A Step-by-Step SEO Strategy For Beginners | Getting Traffic With Old and New Websites

Starting with someone who has no SEO strategy currently, let’s start there. Do you think there’s a site-wide level of optimization that has to happen? Like, straight up title tag, meta tag, optimization of different queries on the site, an internal linking structure, and then a content marketing strategy on top of that to add value to the site, as a base level SEO strategy? Or what would you suggest to someone who, first level is they don’t currently have an SEO strategy, and then we’ll ask about someone who already does, and what they can optimize, but just base level, if you don’t have one, what do you do in today’s world?

The Biggest Impact on SEO: https://youtu.be/DKPT6vaWcWk

Social Media Strategies To Boost Your SEO: https://youtu.be/UlmlzJTBL8M

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

You know, you can look at keywords, top pages, et cetera. But what I wanted to show you is this is the easiest thing. So you just click on Site Audit. Again, this is free. I don’t even capture an email straight up, this is just free. So you don’t have to put in an email to use it, and it’ll tell you everything that’s wrong. Pages, your score, your load time. And you can be like, “All right, “let’s look at my Issues, or Critical Errors.” And you can just go to all of them, and be like 31 pages have a low word count.

And then you can to Warnings, and you can do the same thing. Two pages have duplicate meta descriptions. So what is it, right? So what is that, and how do I fix it?

It just breaks down everything you need to fix, in priority, from how hard is it to implement, to how much traffic will you get by fixing them? So that’s the first part of SEO, right? It’s just like the lowest hanging fruit. The second part is all about keywords.

So if I’m trying to target the keyword, marketing, and this is super effective, or digital marketing, right? And I use these tactics on my own site. To give you an idea, if I type in digital marketing, I think I’m like number one or two or something. Here’s all the paid listing, and I am the first organic listing. I do that for a lot of terms like online marketing. I’m up there somewhere. I’m number two. Funny enough, number one’s also my website. Although I sold it.

But here’s a simple thing I do. It’s all about finding the right type of keywords, right? The way I find the right type of keywords is, one, you can just type in keywords like digital marketing, or whatever you want to target. Here’s my process.

I go and I look for keywords, and I just click View All Keywords, and it’ll show me everyone who’s ranking, how many links they have, their domain scores, socials, et cetera. So I’ll go find keywords, and it gives me solid metrics. When I mean solid, as in non-opinionated metrics. Like the average webpage that ranks in the top 10 has 435 backlinks and a domain score of 49. So I know, is it going to be easy for me to get 435? Is it going to be hard? because I can have a rough idea of how many links I have.

So I’ll just go through here, and I’ll find keywords. As you can see, there’s like 500 suggestions here. Here are some other related keywords I’ll post from our database. This has 30,000 recommendations.

And then the last step when I’m trying to create content, after I find some keywords that are typically… I look for keywords that are high in volume, high in CPC, and I want to go after keywords that have a low SEO Difficulty.

So that’s abbreviation of SD. It’s like digital marketing company has a high CPC, volume’s not bad, low SEO Difficulty, which means people are typing that in, me being an agency, probably a good keyword to go after, because it probably converts well if people are paying $17 a click.

And the way you do this is you just create content. So there is a Content Ideas section of the tool, and it’ll show you all the content per country, so you can break it down by whatever country, or language, or region you want. And, technically, you can break all the reports down by that. And you want to look for articles that are somewhat popular, because it’s breaking down the social shares, as well as articles that have decent search traffic, as well as a lot of backlinks.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
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#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

My Biggest SEO Mistake (And Why Your Organic Traffic Might Be Garbage)

Over the last 12 months I’ve driven 58.6 million visitors from Google. You will look at my traffic sets, you look at this graph and you’re like, wow, Neil you must be doing really well at SEO. And you know what you’re doing, but you know what? That’s not really the case. Today I’m going to break down my biggest SEO mistakes.

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

As you can see here, 58.6 million visitors from SEO. That’s a lot of traffic to not have to pay for. And if I scroll down and I look at the traffic stats, coming from terms like Ubersugget which is fine. My name, Ubersuggest, affiliate marketing, my name, variation Ubersuggest.

But if I just keep going further down the list you’ll start seeing a lot of keywords that, aren’t really relevant to my business. And a lot of the key words of what I was optimizing for as you can see here, it was just pure volume. And I was getting a lot of traffic, but as you can see now my traffic starting to drop, why? Because my team, you know, at my ad agency we track leads and I can’t show you our leads in Salesforce because we track it all due to people’s personal information like their records or the company URLs.

But when we were tracking our sales through Salesforce of what’s driving clients for NP Digital , and typically people will click on let’s talk and submit a form or contact.

So we have two options to become a lead. And what we found is, most of these keywords droves, little to no leads. Now, if you go to neilpatel.com, I get my traffic typically from blogging, right? I can see here on the blog. And if you look at my content, I’m going after keywords that are very specific. Customer reviews in video ads.

So if I type in customer reviews video ads. The search volume, isn’t high. If you look here zero monthly searches, right? People aren’t really searching for a lot of these keywords but you know what?

We found that people who are interested in putting customer reviews in video ads or images, and they’re trying to figure this out are interested in conversion rate optimization which is one of the services we offer.

So the content that we’re producing on our blog is much more niche. How to create a free Google website for a business. This for us, this post is target local businesses because our SMB division helps localized businesses. How to create unique gift guides for e-commerce content.

And I spent so many years building up my traffic and it wasn’t until I got the traffic.

Look, the big lesson from this is, don’t optimize for traffic optimize for revenue. If your keywords aren’t generating you revenue, move on to new keywords. And when you’re doing keyword research, don’t make the mistake I did. Don’t just optimize for quote-unquote traffic. What I want you to do is type in keywords.

So don’t optimize just for traffic, optimize for traffic from the right audience. And before you go after keywords do your keyword research, type them into Ubersuggest, figure out what keywords have high volume and traffic while you’re technically they mean the same thing but also high CPC. And of course it’s related to your business.

So don’t just optimize for quote-unquote keywords and traffic optimize for relevancy. And if you do that, you’re going to be better. And if you need help with this check out my ad agency, NP Digital or if you just have questions, leave a comment below.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

On-Page Seo Checklist For 2021 🔥 The Complete Guide

On-Page Seo Checklist For 2021 🔥 The Complete Guide
🌟 SEO ADVICES 👉 http://darwin-gp.com
If you’re looking for an SEO checklist to help you increase your site’s organic traffic and ranking in Google, you’ve just found it. We’ve put together the definitive checklist you’ll need to be successful in SEO in 2021, covering best practice information and tasks you need to be aware of. Watch this video to the end so you don’t miss the best part! Let’s not talk too much and get down to business.

From the basics of SEO to what you need to know when analyzing your off-page signals, use this as a guide to ensure that your site adheres to best practices and that you are not held back by issues you missed.
The following items are mostly service tasks, but they form the foundation of a successful SEO strategy.
Set up Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.
The Google Search Console is an important tool that provides you with invaluable information about your site’s effectiveness, as well as a wealth of data you can use to increase your site’s organic visibility and traffic.
Bing Webmaster Tools is a similar platform that simply provides data and analytics for your search engine.
These essential tools allow you to view search terms and keywords that users use to find your site in search results, submit sitemaps, detect crawl errors and more.
If you don’t already have them, do it now and thank us later.
Without the right data, you can’t make good decisions.
Google Analytics is a free marketing analytics tool, which allows you to view data and information about how many people are visiting your site, who they are and how they interact with it.

Google Analytics is pretty hard to beat, but there are some decent alternatives like Clicky .
Just make sure you have a way to track regular search traffic and conversions. The first step is to install Google Analytics code on your site and familiarize yourself with basic SEO reports.

Create and submit a Sitemap file.
The purpose of a sitemap is to help search engines decide which pages to crawl and which is the canonical version of each page.
It’s simply a list of URLs that define your site’s core content to ensure it gets crawled and indexed.
A sitemap tells the search robot which files you think are important for your site, and also provides valuable information about those files: for example, for pages, when the page was last updated, how often the page has changed, and any versions in other languages of the page.
Google supports some different sitemap formats, but XML is the most commonly used. You can usually find your sitemap at https://www.domain.com/sitemap.xml.

Create a Robots.txt file. Simply put, your site’s robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers about the pages and files that web scanners may or may not request from your site.
It is most often used to prevent crawlers from crawling certain sections of your site and is not intended to be used as a way to de-index a web page and stop it from showing in Google.
You can find your site’s robots.txt file at https://www.domain.com/robots.txt. Make sure you already have it.
If you don’t, you need to create one – even if you don’t currently need to prevent any web pages from being crawled.
Several WordPress SEO plugins allow users to create and edit their robots.txt file, but if you’re using a different CMS, you may need to manually create the file with a text editor and upload it to the root of your domain.
Check Search Console for manual actions. On rare occasions, you may find that your site has been adversely affected by the imposition of manual actions.
Manual actions are usually caused by an apparent attempt to violate or manipulate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines – this includes things like user-generated spam, structured data issues, unnatural links, thin content, hidden text and even what’s called pure spam.

Make sure Google can index your website.
It’s not as rare as you think that a website actually can’t be indexed by Google.
You’d be surprised to learn how often sudden website de-indexing is caused by developers accidentally leaving noindex tags in place when moving code from the middle ground to the working environment. Just go ahead and start crawling; if this is blocked, search engines won’t be able to crawl or index your site either.
Double checking that the main pages that should be indexed can be indexed can save a lot of troubleshooting problems if you find problems later.

One of the fastest ways to start your keyword research is to find the terms that work for your competitors. In our opinion, time spent on competitor analysis will not be wasted.
You need to know what your main money keywords are. In case you haven’t guessed, these are the ones that will drive you leads, sales and conversions.

SEO For Beginners – The Easiest Way to Generate Traffic

As a beginner, there must be a simpler way to start generating SEO traffic without having to learn all this on-page code and build links. Today, I’m going to break down the easiest way to get more SEO traffic.


Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

As SEO, eventually you will have to learn on-page SEO and you’ll also have to learn about link building. But when you’re just starting off, the key that you need to remember is content is king. When you have content on your website, you’re going to get more traffic. When you don’t have content on your website, you’re going to get less traffic. Google uses that content to put your website out there.

So when people type in phrases around anything related to your website, your content has a higher probability of showing up. So if you’re a beginner, the easiest way to generate traffic is to start writing content, but not any content, you have to actually write the right kind of content and I’m going to show you how to do that.

First off, I want you to go to neilpatel.com/ubersuggest. And I want you to type in a keyword related to the content you want to write. If you don’t know what keyword report to the content that you want to write, just put it in a keyword related to your industry.

The overview will show me how many people are typing in that keyword within my region, my region being the United States, on a monthly basis. I can see roughly how popular that keyword is. And then I can scroll all the way down to the content ideas. And then I can click view all content ideas. This will show me all the blog post ideas related to the term digital marketing that people are writing on.

And as you can see here, some of them aren’t that great or relevant. Some of them are good. And you just scroll down until you find something that you’re like, all right, I would write on this. So then you click the keywords dropdown and you’ll start seeing keywords, this has given me some keyword ideas on some keywords that I can use.

What I want you to do is go to the keyword ideas report now in the left-hand navigation and you see the term digital marketing that I just typed in. And if that’s one of the phrases, cool. What you’ll want to do is you’ll want to select it and then you want to click add to list.

And you probably don’t have anything here so you’ll want to label your list and then I’ll click a new label. So let’s do digital marketing blog post. All right, I got a label. Add keyword. And this will also give me other terms related to digital marketing. Digital marketing companies probably use a lot.

And then I can just keep going and I’ll keep going down and down and down and then I’ll go to the next page and keep doing this. And as you do this, you want to add those keywords to the list. So I would add it to my digital marketing blog posts list because that’s a blog post I’m writing.

If I go to keyword list and then I click on digital marketing blog posts and I can keep adding more to it, I now have a list of keywords that can potentially be included in the blog post that I ‘ m writing on when it comes to digital marketing or a guide to digital marketing, how to learn it and I can all these terms in there.

Now, granted you won’t automatically rank for all these keywords, but you will rank for a portion of them. And the more you include, the higher probability that you’ll have to rank for at least some of them. And if you’re including keywords that are related to your content and you go top down, what I mean by top down, we’ll go back to the keyword ideas report, when you’re selecting keywords towards the top and then you keep going down, the ones at the top tend to be more popular.

When you also select ones that have a low SEO difficulty score that are in green, those are ones that are easier to rank for. So if you select popular keywords that are easy to rank for, you have a higher probability of ranking for those terms.

And the key here is to create a list for every blog post that you’re trying to create. And don’t keep including the same keywords over and over again. What I mean by that is you don’t want to have 10 posts related to online marketing tools. So you want to keep using new keywords per post.

So you want to do this exercise each and every time you write a blog post. So that way, you’re targeting new keywords that will help you generate traffic. That’s all you have to do to start getting more traffic when you’re creating content, especially if you’re looking for SEO traffic.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #DigitalMarketing #ContentMarketing

The Painful Truth About SEO

SEO used to be simple, you write an article on a topic and over time you get rankings, you get some traffic. Even if you’re not on page one, it wasn’t that competitive, and you get results. But now with over a billion blogs on the internet, SEO has become super competitive. Just think about that. That’s roughly one blog for every seven people. And the way you get traffic, and the method you use to get those rankings has changed. Today I’m going to break down the painful truth about SEO, and how you can succeed in today’s market.


Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

So how do you get traffic in today’s world? Well, it really is all about the long tail. And I want to show you the Neil Patel blog, so you can see, for example. How to read your website source code, and why it’s important. The keyword here, I’m going after not just website source code, I’m going after reading your website source code.

So let’s type in, how to read website source code. And as you can see here, if you look at the searches, not a ton of searches it’ll load soon enough and you’ll be able to see. But it’s something better than nothing, 10. And then when you look at a term like source code, website source code, you got 480 searches. And if you go after, website code maybe there’ll be a little bit better. You have 8,000 searches.

And the list goes on and on, and if you keep scrolling on the Neil Patel blog, you’ll see this the eight most important conversion rate metrics you should be tracking. 25 marketing books, you should be reading this. One’s a little bit more generic marketing books. You know how to leverage testimonials in paid campaigns. And I’m just showing you how to use testimonials not just in general, but in your paid advertising campaigns. And Google ad-words certified, right or certification, Instagram story highlights on a brand account.

I’m getting very specific with my content. And let’s take this one as an example of Instagram story highlights. So here I’m on Ubersuggest, you can just go to Neil Patel. I’ll actually go neilpatel.com/ubersuggest. And let’s type in the keyword, Instagram story the highlights, Instagram story highlights. And I’m searching in English United States, 3,600 searches per month.

And what I want you to do is start looking for longer tail keywords. So for example, if I have something on, let’s dive a little bit deeper Photoshop, right As you can see here, this article is on Photoshop classes.

And let’s go back to Ubersuggest, and let’s type in photo shop classes Instead of just optimizing for head terms, IEX Photoshop classes. I want you to look for a long tail terms, Photoshop classes online, Photoshop classes near me, Photoshop classes online for free, Photoshop classes for beginners. And there’s other related, you know terms as well.

But as you can see here, I’m going for long tail terms. So what I want you to do as an Ubersuggest is typing keywords that you may be going after. If I type in Photoshop, because a lot of micro marketers needed deal with design tools and editing images for blog posts or social media. You can see that is Photoshop free Photoshop online, download Photoshop, Photoshop remove background, Photoshop elements.

I would start writing articles on all these detailed terms like, how to resize images in Photoshop, how to remove your background using Photoshop. By doing this you’ll generate more traffic, by optimizing for all the long tail terms. And it may not be something that is appealing and is what you want to do.

But that’s how you succeed in the world of SEO today, in which you need a right a lot of traffic, or content around these long tail terms. If you want tons and tons of traffic. And by doing it I’ll show you what ends up happening to your traffic.

If you look here this is the neilpatel.com, Google analytics. I’m going to end up showing you real time stats, let’s click on real time. Hopefully it loads soon, got a lot of data.

Let’s go to global, and let’s go to real time. You can see here 1,962 people on my website, right then right now. All because I’m writing all this long tail content.

That’s how you win in the game of SEO in today’s world.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

The Dumbest SEO Hack (That Works)

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a dead simple SEO hack that would just help boost your rankings, but didn’t require that much work. You don’t have to be that technical. You don’t have to build links. You don’t have to worry about keywords and yet you can just increase your rankings, well there is. Today I’m going to break down the dumbest SEO hack.


Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

When I talk about the dumbest SEO hack, I don’t mean it in a negative way. I say it’s dumb because it’s really dead simple. It’s really obvious, very few people do it and it just works. So this is the neilpatel.com blog, as you can tell by the URL up top, neilpatel.com/blog and I’m just going to go into one of my blog posts.

And as you scroll, and if you don’t have a blog you should consider adding one. You know, you see a normal blog post. You see comments at the very bottom as I scroll and then, you know, more people can leave comments if they want, through the comment box and you just see a footer navigation, but there’s something simple I did that just has really helped me boost my rankings.

What’s one thing that I did that just really helped me boost my rankings? What do you think it is? It’s actually this section here where it says guides. Okay, let’s go through them. I have a guide on digital marketing, online marketing, Google ad-words, Facebook advertising, remarketing, SEO, content marketing, growth hacking, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, conversion optimization, marketing automation.

Now let’s Google all of them in order. Digital marketing, so digital marketing. I rank somewhere at the top on page one. All right, what’s the next one? So one for one, online marketing. Online marketing the key word. All right, I’m somewhere at the top as well, there you go. Now let’s go to next one, Google ad words. Probably not at the top for that one because it’s a Google branded term but I’m probably decently ranked.

Search and watch, WordStream I’m on page one, okay. And that one’s not bad, 550,000 searches, $8.46 cost per click. Next one Facebook advertising, Facebook advertising. Again, probably not number one because I’m not Facebook, but where am I at? On page one, cool, all right.

Let’s see, remarketing, that’s a one-word keyword, that one may be a little bit tougher. Google at the top, Google, Google, WordStream there I am, page one, towards the top. Next one, SEO, all right. I already know I’m on page one for this. All right, what’s the next one? Content marketing, content marketing, where am I? There you go, what’s the next one? And you could be like, oh, Neil’s not incognito.

Well, let me type in content marketing in the incognito browser, let’s see where I am. Copy, that’s at the bottom of page one, see, still page one. All right, and now let’s go back to the word blogging. I doubt I’m on page one for blogging. I’m on page one for blogging, growth hacking. Growth hacking, opt-in monster, opt-in monster number four.

What’s the next one? Social media marketing, social media marketing. The next one after that’s affiliate marketing. Social media marketing, buffer, sprout social word stream. Who’s sweet, Neil Patel. Let’s type in affiliate marketing, Neil Patel. That was the next one on the list.

Conversion optimization, then marketing optimization or marking automation, conversion optimization. Let’s see if I’m on page one. There you go, and then marketing, it’s marketing automation I believe yeah.

Now when you’re doing this, don’t just add in the link, add in whatever makes sense. Like with some of these, you know, online marketing, it could’ve put internet marketing or it could’ve put different variations, but my audience calls it online marketing.

So I put what’s relevant. I don’t put the word search engine optimization because everyone calls it SEO. I didn’t put Google ads even though that gets searched a lot.

I put ad words because most the people I know still call it ad words. So I don’t emphasize on the keyword, but by putting a lot of internal link juice, it helps with the ranking. So try that out, it’s really simple.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How SEO Will Change in 2021

Google has over 3000 algorithm changes that they release each and every single year. That’s a lot of algorithm changes. You already know SEO changes so frequently because of the number of algorithm changes that Google releases. Now sure, most of them are small but these large ones can have a massive shift in your rankings. So how do you prepare for it in 2021? What else is going to change in 2021?

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

The first thing you need to get used to and this is the first trend is that your rankings are going to Seesaw. But if you do the right things and you continually put the user first and you’re doing all the right SEO stuff, typically, if you fast forward a year from that day, your rankings will be up. Your traffic should be up as well, but you need to get used to them seesawing and be okay with that. That is going to be the new normal.

Trend number two, positioning will be more important than ever and that first spot is going to be the Holy Grail in which that’s what you need to shoot for and aim for. It’s going to be really hard to get there.

So you want to take that top spot because they’re putting in other stuff that decreases traffic. Now it doesn’t mean SEO is dead. There’s still more and more people coming online, more people using Google, more people searching, so you can still do well if you’re in position two or three or even on page one. But number one has a massive, huge difference from being on number two or number three or number four even if it’s still on page one.

Trend number three, user experience is now SEO. So if you want to do really well, you need to optimize for mobile. And I’m not just talking about paid speed or your links or can people read your site on mobile or is it loading fast? I’m talking about the overall experience. If you don’t optimize for experience, you’re going to lose in the long run.

Trend number four, the riches are going to be in the niches more than ever, especially with SEO. And here’s why. You need to focus on building niche sites. It’s not about building a Wikipedia type site. If you want to do that, that’s great but because there’s over a billion blogs and a ton of sites and a ton of competition, they want to rank authority sites more than ever and it typically, from what we’re seeing is people who focus on one niche tend to be better, well versed around that niche, not always the case, but in many cases. And they tend to be more of a quote unquote authority.

Trend number five, content length won’t matter as much. Get to the point with your content. So don’t obsess about word count or keyword density, obsess about the quality of your content and are you getting the user what they’re looking for as quick as possible.

Trend number six, you won’t have to build as many backings. So it’s better off just releasing your content, not building links and letting it happen organically. And then over time, sure do the manual outreach, but let your content sit there for three to four months before you even start that manual outreach.

Trend number seven, branding won’t be enough. You need to be a authority within your niche. So make sure you go and focus on being the end all, be all expert within whatever niche you’re in.

Now here’s a bonus trend for you. We’re seeing that businesses are going to have to start thinking about global SEO from day one. So from day one, you need to start thinking about global SEO as your strategy instead of just SEO within your region. And you’re going to have to look at things like translations and especially updating and repurposing your content in all of these regions as well.

Now, if you have any questions about the future of SEO or what’s happening, leave a comment below. I’ll answer it.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

BEST SEO TOOLS – TOP SEO Platforms Review.

★ GET SERPSTAT BONUS ★ https://topsite.pro/serpstat
★ TOP-10 E-COMMERCE TOOLS ★ https://topsite.pro/best-seo-tools

Hi Guys!

If you do a quick internet search, you’ll find several SEO tools out there, but which is the best SEO tools? This is a bit tricky, especially if you don’t know what to look for.

In this video, I cover an in-depth review of top seo tools. If you have ever wondered if SEO tools – Serpstat was worth it or not, by the end of this video, hopefully, you’ll be able to decide whether or not it is right for you.

In my opinion, if you’re looking for a lead generation solution that is easy to use, cost-effective and performs well, then I think this is a great option for you.

If you’re curious to find out the best SEO tools, then take the time to watch this video now!

The #1 Biggest SEO Mistake Nearly Everyone Makes | Avoid This At All Costs

Nearly everyone who’s trying to compete in SEO makes this mistake. They fail miserably because what they’re doing is nearly impossible to achieve. And yet, most people think that it’s the right approach. Today, I’m going to teach you the number one biggest SEO mistake nearly everyone makes and you should avoid at all costs.

Ubersuggest – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

SEO Mistakes to Avoid | 3 Black Hat Techniques That WILL Get You Banned from Google : https://youtu.be/CkPZk9i4SSY

5 Beginner SEO Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Website Traffic And What You Should Do Instead : https://youtu.be/yX20m5mprCE

We’re in a time where SEO and digital marketing has become more saturated and more competitive than ever. With over a billion websites on the web, SEO is no longer an easy or open playing field.

A lot of times, I see many of these new websites making the same mistake that’ll ultimately give them little to no SEO result and just waste their time. What is it? It’s targeting keywords that are too competitive.

These days, effective keyword research is an increasingly important skill for digital marketers. Not only do they need to know how to develop a good keyword list, but using keyword research to find out what topics they should write about or what phrases they should be using while writing is super important, especially figuring out which ones aren’t competitive.

Nowadays, doing keyword research effectively is a top priority for any website or SEO. If you look up a competitive term, such as car insurance, you’ll likely see some big brands pop up. If you’re a new website, it’s going to be almost nearly impossible to compete with those brands. What’s the answer? Target long-tail keywords.

You’re missing out on a lot of search traffic if you’re not creating blog posts around longer search terms.

For example, let’s say you have a dog food business and you’re trying to break into the dog food online space. Most likely, you want to go after keywords like dogs, dog food, pet food, because that would get a lot of search traffic.

The monthly search volume for dog food is roughly 135,000 searches per month. But the pay difficulty is 100 and the SEO difficulty is 77. That’s incredibly high. Coming in as a new company, there’s very little to no chance that you’re going to rank well unless you have an established brand and high domain authority, which most new companies don’t.

Instead, you want to focus on long-tail keywords, like dog food for allergies or dog food for senior dogs. These keywords have a lower monthly search volume, but higher quality search traffic because they’re more specific and they’re going to convert because they’re more specific.

For example, dog food for allergies has a monthly search volume of 9,900 and a SEO difficulty of 38. That means it’s going to be easier to rank for. If you’re trying to figure out how you can rank for these terms or where to find them, check out Ubersuggest. Type in a head term that you’re thinking about going after, you don’t need to know the long-tail variations, just look at the head terms, type them in, and then go to the keyword ideas report.

It’ll give you all the other longer tail variations and it even breaks down the SEO difficulty. Look for terms that have an SEO difficulty score of 40 or under. Those’ll be easier for you to rank for.

You also want to look for ones that have volume at least in the few thousands per month because the volume doesn’t always mean clicks. And, when you do all of this, it’ll help give you more ideas and more ideas for you to produce content.

There’s also a questions tab on Ubersuggest, prepositions, comparisons. These are also more places where you can find more keyword ideas, more content ideas. That will drive keywords that convert into revenue.

On Ubersuggest, there’s a content ideas report. When you go very specific, it’ll show you all the content that’s already been created around the web-based on social shares, backlinks, and search traffic. It even tells you, when you look at the estimated visits, all the keywords that the article ranks for.

When you’re trying to figure out what keywords you should go after, also look at all the content pieces that have some of those similar keywords because this will give you ideas of what you can create that can help you not only generate traffic from all three, right? You don’t want to just generate traffic from Google.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

8 Things To Master in SEO – Do You Know Them?

People really overthink and over-complicate SEO. But if I had to break it down to the bare minimum essentials that you need to master in order to get SEO, it wouldn’t be a lot. Today I’m going to break down eight things to master in SEO. Do you know them?

The Most On Demand Digital Marketing Skills in 2019 (High-Income Skills to Master) : https://youtu.be/yyitwdk4QmY
Ubersuggest – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/
Rev.com – https://www.rev.com/
Trint.com – https://trint.com/
Problogger Jobs – https://problogger.com/jobs/
Upwork – https://www.upwork.com/
Yoast SEO – https://yoast.com/
Rank Math – https://rankmath.com/
Mailshake tool – https://mailshake.com/

The first thing I want you to master is studying search results and competitors.

You can use Uber Suggests, you can type in any keyword and we’ll show you not only all the other similar keywords, but I’ll also show you who’s ranking in the top hundred positions. How many social shares they have, how many backlinks they have. How many other phrases that they’re ranking for, heck it even tells you all about their content as well.

The second thing that you need to do is start planning and strategizing.

What are the keywords that you can win versus the ones that are going to be a waste of time? Look, search volume is everything, you need to look at what people are ranking for, and see whether or not that you can replicate those kinds of metrics.

And Uber Suggests, if you look at the keyword ideas report, it tells you how a keyword is. Go after keywords that have an SEO difficulty score of less than 40. Those are easier to rank for.

Uber Suggests will also tell you how many backlinks you need to rank for any given keyword. And that’s integrated within the SEO difficulty score.

The next thing I want to cover is writing.

SEO is all about delivering what people need and doing a better job than anyone else. Writing content is going to be crucial to anyone running an SEO campaign, even if you’re outsourcing it.

The other thing that you need to know is basic HTML.

You’ll need this skill because you need to edit title tags, meta tags, you need to add schema markup like the FAQ schema markup, it’s a great way to get higher rankings. You also need a tracking code on your site like Google Analytics. And then hey, is that traffic converting into conversions, Google Analytics will tell you this. You need to figure out how you can structure your site.

If you don’t know basic HTML, you’re probably going to have to hire a developer.

The next thing you need to learn is analytics.

And remember, SEO is all about providing the best user experience. So you need to look at things like conversion rates per page and channel, bounce rates, time on site, traffic by channel and month over month growth rates. This will all help you determine how you can grow from an SEO standpoint, but from a user experience standpoint as well.

The next one, self-management, SEO is multi-faceted.

If you’re a bit lost, start off with the site audit report within Uber Suggests, because that site audit report will end up breaking down what you should focus your time on first, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. based on what’s going to have the biggest impact to your ranking.

The next thing you need to do is be willing to constantly learn.

SEO changes rapidly and every day something different can happen to alter your industry, whether it’s Google doing an update, like the medic update, or just a general algorithm change, or hey, you have new competitors who are copying all of your schedules and doing it better than you.

You need to read each and every single day and learn from other people in your industry as well, even if that takes some time out of your day.

Most importantly, you need to write conclusions from your SEO experiments and understand what are the lessons that you can learn from each success and each failure that you have because not everything you’re doing is going to work out.

And last but not least cold outreach.

It’s important to master cold outreach, whether it’s by email, social media, or even phone calls. How do you pique a stranger’s interest and get them to link to you? How do you craft that introduction, that you’re so likable and approachable that people want to converse with you? How do you craft amazing subject lines? How do you persuade other people to take action? These are all skills that you need to master if you want to do well with cold outreach.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing