When it comes to the best music marketing strategies, email marketing is one of the most effective ways for musicians to reach fans directly. Email gives you direct access to your fans inboxes, unlike social media posts which can be choked by algorithms.
In this video we look at why email is so important for music promotion, how artists can create a mailing list and how to start collecting your fans email addresses.
As usual, check out the links below for more useful info.
Skip forward in the vid ►
00:00 – Intro to music marketing with email
01:35 – Why do musicians need a mailing list?
04:22 – How to set up an email mailing list
05:57 – How to collect emails on your website
09:21 – Other ways to build your mailing lists
11:49 – What kind of emails should musicians send?
14:22 – Recap
Guide to Email Marketing for Musicians ►
Why is Email so Important for Music Promotion? ►
How to Create a Website for Your Music ►
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