👩🏻‍💼 Ser CEO (que no SEO) con Luis M. Villanueva | #directo 044

Hablamos de lo que supone ser el CEO de una agencia de Marketing Digital… entre otras cosas

★ Disfruta de una formación personalizada y accede a nuestros contenidos exclusivos sin publicidad antes que nadie en nuestra academia ★

La academia de seosve

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★ Otros canales mencionados ★

Hecho con cariño por autónomos (o freelancers como dicen los modernos).
Besis 😘

Lies The Social Network Told Us

Get a full month of MUBI FOR FREE: https://mubi.com/thetake (With the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union) | By the end of David Fincher’s The Social Network, you almost feel sorry for Mark Zuckerberg. The film aims to tell a true story about how Facebook became one of the most powerful companies in the world, but Aaron Sorkin’s screenplay takes certain liberties with that truth. It gives Zuckerberg’s story a dramatic scope that—despite painting him as cold and ruthless—also humanizes him, inviting our natural sympathies. And this story has affected how we perceive the real Mark Zuckerberg, with real-world consequences. Here’s our Take on how The Social Network turns Mark Zuckerberg into a character, and what responsibility movies have when it comes to shaping our impressions of real-life people.

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