What it Social Media Marketing ? How Does it Work?

Social Media Marketing Bangla Tutorial – What it is? How does it work?

Nowadays we use different types of social media. We use facebook, twitter, youtube, Google +, Instagram, LinkedIn, and some others social media. this site is also known as social networking sites.

Selling any product or services using this social media is known as social media marketing. Social media is processed to communicate with others company and people.

Every company should maintain social media presence. Because whatever you do, whatever product or service you provide you will get your targeted audience on the social media. So it is crucial to the company to maintain social media presences.

Why Does My Company Need Social Media?

There are several ways social media can help your company.

it helps you to build Relationships with your customers.
You can get Feedback directly from your client or customers
Customers can ask Question you can respond by using SM
You can develop your Product
You can Learn and improve

What is The Right Social Networks for My Company?
As a social media marketing manager, this is your very first steps to identify right audience and selecting right social networks. not all social networks are fit for all company. The most popular social networks are

As a Social Media Marketing Expert What is Your Duties?

Understanding Audience
Selecting Right Social Networks Site
Social Media Goal Setup
Content Creation
Brand Development
Basic Analytics
Basic SEO

Subscribe My YouTube Channel:http://bit.ly/2idDXDo
Use link shortener: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=eZT3uabQiao
Make money watching videos: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=2wwDDvtsPsA
Changing youtube channel name https://goo.gl/eZM5UV
Stop Autoplay on Youtube https://goo.gl/ydrlNs
Block annoying user https://goo.gl/kV3frf
Add a manager https://goo.gl/OUxffd
Upload video Correctly on Youtube https://goo.gl/j84jXd
How to create playlist https://goo.gl/5YNldp

Social Media Strategy: Social Media Engagement

Get certified for free in social media: https://bit.ly/2ZFk6Gi

This video is from the recently updated social media certification course, which is free in HubSpot Academy.

The world of social media has changed quite a bit in recent years. It used to be that if you published a message on a social channel your audience would see it. But now, with so many users and so many posts, plus network algorithms that don’t favor brands, it’s more difficult than ever to use social media as a channel just to share content. Clicks are no longer easy to acquire.

This means that it’s time to shift focus and start looking at social media as what it’s best used for — building meaningful one-to-one relationships. It’s quite simple, really. Listen to and engage with your customers and prospects directly. People want to talk to people, not brands. They want to engage directly with individuals, and the world of social media is the best place to do just that.

The good news is that this type of engagement is often the most rewarding. Individuals who engage with you on social are likely to trust you more, have deeper loyalty, and be more likely to recommend your products and services to others.

Engaging directly with your audience is the heart of your social media strategy. It’s the feel good, let me take care of you, let’s work together strategy.