Optimize Your Images
02:39 Tip #3 | Make Sure Your Headlines Are Perfect
03:12 Tip #4 | Simplify Your Website’s Navigation
03:49 Tip #5 | Improve Your Mobile Speed Experience


Ubersuggest: neilpatel.com/ubersuggest

If you could avoid one SEO mistake, what would it be? Now, there are tons of big no-nos when it comes to SEO. The more obvious red flags that can actually get you penalized include things like keyword stuffing, using a ton of duplicate content, buying backlinks, and things like that. But there’s one major issue I see a ton of newbies make and it’s probably not the one you think, of because when people think of SEO, they think of keywords, backlinks, meta descriptions, and things like that. The thing I see that people look over all the time that’s killing their SEO strategy is not optimizing their UX. See, search engines don’t just evaluate webpages based on the keywords you use or how many backlinks you have.

Tip number one, optimize your page speed. 88.5% of visitors leave a website because of slow load time. Just imagine, you pick up your phone, you go to do a Google search, you click on a result, one second, two seconds, three seconds, still not loaded, four seconds, five seconds, six seconds, halfway loaded, seven seconds, eight seconds, nine seconds, fully loaded. That’s a long time. You’re going to leave the site. Make sure your code is clean using a CDN, which is a content delivery network, so that way your website is on servers all over the web.

Tip number two, optimize your images and content. Updating and republishing old blog posts with new content and images can increase traffic by as much as 106%. According to HTTP Archive, images make up an average of 21% of a total webpage’s weight, so make sure that you’re compressing the images, not in size, I’m talking about file size, so not in dimensions, but more so file sizes of where you want to compress ’em, and when you update your content, optimize your images, make sure that they’re images on what people are looking for, you’re going to be much better off.

Tip number three, make sure your headlines are perfect. 36% of SEO experts said that the headlines were the most important SEO element. David Ogilvy always used to say, “80 cents on the dollar spent on the headline.” So you got to make sure that your headline is amazing, and there’s a lot of stats out there that show this. Eight out of 10 people read a headline, two out of 10 people read the rest of your content. So you got to really focus on the headline and make it catchy. What I like doing is running A/B tests using paid ads with different headlines to figure out what people like the most.

Tip number four, simplify your website’s navigation. 84.6% of web designers believe that crowded web design is the most common mistake made by small businesses, and look, simplify your navigation, simplify what’s on a page, remove unnecessary elements, it just makes things easier for people to navigate. If you’re not sure if you’re making things simpler or worse, you can always use analytics tools like Crazy Egg which shows you where people click. You can also survey ’em, and on top of that, if you want to do a lot of user testing, check out usertesting.com which can also give you more feedback.

Tip number five, improve your mobile experience. Google recently reported that 60% of searches are completed on your phone. That’s a lot. How’s your mobile experience? Is it amazing, is it bad? Majority of the people that visit your website eventually, if not already, will be from mobile devices. Look at a lot of social networks that you use, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok. Where do you find them? Mobile devices. It’s super important that you optimize your site to be responsive so that way your website can expand if someone has a big desktop computer, a laptop, an iPad, a small mobile phone, or a big mobile phone, a responsive design adapts so that way it fits all these devices.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital https://npdigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
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STEAL this LOCAL SEO Strategy

🧠 Do keyword research like a PRO 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBAqcWsqcOk

Get our FREE eBook: https://exposureninja.com/youtube/

Try Semrush for FREE: https://thankyouninjas.com

Try SE Ranking for FREE: http://bestninjatool.com


Learn the award-winning strategy that resulted in a 146% increase in leads for a local law firm.

⏲ Timestamps
00:00 — Intro
01:57 — Keyword Planning
06:35 — Content Planning
11:19 — Technical SEO
11:47 — Links and Digital PR

🔗 Mentioned Links / Resources
Content Marketing Game Plan ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_lcgqBwjLE
Patino Law ➡️ https://www.patinolawoffice.com/


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Exposure Ninja is a full-service digital marketing agency offering search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, PPC (Google Ads and Facebook Ads), influencer outreach, email marketing, and website design and development.

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The Complete Local SEO Checklist for 2022

Want better local SEO results?

Follow this step-by-step guide and start ranking in Google’s local pack.

You’ll learn:

► The 3 factors that determine your local rankings on Google
► How to optimize your Google Business Profile (without doing anything super technical)
► The best way to get more Google reviews
► How to create local content that actually makes sense

And so much more.


1️⃣ watch until the end because I’ll share the one thing that 99% of people are NOT doing to increase their local pack rankings.

2️⃣ Drop a comment below with “Let’s Do This!” to show me you’re excited

3️⃣ Like the video if you’re getting any value.

4️⃣ Subscribe because you’ll get first access to the next video in this free SEO mastery training course ► https://www.youtube.com/c/semrush?sub_confirmation=1


More awesome free SEO training:

Keyword Research Tutorial: 3-Step Process (for Beginners & Pros) ► https://youtu.be/cAUeS0to3PQ

SEO Audit Tutorial – Perfect for Beginners! ► https://youtu.be/SIR4Kn62bLQ

6-Step SEO Strategy (That Works in 2022) ► https://youtu.be/N0bbTH9G4OU

Become an On-Page SEO Genius ► https://youtu.be/NS0v8JbRjho

How to Create SEO Content (That Actually Ranks!) ► https://youtu.be/gW7w1b2Ds0w

Ultimate Backlinks Guide (+ 3 Awesome Link Building Techniques) ► https://youtu.be/gcEE-hG466c


The opinions of the speaker are his own and might not match the opinions of Semrush.

Semrush ► https://bit.ly/3DKa0VF
Subscribe ► https://www.youtube.com/c/semrush?sub_confirmation=1
Nathan’s Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/c/GotchSEO/

#localseo #seo

How Long Does SEO Take to Work for New Websites?

How long does it take to see results from SEO? Find out how long it’ll take to see results from your SEO efforts (and what you can do to speed things up)

00:00 Introduction
01:05 Why SEO takes longer
05:42 How long it takes SEO to work for new websites
07:55 Avoid The Google Sandbox
08:40 Topical Authority Launch
09:24 Avalanche Technique
10:15 Fully Optimized Content
11:16 Expired Domains
11:59 301 Redirects
12:20 PBN Links

The Affiliate SEO Mastermind FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thelabresults
Google Sandbox Video: https://youtu.be/dhra3gbPQvM
Link Building Video: https://youtu.be/2bV9znVrUoQ
Ahrefs: https://ahrefs.com/
Interview with Kyle: https://youtu.be/frxMhxQXJLc
Surfer: https://surferseo.com/
Onsite Optimization Video: https://youtu.be/_PdU7bY6qWw
Odys (+ Get $100 Free Credit): https://odys.global/
RankClub: https://rankclub.io/
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►► https://www.youtube.com/MattDiggity?sub_confirmation=1

Download the SEO Business Scaling Guide FREE
►► https://diggitymarketing.com/seo-business-scaling/

For more Beginner SEO Videos, check out this Playlist
►► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLon5tUqnLX4wLfwC86aX0WM_AWOLHF-FR

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