SEO শিখে ইনকাম | How to Make Money from SEO | E2Soft Solution

In this video you can learn about, seo শিখে ইনকাম and how to make money from seo.
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seo শিখে ইনকাম
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এসইও শিখে ইনকামের সংক্ষিপ্ত গাইড:
১. ব্লগিং
কী করবেন: নিশ (Niche) সিলেক্ট করে SEO-অপ্টিমাইজড কনটেন্ট লিখুন।
আয়: অ্যাডসেন্স, স্পন্সরশিপ, অ্যাফিলিয়েট লিঙ্ক (৫০০–৫০০–১০,০০০+/মাস)।

২. অ্যাফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং
কী করবেন: প্রোডাক্ট রিভিউ/গাইড লিখে গুগলে র্যাঙ্ক করুন।
আয়: Amazon, ClickBank থেকে কমিশন (৩০০–৩০০–২০,০০০+/মাস)।
টিপস: “Best X” কিওয়ার্ড টার্গেট করুন।

৩. ড্রপশিপিং
কী করবেন: Shopify/WooCommerce স্টোর খুলে SEO দিয়ে ট্র্যাফিক আনুন।
আয়: প্রোডাক্ট সেল থেকে প্রফিট (১,০০০–১,০০০–৫০,০০০+/মাস)।

৪. চাকরি/রিমোট জব
কী করবেন: SEO Specialist, Digital Marketer হিসেবে কাজ করুন।
আয়: মাসিক ৩০k–১L+ টাকা (লোকাল), ১৫–১৫–৫০+/ঘণ্টা (রিমোট)।
প্ল্যাটফর্ম: LinkedIn, Upwork.

৫. এসইও এজেন্সি
কী করবেন: ব্যবসায়ীদের SEO সার্ভিস দিন (অডিট, কনটেন্ট অপ্টিমাইজেশন)।
আয়: প্রতি ক্লায়েন্ট ৫০০–৫০০–৫,০০০+/মাস।

দ্রুত আয়: চাকরি/ফ্রিল্যান্সিং।
দীর্ঘমেয়াদী: ব্লগিং, এজেন্সি, ড্রপশিপিং।
SEO শিখে একাধিক ইনকাম স্ট্রিম তৈরি করুন, ধৈর্য্য ধরুন! 💰🚀

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SEO Full Course 2025 | SEO Tutorial for Beginners | SEO Training | SEO Explained | Simplilearn

🔥Purdue – Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing –
🔥Digital Marketing Specialist –
🔥Professional Certification in Digital Marketing (India Only) –

This SEO Full Course 2025 provides a structured learning path to mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and its related concepts. The course begins with the fundamentals of SEO, including how search engines rank websites and essential SEO strategies for beginners. It then explores digital marketing fundamentals, key trends, and certifications to enhance career growth. Advanced topics such as ranking #1 on Google, keyword research, SEO audits, and Google Ads are covered in depth. Learners will gain expertise in on-page and off-page SEO, along with insights on how ChatGPT simplifies SEO tasks. The course also covers local SEO with Google My Business, content marketing strategies, and YouTube SEO optimization. Additionally, a MailChimp tutorial is included to help integrate SEO with email marketing. The course concludes with a discussion on ChatGPT as a search engine, providing a future-ready perspective on AI-powered SEO

Following are the topics covered in the SEO Full Course 2025:

00:00:00 Introduction to SEO Full Course 2025
00:05:36 What is SEO?
00:12:12 SEO for Beginners
00:14:05 What is Digital Marketing
00:31:23 Top 6 Digital Marketing Trends
00:44:04 Top 10 Digital Marketing Certifications
00:49:47 How does a Google rank Websites
02:28:30 How to Rank #1 on Google
03:17:16 Keyword Research Tutorial
03:18:43 Conduct SEO Audit
03:30:00 what is Google ads
04:03:26 On page SEO
04:10:05 Off Page SEO
04:11:19 ChatGPT made SEO Easy
04:45:48 MailChimp Tutorial
05:20:23 Google MyBusiness SEO
05:28:28 Content Marketing Strategy
05:50:49 Youtube SEO Optimization
05:59:51 Chatgpt search engine

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➡️ About Post Graduate Program In Digital Marketing:
Get a hands-on Live Interactive Learning experience with this Digital Marketing Course. Learn via fundamental and advanced material, preparing you for your Digital Marketing Career. Get a Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate exam voucher worth USD $99 to showcase your skills.

Key Features
✅ Simplilearn’s JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
✅ Joint Purdue-Simplilearn Digital Marketer Certificate
✅ Become eligible to be part of the Purdue University Alumni Association
✅ Masterclasses delivered by Purdue faculty
✅ Harvard Business Publishing Cases
✅ Build your website & learn real-world hands-on digital marketing techniques
✅ Master sessions by Meta Blueprint trainer
✅ 6-credit transfer for the Purdue Online MS in Communication program
✅ Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate exam voucher worth USD $99
✅ 5 Capstone problem statements and 15+ course-end projects
✅ 10+ case studies from brands like Adidas, KFC, Nike, Intel, etc.
✅ 35+ digital marketing tools
✅ Boost productivity with ChatGPT and AI tools (Blue Willow, Stable Fusion & Well Said Labs)
✅ Course aligned with Hootsuite and SE Ranking certification
✅ Learn using Meta Business Coach Chatbot
✅ Live classes delivered by Industry Experts along with self-paced content

Skills Covered
✅ Website Creation
✅ Behavioral Marketing
✅ Keyword Research
✅ Search Engine Optimization
✅ Search Engine Marketing
✅ Campaign Management
✅ Social Media Marketing
✅ Mobile Marketing
✅ Content Marketing
✅ Content Strategy
✅ Strategies for Paid Campaigns
✅ Analytics ROI and Evaluation
✅ AI Automation and Emerging Technology

Learning Path
✅ Induction Session for Purdue Digital Marketing
✅ Website Creation: First Step in Your Digital Marketing Journey
✅ Digital Marketing Landscape
✅ Behavioral Marketing
✅ Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
✅ Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
✅ Social Media Marketing (SMM)
✅ Email Marketing
✅ Mobile Marketing
✅ Content Strategy
✅ Strategies for Paid Campaigns
✅ Analytics, ROI & Evaluation
✅ AI, Automation & Emerging Technology
✅ Digital Marketing Capstone
✅ Stukent Digital Marketing Simternship
✅ Digital Marketing Meta Master Session

👉Learn more at:

Local SEO Expert Chris Palmer SEO Mastermind – (Learn SEO Live)

Local SEO Expert Chris Palmer SEO Mastermind – (Learn SEO Live)
Learn SEO techniques & strategies with your Youtube SEO Expert Chris Palmer every thursday @4:30-6:00 PM EST

Local SEO Myths Debunked

Local SEO Myths Debunked For 2025 – Common misconceptions about local SEO can be very frustrating and costly for local business owners.

Chris Palmer SEO

This local SEO video shatters these SEO local myths and reveals the real keys to ranking higher on Google in 2025 for Google Maps and your local organic rankings in Google.

Questions related to local SEO or any other myths be sure to ask in the section below. I am always happy to help your local business thrive on search engines like Google and or Google Maps and other search marketing.

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Local SEO Myths Debunked Contents:
0:00 Local SEO Myths Debunked
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Rank on Autopilot with this AI SEO System (Prompts Included)

👉 Get my free AI blogging masterclass + 10 AI prompts ➜

In this video, I cover how to use AI to create high-quality SEO content in a fraction of the time it’d take you to write it yourself. I break down every step so you can follow the prompts along with me.

Check out other videos on my channel on affiliate marketing, blogging, SEO, and how to make money online.

Affiliate Disclosure: the links below are sponsored or affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a paid plan, we receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

🛠️ My Top Recommended Tools 🛠️ (Fastest Premium WordPress hosting, fully managed by experts who do the work for you.) ➜ Use code ADAM80 to get 80% OFF on all monthly plans for your first month.

00:00 Intro
00:46 My Traffic Updates
02:01 Traditional SEO Vs AI SEO
04:30 Current State Of SEO
06:52 Content Cluster And Silo Tool
11:24 AI Search Intent Tool
14:16 AI Content Machine
17:03 Guest Post Outreach Ideas AI Prompt
20:34 Get My Top 5 Free AI Prompts
20:55 Speeding Up Content Creation
26:27 Humanizing The Content
28:44 Content Volume And Publishing

How I got here…

If you’re new to my channel, my name is Adam Enfroy. I’m the founder of, a blog that I launched in 2019. With two VAs, I grew it to $1M/year business in two years. In 2021, I launched this YouTube channel, now a $4M/year business. So in total, I make $5M/year with dead simple content – I’ve never gone viral, I don’t have millions of followers, and I’m not all that interesting.

I created this channel to combat all of the “guru” clickbait on YouTube that promises too much, delivers too little and makes you feel bad by comparison.

My life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows to get here:

At 22, I got kicked out of college after failing 9 classes. At 24, I got back in and finally graduated (with student loans, an alcohol problem, and a degree I didn’t know how to use lol). For the next two and a half years, I worked at a pizza place making $9/hour. It then took me the next 10 years of turning my life around to get here. If I can pull myself out of that mess, I want to give people hope that they can too. It just doesn’t happen overnight.

I make YouTube videos to make money. I try to condense as much tactical advice as I can into my YouTube videos for free, and you never have to buy anything. However, if you like these videos and want to work with me regularly, I run a community called Income University, which has live courses and Q and A’s with me every week for a small monthly price. You can join here:

Complete SEO Course for Beginners 2024 | Rank #1 on Google in 2024

🌟 Welcome to “SEO Full Course for Beginners” 🌟 – your comprehensive guide to mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO)!

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► Content-Length Table:

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Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refresh your knowledge, this SEO tutorial is designed to walk you through the essentials of SEO, step by step.
Our SEO training course covers everything from SEO basics to advanced techniques, making it the perfect learning tool for beginners and seasoned marketers alike.

🔥 Full Digital Marketing Course for Beginners:

🔍 What You’ll Learn:
► SEO Basics: Understand the foundation of SEO and why it’s crucial for your online success.
► SEO Tutorial for Beginners: Step-by-step instructions to get you started with SEO.
► Advanced SEO Techniques: Dive deeper into strategies that can boost your website’s visibility.
► Search Engine Optimization Tutorial: Practical tips and examples to enhance your learning.
► Full SEO Course: A complete overview of all aspects of SEO.

🔥 Blogging Full Course 2024:

👩‍💻 Who is this SEO Training Course for?
► Beginners looking to learn SEO from scratch.
► Marketers wanting to enhance their SEO knowledge.
► Business owners seeking to improve their website’s search engine ranking.
► Anyone interested in a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to SEO.

🔥 Graphic Designing Full Course:

🌐 In this SEO Tutorial for Beginners, you’ll learn:
► What is SEO and How Does it Work: Demystifying the core concept of SEO.
► SEO Tutorial for Beginners Step by Step: Breaking down the process into manageable steps.
► Learn SEO Step by Step: Progressive learning to ensure you grasp each concept.
► SEO Guide: Tips and tricks for effective SEO strategy.
► Search Engine Optimization Course: In-depth course material tailored for beginners.

🔥 WordPress Full Course for Beginners:

🚀 Ready to rank higher on search engines and drive more traffic to your website?
Our full SEO course is here to show you how. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of SEO fundamentals and be well-equipped to optimize your website effectively.

🔗 Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon to stay updated with our latest SEO tutorials and courses.

Share this video with someone who could benefit from it, and drop your questions or feedback in the comments below!

📈 Start your journey to becoming an SEO expert today! Watch our “SEO Full Course for Beginners” and take the first step towards mastering search engine optimization.

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Disclaimer: Knowledge in this video is purely based on my personal/professional experience. The results may vary, and I don’t guarantee any fixed or variable results for an individual or group of individuals.

#SEO #SEOCourse #SEOTutorial #SearchEngineOptimization

Make Any Keyword Into Full SEO Content in 7 Minutes

This is my new favorite way to make content to rank on Google in 2024 – it’s a very simple process, you just fill in the inputs and give Claude or ChatGPT whatever it needs, and then use this prompt to write:

I have spent over 2 years engineering this prompt in order to bring it to you and bring you the ability to make good SEO content alkmost every time – this is a watered down version of one of the prompts that will be inside harbor.

DO NOT INVENT LINKS. MAKE ALL IMAGES CLICKABLE EMBEDDED IMAGES where their product URL link is embedded in the markdown embedded image. Write 150 words for every product mentioned. Vary the use of products and other pages, don’t just list them throughout the page one by one. Only use real image links you’ve been given. Do not invent any links or internal links. Write 200 words per title, ensuring a long article. You are writing an article entitled [work jeans for men] I have these products – I’m writing for These are all products they sell, and collections of products they sell. I want you, by embedding images, to make a rankable SEO-optimized listicle article using the previously generated content. You should use a lot of tables and other formatting. Do not use complicated language, you’re writing for working class workers. Please use Sentence case. This is vital. Don’t use crazy language, but give a lot of interesting formatting and make it like a journal style advertising the specific products. In the article, please embed some of these collections. I have included the collections in the prompt as well. Please be extremely conscious of all decisions made regarding the context of an anchor text and an internal link. Please try to include both relevant internal links and anchor texts that can help grow the relevant collections to this blog. Please use at least 10 products, and as many categories as possible. If you can split the article into different sections, with each category as a section, but don’t put images in tables as they render poorly sometimes. I have included two pastes – one of images and one of collections to be used as internal links. Do not duplicate internal links, and only pick things semantically relevant to the keyword. You must write at least 30 paragraphs in total. Please use ## header tags for titles. Also consider the special requirements. Here is some additional information about the selected URLs:

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SEO Basics: How to Make Google Love Your Website (2024)

If you’re a complete beginner to SEO then this series is for you. Even if you’re a more experienced SEO we will cover all aspects of Search Engine Optimization eventually.

With SEO 101 we plan on taking you from beginner to expert all in one place, all in one format, all in one style.

Our first episodes are more geared towards beginners so if you’re looking for a Search Engine Optimization tutorial for noobs.

From off page SEO to on page SEO we are planning to cover everything, in a well-organised format.

This first video explains crawling, indexing, and ranking. The absolute fundamentals of SEO that so many people actually realise is a thing.

You cannot rank for pages you don’t have on your website – but you cannot rank if Google doesn’t index your content, and you cannot get indexed if Google does not crawl your website.

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I Tried 97 SEO Strategies… Here’s What Works RIGHT NOW in 2024

👉 Watch my free masterclass ➜

In this video, I cover the current state of SEO, and how you should update your strategy if you want to succeed with blogging in 2024.

Check out other videos on my channel on affiliate marketing, blogging, SEO, and how to make money online.

Affiliate Disclosure: the links below are sponsored or affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a paid plan, we receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

🛠️ My Top Recommended Tools 🛠️ (Fastest Premium WordPress hosting, fully managed by experts who do the work for you.) ➜ Use code ADAM80 to get 80% OFF on all monthly plans for your first month.
Skool ➜

00:00 Intro
01:19 Current Problems With SEO
10:58 How To Do SEO In 2024
21:02 How To Pivot Strategies