How To Create SEO Linkbait Using Free AI Tools. COPY THIS 🤑

This is by far the best and easiest way to create linkbait content right now. And it is SO easy to copy and do for free!

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How I Grew Traffic 37.9% on Google, Without doing SEO

Do you want a 40% increase in users and nearly the same in sessions? In this video, you’ll learn how I achieved that without doing any SEO.

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00:00 Introduction
01:40 What Programmatic SEO is
03:20 Pros & Cons of Programmatic SEO
04:23 Scalable Keywords
05:18 Search Intent
07:27 Uploading in the Website
08:30 Internal Linking

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SEO in 2024: My NEW Google Strategy for this Year!

Are you wondering what SEO strategy to plan and implement for 2024? In this video, you’ll get a step-by-step strategy so you can copy it for massive Google traffic.

00:00 Introduction
00:50 AI Content
02:59 Information Gain
04:19 Goal Completion
05:26 Backlinks
06:56 Brand Search

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[SEO Case Study] +92% Google Traffic in the $*#@ Niche

Do you want to increase your traffic by more than 90%? In this video, you’ll get a step-by-step guide on all the effective SEO tactics you can use for your affiliate website.

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00:00 Introduction
01:15 AI Link Building
04:32 Topical Authority
07:20 UX Optimization
08:50 Category Optimization

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How I Grew My SEO Traffic by 300% Through Translations and Patience

How I grew my SEO traffic by 300% through translations and patience. Can you guess how much of my traffic comes from the United States? Well, it’s a whopping 14.53%. Whopping, you’re like, “That’s not that much.”

There are countless examples of successful companies that have come out of regions outside of the United States. So intentionally, we don’t focus all of our traffic on one region because at my ad agency, NP Digital, we want to help companies grow no matter what region they’re in, and by generating traffic from multiple countries, it has allowed us to grow super fast.

So fast that we’re the sixth fastest growing ad agency in the world according to “Ad Week.” So how do we grow our traffic so fast through SEO? Well, let me break it down as well as how you can do it too.


First off use hreflang. See, hreflang is a way in your code to tell search engines that certain pages of your website are for specific languages and country. That way search engines know what pages to show up for specific users. Without that you may have people going to the wrong section of your site.

Second, I want you to pick regions that you want to expand to fast. We base our expansions based on Google ad spend in different countries, and the countries with the most ad spend is typically the regions we want to be because we’re a marketing agency. If people are spending money on Google and Facebook it usually means they have money to spend at NP Digital. You also may look at things like population or GDP.

Once you have the regions that you want to target, you then want to go to Google translate and type in some of your most popular keywords that you want to target in your primary language. You will then want to head to Ubersuggest and type in these newly translated keywords within Ubersuggest. But don’t forget to select the correct language and country in Ubersuggest before you click that search button. You’ll then get a laundry list of keywords that you can potentially target like this.

Third, you want to start creating content around these keywords, and don’t worry if you don’t speak the language that you’re trying to translate your content into, all you have to do is to go to sites like Upwork where you can hire writers that speak your language as well as many other languages that you’re going after. And when they write content, it’s really important that you provide them with a keyword list. Don’t force them to use all of them because if it doesn’t sound natural, the content’s not going to do well. It just needs to be naturally integrated.

Fourth, post the content on your site. And again, don’t forget to put the hreflang code within your head file. That way search engine browsers know what page is for what people. And once the content is up, it’s not enough. You have to promote it. So take the same person that you hired on Upwork and have them do outreach for links within that country.

So you would take a few of your competitors within those regions. If you aren’t sure who they are, just search for the translated versions of those keywords on Google and it’ll show you sites in those regions. If you put those URLs into the backlink report in Ubersuggest, it’ll show you all the people who link to them. And then from there, you’ll want to send emails explaining to them why your content’s better, why it adds more value, why they should link to it.

And last but not least, I want you to promote the content via pay ads. Run a bit of Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, or even Google ads. A hundred dollars goes a long way and it’ll bring you more awareness within those regions. You combine all of that and now your traffic will grow drastically within those regions.

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5 Underrated SEO Lessons

Five underrated SEO lessons. I’ve been doing SEO for a very long time. I started when I was 15, I’m 37, that’s 22 years to be exact. And I know there are a lot of stats and data out there about SEO and what works and what doesn’t, but in today’s video, I’m not going to bore you with all that. Instead, I want to share my personal experiences, and I want to tell you what I’ve learned over the years and what you can take from it to do better. Most of these lessons aren’t common and you probably haven’t heard of them before.


Lesson number one, updating content frequently is better than building more links. I know you need links to rank. So if you have no links, go out there and build some.

We found that if you build less links but you update your content more frequently, you do way better when it comes to a SEO perspective. And when I mean updating, I’m not talking about word or two or image or here and there, I’m talking about adjusting that page to be the best for your users and whatever that takes, better than your competition in other words. So spend more time updating the building links especially if you’re a established website. If you’re a new website, there won’t be much content on your website, you probably don’t have many links, focus on building more links.

Lesson number two, shortcuts just aren’t worth it. See, the sites that rank at the top in the long run are the ones that provide the most value, not the ones that cheat their way up to the top. Now I’ve learned a lot from this mistake and others but I had a shortcut mentality when I was young, and if I had to go back in time, I would stop taking shortcuts and I would’ve done what’s best for users, which would’ve been what’s best for my career.

Lesson three, it’s easier for brands to rank. One of the things that’s taught me is brand queries go a long way in Google’s eyes and in their algo. The more people searching for your brand, and assuming a high percentage of them click on your result, it tells Google that you have a good, strong brand. And, if your brand is more popular than your competition, it tells Google that people prefer you over the competition. And as your brand queries keep going up, what you’ll find is, your rankings also go up.

Once I learned that, I focused more on building a brand. It takes well over five years to build a brand, so you need to be patient, but it helps a lot with SEO.

Lesson four, the quickest way to grow your SEO traffic is by going global. A Google employee once told me that the majority of searches on Google aren’t in English. That’s obvious, right? And it was to me at the time, I’m like, “Yeah, the majority of the world doesn’t speak English, what’s new with this.” But what she told me next wasn’t as obvious. She’s like, “Yes, Neil, they don’t speak English, the majority of searches aren’t in English, but Google doesn’t have enough webpages and all these other languages for most topics.” Once that clicked, I was like, “Oh wait, I need to transcribe my content into multiple languages.” So I started doing that and I didn’t say translating, I said transcribe.

The reason why is you have to adapt it for the local languages. Now, the United States only makes up 25% or less of my traffic due to international expansion. You should go global if you want more SEO traffic.

Lesson five, don’t purely rely on SEO. I used to believe that SEO was the best marketing channel. And because of that, I focused purely on SEO at the beginning. Funny enough, I still prefer SEO over other channels but I don’t think it is the best marketing channel, I don’t think any marketing channel is the best.

I now take a different viewpoint. All marketing channels are great as long as you can make them work for you and drive you traffic, brand awareness, leads, and even sales. So I don’t not focus on SEO, but I also don’t purely focus on SEO. I focus on all marketing channels as well as new ones that come up as long as I can make them work. And if any of them get crushed by platforms making an algorithm update, I don’t have to worry because my traffic sources are diversified.

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The Biggest SEO Mistake I’ve Made

The biggest SEO mistake I’ve ever made. What does a national park, a war, and a casino all have in common? Well, I’ll give you a hint. It involved my biggest SEO mistake.



Leave a comment below, letting me know what you think my biggest SEO mistake is. I gave you that hint right? Now before I break down my SEO mistake, I want to first tell you that you need to think long term.

See, I was shortsighted when I first got started into the role of entrepreneurship and marketing. When I was in my early twenties, and even before that, when I was 16, 17, 18, because I started SEO when I was around 16 years old. And to give you context, now I’m 37. I want to make money fast. So fast, I look for shortcuts.

And there was this one site called Battlefield Bypass which was expired domain with a lot of authoritative links. These links were naturally generated and not purchased because it was a national park site. And it was part of the award that happened on that land. So I bought it, converted it into online casino site. Within months, I was ranking the top three positions on Google for the term “online casino”.

That keyword is worth hundreds and thousands of dollars a month in affiliate revenue. Not thousands, hundreds of thousands to give you perspective. That’s millions of dollars a year. That’s a lot of money, especially when you’re under 20 years old. But within months, Google whacked me! All of a sudden that site lost all of its rankings. In essence, I was trying to cheat the system by getting traffic and rankings by cheating instead of providing value.

See, the sites that rank in the top in the long run are the ones that users love the most. No one that cheats their way to the top lasts forever. Just think of it this way. You don’t really care if a site at the top has a lot of back links or better on page code. You only care if that site solves your problem and ideally in a quick and affordable fashion.

Now I learned a lot from this mistake, and I made tones of others as well. But I had the shortcut mentality when I was young and I was growing up. And if I could go back in time I would stop taking shortcuts. And I would be much further in my career even as an entrepreneur. That’s my big SEO mistake.

If you’re struggling with SEO, and you don’t want to make all the mistakes that I’ve made, and you want to get your rankings by providing value to users and using ethical, clean tactics check out my ad agency, NP digital. If you have any questions, leave a comment below. I’m here to help. If you enjoy the video, like it, share it, tell other people about it.

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