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Production planning and control is concerned with
implementing the plans, i.e. the detailed scheduling of
jobs, assigning of workloads to machines (and people),
and the actual flow of work through the system.
Production is an organized activity of converting row
materials into useful products. Production activity takes
place in a wide range of manufacturing and service
sectors. Production system requires the optimal utilization
of natural resources like men, money, machine, materials
and time. Production planning and control coordinate
with different departments: such as production,
marketing, logistics, warehouse and other departments
depending upon the nature of organization. Production
planning and control receives data related to orders from
marketing departments. Production plan based on
marketing and production data is prepared in production
planning and control. This production plan provides clear
idea about utilization of manufacturing resources for
production. Prepared production plan is delivered to
production department. Production department
manufacture products according to that plan.
Video Includes:
*Production Planning
*Production Control
*Stages in Production Planning and Control
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