3 साल में Social Media से Crorepati ऐसे बनें | Social Media Coaching Ep.1 | BeerBiceps हिंदी

YouTube Guidance Video : https://youtu.be/F8Y8y573mtE
How To Start A Startup Video : https://youtu.be/7X9IzhmEaZ8

हमारी Social Media Training Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVfjNsG6KOJo1uq8kJg4tHaT

✅ हमारा अंग्रेजी चैनल : https://www.youtube.com/c/BeerBicepsOfficial

🎥 हमारा PODCAST देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRanveerShowClips

🎧 हमारा PODCAST Spotify पे सुनिए : https://open.spotify.com/show/6ZcvVBPQ2ToLXEWVbaw59P

नमस्ते दोस्तों!
स्वागत है आप सबका Social Media Coaching Series के 1st Episode में. Social Media Platform पर Grow करने के लिए, अपना खुद का Social Media Business Start कैसे करें?
Social Media Influencer कैसे बनें?
Influencer Marketing कैसे किया जाता है?
Beerbiceps, Ranveer Allahbadia और The Ranveer Show Clips के अलावा मैं Monk Entertainment का भी एक हिस्सा हूँ जो एक Digital Marketing Company है. मैं आपका भाई रणवीर आपको बताऊंगा Social Media Tips & Tricks के बारें में जिनके ज़रिए आप कर सकते है Earn 1 Crore Within 3 Years!
इस करोड़पति बनने के Game में कुछ Rules होते हैं जैसे की;
Rule No. 1
Choose Your Game
खुद से ये सवाल कीजिए कि आप Creator बनकर करोड़पति बनना चाहते हैं या Management Side में रहकर?
Rule no. 2
Video Is Crucial
Future Of Content In India में बहुत Scope & Money है.
और अगर आपको Camera के सामने आने से डर लगता है तो आप Make Video Through Voice Over भी कर सकते हैं.
Rule No. 3
Rapid Process With Failure
गलतियां करो लेकिन उनसे सीखो और आगे बढ़ो.
Life में चाहे कितने भी Failures आए आपका Motivation कभी कम नहीं होना चाहिए.
Rule No. 4
Be On Multiple Social Media Platforms
आपको Different Social Media Platforms के बारें में हमेशा Information रखना चाहिए.
Rule No. 5
Money Will Come
अगर आप मेहनत करोगे तो Money अपने आप आएगा, अब चाहे वो YouTube Revenue, Instagram Revenue, Short Video Revenue के ज़रिए हो या Brand Deals के ज़रिए.
इन सब बातों के साथ-साथ आपको Technicalities को जान लेना चाहिए जैसे की;

1. Learn About Instagram
India के ज़्यादातर Influencers Earn Through Instagram.
बस आपको इतना ध्यान रखना है कि जो भी Videos, Photos and Written Content आप डाल रहे हैं वो एक Informative Content होना चाहिए.
फिर सवाल आता है कि 3 Main Types Of Content On Instagram क्या है?
तो इसका जवाब है;

i. Video Content
जैसे की IGTV Videos, Reels, etc

ii. Written Content
आपके Written Content में होना चाहिए Knowledge और Storytelling जैसी चीज़े जो दूसरों को पढ़ना पसंद आए.

iii. Photo Content
इस मामले में हमेशा याद रखियेगा कि Effort Is Appreciated.

2. Maintain Power Of Focus
भले ही वो कोई भी Platform क्यूँ ना हो आपको अपना Focus कम नहीं होने देना हैं.

3. Every Platform Has It’s Own Audience,
Every Platform Has It’s Own User Experience
आपको ध्यान रखना है कि आपके Thumbnails and Titles हमेशा Effective हो.
जानिए कैसे करें Maintain Quantity and Quality Of Content?
Storytelling and Hashtags का सही इस्तेमाल कैसे किया जाता है?
कोशिश कीजिए To Understand Platform, Understand Rules, Understand Audience और फिर कीजिए Decode Platform.

4. Play a Wide Game
हमेशा कोशिश कीजिए To Be On Multiple Platforms.
जानिए क्यूँ Twitter and LinkedIn Are Platforms Of Future?

5. Treat It As a Start Up
जब किसी चीज़ की शुरुआत कर रहे हैं तो उसे एक Start Up के नज़रिए से देखिए और Always Try To Improve Your Content.
Social Media Marketing Tips लेकर आ रहा हूँ मैं रणवीर अल्लाहबादिया सिर्फ और सिर्फ आपके Favorite Beerbiceps Hindi Channel Ranveer Allahbadia पर.

0:00 : Introduction
1:30 : Social Media के Through करोड़पति बनने के Important Rules
4:32 : Social Media के Through करोड़पति बनने का Process क्या है?
6:11 : Instagram से पैसे कैसे कमाएं?
7:05 : Instagram Feed कैसे Maintain करें?
9:00 : Types Of Content क्या होते हैं?
11:20 : कौन है India के सबसे बड़े YouTuber?
11:37 : कैसे करें Maintain Power Of Focus?
12:35 : जानिए How To Create Effective Content?
14:56 : Multiple Platforms पर होना क्यूँ ज़रूरी हैं?
16:31 : From Day 1 इसे एक Start Up की तरह देखो

#socialmedia #crorepati

INSTAGRAM – HINDI : @ranveerallahbadia

INSTAGRAM – ENGLISH : @beerbiceps

FACEBOOK – HINDI : https://www.facebook.com/ranveerallahbadiaofficial/

FACEBOOK – ENGLISH : https://www.facebook.com/beerbiceps/

TWITTER : @beerbicepsguy

LINKEDIN : @beerbiceps

SNAPCHAT : @beerbicepsguy


About :

नमस्ते दोस्तों,
मेरा नाम रणवीर अल्लाहबादिया है। काफ़ी लोग मुझे मेरे इंग्लिश चैनल BeerBiceps के नाम से जानते हैं। BeerBiceps पर हम Fitness, Fashion, Meditation, Health, Grooming, Weight Loss, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship और Motivational Videos बनाते हैं। इस नए चैनल पर अब आप हमारे सभी अंग्रेज़ी वीडियोज़ का मज़ा हिंदी में ले सकते है। और साथ ही साथ यहाँ पर आपको मिलेंगे ढ़ेर सारे Inspirational and Motivational Speech के वीडियोज़।

India का चहिता self-help, lifestyle और self-improvement channel अब हिंदी में भी!

Ranveer Allahbadia – YouTube’s first India specific fitness, health, lifestyle, fashion, men’s grooming and personality development channel in Hindi.

Social Media Strategy: Social Media Engagement

Get certified for free in social media: https://bit.ly/2ZFk6Gi

This video is from the recently updated social media certification course, which is free in HubSpot Academy.

The world of social media has changed quite a bit in recent years. It used to be that if you published a message on a social channel your audience would see it. But now, with so many users and so many posts, plus network algorithms that don’t favor brands, it’s more difficult than ever to use social media as a channel just to share content. Clicks are no longer easy to acquire.

This means that it’s time to shift focus and start looking at social media as what it’s best used for — building meaningful one-to-one relationships. It’s quite simple, really. Listen to and engage with your customers and prospects directly. People want to talk to people, not brands. They want to engage directly with individuals, and the world of social media is the best place to do just that.

The good news is that this type of engagement is often the most rewarding. Individuals who engage with you on social are likely to trust you more, have deeper loyalty, and be more likely to recommend your products and services to others.

Engaging directly with your audience is the heart of your social media strategy. It’s the feel good, let me take care of you, let’s work together strategy.

Social Media Etiquette + Get Ready With Me

There are unwritten rules that you need to follow on social media if you want to appear elegant and yes there are things that you shouldn’t be doing online. In todays video I discuss these simple rules that can easily help you to look more classy.

https://schoolofaffluence.com online luxury lifestyle program to make a lifestyle transformation. It’s an online course for women who want to achieve elegance and enter high-society.


Makeup I’ve used in this video:

Foundation: Future Skin by Chantecaille (Alabaster) https://amzn.to/2t3LcZk
Concealer: Radiant Creamy Concealer by Nars (Custard) https://amzn.to/36qkGry
Primer: The POREfessional: pore minimizing makeup by Benefit Cosmetics https://amzn.to/2PEzThP
Primer 2: Hollywood Flawless Filter by Charlotte Tilbury https://amzn.to/36ruphm
Bronzer: Filmstar Bronze & Glow by Charlotte Tilbury (Fair-Medium) https://amzn.to/36xfQsJ
Foundation brush: Hourglass https://amzn.to/2PedPMd
Brush: Zoeva https://rstyle.me/+tylJYhnSxflAaCABRDvQTg
Brow gel: Fiber Brow Gel By Tom Ford (taupe) https://amzn.to/2Ebra1n


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-Q&A #1 Get to know me!-



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4 Easy Ways To Grow Your Social Media Following Quickly

4 tips on how to grow your social media following faster! ****** Learn my 3-steps for RANKING VIDEOS on YouTube in this video 👉 https://youtu.be/_6U-4L4apoY

📒 Show Notes and Resources 📒

1. (Vegas Influencers Meetup) RSVP for our next monthly Las Vegas meetup for entrepreneurs, business leaders, creatives, and social media influencers here: http://vegasinfluencers.com/

2. FREE YOUTUBE MASTERCLASS 🎯 Learn how to grow faster on YouTube and monetize your content! ➡️ http://ThinkMasterclass.com

3. 📕 Get a copy my book “YouTube Secrets” and receive $100 of exclusive free bonuses here ➡️ http://www.tubesecretsbook.com/

QUESTION — Have a question about Online Video, Video Production, Tech, Marketing, or Anything Else? Post in comments section of this video!

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Sean Cannell on Social Media:


———Cameras and Gear Used To Shoot This Video ——-

Video Gear Used for This Shoot:

In this video Sean Cannell from Think Media shares tips on how to grow your social media following quickly. In this video you’ll learn social media hacks for getting more followers on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok. You’ll learn the Think Media CQSC Formula© and how to get more followers and boost your social media in this video.

Disclaimer: We are ambassadors or affiliates for many of the brands we reference on the channel. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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As per and unless otherwise permitted under the United States Copyright Act, no part of the content of this video or any video published under Clear Vision Media LLC, Think Media, Sean Cannell, and other encompassed entities, shall be stored, copied, recreated, republished, or transported. Prior express written permission by Clear Vision Media LLC, Think Media, or Sean Cannell is required for any use of this video not permitted under the United States Copyright Act.

The advice, guidance, and principles outlined in all content produced by Clear Vision Media LLC, Think Media, Sean Cannell, and other encompassed entities are not guaranteed to be appropriate for your unique situation or business. We recommend that as a consumer, you exercise your due diligence and research any and all strategies recommended to you before adopting them in your own business. Clear Vision Media LLC, Think Media, Sean Cannell, and other encompassed entities are not responsible for any damages that result from an effort to implement the information provided in this or any other video, article, social media post, and related publications. Your use and viewing of any materials and videos published by Clear Vision Media LLC, Think Media, Sean Cannell, and other encompassed entities confirms your acknowledgement and agreement that Nevada law will apply to any and all disputes related to the aforementioned entities and that Nevada will serve as the venue for any disputes, claims, and litigious activities related but not limited to the materials produced by Clear Vision Media LLC, Think Media, Sean Cannell, and other encompassed entities.

Clear Vision Media LLC, Think Media, Sean Cannell, and all other associated persons including but not limited to independent contractors, employees, and affiliates, research and review all content for this site to the best of their abilities but make no guarantees, representations, or warranties as to the complete accuracy and inclusion of all relevant information for each video, including but not limited to all video streams, suggested and provided links and resources. All parties specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any and all purposes.

#ThinkMedia #SeanCannell #VegasInfluencers