SEO 2025 : Boostez votre visibilité sur Google (ÉPISODE 2)
Vous voulez améliorer votre SEO en 2025 ? Dans cet épisode de notre série “Marketing digital 2025”, comment optimiser votre visibilité naturelle sur Google et attirer un trafic organique de qualité. Nous explorons les fondamentaux du SEO, l’importance des mots-clés, des backlinks, et bien plus encore. Prêt à propulser votre site web vers le sommet des résultats de recherche ? C’est parti !
Chapitres :
00:00 – Introduction au SEO : C’est quoi le SEO et pourquoi est-ce essentiel ?
01:45 – Les trois piliers du SEO : Technique, On-Page et Off-Page.
• 05:30 – Recherche de mots-clés : Comment choisir les bons mots-clés pour attirer du trafic ?
• 08:00 – Optimisation du contenu : Meilleures pratiques pour plaire à Google et à vos visiteurs.
• 12:00 – L’importance des backlinks : Comment obtenir des liens de qualité pour améliorer votre crédibilité ?
• 14:00 – Tendances SEO en 2025 : L’impact de l’IA, la recherche vocale et l’optimisation mobile.
• 18:00 – Cas de réussite : Leroy Merlin et son modèle SEO exemplaire.
• 20:00 – Le SEO est-il mort avec l’IA ? Réflexion sur l’avenir du SEO dans un monde de plus en plus automatisé.
Watch my complete on page course for free and learn the right way to do onpage optimization on your website. In this detailed tutorial i will share my complete knowledge of 5 years. I have used these onpage seo strategies for ranking thousands of keywords.
This course is suitable for you even if you are a complete beginner.
Doc Link –
Video Timeline : –
00:00 Intro
01:40 Why On page seo?
04:09 You cant ignore onpage
04:25 Content of video
06:41 Content optimization for onpage
09:37 Keyword placement for onpage
12:52 Title Tag optimization
14:38 Yoast SEO plugin
20:04 Proper content structure
24:00 Internal & external linking
30:35 Plugin for checking onpage
33:36 Image optimization
35:00 Other optimization
43:17 Schema Markup
46:12 Author bio
47:55 Conclusion
On-page SEO, Off-page SEO and Technical SEO are the three pillars of website optimisation to improve visibility in search engines and drive more traffic to your website.
Doing on-page SEO to rank in Google local search results is somehow quite different from doing on-page SEO for larger websites that target national results which is what is covered in this tutorial.
——————————————————————————————————— TABLE OF CONTENT
0:00 Intro
1:02 Why is on-page SEO so important
2:31 Website URL
3:15 Page title
4:40 Meta description
6:23 Headings and subheadings
8:41 Writing content
10:52 Images
13:31 NAP
15:08 Frequently asked questions
16:33 Google Review
17:15 Links
19:31 Track your performance
——————————————————————————————————— TOOLS MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO
○ Search engine results simulator
○ Check headings,sub heading & images HTML (SEO Minion)
○ Free Keyword research app (keyword surfer)
○ Spell and grammar checkers
○ Readability test tool
○ Image file size finder
○ Image compressor
○ Google Vision AI
○ Schema mark up generator
○ Schema mark up testing tool
——————————————————————————————————— SPECIAL THANKS TO: for letting me use their data
#onpageseo #localseo
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On-page and technical SEO Part 1 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel:
On-page and technical SEO Part 2 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel:
Mastering Technical SEO Audits – On-page SEO Part 3 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel:
So, I want you to first head over to or, whatever one, and type in your domain name. So, I’m gonna type in And you’re going to see a report load. This is typically your traffic analyzer report that shows you your overall organic keywords, your monthly traffic, your domain score, your backlinks.
If you have a newer website, you’re probably not going to see any data here or here or even any rankings, but I’m not looking for you to look at this report or spend much time on it. Instead, I want you to go into the sidebar and under SEO analyzer, click on site audit.
Now I’ve already ran my site As you can see, it was ran recently, and you’ll see an on-page SEO score. The higher this number, the better. It goes from zero or one to 100.
The organic monthly traffic. Don’t worry about this too much because as you get more traffic, your numbers go up, and you as you optimize your site, your numbers will go up. Same with your organic keywords and your backlinks. As you can see here, I scan 150 pages. The tool can scan literally up to 10,000 pages, depending on what kind of account you have, if you’re on a premium account.
And you’ll see the health check of the healthy pages, broken pages, have issues, redirects, blocked. There’s some critical errors, some warnings, recommendations. The critical errors tend to be the ones you fix first. And then there’s of course your site speed. Try to get into the green area for both of them.
So, I want you to scroll down to the critical errors first and click on it. When you click on it, you’ll see all the pages that have issues. And whatever they may be, you can just hover over the what is this and how do I fix it, and click on it. And it tells you what issues this is.
So, if you look at what is this for low word count, without enough text on a page, Google will have trouble understanding what the content is about. If Google doesn’t know what the content is about, it won’t be able to rank the content for the search terms you are targeting. By adding more text you are telling Google’s crawlers and your end users more about what it is you have to offer.
Anything less than a few hundred words is considered thin content and will be nearly impossible to rank for. It doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I said nearly impossible because for some keywords like how to tie a tie, you don’t need a lot of text. Some images, videos that explain how to do it is probably actually better than text.
This is the A/B testing calculator. People don’t want a lot of words. They just want to figure out which variation of their page when they’re running an A/B test to see if which version converts better is winning or losing.
Solve the ones where it makes sense, especially when it comes to things like low word count. And as you fix them, what you’ll find is by fixing all these little errors, you’re going to rank higher and higher over time. And I just want you to go through them, all your SEO issues.
And you want to first start with the critical errors. And then after you do those, then go to the warnings, because the warnings don’t mean that you have to fix them. Sometimes it makes sense to fix them. Sometimes it doesn’t. Recommendations, the least important out of them, but start with critical errors, then warnings.
You want to make sure your site speed is in the green area. Talk to your developer. They can help you with it. Or if you want to do it yourself, you can hover over the question marks. It’ll tell you what they mean, and then you will work on it.
Then the next thing you want to do is after you finish making those fixes, you want to go on the right side, load up this site, audit report, go back to it. And what you’ll want to do is hit the recrawl website.
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