Time-saving email marketing features for small business owners and digital content creators

Learn about 4 crucial time-saving AWeber email marketing features that will help you get back to what you love: Canva built in, AI writers, email automation, and RSS blog and youtube automations.

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0:00 Intro
0:19 Canva built in
0:43 AI writing assistants
1:14 Email automation
1:37 RSS automation
2:12 Recap

Email Marketing Deep Dive: Ritual Supplements

✨ Design emails like the big brands! Sign up for my Figma Email design course here: https://emailmarketingbff.com/email-design
What if you had the time to get behind the scenes of some of the biggest brand’s email marketing?

Well, that is what I’m here for!

In this episode, we are exploring Ritual – a supplement brand targeting a younger audience. We will dive into their welcome flow as well as a few churned emails that came my way.

► Swipes of the emails I covered: https://bit.ly/3zwlsoV
► Want to give Klaviyo a try? https://bit.ly/2PwreSw
► Want me to audit your email marketing? https://sparkbridgedigital.com/#schedule

If you have an idea for a marketing video, feel free to drop it below!