A# Minor – “Work 工 + Pretty Boy 毒男 REMIX”

Not Lyrical Nor Emo….. Just for fun.

Disclaimer 1
This is not a diss. My friends know I like 88, joining PPC doesn’t change the fact. When I listen to the cypher I just imagine what 88 will do on this beat, that inspires me to write these few bars.
情歌 is not a problem. The problem is so many people doing the same kind of 情歌 which sounds the same and the lyrical content is the same. Almost no creativity, variation and uniqueness involved. 88 knows this tho.

Disclaimer 2
I get it, it’s funny. I got goosebumps too. But why the comment section is so discouraging? TIAB already tried to rap in Cantonese and you guys just laugh at him. Why not encourage him to practice more?

I use Cantonese cause I’m comfortable with it. He uses Mandarin cause he’s good at it.
For Me, if the rapper has a bit of 良知, what language he/she uses doesn’t matter at all.

To Clarify, above disclaimers are written by A# Minor

When I say “絕對要多謝你地” I mean it. Thanks for all the help, shoutout, love, and everything, for real.

Video Edited by Vee HK
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/veeeeeeeeeehk/

Lyrics by A# Minor, referencing many other rappers
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minorwillnevermajor/

Prod. by Big Spoon
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicholascheung/

Beat Mix & Mastered by Big Spoon, Freezlhy
►Freezlhy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freezlhy/

Mix & Mastered by Knightzavier
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/knightzavier/

“Work工” verse


大獲啲細路學曬Pump pump
竟然有大人仲信Trump trump
Neo punk we jump jump alright

香港音樂五花八門有Sadboii Madboii Trapboii
Sorry Trap 中意聽N.O.L.Y.,
我中二嗰時Dough Boy喺中國有hip hop行緊catwalk
充滿自信既步伐 顯得我特別冒失
Lei喺屋企搵我唔到 不過搵KC 可以去銀座到等

完美主義 啲工作分幾晚做
我為人正義不嬲反黑 暴
(Sor隻手殘噤錯擊+口疾 I meam反黑暴,I AN 藍絲,何君繞best ripper in the world)

法通過 梗係曬下啲rollies

(Just me have no interest in being OG. They can be ah.)
Just wanna feel more Cozy

“pretty boy 毒男” verse
窗花太烏 喂我看不清

架車太污穢我看不清 zkrr zkrr
(Please read disclaimer 1 in description)
I’m still the same girl I’m still the same
Yeah yeah yeah

對不起 普通話太爛 帶不了你去台灣
(Please read disclaimer 2 in description)
當初你點話我毒 點話我宅
Landlord tripping over rent
(Shout out to TXMIYAMA, speaking English doesn’t make him less香港人)
跟住I choke myself choke myself
(Shout out to Yung Bright, his recent songs are different)

大遲跟Trap 太旺 搭車去太和
買左兩張戲飛 你見到我轉灣 天氣亦跟住轉差
珍貴回憶放入相框 (Thanks Ango for telling me what his lyrics means)
情歌rapper話為你做好多 唸我只可以同你一齊賞花~ you’re right.

Late night I be waiting for your phone to call
We don’t talk in the real life
(Shout out to Lobo Slashemall, like his flow. Takeem also ofc)