Trump Attacks EVERYONE In Christmas Social Media Bender

President-elect Donald Trump went on an unhinged Christmas rant against foreign leaders and and political opponents on Truth Social. Cenk Uygur and Sharon Reed discuss on The Young Turks. Your Support is Crucial to the Show:

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“President-elect Donald Trump fired off a Christmas day message on Truth Social taking aim at his political opponents and mocking foreign leaders.

Trump first directed his Christmas message to the “wonderful soldiers of China” where he accused them of “illegally” operating in the Panama Canal while “the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in ‘repair’ money.” Earlier this month, Trump suggested the U.S. would retake the canal because of the “ridiculous” fees for shippers moving through the vital transportation channel.”


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Hillary Clinton SHOCKS Host With Stance On Social Media

Former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton advocated for speech to be monitored on social media platforms like Facebook, X, Instagram and TikTok. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. Your Support is Crucial to the Show:

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“Hillary: “We should be in my view, repealing something called Section 230, which gave platforms on the internet immunity … Whether it‘s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram, or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don‘t moderate & monitor the content we lose total control””


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Students Make Surprising Admission About TikTok & Other Social Media Platforms

Young people would literally PAY to get a break from social media. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks.

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“I’m not talking about teenage suicide. This is not meant to channel the fury of Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and Josh Hawley (Mo.) at the chief executives of TikTok, Meta, X (formerly Twitter) and the like for turning a profit off platforms where teens drive themselves to despair.”


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Republicans Shred Nikki Haley For Bonkers Social Media ‘Censorship’ Plan

This week, Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley proposed a plan to force social media companies to verify the identity of ALL users, thereby prohibiting people from being allowed to create anonymous accounts. She was immediately slammed by members of her own Party for this grossly unconstitutional plan, which they incorrectly identified as “censorship,” but technically their hearts were in the right place even if their brains were not. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what happened.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Republican presidential candidate. Nikki Haley thought she had a slam dunk idea this week and she went on Fox News to talk about her awesome idea to get a little bit of transparency in social media. And her idea basically boiled down to, you can’t post online anonymously anymore, whether it’s on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, whatever it is. She wants social media outlets to have to verify a user’s identity and that user would have to use that identity in order to post, right? You can’t hide behind these fake usernames and fake pictures anymore and go out there and say whatever you want. Nope. If you’re gonna say something, you gotta be brave enough to put your actual name and face on it. Now, on the surface, that actually doesn’t seem like such a horrible idea. But if you understand anything about the United States Constitution, you also know that, holy crap, this is wildly illegal.

It doesn’t matter if you think, Hey, maybe it would be a decent idea ’cause it’s still illegal. So your opinion of this idea doesn’t matter. My opinion of it doesn’t matter. And Nikki Haley, upon releasing this grand idea, immediately got shredded. Not by the left, but by the right. She got so attacked by her own party, by the way, the same day that it was announced, she had overtaken Rhon DeSantis in the polling in New Hampshire. So she’s like sitting in second place and she’s like, get this. And then the entire Republican party came out and was like, wow, you’re, you’re, you’re actually pretty dumb. You’re pretty pretty stupid. Charlie Kirk let it off by saying, Nikki Haley says, every person on social media should be verified by name for the sake of national security. Nice try. Nikki Anonymous speech is a core part of free speech, which the founders would know since many of them, including Alexander Hamilton and James Madison wrote anonymously, to be honest, kind of surprised. Charlie Kirk even knew that Vikk Rums Swami, one of Haley’s opponents said, Haley is openly pushing for the government to use private tech companies to censor speech. This is a flagrant violation of the Constitution and straight out of the Democrats playbook off you like, I’m sorry, I can’t even finish his idiotic quote. Like, this is what the Democrats are doing. No, they’re not. Show me where that’s happened. Vivek, show me.

Send me and you can find me across social media. Vikk, go ahead and send me links to where Democrats have actually done this You wild piece of garbage. Not to mention the fact that you actually got something wrong. Dumb. This isn’t actually censorship. Yes, it’s unconstitutional, but it’s not censorship.

Censorship would of course, be taking away an individual’s complete right to speak freely, and that’s actually not what’s happening. People would still be allowed to say whatever the hell they want to say. So it is unconstitutional, yes, but is it censorship? No. So let’s stop throwing that word around. Ron DeSantis said it was quote, dangerous and unconstitutional. DeSantis is, uh, I guess spokesperson. Christina Haw said, I am no lawyer, but isn’t this blatantly unconstitutional? Free speech includes anonymous speech. Mark Levin ripped Haley as well, tweeting quote, and every user should be verified. Hailey is showing more and more of her true beliefs. As I mentioned, Hailey has now walked this back. She’s like, Hey, you know, no people can still post anonymously.

Rabid Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes Full Psycho In Terrifying Social Media Rant

Majorie Taylor Greene suffered the most epic of meltdowns on social media following the GOP’s hilarious electoral losses on Tuesday. Greene began ranting about a “genocide” that Democrats are allegedly engaged in against fetuses, and then called the entire thing “child sacrifice.” Her Party is on the losing side of this issue, and Greene’s tantrum actually laid out many of the reasons why the public, including Republican voters, are against them on this. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what happened.

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Somebody might need to perform a rabies blood test on Marjorie Taylor Greene because her post that she put on, uh, uh, Twitter following the defeat, or not the defeat, but the passing of Ohio’s amendment to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution this week on Tuesday, um, the meltdown that she suffered on social media suggests that there might be something really, really wrong with her. And again, judging from the anger and vitriol she was spewing, I wouldn’t rule out rabies at this point, but I’m gonna read you this entire post that Marjorie Taylor Greene put out. And, uh, I’m not, I’m not gonna censor anything. I’m just gonna say what she said. Here it is. Republicans lose on abortion because they have for decades allowed Democrats to lie about abortion on every level. Republicans refuse to fight hard against the evil lies of the Democrats who claim abortion is women’s healthcare and a right.

It is not. Abortion is murder. It kills another human being. The most innocent of all abortion is genocide, and none of their screams are heard when each of them are slaughtered in their mother’s wombs. These precious little ones cannot fight, cannot defend themselves, cannot flee the abortionist weapons of choice that they use to brutally murder them. Calling this ongoing genocide. Healthcare is an abomination and political lie that Democrats use in order to manipulate women to vote for them and continue the child’s sacrifices that enable Democrats to maintain power. There is nothing more evil. Republicans must stop being afraid to stand up to Democrats. Disgusting lies about abortion. The Republican party needs to boldly offer the truth, the solutions, and most importantly, fight with everything. We have to stop communism in America and protect the most innocent among us. Our nation’s survival depends on it.

Now, do those sound like the words of somebody who’s just a totally normal, average, perfectly functioning brain human being, because to me they don’t, um, those sound like the rantings of a lunatic that probably needs to see firsthand what the inside of a padded cell looks like for the next few years. That’s how I read that. This sounds like somebody who, as I previously said, maybe you need to get some professional testing done, maybe some blood tests. Uh, maybe you have that brain eating amoeba, uh, you know, the RIA thing. Maybe you should, you know, get tested for that. Let’s, let’s see if there’s something up there eating away at your brain, because this is delusional. There are no child sacrifices. And if you are literally going to sit there on your high horse

And not understand two very basic things about women’s healthcare, then I don’t know what to say to you. But those two very basic things are this. We have heard testimony in states across the country from women who have nearly died from being denied an abortion because they would not survive. The fetus would also not survive if they weren’t allowed to get that procedure. We heard from the woman who is now sterile because she was denied an abortion. So yes, abortion is healthcare, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you. The second one is that, please keep doubling down on this.

Antonio Brown Goes Viral AGAIN Over Recent Social Media Posts

Former NFL wide receiver Antonio Brown is back in the news again over his recent posts on his Snapchat account. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

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Perverts Have Found A New Home At A Pro Trump Social Media Site

Gettr, the fledgling, right wing social media site founded by Trump acolyte Jason Miller, has apparently become a place where people freely share illegal images of children. Due to the site’s lax regulations and moderation, people interested in sharing images that would get you a call from the FBI in most circumstances are flocking to Gettr in order to express their perverted views freely. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

The pro-Trump social media site, GETTR, which was founded by former Trump acolyte, Jason Miller, is apparently having a real problem with child pornography on the site. Here’s what’s going on, apparently, because GETTR has such lax rules and virtually no moderation whatsoever, people who want to share these disturbing images of children have found it to be a welcoming home for them. They enjoy it because they can finally express themselves and their perverted ways freely without having to worry about being censored. Because again, GETTR really only uses, you know, user moderators. So if a user is unhappy with something that gets posted, they can flag it and send it in. But apparently that’s not happening with most of the child pornography being posted on GETTR. In fact, the situation is so bad that the Stanford Internet Observatory decided to run a test and they put out some benign images.

You know, that would be questionable, not one single flag, nothing that would have that should have, by the way, gotten flagged, gotten removed. Nope, nothing. And they’re blaming this on the fact that yeah, GETTR brags about being this free speech beacon. We don’t censor stuff. We don’t moderate stuff. You’re free to say whatever the heck you want, because dang it, this is America. Okay. Well, you’re also now the horn, home of the child pornographers. That’s what you have become GETTR. And I know you want people to be able to say what they want to say. You don’t want to heavily moderate. You don’t want to have to delete people or ban people because that’s why you left Twitter in the first place. But my God look at what you’ve become. Look at what you have welcomed onto your site. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that GETTR is okay with these people. Absolutely not. I’m sure they’re just as appalled as everybody else is when they read these stories.

Oh my God. Why wasn’t anybody looking at this? And no, I don’t think they condone it whatsoever. But the problem is when there are no rules, when there are no regulations, when there are no community standards, this is the kind of thing that happens. We have also seen this, by the way, happen on some of the other, other little fledgling of Republican social media startups. This is not uncommon. People who want to share these disturbing images are going to try to do whatever they can to share them, to meet people like them and now they think that, hey, since nobody’s looking over the show, our shoulders over here at GETTR, maybe that’s the best place for us to go. GETTR, if you want to be taking, taken seriously, you’re probably going to need to start moderating some of this. You may need to get some algorithms in place to weed out the child pornography on your site, because I’m sure the last thing you want is to be known as the safe space for all the perverts.

Looks Like Too Much Social Media During A Pandemic Is Bad

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