I am WAY TOO NICE for this game, PPC – SoD Phase 3 PVP

► https://www.twitch.tv/Payo
► https://twitter.com/payowow
► Join Payo on discord https://discord.gg/kDeRmaQ

#WoW #WorldOfWarcraft #MMORPG #seasonofdiscovery

I need to KILL them ALL, not PPC!

► https://www.twitch.tv/Payo
► https://twitter.com/payowow
► Join Payo on discord https://discord.gg/kDeRmaQ

#WoW #WorldOfWarcraft #MMORPG


Payo has now uploaded a video directly calling me a viewbotter onto his YouTube channel, further justifying this video’s existence. Tis the first and last time I’ll be speaking about this. Thanks for the support.

Chat Logs: https://youtu.be/8WHdKu_KfXI


➤Twitter: https://twitter.com/StaySafeWarlock
➤Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/staysafetv
➤Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/staysafetv
➤Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/staysafetv/
➤POWER GUM: https://www.power-gum.com/

Payo Listen to A Fan Made Song – “Little Payo PPC”

Payo gets surprized by a fan made song, he didn`t expect to be such a good song…

► Original Song : https://soundcloud.com/user-483621353/little-payo-ppc

Follow Payo on the little ofc 🙂

►Payo`s twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Payo
►Payo`s twitter: https://twitter.com/payowow
► Join Payo on discord https://discord.gg/kDeRmaQ
► Payo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/payowow

Thank you all for watching! Stay tuned and subscribe the Channel to always get the best Payo Highlights, Payo Reacts and funniest Payo moments from World of Warcraft