In this video, you’ll learn the benefits of email video marketing, key email video marketing stats and trends, how to create a video email thumbnail and examples of personalized video emails to improve your email marketing performance.
Video email marketing statistics (Campaign Monitor):
You may be wondering, what is video email marketing? It’s pretty much what it sounds like⏤adding video to your email campaigns to help them stand out.
By adding video to your emails, you can add intrigue and boost your marketing conversions simultaneously. If you’re wondering where to start, we walk you through everything you need to know in this video. You can also check out the Vidyard blog for a deep dive into building your video email marketing strategy:
0:00 Intro: Injecting Video into Your Sales Emails
0:41 Boost Conversion with Video
0:58 Why You Should Use Video in your Emails
1:23 Adding Video to Emails
1:52 Adding Video to Emails without an Embedded Video Platform
2:23 What Video Works Well In
2:57 How to Crush Video Sends with Video
Did you know that video is proven to improve the click-through and conversion rates of your mail shots?
Not only that, video is also known to cause a direct reduction in the number of people that unsubscribe from your mailing list.
But before you leap up to make a video for your email marketing – make sure you’re following these vital best practices to fully reap the benefits!
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In this video I will go through:
– How to get more plays on your video
– How to increase open rates and click through rates for your video mail shot
– How to add your video into your email (and the best way of getting more conversions)
– How to choose the hosting platform
– and other top tips for your video email marketing!
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Email Marketing Bangla Tutorial: How to Use Autoresponder (Email Automation). Email marketing is the lifeblood of online marketing and most of the marketers don’t know how to use email automation for a successful internet marketing business. If you want to be a success in affiliate marketing, CPA marketing or any other online business then you should have good knowledge about email marketing.
In this video, I explain how to work email automation system in GetResponse. I use WordPress and Thrive Architect for my business. It can save my time and money to build a high converting sales funnel.
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Email Marketing: What Is Email Marketing Basic Idea Part 2
What sort of email?
In its broadest sense, the term covers every email you ever send to a customer, potential customer or public venue. In general, though, it’s used to refer to:
0 Sending direct promotional emails to try and acquire new customers or persuade existing customers to buy again
0 Sending emails designed to encourage customer loyalty and enhance the customer relationship
0 Placing your marketing messages or advertisements in emails sent by other people
Give me an analogy…
You can think of these three main forms of email marketing as the electronic equivalent of:
1. Direct mail
2. Sending people a print newsletter
3. Placing advertisements in subscription magazines and newspapers
There is, however, one extremely important difference – the issue of permission (see later).
Why is email marketing so popular?
Email marketing is so popular because:
Sending email is much cheaper than most other forms of communication
email lets you deliver your message to the people (unlike a website, where the people have to come to your message)email marketing has proven very successful for those who do it right