Référencement Naturel : Des MILLIERS DE VISITEURS gratuitement grâce au SEO en 2021


👉 SemJuice : https://www.otaket.com/semjuice (Ma plateforme préférée pour acheter des backlinks)
👉 Ereferer : https://www.otaket.com/ereferer Pour s’inscrire facilement dans des annuaires de qualité.
📩 Chaque JOUR, reçois une leçon gratuite pour monter ton business en ligne
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Programme de cette formation sur le SEO
✔︎ Les avantages et les inconvénients du référencement naturel (si je te fais cette formation, c’est forcément que les avantages sont nombreux)
✔︎ Est-ce que les méthodes SEO marchent encore en 2021 ? (avec des preuves)
✔︎ Les bases pour comprendre le SEO même si tu es un débutant complet
✔︎ Les 3 piliers essentiels pour bien référencer ton site sur google

Mais on va aussi aller plus loin et parler de :
✔︎ L’intérêt des liens (backlinks) pour propulser ton site en première page
✔︎ Les erreurs à éviter si tu ne veux pas que ton site soit blacklisté (et ça peut arriver vite)
✔︎ Les recommandations pour rester sous les radars de Google

Et tu auras aussi accès gratuitement à :
✔︎ La méthode pas à pas pour trouver des mots clés sur lesquels te positionner
✔︎ Comment évaluer la difficulté d’un mot-clé (et l’erreur faite par beaucoup de débutants)
✔︎ Les 5 types de sites prêts à te fournir des liens vers ton site.

👉 SemJuice : https://www.otaket.com/semjuice (Ma plateforme préférée pour acheter des backlinks)
👉 Ereferer : https://www.otaket.com/ereferer Pour s’inscrire facilement dans des annuaires de qualité.

Envie d’aller plus loin ?
📩 Chaque MATIN, reçois une leçon gratuite pour gagner de l’argent sur internet :
👉 https://otaket.fr/lecons

🚀 Envie de créer et vendre ta première formation rapidement ? 💻
☎️ Réserve un appel avec moi sur cette page :
👉 https://otaket.fr/call


Entrepreneur depuis toujours, j’ai gagné mes premiers euros sur internet en 2010 lorsque j’étais encore étudiant.
Dès que j’ai eu mon diplôme en 2012 je me suis lancé à temps plein sur le web. 💻
Tu l’as bien compris.. je n’ai jamais été salarié ! 😎

Depuis, j’ai lancé plus de 100 projets sur internet et testé énormément de choses. 🚀

👍 Ces dernières années j’ai décidé de me consacrer sur la vente de produits numériques et avec Otaket je t’aide à en faire autant.

✅ Sur cette chaine tu trouveras des conseils et des méthodes pour :
✔ Créer et faire décoller ton activité sur internet
✔ Développer le mindset nécessaire pour réussir
✔ Muscler ta confiance en toi et ta motivation au quotidien
✔ Des méthodes et stratégies pour gagner de l’argent sur internet

Avec un seul objectif : Gagner Ta Liberté !

1️⃣ – Reçois chaque matin une leçon business offerte :
👉 https://otaket.fr/lecons
2️⃣ : Abonne-toi sur Instragram :
3️⃣- Like la page Facebook :

==== Résumé de la vidéo ====

Voici une Formation SEO – Référencement Naturel de son Site Web [apprendre le SEO – tuto débutant FR]
Un vrai Tuto référencement naturel SEO 2021
SEO : Les Bases du Référencement naturel [Débutants]

Comment améliorer son SEO ? Les 3 piliers du référencement naturel
– Tutoriel SEO : SEO, Référencement naturel
– 16 astuces SEO pour référencer son site

Lien de la vidéo : https://youtu.be/U7FFbH8Bm5A

SEO Tutorial For Beginners | Learn SEO Step By Step | SEO Tutorial | Advanced SEO 2020 | Simplilearn

This SEO tutorial video will help you understand what is SEO, why we need SEO, what is keyword research, how does a search engine work, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, Google algorithms, types of SEO, what is an ideal website architecture, what is local SEO, how to measure your SEO performance, and at the end there will be a short quiz to test your understanding on SEO. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the work that we do to make our websites more prominent in the major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The more prominent our web pages are in the search engines, the more visitors and searchers will be exposed to our business information.

Start learning today’s most in-demand skills for FREE. Visit us at https://www.simplilearn.com/skillup-free-online-courses?utm_campaign=SEO&utm_medium=Description&utm_source=youtube
Choose over 300 in-demand skills and get access to 1000+ hours of video content for FREE in various technologies like Data Science, Cybersecurity, Project Management & Leadership, Digital Marketing, and much more.

Below topics are explained in this SEO tutorial:
1. Why SEO? (0:55)
2. What is SEO? (05:35)
3. What is keyword research? (07:24)
4. How does a search engine work? (15:11)
5. On-page SEO (17:56)
6. Off-page SEO (01:05:30)
7. What are Google algorithms? (01:33:00)
8. Types of SEO (01:40:49)
9. Website architecture (01:44:39)
10. Local SEO (01:52:02)
11. How to measure your SEO performance (01:59:42)
12. Quiz (02:16:31)

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/Simplilearn?sub_confirmation=1

To get access to the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Simplilearn/seo-tutorial-for-beginners-learn-seo-step-by-step-seo-tutorial-advanced-seo-2019-simplilearn/Simplilearn/seo-tutorial-for-beginners-learn-seo-step-by-step-seo-tutorial-advanced-seo-2019-simplilearn

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

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About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=SEO-Tutorial-For-Beginners-Qs0_Qu22v4M&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
– LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
– Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0


En este video veremos el siguiente contenido:



– Que es SEO
– Beneficios del SEO
– Fases SEO
– Motores de búsqueda
– Las SERP
– Los Factores de Posicionamiento en Google

3. EL CONTENIDO – 43:00
– Calidad
– Novedad
– Originalidad
– Cantidad
– Semántica

4. PALABRAS CLAVES – 01:07:18
– Keyword research
– Short Tail, Middle Tail y Long Tail
– Keyword density
– Disposición y Prioridad

5. ENLACES Y URLs – 01:46:03
– URLs amigables
– Entrantes
– Salientes
– Interno

6. LOS SITEMAP – 01:57:51
– Que es y su importancia
– Organización
– Robots
– Creación de un sitemap

7. EL UI/UX – 02:10:33
– Interfaz de usuario (UI)
– Experiencia de usuario (UX)
– Interacción
– Velocidad de carga
– Contenido Freshness (Fecha de publicación)
– Estructura y contenido:
○ Breadcrumbs
○ Taxonomía
○ Tabla de contenido
○ Favicon
○ Anchor Text
○ Caja de búsqueda
○ Página de contacto Página Quienes somos
○ No cuentan comentarios y testimonios
○ Política de Privacidad, Términos Legales y Cookies

8. PAGERANK – 02:37:39

9. HOSTING Y DOMINIO – 02:41:48
– Hosting
– Dominio y Autoridad
– Servicios integrados

– Google Trends
– Google Speed
– Google Analytics
– Google Ads
– SemRush
– KeywordTools
– Títulos para las palabras clave
– Autoridad de Dominio
– Traffic Travis
– Manejadores de contenido o CMS

11. SEO LOCAL – 03:18:23
– Nap
– Nombre de la ciudad
– Google My Business
– Reseñas
– Google Maps
– Directorios locales
– Valoración de reseñas
– Optimizar contenido en el website
– Linkbuilding

12. ACCIONES A EVITAR – 03:32:54


– Crear Buyer Persona
– Análisis de la competencia

14. FASES 2 – PALABRAS CLAVES – 03:50:45
– Planificar de Google
– Google Trends
– Answer the public

– Tabla de contenido
– H1, h1, h3
– Metaetiquetas
– Imágenes
– Videos
– Audios
– Mapas internos
– Links
– Url amigable

16. FASE 4 – PUBLICACIÓN – 04:02:27
– Publicación de contenido o post
– Indexación
– Integración en redes sociales
– Integración en Google My Businnes
– Integración en Google site
– Integración en blogger
– Integración con shoelace
– Integración con Google grupos
– Enviar por email para los suscritos

17. FASE 5 – PROCESO CONTINUO – 04:09:57
– Creación post
– Publicación en redes sociales
– Promociones y valor agregado

– Analítica web

– Optimización de html
– Optimización del contenido
– Actualización según recomendaciones de Google

Archivos: https://yoneygallardo.com/curso-de-posicionamiento-web/
DONACIONES: http://bit.ly/2Hx7tD8

Rank #1 on Google Using 7 Free SEO Tools | Neil Patel

In today’s tutorial I’m going to share with you 7 free tools that will help you rank #1 on Google. Learn these SEO optimization techniques and skyrocket your rankings on Google! If you’re new to the world of SEO (search engine optimization), these seven free tools will go a long way in helping you formulate a strategy for reaching your goals.

Google Neil Patel


Google Search Console: https://search.google.com/search-console/about

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Yoast SEO Plugin: https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/

Websiteresponsivetest.com: http://www.websiteresponsivetest.com/

Google Trends: https://trends.google.com/trends

Google PageSpeed insights: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

Keywords Everywhere: https://keywordseverywhere.com/

Read more SEO tips on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

Tool #1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console will show you all the keywords that you’re ranking for that are driving the majority of your traffic.

By creating your own headline or title tag that’s more appealing, as well as including the keyword, you’re more likely to get clicks.

Tool #2. Ubersuggest

Google Search Console has already showed you what keywords you’re getting traffic for. If you plug these keywords into Ubersuggest, it will show you all the long tail variations of those keywords. If you already rank for the headterms, it’s really easy to rank for the long tail terms.

Tool #3. Yoast SEO Plugin

This plugin will make your life so much easier if you run your website on WordPress.

Yoast SEO Plugin will help you optimize your code, title tags, meta description and create a XML sitemap.

Tool #4. Websiteresponsivetest.com

Your site needs to be mobile compatible and putting your website into this tool will tell you, if your website is responsive and mobile friendly.

Tool #5. Google Trends

By creating a brand, you’re going to do better on Google.

And Google Trends shows you how your brand is doing compared to other people. You want the bigger brand and Google Trends will show this.

Tool #6. Google PageSpeed insights

More people use Google on their mobile devices than on their desktop computers. That’s why speed is so important. Google has an index just for mobile sites. So, you want to ensure that your website loads as fast as possible.

Tool #7. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere plugin will show you how many people are searching for your terms and related keywords as you’re using Google. It’ll give you more keyword ideas, because you can see the search volume and how good some of these keywords are.

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

#NeilPatel #seo #seotips




🔽E-A-T and SEO for Google: Everything you need to know

E-A-T and SEO

🔽Google’s Core Algorithm Updates and The Power of User Studies

Google’s Core Algorithm Updates and The Power of User Studies: How Real Feedback From Real People Can Help Site Owners Surface Website Quality Problems (And More)


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🌎 КАК ПОИМЕТЬ GOOGLE и ЯНДЕКС: черное SEO и белое SEO-продвижение сайтов 🛠 Шестаков | Люди PRO #74

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💰Инвестировать с United Traders: https://bit.ly/2Nb4h2i
🎥 Часть II этого видео: https://youtu.be/7Qgkh3yvW6c

👑 Моя СРА-сеть: https://admaximum.pro
✅ Проверенные лично мной сервисы: https://pavlovich.shop/proverennye-servisy.html
✅ Rush-analytics.ru – проверка позиций сайта и аналитика (скидка 20% на тарифы Pro и Pro+ по промокоду propro2019 до 31.12.2019)
✅ Rush-academy.ru – скидка на курс по SEO 25% (5к рублей) по промокоду propro2019
✅ Rush-agency.ru – продвижение сайтов в РФ и на Западе
✅ Телеграмм Олега: https://ttttt.me/rsh0rsh
✅ Facebook Олега: https://www.fb.com/shestakov.oleg
💰 Мой кэшбэк-сервис: https://secretdiscounter.com/?promo=youtubeall
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✅ Моя инста: https://www.instagram.com/carding.pro
✅ Стать спонсором канала и получить ранний доступ к видео, фирменные значки и эмодзи: https://www.youtube.com/peoplepro/join
✅ Также поддержать мой канал рублём можно здесь: https://www.patreon.com/cardingpro

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В 74-м выпуске Сергей Павлович беседует с Олегом Шестаковым, основателем и совладельцем Rush-analytics.ru и Rush-agency.ru.

00:30 – О чем сегодняшний выпуск, кто в гостях
01:16 – Что такое SEO?
04:05 – Заработок в США, портфель Сергея Павловича в United Traders
07:04 – Что такое ранжирование?
11:32 – Что такое ссылочные кольца?
13:30 – Различия Яндекс и Google. Органический поиск
21:40 – Нереклама книги Сергея Павловича, кэшбек-сервис SecretDiscounter.com
23:40 – Для чего собирать ключи?
29:14 – Как сейчас привлекать траффик?
30:10 – Стоит ли обманывать роботов, низкочастотные, высокочастотные запросы
33:42 – Google все еще любит ссылки?
38:08 – Купили ссылок на $100.000
40:05 – В Яндексе можно продвигаться без ссылок?
41:18 – Нормальная цена ссылки в России? Как подобрать правильного донора?
43:30 – Лайфхак для Ahrefs
45:38 – Как получать бесплатные ссылки
46:47 – Можно ли на Западе продвинуть свежий сайт без ссылок?
50:20 – Как развивалась борьба оптимизаторов и Google?
1:01:38 – Почему ты не накручиваешь поведенческие факторы (ПФ)?
1:02:43 – Как узнать алгоритмы накрутки?
1:06:13 – Про чернуху
1:15:58 – Про взломанные сайты
1:19:22 – Правда ли, что домены .gov и .edu имеют больший вес?
1:22:22 – Фарма, самые изощренные стратегии
1:28:22 – Про 301-й редирект
1:32:18 – Как работают санкции поисковиков

🎓 Как и обещали, даем полезные ссылки по SEO от Олега 🔥
📕 Статья ТОП-стратегии и основные ошибки в SEO для тревела: http://bit.ly/travel-seo2020 и видео с этого выступления: https://youtu.be/IGOeY78DFmI
📕 Моя презентация, SEO своими руками. База с примерами: http://bit.ly/seo-svoimi-rukami
📕 Большая статья как подбираю ключи: https://www.rush-analytics.ru/faq/kak-sostavit-semanticheskoe-yadro-sajta
📕 Как сделать структуру сайта: https://www.rush-analytics.ru/faq/kak-sozdat-strukturu-sayta-na-osnove-semanticheskogo-yadra
📕 Как прописать мета-теги: https://www.rush-analytics.ru/faq/kak-sostavit-meta-tegi-dlya-stranic-saita
📕 Почему вы потеряете бабки, заказав SEO? Моя статья на VC.RU: https://vc.ru/marketing/60262-biznes-u-kotorogo-nikogda-ne-budet-klientov-iz-interneta – интересно и большой холивар
📕 В чем отличие SEO на западе? Презентация: http://bit.ly/seo-zapad-rush
📕 Доклады моего друга Миши Шакина про Западное SEO, четко и по делу, рекомендую всем, от тех кто вообще не шарит, до опытных спецов: http://shakin.ru/my-speeches
📕 Как и чем делать PBN (сетки) под запад – огромное руководство от моего брата: https://www.rush-analytics.ru/blog/instrumenty-dlya-pbn-v-rush-analytics

👉👉👉 Вопросы по сайтам в телегу @rsh0rsh
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КАК ПОИМЕТЬ GOOGLE и ЯНДЕКС: черное SEO и белое SEO-продвижение сайтов. Олег Шестаков

8 Things To Master in SEO – Do You Know Them?

People really overthink and over-complicate SEO. But if I had to break it down to the bare minimum essentials that you need to master in order to get SEO, it wouldn’t be a lot. Today I’m going to break down eight things to master in SEO. Do you know them?

The Most On Demand Digital Marketing Skills in 2019 (High-Income Skills to Master) : https://youtu.be/yyitwdk4QmY
Ubersuggest – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/
Rev.com – https://www.rev.com/
Trint.com – https://trint.com/
Problogger Jobs – https://problogger.com/jobs/
Upwork – https://www.upwork.com/
Yoast SEO – https://yoast.com/
Rank Math – https://rankmath.com/
Mailshake tool – https://mailshake.com/

The first thing I want you to master is studying search results and competitors.

You can use Uber Suggests, you can type in any keyword and we’ll show you not only all the other similar keywords, but I’ll also show you who’s ranking in the top hundred positions. How many social shares they have, how many backlinks they have. How many other phrases that they’re ranking for, heck it even tells you all about their content as well.

The second thing that you need to do is start planning and strategizing.

What are the keywords that you can win versus the ones that are going to be a waste of time? Look, search volume is everything, you need to look at what people are ranking for, and see whether or not that you can replicate those kinds of metrics.

And Uber Suggests, if you look at the keyword ideas report, it tells you how a keyword is. Go after keywords that have an SEO difficulty score of less than 40. Those are easier to rank for.

Uber Suggests will also tell you how many backlinks you need to rank for any given keyword. And that’s integrated within the SEO difficulty score.

The next thing I want to cover is writing.

SEO is all about delivering what people need and doing a better job than anyone else. Writing content is going to be crucial to anyone running an SEO campaign, even if you’re outsourcing it.

The other thing that you need to know is basic HTML.

You’ll need this skill because you need to edit title tags, meta tags, you need to add schema markup like the FAQ schema markup, it’s a great way to get higher rankings. You also need a tracking code on your site like Google Analytics. And then hey, is that traffic converting into conversions, Google Analytics will tell you this. You need to figure out how you can structure your site.

If you don’t know basic HTML, you’re probably going to have to hire a developer.

The next thing you need to learn is analytics.

And remember, SEO is all about providing the best user experience. So you need to look at things like conversion rates per page and channel, bounce rates, time on site, traffic by channel and month over month growth rates. This will all help you determine how you can grow from an SEO standpoint, but from a user experience standpoint as well.

The next one, self-management, SEO is multi-faceted.

If you’re a bit lost, start off with the site audit report within Uber Suggests, because that site audit report will end up breaking down what you should focus your time on first, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. based on what’s going to have the biggest impact to your ranking.

The next thing you need to do is be willing to constantly learn.

SEO changes rapidly and every day something different can happen to alter your industry, whether it’s Google doing an update, like the medic update, or just a general algorithm change, or hey, you have new competitors who are copying all of your schedules and doing it better than you.

You need to read each and every single day and learn from other people in your industry as well, even if that takes some time out of your day.

Most importantly, you need to write conclusions from your SEO experiments and understand what are the lessons that you can learn from each success and each failure that you have because not everything you’re doing is going to work out.

And last but not least cold outreach.

It’s important to master cold outreach, whether it’s by email, social media, or even phone calls. How do you pique a stranger’s interest and get them to link to you? How do you craft that introduction, that you’re so likable and approachable that people want to converse with you? How do you craft amazing subject lines? How do you persuade other people to take action? These are all skills that you need to master if you want to do well with cold outreach.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

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STOP Paying for SEO Tools – The Only 4 Tools You Need to Rank #1 in Google

STOP Paying for SEO Tools – The Only 4 Tools You Need to Rank #1 in Google | When I got started in SEO, there were dozen of tools out there. They were all expensive, and, hey, unless you wanted rankings, you would have to pay for one of these tools. But times have changed. There’s not just dozens of tools now, there’s hundreds of tools. And because of that, there’s a lot of free ones as well. Today, I’m going to breakdown why you should stop paying for SEO tools, and only use these four free tools if you want to rank number one on Google.

Google Search Console – https://search.google.com/search-console/about
Structured Data Markup Helper – https://www.google.com/webmasters/markup-helper/
Google Trends – https://trends.google.com/trends/
Hello Bar – https://www.hellobar.com/
Mailchimp – https://mailchimp.com/
Subscribers – https://subscribers.com/
Ubersuggest – ubersuggest.org
Moz – moz.com
SEMrush – https://www.semrush.com/
Jumpshot – https://www.jumpshot.com/
Ahrefs – https://ahrefs.com/

So, tool number one. You ready for this? Google Search Console.

Here’s what I love Google Search Console for. I do a comparison of my traffic right now, for the last 30 days, to my traffic six months ago. And I look for the pages that have the biggest drop off in impressions and clicks. I now know that these are the pages that I need to go back on my site, go and adjust and update.

You may add some videos if you think that helps improve the experience. You delete the stuff that doesn’t make sense. You shorn out the fluff, because sometimes, you may have just long articles because you were trying keyword stuff.

The second tool I have for you is Structured Data Markup Helper. Look, if you want those star ratings on your site, you want to be included in the rich snippets, you want your listing to stand out, you got to use structured data.

But how do you use structured data? Well, it’s complicated because depending on the type of website you have, the structured data is going to look different.

So that way, when someone’s doing a search on Google, they can see all those little breadcrumbs, and that helps increase your click-through rate.

The third tool I have for you, Google Trends. This is super important. The reason being is if your brand continually gets searched more and more, you’ll notice that your rankings increase. So, it’s all about brand building. And you’ll find, “Hey, Neil, “why do I need to increase my brand?” Well, Google, Facebook, and all the social sites out there have issues of fake news.

And Google Trends shows you that.

Now, last but not least, another free tool, Ubersuggest. If you want to do SEO, Ubersuggest has the features of Moz, SEMrush, Ahrefs, pretty much the majority 80 plus percent of their features for free.

So, if you want to site audit, well there’s an SEO audit report in Ubersuggest that breaks down your load time, your title tags, your meta description, your code errors, your URL issues, your redirect issues.

And it tells you how to fix each of them. And it breaks down in priority on which ones you should change first to get the maximum amount of traffic. You’re looking for more keywords to go after? Ubersuggest also has a keyword ideas report.

And the keyword ideas report shows you all the keywords that you can go after. According to Jumpshot, roughly 49% of the searches that happen on Google get no clicks. Well, with Ubersuggest, they’ll show you keywords that are based on questions, comparisons, prepositions.

These are all high intent keywords. So if you after them in your copy, you’ll find that you’ll get more clicks, more traffic, and those visitors that are aligning on your site will convert because you’re not just going after generic keywords now. There’s also backlinks report.

You can put in any URL of your competitor or your site. Shows you who links to them. And then you can hit up all those people, assume you put in a competitor URL, and ask them to link back to your site if your content’s better.

This will give you an idea of the type of content you should produce versus the type of content you shouldn’t produce.

And, of course, last but not least, there’s a traffic analyzer report that shows you how much traffic your competitors are getting versus you. So you have a rough comparison of what you need to do to improve your traffic.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

SEO Checklist 2019 — How to Get More Organic Traffic (Fast!)

Today you’re going to get access to my complete SEO checklist for 2019.

This is the same checklist I’ve used to get over 300k monthly visitors from Google (mostly from SEO).

Here’s some of the stuff we’re going to cover in today’s video.

First, I’ll show you the 3 SEO tools that I consider (“must haves”). I personally use 15 SEO tools on a weekly basis. But these are the 3 most important.

Then, it’s all about keyword research. Here’s where you learn how to find keywords that your customers search for every day.

Third, I show you how to optimize your site using a handful of on-page SEO strategies.

Next up, we get into some basic technical SEO stuff just to make sure that Google can crawl and index all of your site’s pages.

Finally, I show you how to create content that’s primed to rank on the first page of Google. I also show you how to use white hat link building strategies to build links to that content.

And I wrap up my SEO checklist with a few advanced strategies.

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SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2020

SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2020

Are you new to SEO and want to rank #1 on google this upcoming year? Here are 3 SEO strategies that will boost your rankings!

#1: Focus on content
Google has this update called Hummingbird, and with Hummingbird, websites who just have content on everything won’t do as well as sites which focus on one single niche and are super thorough.

You want to be VERY thorough with your SEO content. Poke holes in your content and fill them all up, so then that way people are like, “This is the end all site “that you should end up reading “if you’re interested in dating online.”

#2: Optimize your title tag and your meta description
Have you ever done a Google search, and noticed that every time you do it, there is this link at the top, and then there’s this one sentence with a link at the top is called the title tag.

And the description below is called the meta description.

Now think of it this way, if you search for the phrase online dating, and you don’t see the word online dating in neither the title or the description, are you going to click on the result?

Well if you are, there’s something wrong, because why would you click on a result that isn’t related to what you’re looking for?

In addition to that, have you ever searched for a term like online dating? And have you ever noticed that the word isn’t in the title or description?

That’s because Google tracks who’s clicking on what listing, and they’ve learned that when a keyword is in the listing, that same keyword that you’re searching for, they know you’re way more likely to click through.

So in your title tag and your meta description, make sure you include the keyword. But you can’t just add the keyword, “online dating,” right?

The easiest way and what I would do and I wish it was this simple; I will just put “online dating, online dating, online dating, online dating.”

If I could put it 20 times so people would know that the article is on online dating, I wish I would get more clicks.

But it’s not that simple.

Yes you have to include the keyword in your title and your description, but it has to be appealing. If it doesn’t flow in a sentence, it’s not easy to read, and it’s not appealing or evoking curiosity, no one is gonna click through.

#3: Use Google Search Console

Did you know that Google gives you a tool that teaches you how to rank number one on Google?

Yes I know that sounds ridiculous but it is true, and it’s called Google Search Console.

If you’re not already a user of it, sign up.

It doesn’t cost a dollar. You’re missing out if you’re not using it.

I can’t emphasize that enough. So now that you’re using Google Search Console…give it a few days because it takes some time to populate data. You’ll see a screen that shows Search Analytics and this shows you all the pages on your website that are getting you traffic. But the cool thing about Google Search Console is they also show you which articles are getting impressions.

Take all the keywords you’re getting impressions for and start adding them to your copy.

Now we have an article on Instagram, and it teaches you how to get over 300 targeted Instagram followers per day.

The article is around 10,000 words. When I first wrote that article, it wasn’t 10,000 words, it was roughly 2,500.

I went to Google Search Console, I saw all the people that are searching for terms related to the article, I added them within that article. I made it more thorough and you know what?

My SEO traffic more than tripled to that article. Yes it is that simple. And when I made that change, it didn’t happen right away, but I noticed the results within 50 days. That’s not a long time.

Now that you’ve learned these three tips, I challenge you in which I want you to take these tactics and implement them, and then after you implement them, in the next 45 days I want you to leave a comment with your results. Because if you’re not doing well, that means I’m not happy.

Subscribe here to learn more of my secret SEO tips: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=neilvkpatel Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

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