How to ACTUALLY Learn SEO in 2020

What’s the best way to learn SEO in 2020?

Start by watching this video because I’m going to show a simple 3-step process I used to become a so-called SEO expert.

Don’t worry:

This isn’t going to be one of those boring videos explaining what SEO is.


You’re going to learn a proven process for learning SEO fast.

The third step is a little odd so make sure you watch the entire video to find out what it is.

And here’s something cool about this way of learning:

You can apply this exact framework to any skill you want to learn.

Think about this way:

Learning your first and second language is the hardest (so I’m told).

So learning your first digital marketing languages won’t be easy.

But once you learn 1-2 skills like SEO, everything gets much easier.

Especially when you have the process I’m going to show you at your disposal.

Watch the video now to learn SEO the right way.

Here are some of the resources I mention in the video:

How to build a niche website ▶️

How to perform a content audit ▶️ Gotch

SEO blog ▶️

Gotch SEO Academy ▶️

#SEO #learnSEO

SEO: Reality vs Expectations (4 Myths About SEO in 2019)

We go over what’s true and what’s blatantly false about SEO & affiliate marketing. Want to get a job in SEO? Try our free mini-course:

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TUTORIAL: How To Make $100 a Day with FREE SEO Traffic (Shopify SEO Tutorial)

Learn how to copy SEO tactics that online stores (like Yaro!) use to make over $100/day with SEO.
►► FREE 14-DAY SHOPIFY TRIAL: (aff link)

►► How I Made $1000/Day At Age 15 [Animated]:
►► 5 Ways To Make Money Online If You Are BROKE:
►► 3 Ways To Turn $50 Into $100/Day:
►► 10 Psychological Triggers Used To Make People Buy [Animated]:

RECOMMENDED WATCHING – Having Realistic Expectations In Business:

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A business isn’t a way to get rich fast. A business is simply when you learn to do these 3 things really well:

1) Creating or finding great products/services to sell.
2) Putting those products in front of the right customers.
3) Giving those customers a great reason to buy.

And each person will have their own journey to get there with a LOT of hard work & sacrifices along the way 💪👊

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* Tutorials for apps & online tools.
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* Sales psychology tactics to increase conversions & get customers to buy from you & to click on your ads.
* Videos to help you with the “legal stuff” (creating refund policies, setting up taxes, etc).

So if you are someone who is building (or want to build) a REAL business (especially with ecommerce) & want to follow channels with actionable content to help you along your journey & make your store even better, subscribe today! 🔥

SEO Tutorial For Beginners | Learn SEO Step by Step | Digital Marketing Training | Edureka

*** Edureka Digital Marketing Course: ***
This Edureka “SEO Tutorial for Beginners” video will help you learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO) from scratch with examples. You will get to know about powerful SEO tips and how they are important for your business ventures (Blog: ). Below are the topics covered in this SEO Tutorial for Beginners:

1:55 Why do you need SEO?
6:02 What is Search Engine Optimization?
12:59 Types of SEO
24:42 How does Search Engine work?
31:46 Tactics and Methods
39:23 How to optimize Keywords?
43:37 Title Optimization
48:42 SEO Tools
59:24 Guidelines

Subscribe to our Edureka YouTube channel to get video updates every day:

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دورة مجانية متقدمة في السيو وتحسين نتائج البحث في جوجل SEO Arabic

سجل الان في دورة السيو الشاملة وتعلم التسويق والتجارة الالكترونية واسرارها وكيف تربح 4000 دولار بيوم واحد
نحن نوفر خدمات سيو شاملة ونضعك رقم 1 في جوجل – انضم الان لنا من هنا
تحميل بروشور السيو – قصة نجاح احد المواقع معنا
لا تضيع الفرصة وانضم لنا ايضا في الخطة الشاملة لتعليم البرمجة للتعلم المزيد معنا…

تقسيمة الفيديو

0:58.. السيو وتحسين نتائج البحث

3:03.. اهمية السيو

4:27.. ثيمات احترافية في تطوير مواقع الورد بريس

10:39.. hosting

16:00…التركيز علي النص واسم الموقع

18:53..Dashboard Word press

19:13..General settings

21:01..Reading settings

23:00…Google XMl Site Maps

25:00..Wep Master tools

27:00..تفعيل ال messages site settings

29:19.. Sub Mit asite Map

33:15..Search console

34:19..اضافة site maps robots txt taster

34:43.. ماهو ال robots txt

38:55.. test site map

39:42.. تحسين الشكل العام لطريقة تسمية ال url

46:00.. أمور تساهم في نشر موقعك

48:00.. نبذة عن دورة تصميم الأيقونات المجانية

52:00.. ملخص سريع لكل ماتناوله الفيديو

55:00.. دورة جوجل ادورردز المجانية على اليوتيوب

56:08 ..نبذة عن دورة في الربح وتسويق التطبيقات و الألعاب

57:08 .. العودة مرة أخرى ل site maps

58:20.. طريقة فحص عدد الزوار على الموقع / الصفحة

في هذه الدورة سنقوم بشرح متطلبات السيو من ثيمات ومواقع استضافة بالاضافة الى اضافات لتفعيل السيو وعمل خارطة للموقع وتفعيل وربط الموقع بالجوجل ويب ماستر توول، وكيفية التعامل مع الروبوتز فايل وتنبيه محركات البحث مثل جوجل وبينغ، ستتعلم كيفية جعل موقعك ضمن اول صفحة من صفحات البحث.

دورة مجانية متقدمة في السيو وتحسين نتائج البحث

الامور التي سيتم شرحها:
Search Engine Optimization
Google site map
xml sitemap
Webmaster tools
robots.xml managment
wordpress seo themes
wpengine and hostmonster hosting
complete web developer arabic course

الدورة الشاملة لمطور الويب

الثيمات الاحترافية التي ننصح بها

أفضل 6 اضافات وثيمات يجب ان تمتلكها لتطوير مواقع ووردبريس

الاستضافة الاحترافية التي ننصح بها

Professional WordPress Hosting 20% Off

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رقمي الواتس اب

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The 8-Step SEO Strategy for Higher Rankings in 2020

In this video you’ll see my exact SEO strategy for 2020.

Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll learn in today’s new video:

#1: I’ll show you how to do keyword research in 2020. The keyword research game has changed A LOT over the last year or so. Today, you want to find “Opportunity Keywords”. I will explain what they are and exactly how to find them in the video.

#2: You’ll learn how to create content that ranks today. Traditional content formats (like list posts) don’t work as well as they used to. So if you want to rank on the first page of Google in 2020, you need to change things up. Specifically, you need to make sure that everything that you publish has a “hook” that will push bloggers and journalists to link to you.

#3: How to build backlinks. Yup, link building is still a super important part of search engine optimization. But the game has changed. Today, it’s all about getting white hat backlinks from authority sites in your industry. And I show you how to build legit links using proven link building strategies.

#4: Skyscraper Technique 2.0. This is a modern-day spin on a classic content marketing strategy. Skyscraper 1.0 still works. But to rank your site for competitive keywords, you need to use The Skyscraper 2.0 approach too.

#5: Lots of advanced SEO tips, examples, case studies and more.

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My 7 Favorite Free SEO Tools to Get Page 1 Rankings on Google

My 7 Favorite Free SEO Tools to Get Page #1 Rankings on Google | SEO takes too much time to do it manually, and if you unautomate a big chunk of your SEO work, you don’t need to break the bank to do it. Over the last sixteen years of being a SEO, I figured out the right tools to use to help you rank number one on Google. Today, I’m going to share my seven favorite free SEO tools that’ll help you get on page one of Google.

Mailchimp –
ConvertKit -
Ubersuggest –
MozBar –
Reddit –
Quora –
Yahoo! –
Panguin –
Markup Helper –
Ubersuggest Keyword Ideas –

Now, before I dive into the tools, I’m going to break down them into three main categories. They’re going to be keyword research, then I’m going to go into link building, and then technical SEO.

So the tools will fit into one of those three categories. So let’s first start with keyword research.

The first tool I have for you is FAQ Fox. Most people think only as keywords instead of thinking of problem.

When someone’s looking for a new phone, chances are they’re not satisfied with their old phone. When someone’s looking up a math equation, chances are they don’t know the solution, hence, they’re looking it up.

FAQ Fox finds you questions that people want to be answered based on specific site that you want information from.

The second tool that I have for you is Ubersuggest Keyword Ideas. Ubersuggest has recently expanded its database from being a simple keyword tool where it has just basic terms, seed terms like marketing, to now over 1.2 million suggestions per keyword.

My favorite feature within the Keyword Ideas Report is the Comparisons Report, and the reason being is it’ll give you all the keywords that are comparison-based.

Typically, when someone’s searching for comparison-based keywords such as “Mailchimp versus ConvertKit,” they’ve already determined that they’re going to make a purchase.

The question is, what solution are they going to make?

Now, with Ubersuggest, it also shows you the search volume, the paid difficulty, the organic difficulty, and it even shows you all the other sites that are ranking, as well as how many backlinks they have, as well as social shares.

The second category of tools I have for you are related to link building. One of my favorite tools out there is a MozBar.

So the more authority that these sites have, and the more relevant they are, and when they link to you, it’s going to do way better than, let’s say, if Joe the Plumber linked to you.

See, with the MozBar, whenever you visit any website, it’ll tell you their domain authority and their page authority. It’s great to know which sites you should be focusing on when it comes to your link building versus which sites you need to ignore because it’s just not worth the time and effort.

The next tool I have for you is Backlinks by Ubersuggest. It’s another great tool!

All you have to do is go to Ubersuggest, type in a URL, click on the Backlinks button in the left navigation. When you do that, you’ll see the Backlinks Report. It’ll tell you the domain score of the site. It’ll tell you the authority of all the URLs linking to that site. It’ll even tell you the anchor text, the link growth over time, how many new links are getting over each and every single day, and how many links are losing each and every single day.

You’ll even see anchor text. You’ll even see things like how many no follow links a website has versus do follow, when these links first came to that site, when they link out. You’ll see when the link is also lost, the exact date.

Now, what I mainly use the Ubersuggest Backlinks Report for is typing in my competitor URLs, seeing what pages on their site are popular, what’s getting the most links, and I typically start from there.

The third category of tools I have for you are related to technical SEO. So let’s start with the Panguin Tool.

The next tool I have for you is Structured Data Markup Helper.

Look, if you want to maximize your voice traffics, over 50% of the searches now are voice-based, this will help. If you want things like rich snippets,if you want those star ratings, you need Structure Markup.

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SEO Tips to Improve Organic Traffic in Under 15 Minutes

Want to improve SEO for your site? In this video, you will learn some low-hanging SEO tips that will give you a boost in the search engines.
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Additional SEO Resources

How to Get Backlinks with Negotiation and Persuasion ►

Simple SEO Strategy: The “Middleman” Method ►

How to Increase Organic Traffic with a Content Audit ►

How to use Google Search Console to Improve Your SEO ►

SEO can take a long time to get any kind of meaningful results.

While you can’t “force” Google to rank you faster, there are actually a number of quick things you can do to improve SEO for your website.

One of the easiest things you can do is improve page speed with lazy load. When you implement lazy loading, things like images or videos will only load when they’re visible on the page.

This will reduce initial page load time, initial page weight, and system resource usage, all of which should positively impact performance.

Find out what tools you’ll need to enable lazy loading in the video.

Next, improve clickthrough rate for pages ranking on page one.

It’s widely accepted in the SEO community that pages with a higher clickthrough rate can help increase rankings.

And since 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results, it’s better to focus on improving CTR for your first page rankings.

Learn how to do this in the video.

Third, send emails to everyone you link to. This 10-minute outreach strategy is a great way to passively earn links and grow your network. You will learn how to do this in the video.

Fourth, add internal links to your new pages.

Internal linking helps to improve crawlability, gets your pages indexed faster, improves topical relevance, and distributes PageRank to other pages so you can rank higher in Google.

To learn how to find relevant pages to add internal links from, watch the video.

The next tip is to become a power skimmer of HARO using Gmail filters.

HARO stands for help a reporter out. It’s a free service where journalists can ask questions, and anyone can respond and be a source for mega publications like The New York Times and Forbes.

The thing with this service is that they usually send 3 emails per day which can be quite overwhelming, considering 90% of the queries probably won’t be relevant to you.

So, a quick hack to make sure opportunities don’t get missed is to lighten the load with Gmail filters.

How do you do this? Watch the video.

Sixth, perform an annual content audit. A content audit is where you analyze the performance of all content on your site to determine whether it should be kept as-is, updated, deleted, consolidated, or redirected.

You’ll find out how to perform a content audit in the video.

Lastly, repurpose your best-performing blog posts to videos, and your best videos to blog posts. You’ll learn how to do this in the video.


0:39 – Boost page speed with lazy load
1:25 – Improve clickthrough for pages ranking on page one
4:02 – Send e-mails to everyone you link to
5:47 – Add internal links to your new pages
7:09 – Become a power skimmer of HARO using Gmail filters
8:30 – Perform an annual content audit
9:28 – Repurpose best-performing blog posts to videos, and vice versa

#seotips #improveseo #seo

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STOP Paying for SEO Tools – The Only 4 Tools You Need to Rank #1 in Google

STOP Paying for SEO Tools – The Only 4 Tools You Need to Rank #1 in Google | When I got started in SEO, there were dozen of tools out there. They were all expensive, and, hey, unless you wanted rankings, you would have to pay for one of these tools. But times have changed. There’s not just dozens of tools now, there’s hundreds of tools. And because of that, there’s a lot of free ones as well. Today, I’m going to breakdown why you should stop paying for SEO tools, and only use these four free tools if you want to rank number one on Google.

Google Search Console –
Structured Data Markup Helper –
Google Trends –
Hello Bar –
Mailchimp –
Subscribers –
Ubersuggest –
Moz –
SEMrush –
Jumpshot –
Ahrefs –

So, tool number one. You ready for this? Google Search Console.

Here’s what I love Google Search Console for. I do a comparison of my traffic right now, for the last 30 days, to my traffic six months ago. And I look for the pages that have the biggest drop off in impressions and clicks. I now know that these are the pages that I need to go back on my site, go and adjust and update.

You may add some videos if you think that helps improve the experience. You delete the stuff that doesn’t make sense. You shorn out the fluff, because sometimes, you may have just long articles because you were trying keyword stuff.

The second tool I have for you is Structured Data Markup Helper. Look, if you want those star ratings on your site, you want to be included in the rich snippets, you want your listing to stand out, you got to use structured data.

But how do you use structured data? Well, it’s complicated because depending on the type of website you have, the structured data is going to look different.

So that way, when someone’s doing a search on Google, they can see all those little breadcrumbs, and that helps increase your click-through rate.

The third tool I have for you, Google Trends. This is super important. The reason being is if your brand continually gets searched more and more, you’ll notice that your rankings increase. So, it’s all about brand building. And you’ll find, “Hey, Neil, “why do I need to increase my brand?” Well, Google, Facebook, and all the social sites out there have issues of fake news.

And Google Trends shows you that.

Now, last but not least, another free tool, Ubersuggest. If you want to do SEO, Ubersuggest has the features of Moz, SEMrush, Ahrefs, pretty much the majority 80 plus percent of their features for free.

So, if you want to site audit, well there’s an SEO audit report in Ubersuggest that breaks down your load time, your title tags, your meta description, your code errors, your URL issues, your redirect issues.

And it tells you how to fix each of them. And it breaks down in priority on which ones you should change first to get the maximum amount of traffic. You’re looking for more keywords to go after? Ubersuggest also has a keyword ideas report.

And the keyword ideas report shows you all the keywords that you can go after. According to Jumpshot, roughly 49% of the searches that happen on Google get no clicks. Well, with Ubersuggest, they’ll show you keywords that are based on questions, comparisons, prepositions.

These are all high intent keywords. So if you after them in your copy, you’ll find that you’ll get more clicks, more traffic, and those visitors that are aligning on your site will convert because you’re not just going after generic keywords now. There’s also backlinks report.

You can put in any URL of your competitor or your site. Shows you who links to them. And then you can hit up all those people, assume you put in a competitor URL, and ask them to link back to your site if your content’s better.

This will give you an idea of the type of content you should produce versus the type of content you shouldn’t produce.

And, of course, last but not least, there’s a traffic analyzer report that shows you how much traffic your competitors are getting versus you. So you have a rough comparison of what you need to do to improve your traffic.

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SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings

New to SEO? This tutorial shows you the basics of doing search engine optimization for your website to rank high in Google.
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First, what is SEO and how does it work?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. By definition, it is the process of optimizing your website and webpages to get “free”, “organic” traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

As a business owner, blogger, or website owner, your job is two-fold:

First, you need to make it easy for search engines to understand what your page is about and create content that matches what we call, the “searcher’s intent.”

Second, you need to show Google and other search engines that your pages are ‘worthy’ of ranking.

In this video, Sam Oh teaches the a 101 into the world of search engine optimization.

There are plenty of clear examples and some basic (yet powerful) SEO tips to optimize a brand new website to rank #1 on Google (step-by-step).

The techniques that are taught in this SEO training include:

1. Keyword research
By doing keyword research, you can see the average number of times someone searches for a specific keyword phrase in Google each month.

Often times, the query that you think will be the most popular is often far from the truth.

Using tools like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer (, you’ll learn how to use the “parent topic” of a term to determine the best keywords to target for your pages.

You’ll also learn what not to do (ie. keyword stuffing).

Keyword research gives you clues on the language you should use to let both Google and potential customers know what our page is about.

There are a few vivid examples in here to illustrate the best practices on how to do keyword research. If you want to sharpen your keyword research skills, I highly recommend watching this series on doing keyword research in 2018 and beyond.

2. On-page SEO
On-page SEO is the process of optimizing web pages with the intention to rank high in Google. If you want to rank #1 on Google, then your on-page SEO will need to be right on.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn 4 simple, yet highly effective tips to ensure you are following Google SEO best practices. Having optimized web pages will set the foundation for your success in search engine optimization.

It will help Google understand what your content is about and help your customers find you.

A few of the basic tips include:

– Title tags
– Meta descriptions
– Heading tags (or H1 tags)
– keyword usage
– content creation
– competitor analysis

Learn more about our top 10 on-page SEO tips that actually work in 2018 and beyond.

3. Off-page SEO
Off-page SEO is often referred to as link building.

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to your web pages.

Basically, links act as “votes” or other people vouching for your website.

Backlinks work in a similar way that you would refer your friend to buy a product from your favorite store because you’ve tried it, used it, and loved it.

In general, the more quality backlinks you can get from relevant pages, the higher you’ll rank in Google.

Sam will show you how to find backlink opportunities and the key technique that SEOs use to build links, which is through email outreach.

I highly recommend watching our video series on competitor backlink analysis and link building here:

We also have another playlist on more “advanced” link building.

There’s a lot to learn with SEO marketing and we’re constantly adding new tutorials to help you learn and execute SEO in effective ways.

Be sure to subscribe for more actionable tutorials and grow your SEO and marketing knowledge.

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