How To Get Free Traffic From Google (SEO Tutorial For Beginners)

In this video, I will show you how to get free organic traffic from Google with SEO or search engine optimization, this is a free SEO tutorial for beginners who want to understand what is SEO and how it works.

I will explain what is SEO and How it works, then I will talk about the main 3 steps of SEO, which is keyword research, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO.

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SEO: How to Rank #1 on Google in 2021

The biggest SEO tip in 2020 to rank #1 in Google through 2021.

If you have been performing search engine optimization SEO and want a SEO tutorial a guide that will actually teach you SEO . Than this mini crash course will certainly be for you.

What I will cover in this video:

First thing will be the conclusion of SEO for 2020 and what matters as far as ranking and that is matching what is being praised already in the search results.

From on-page SEO and off-page SEO practices that I have found to be game changers since finding this little known strategy for ranking even completive keywords in the the results pages.

Getting to the first page of Google really has not been any easier since coming to this realization. I will walk you through my tactical checklist of how to optimize from my experience.

After you have finished your optimizations for search engines following a step by step blueprint that already exists in the organic rankings that are displayed in the results.

Content is still king and it certainly needs to be LEGIT as some say but after I walk you through step-by-step you will have a much deeper understanding of SEO.

In this SEO video I will walk you through my process of understanding organic rankings and there is one little SEO tip that will give you that YES I GET IT moment!


Chris Palmer Marketing-SEO
30 W Broad St fl2
Tamaqua PA 18252
(570) 550-1912

How to Rank Your Website on Google – WordPress SEO For Beginners

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Learn how to rank your website on google.

Now let’s say you have a website and when you search for it on google,
You may have not found your website.

This is because google ranks all the websites related to your search term on it’s search results.

So to rank your website.

Table of contents:

0:00 Intro

1:26 Creating content

6:39 Making content appear good in Google search results

11:40 Tell Google about your website’s content

17:16 Key aspects that affect in ranking

17:58 To check if your content is ranking on Google

we are going to do 3 parts.

Part 1: Create content which can rank on google.

To create the content, we’re going to do 4 steps

Step 1: FInd what people are searching for
In order to create the content, first you need to know what the people are searching on google related to your website or business.

Now just search something on google related to your business & you will get related suggestions next to it.

Now these suggestions are the terms, what people mostly search on google.

Step 2: Choose the users, you want to reach

Now each suggested result is a set of the users you want to reach.

So you need to choose a term searched by the people.

Step 3: Find out what the users might be looking for.

After choosing the set of users based on the search term they are looking for,

Now you need to find and understand what really that particular user is looking for.

Step 4: Create your content.

Now that you know what the user is searching, Next you need to answer that with your content.

So to create the content,

Go to WordPress Dashboard ► Posts ► Add New

Now enter the title, content, images etc which solves the users’ needs & publish it.

Once you’ve created the content, you can go to the next part.

Part 2 : To make your content, appear good on google search result.

Now once your site gets ranked and appears on search results,

You can see your title, link to your post & description on google.

Now if the link of your page is unclear or not readable with some random characters and text,

Change the permalink which will make your site URL’s look good and also perform better in google search results.

Now if you look at your description on google, it shows the content which you’ve added in post.

Now instead of this if you want to add your own text,

You need to install the ‘Yoast SEO’ plugin in your WordPress site.

Now if you go to your post and click ‘Edit’.

You will get some new options from Yoast SEO in your edit page.

Now click ‘Edit Snippet’ and write your own description which you want to display on google.

So now we have successfully made our site look good on the Google search results.

Now to help Google, find your site & it’s content, we need to share our website details with Google.

Part 3 : Tell Google about your website content

We are going to do this in 3 steps.

Step 1 : Install ‘Site Kit by Google’ plugin.

Step 2 : Setup the plugin.

Once you’ve installed the plugin, click ‘Start Setup’ to setup the plugin.

Sign In with google & click ‘My Dashboard’ to see your website is successfully connected with Google.

Step 3: Tell Google about all the pages you’ve on your website.

So to inform Google about your posts/content, we need to submit a ‘sitemap’.

To get the sitemap, let’s go to WordPress Dashboard ► SEO ► Features
Now click on the question mark next to XML sitemaps.

And then click ‘see XML sitemap’ to get the sitemap with all the links of your pages on your site.

Now copy the sitemap link on your browser & paste it in Google Search Console.

So now when you publish new content, it will be automatically added to your sitemap,

So this is how you can tell Google, about the pages you have on your website.

Now you’ve optimised your website for ranking on google.

So when the user searches for your website or your posts,

Your website will appear in search results.

So that’s it guys!

This is how you can rank your website for google.
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WordPress SEO-Grundlagen für Einsteiger erklärt

Diesmal lernst du die 7 wichtigsten Schritte, um die Suchmaschinenoptimierung deiner WordPress Website auf Kurs zu bringen.

📖 Inhaltsverzeichnis:
0:33 – WordPress um SEO-Funktionien erweitern
2:14 – www oder ohne www
4:39 – Permalinks: SEO-freundliche URLs aktivieren
7:20 – Anhangseiten für Bilder deaktivieren
8:24 – Datum-Archive deaktivieren
9:32 – Fokus-Keyword setzen
12:20 – Title Tags optimieren
13:55 – Hilfreiche WordPress Plugins für Anfänger


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📌 Kurzbeschreibung:
WordPress steht im Ranking der Content-Management-Systeme, kurz CMS, nach Marktanteil aktuell auf Platz 1 mit 61,6%. Kein Wunder, denn das CMS ist flexibel, einsteigerfreundlich und dank der riesigen Auswahl an Plugins leicht zu erweitern. Out-Of-The-Box ist aber auch WordPress nicht suchmaschinenfreundlich. In diesem Video lernst du die SEO-Grundlagen für WordPress kennen. Wir sorgen dafür, dass kein Thin Content im Google Index landet, optimieren deine URLs für Nutzer und Suchmaschinen und formulieren Title Tags, die für gute Google Rankings und eine hohe Klickrate sorgen.

📚 Artikel über die absoluten SEO-Grundlagen:
Artikel über WordPress SEO von A bis Z:

📺 Weiterführende Videos:
WordPress SEO Vortrag:
Yoast SEO Tutorial Deutsch:

1. WordPress um SEO-Funktionien erweitern: WordPress SEO-Plugin installieren
– Yoast SEO:
– RankMath:
– Yoast SEO Tutorial:
– Erweitert WordPress um die wichtigsten SEO-Funktionalitäten

2. www oder ohne www
– Aus SEO-Sicht wollen wir uns für eine Version entscheiden.
– Die anderen Variante muss weitergeleitet werden.
– Checks:
– -inurl:www
– inurl:www
– -inurl:https

3. Permalinks: Sprechende URLs aktivieren
– Kurze, sprechende URLs:
– Das Main Keyword soll in der URL vorkommen.
– Der Nutzer soll an der URL erkennen, worum sich die Seite dreht.

4. Anhangseiten für Bilder deaktivieren
– WordPress generiert für jedes Bild eine eigene URL.
– Für User und Suchmaschinen besteht kein Mehrwert.

5. Datum-Archive deaktivieren
– WordPress erstellt Archive nach Monaten und Jahren.
– Für User und Suchmaschinen besteht kein Mehrwert.

6. Fokus-Keyword setzen
– Jede Seite, die Traffic über Google generieren soll, sollte auf ein Main Keyword und zwei Secondary Keywords ausgelegt sein.
– Für jede Suchintention, jedes Keyword sollte es nur eine Seite geben.
– Was ist die Suchintention?
– Wenn es mehrere Seiten zu einem Keyword gibt, kann es zu Keyword-Kannibalisierung kommen:
– Synonyme:

7. Title Tags optimieren
– Der Title Tag ist der wichtigste OnPage-Faktor.
– Main Keyword sollte möglichst weit vorne stehen.
– Das Main Keyword sollte in der richtigen Schreibweise vorkommen.
– Der perfekte Title Tag ist zwischen 50 und 60 Zeichen lang.
– Der Title Tag ist auch der wichtigste Faktor für die Klickrate in den Google Suchergebnissen.
– Title Tag Optimierung:

Hilfreiche WordPress Plugins für Anfänger:
– Redirection:
– WP Rocket / kostenpflichtig:
– Imagify / kostenpflichtig:
– Easy Table of Contents:


🌐 Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Deutsch, deutschsprachig

#Suchmaschinenoptimierung #WordPressSEO #SEOGrundlagen

21 SEO Basics For Beginners: Expert Ranking Tips For 2020

In today’s video, I am going to take you from a beginner SEO to an intermediate in one video. I cover the following:

Keyword research: how to identify keywords that make sense to target for your business.
Technical SEO basics: how to assess a website and make the changes to ensure you are ranking at the top of the search
On Page SEO: how to optimize your web pages for optimal search traffic
Backlinks: analyzing backlinks, cleaning up a backlink portfolio, and getting your first foundation backlinks for a good head start.

(14 DAY TRIAL) The tool I used in this video:

More on XML Sitemaps:

Google Page Speed Insights:

Thank you so much for watching todays video. Below you can find some important links. It is important to note I place my website, affiliate, and a course link below and monetize those sources as income. My primary income, Develomark: works with home service, legal, medical, and retail based businesses.

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SEO for Beginners: Rank #1 In Google in 2020

This video is a complete SEO for beginners walk through and guide.

So if you’re new to search engine optimization, and want a crash course, this SEO tutorial is for you.

Here are some of the things that I’ll go over in this new video:

First, I’ll show you how to get started with keyword research. It doesn’t matter if you’re an SEO newbie or SEO expert, keyword research is HUGE. And in the beginning of the video you’ll see how to find the right keywords for you.

Then I’ll show you how to create epic content around each of the keywords that you just found. In the old days of SEO, as long as your on-page SEO was in place, you could rank. Not anymore. To rank on the first page of Google today, your content needs to be LEGIT.

Next up, you’ll learn how to optimize your content for users and search engines. This step includes a ton of tactical examples from my experience.

Finally, I show you how to optimize your post for SEO. This is the exact checklist that I use to optimize my own blog content at Backlinko. And it works.

All in all, you’ll have an SEO beginner’s guide that you can use to help rank your site on the first page of Google. Enjoy!

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Welcome to the SEO Unlocked! Free SEO Course with Neil Patel | SEO Training

Welcome to SEO Unlocked. This is my free SEO Course, and I’m going to release new videos on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional SEO, you’ll learn the exact search engine optimization techniques I use in my own business and with my consulting clients. This is the SEO training you’ve been looking for, and over the next few weeks, I’m going to teach you how to get a flood of traffic to your website without having to spend a dollar on advertising.

Download the Personal Goal Worksheet and the Program Itinerary:

Get help from my team! Email us at – Subject Line “SEO Help”

Now, before we get started. I want to go over three things. And I want to congratulate you for these three things because you’ve done the hardest part.

Once you’ve realized the need for change. Because look, if you don’t make any change there’s no progress.

Two, you sought out advice online via SEO, that’s how you found me.

And three, you’re committed to making the change today which is, to get you more traffic to your website.

And I’m living proof, that SEO works right. People are always asking me, “hey does SEO really work, “can I get a ton of traffic from it?” And the answer is yes. Just look at my website.

Over time, my traffic has continually raised and is continually growing and that’s what’s led me to over literally six million visitors a month and out of those visitors over four million of them come from search engines. You can do it no matter what space you’re in. It literally works for everyone.

A lot of people like, branding and customer experience? “Hey what does that have to do with SEO?” As you’re going through this course, there are six ways we’re going to be supporting you. You’re going to have weekly content like as you’re seeing here but on top of the audio and the video you’re also going to have slides and PowerPoint templates and worksheets and PDF templates. And as long as you follow along you’ll be able to succeed when it comes to SEO, right.

We also have weekly live Q&A calls. If you’re part of the email list you’ll see that we’re doing them you’ll get notified about them. If you’re not you can go to to opt-in. My team, we’re also here to help you out. When you email, we try to answer as many questions as possible.

There’s also the community, whether it’s social media and leaving a comment there we’re here to respond, I’m there to respond as well. It’s my blog, you leave a comment I’m there to help you out as well. And of course, if you need extra hand-holding and you want my team to do everything for you there’s my ad agency Neil Patel Digital as well.

All the calls are recorded, so that way they can be referenced again. If you have any questions you can always ask them, we’re here to help you grow your business. You can also speak with some of my team members and hopefully, we can help you succeed and get you that traffic that you need. And you will see the results as long as you follow along.

We do like helping people out whether you’re a small business or a large business, or you have little to no money again, we are here to help people out.

And if you’re worried that it’s too late to start because SEO is super competitive now.

That’s a limitation of you saying that” hey, it’s too late.” I don’t want you to have that mindset. As I said, we really are here to help you out. And the common mindset that you need to have if you want to do well with SEO is, one, you need to anticipate failure. The next thing is you need to let go and delegate.

You need to learn new skills. Those who stay complacent, aren’t going to succeed in life. You always want to be thriving, and wanting to learn more.

There’s a lot of things that you can learn out there. So some action items for you. There’s a personal goal worksheet.

Handwrite up to 300 words on your personal goal for this program, and how you’ll feel when you achieve it. I know this may sound really silly, and you’re like, Neil, why do I need to do this? We found that when people go through this exercise, and they download the worksheet and they write this down, they’re much more likely to complete it.

And then the next thing I want you to do is to download the program itinerary after you write down your goal. Because at that point, you’ll know what you’re going to end up learning over the next upcoming weeks.

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How Long Does SEO Take to Work For a New Website?

How Long Does SEO Take to Work For a New Website? This is by far one of the most asked questions I get. Even when you do on-page SEO and build backlinks, it can take some time for it to start getting traffic from Google.

The Best FREE Traffic Sources for New Websites :

Ranking #1 With a New Website on Google in 2020 | Is it Even Possible? :

The Fastest Ways to Bring Traffic to a New Website :

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#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

SEO in 2020: It Hasn’t Changed (Much)

SEO in 2020. Has it changed or is it still the same? In this video, you’ll learn the 3 most important things that will determine the fate of your SEO success.
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Additional SEO Resources

SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings ►

SEO Checklist: How to Get More Organic Traffic (Step-by-Step) ►

On Page SEO Checklist for Higher Google Rankings ►

Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) ►

How to Get Backlinks By “Stealing” From Low-Quality Pages ►

Simple SEO Strategy: The “Middleman” Method ►

Google’s algorithm is always changing. But the one thing that hasn’t changed is what the algorithm is trying to do.

Google’s job is to provide the best search results for any given query. They need to find pages and rank the ones that best match and serve the user’s intent.

And to figure this out, they use hundreds of ranking factors.

So, while new changes will be made to Google’s core algorithm, the fundamentals of SEO haven’t changed.

Instead of chasing algorithms, our job as content creators and marketers is to show search engines that our pages deserve to rank.

Rather than searching for the latest EAT hack or trying to optimize for BERT, you should focus on the 3 most important things that will determine the fate of your rankings.

The first is content. No matter how prolific your writing skills are, you won’t rank unless you’ve gotten your content “right.”

Here are some things to consider:

► Search intent
► Covering the topic in full
► On-page SEO

You’ll learn more about those things in the video.

The second thing is link building.

Links have been and still are one of the strongest ranking signals. And if you want to rank for anything remotely competitive, you’ll need to build them.

You’ll learn what works and doesn’t work in link building in the tutorial.

The last thing is indexation.

Search engines crawl, parse, and store information in a database called a search index. End users are then able to access this information using Google search.

So if your pages aren’t indexed, then it’s impossible to get your site or pages discovered in search.

You’ll learn how to check whether your sites or pages are indexed in the video and ways to get your website indexed if it’s not.

And finally, remember that SEO is all about fundamentals.

Focus on the things that matter most rather than chasing shiny tactics from headlines claiming SEO has completely changed.


1:38 – Keep search intent in mind
2:37 – Make sure you cover the topic in full
3:40 – Set-up on-page stuff properly
3:58 – Continue building backlinks
4:58 – Pay attention to indexation

#seo #seoin2020 #seotips

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How to Learn SEO Fast and Effectively

Trying to figure out how to get higher rankings and more traffic? This video will show you how to learn SEO fast and effectively.
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Additional SEO Resources

What is SEO? How Search Engines Like Google Work ►

SEO for beginners video ►

On-Page SEO Checklist for 2019 ►

How to Do Keyword Research for a NEW Website (2019 Tutorial) ►

Keyword Research Tutorial: From Start to Finish (2019) ►

Link Building Tutorials (Step-By-Step) ►

A Basic (Yet Powerful) Technical SEO Audit for Beginners ►

How to Prioritize Your Digital Marketing Tasks and Maximize Productivity ►

Link Building with Google Sheets: Start Guest Posting in 15 Minutes ►

How Long Does it Take to Rank on Google: A Data-Driven SEO Strategy For Faster Rankings ►

The world of SEO: a crowded and noisy space where it’s easy to get information overload from many conflicting tactics and strategies.

And if you’re spending the majority of your time reading guides on how to do SEO rather than actually do it, you won’t learn anything.

So, this video will highlight some principles that are critical in learning SEO fast and effectively.

The first thing you need to do is to nail the fundamentals. You need to understand and learn what these fundamentals are before you can generate meaningful traffic to your site via search engines like Google.

What are these fundamentals? You’ll find out in the video.

After you’ve nailed the fundamentals, Sam recommends that you get an internship at a respected SEO agency. You’ll find out why this is the best way to learn, and how you can get an internship at a company you respect in the industry.

Sam also recommends you apply the 80/20 rules to SEO. The 80/20 rule, also known as Pareto’s principle suggests that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. You’ll learn how to apply this rule to your SEO education.

The next thing you should focus on is to refine processes rather than search for shortcuts. You’ll learn how to do this, as opposed to constantly seeking out shortcuts, hacks or the next shiny tactic.

Lastly, soft skills. SEO isn’t always about the hard, technical skills. Soft skills matter too. You’ll learn what these soft skills are, and why they are one of the greatest skillsets that all great SEOs have.


2:24 – Learn SEO fundamentals
2:47 – Get an internship at a respected agency
4:12 – Apply the 80/20 rule for learning
4:53 – Refine processes rather than search for shortcuts to methodology
5:53 – Build perseverance
7:46 – Prioritize based on the things that are working for you

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